Is the Good News actual news? - No longer news to most

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Take some time to reevaluate what you accept as could be just the opposite, dressed up to look like it. That is what deception is.
You speak so boldly in your application to others yet have not considered the same principles as applying to yourself!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
My beliefs do not come from mainstream "theology" because 1) God has never been "mainstream.....and 2) theology is not Bible is the work of men interpreting the Bible to suit their own long held beliefs.

How far back do we have to go to see that "the church" fell into apostasy very early in its history. What passes today for "Christianity" is nothing even close to what Jesus and his apostles taught.

"Christendom" with its central core of beliefs, was born in 4th century Roman Catholicism, long after the death of Christ and his apostles and in accord with Jesus' warning about the "wheat and the weeds"...long enough for those "weeds", sown by the devil, to sprout and take over the world, like weeds take over a garden.

Anything that Christendom accepts as 'gospel truth', does not find its origins in God's word without a lot of forcing their beliefs into ambiguous scripture. All of their doctrines are really only suggestions, made often enough, and long enough for people to accept them as truth.

Why would the devil sow seeds of counterfeit Christianity? What better way to derail the Christian faith than to fill it with false doctrines that have no basis sin scripture and that go against everything that Christ taught.....leading people to believe what is not true.....from the original liar and deceiver who never stops trying to lead people astray.

Have you never done a study on the origins of the trinity....the immortal soul....and hellfire? Their history will help you to ascertain where they came from? I assure you that the ancient Jews had none of those teachings in their scripture. Remember that Jesus was Jewish and so were all of his apostles, so why would they teach what was contrary to their only "scripture" at the time? (2 Tim 3:16-1)
All of those teaching will take you back to original Babylon.

The deceiver never sleeps, but Jesus said that this apostasy was born "while men were sleeping"...there is no sleep like spiritual sleep....not awake to the devil's activity which he used to advantage on the Jewish Leaders in Jesus' day.....Judaism and Christendom are mirror images of one another......the same creator of both is rubbing his grubby hands together, happy with his victory over both.

The "mainstream" were never going to make it to salvation because they too were lured into spiritual drowsiness, taken in by a religious system corrupted by the traditions and teachings of men. (Matt 15:7-9) Jesus said that this made their worship (no doubt held sacred by the majority) as "in vain" or invalid. Christ sees Christendom's members in exactly the same way.....which explains why, when his judgment is delivered upon them, he rejects the majority as those he "NEVER KNEW". (Matt 7:21-23) They are shocked at his rejection because, in their own eyes they were genuine "Christians", doing all the things they believed were "Christian" works.

People need to step back and see that history is can only do so if we fail to learn from the lessons of the past. We have proven time and again that we are not good at this. Take some time to reevaluate what you accept as could be just the opposite, dressed up to look like it. That is what deception is.

Own any humility?
But apparently you believe in "special" knowledge or gnosticism.

John's gospel and Letters were all focused on that.

But I never ever claimed to be mainstream...just very conservative. I have a healthy FEAR of God and the scriptures.
And I'm careful about accusations. YMMV.

But you do you.
I'll be me.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You speak so boldly in your application to others yet have not considered the same principles as applying to yourself!
What makes you think I haven't? I have considered all things as applying to myself....a sinner like everyone else. But I have studied carefully the criteria outlined in the scriptures, and seen in the conduct of those in whom God was well pleased....and it shows who is, and who is not "doing the will of the Father" in company with a whole brotherhood among whom there is no dissension....and carrying out what the divided churches of Christendom find it nearly impossible to do......(Matt 28:19-20; Matt 24:14) is not hard to see the contrast.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Own any humility?
You mean seeing all professed Christians as living up to what it actually means? I was one of those.....and saw the need to take a good look at what I was taught growing up in the church....shocked that nothing I was taught as doctrine originated in scripture at all.
But apparently you believe in "special" knowledge or gnosticism.

John's gospel and Letters were all focused on that.
Since the Gnostics combined apostate Christianity with Greek philosophy and Oriental is hardly something I would subscribe to. The knowledge that comes from the Bible is "special" in that the scriptures explain themselves without the need for 'theology' to tell people what they mean. I don't need a degree in theology to teach the Bible......neither did the apostles and those taught by them.
The Bible is one story from Genesis to Revelation....what we lost in the beginning is returned to us at the end, and all the stuff in the middle explains how it was done.
But I never ever claimed to be mainstream...just very conservative. I have a healthy FEAR of God and the scriptures.
And I'm careful about accusations. YMMV.
I am not one to make accusations about anyone.....repeating what the Bible says is merely retelling what God has said in the only way he communicates with us.....through the applies to me equally.
But you do you.
I'll be me.
OK with me.....but it will be every interesting to see who makes the cut on judgment day....and who doesn't...wont it? (Matt 7:21-23)

What does it even mean to be "conservative"? Is that the same as being undecided? (James 1:6-8)
Its crunch time...decisions have to be made before God makes them for us. The separating of the "sheep from the goats" is immanent and time is running out for the undecided. There is no fence to sit on.....there is just true worship and false worship and we have to know the difference in order to choose.
Your stated purpose in trying to help consolidate "Christians" into one cohesive unit (if that is what you had in mind with your website) is a noble but wasted effort unless what you teach is the truth.
If you have no idea what the Kingdom of God it "comes" and what its purpose is, that is "good news"....what have you got to offer anyone? It means that you cannot even explain the Lord's Prayer to someone who may have parroted it off all their lives without understanding what they are praying for.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
What makes you think I haven't? I have considered all things as applying to myself....a sinner like everyone else. But I have studied carefully the criteria outlined in the scriptures, and seen in the conduct of those in whom God was well pleased....and it shows who is, and who is not "doing the will of the Father" in company with a whole brotherhood among whom there is no dissension....and carrying out what the divided churches of Christendom find it nearly impossible to do......(Matt 28:19-20; Matt 24:14) is not hard to see the contrast.
I doubt that the tares know they are tares....and being tares they are convinced they are wheat. So I guess deception is complete.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I doubt that the tares know they are tares....and being tares they are convinced they are wheat.
That is what Jesus indicates (Matt 7:21-23).....if those who are deluded are happy in their delusion he allows them to keep it, because they love the lies, and that is where their heart is. (2 Thess 2:9-12)
So I guess deception is complete.
Yes it is.....but only God can show the "weeds" if they actually have a heart of "wheat".....and if there is a repentant spirit in need of adjustment, they can be transformed like the apostle Paul. Pride will not let them stay in their deluded state. Not all of us will get that 'tap on the shoulder'.....but the preaching of the "good news" fulfills a dual informs the seeker that God can "draw" them if he sees an obedient heart (John 6:44)....and it informs the unbeliever that there is a God that they will answer to, whether they believe in him or not (2 Thess 1:7-8) the people of Noah's day (Matt 24:37-39)....none could say that Noah did not warn them of what God was about to do....they saw with their own eyes what he was building....and they heard with their own ears the warning he was sounding....who did they have to blame for where they ended up? Not God or Noah.....they stumbled over the messenger, rather than listen to the message he was delivering.
The devil will never allow God's people to have good press....ya know....he will make sure that they look like idiots.....


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
That is what Jesus indicates (Matt 7:21-23).....if those who are deluded are happy in their delusion he allows them to keep it, because they love the lies, and that is where their heart is. (2 Thess 2:9-12)

Yes it is.....but only God can show the "weeds" if they actually have a heart of "wheat".....and if there is a repentant spirit in need of adjustment, they can be transformed like the apostle Paul. Pride will not let them stay in their deluded state. Not all of us will get that 'tap on the shoulder'.....but the preaching of the "good news" fulfills a dual informs the seeker that God can "draw" them if he sees an obedient heart (John 6:44)....and it informs the unbeliever that there is a God that they will answer to, whether they believe in him or not (2 Thess 1:7-8) the people of Noah's day (Matt 24:37-39)....none could say that Noah did not warn them of what God was about to do....they saw with their own eyes what he was building....and they heard with their own ears the warning he was sounding....who did they have to blame for where they ended up? Not God or Noah.....they stumbled over the messenger, rather than listen to the message he was delivering.
The devil will never allow God's people to have good press....ya know....he will make sure that they look like idiots.....
It seems to me your message is about how people respond while you assume the liberty of determining their destiny from their attitude towards what you deem as right or wrong
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
You mean seeing all professed Christians as living up to what it actually means? I was one of those.....and saw the need to take a good look at what I was taught growing up in the church....shocked that nothing I was taught as doctrine originated in scripture at all.

Since the Gnostics combined apostate Christianity with Greek philosophy and Oriental is hardly something I would subscribe to. The knowledge that comes from the Bible is "special" in that the scriptures explain themselves without the need for 'theology' to tell people what they mean. I don't need a degree in theology to teach the Bible......neither did the apostles and those taught by them.
The Bible is one story from Genesis to Revelation....what we lost in the beginning is returned to us at the end, and all the stuff in the middle explains how it was done.

I am not one to make accusations about anyone.....repeating what the Bible says is merely retelling what God has said in the only way he communicates with us.....through the applies to me equally.

OK with me.....but it will be every interesting to see who makes the cut on judgment day....and who doesn't...wont it? (Matt 7:21-23)

What does it even mean to be "conservative"? Is that the same as being undecided? (James 1:6-8)
Its crunch time...decisions have to be made before God makes them for us. The separating of the "sheep from the goats" is immanent and time is running out for the undecided. There is no fence to sit on.....there is just true worship and false worship and we have to know the difference in order to choose.
Your stated purpose in trying to help consolidate "Christians" into one cohesive unit (if that is what you had in mind with your website) is a noble but wasted effort unless what you teach is the truth.
If you have no idea what the Kingdom of God it "comes" and what its purpose is, that is "good news"....what have you got to offer anyone? It means that you cannot even explain the Lord's Prayer to someone who may have parroted it off all their lives without understanding what they are praying for.
The website I own is a non-profit organization for helping missionaries not with money but skilled trades. And it is not visible for most people as it is not promoted or advertised.

I try not to teach any theologies other than hermeneutics...things like carefully reading the scriptures to glean what they say in context without reading in our own ideas.

So you obviously have me confused with someone else. Try again.

The "Lord's Prayer" is a model prayer...not exactly something to recite but there are many lessons to be learned from it in how to speak with reverence to God and seek God's wisdom for our daily lives without causing offense. IE: the first word is "Our" in someone speaking collectively for a group meaning that you don't do it alone.

I could continue but it's rather pointless for me to help you read the scriptures because you believe you know more than enough and again according to you:
I'm just a schmuck who has absorbed television preaching all my life and other than giving that televangelist money I don't do anything or know anything worthwhile.

So why you continue to engage with me I am confused seem to be looking for an argument for some reason. You have created several false scenarios for me already when you have no idea who I am. Not that I'm looking to create a single cohesive group...I don't think that's possible until the final eschaton. (meaning it's God's job...not something I have enough hubris to attempt) But getting along peacefully enough despite our differences should be possible.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
It seems to me your message is about how people respond while you assume the liberty of determining their destiny from their attitude towards what you deem as right or wrong
No one can determine the destiny of any other person...thankfully that role is already assigned to one who will judge with the full picture, unobscured by any protests or delusions about who or what they are.....he knows us, even when we do not know ourselves.

The word of God is itself a divider as it says...
Hebrews 4:9-13....Paul spoke about entering into God’s rest, which is the time period we are in now....

“...there remains a sabbath-rest for the people of God. 10 For the man who has entered into God’s rest has also rested from his own works, just as God did from his own.

11 Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest, so that no one may fall into the same pattern of disobedience. 12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13 And there is not a creation that is hidden from his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we must give an account.”

Paul used the Israelites as a pattern set by those who don’t want to do as God tells them, but prefer to do what they want to do.....they would worship God, their way, not his way...that pattern is followed by many in today’s world where “Christianity” is fractured into so many pieces that it’s impossible to tell who has the truth? They can’t all be right. And the lone Christians (those without a brotherhood) are those who worship their version of God, alone, which no Christian can do. Yet the “wheat” exist. We have to find them and attach ourselves to them...and learn the truth from feed at their table, “food at the proper time” (Matt 24:45) It’s not a buffet.

Just by using “the sword of the spirit”, (God’s word) people are exposed to the truth, and have to make decisions about it....Jesus is at this moment observing people’s responses to the message he sent his disciples out to preach....”the good news of the kingdom” (Matt24:14)....yet those in Christendom, or even those in isolation from organised religion, have no real idea about what it is...or what it is going to do.

So ‘the great commission’ is one that lets the judge know who are on his side and who are marching to the beat of their own drum. The only one who has the drum is Jesus, and unless we are marching with him, we are not in his ‘company’.

Jesus is not leading a disorganised, bickering rabble.....why would he? We have to decide what we believe, and why we believe it, and who told us that what we believe is the truth? Is it our own personal religion or are we attracted to those who believe what we want to believe?

Why do you think “Christianity” is in such a divided state this close to the end of the current world system? There are only “sheep and goats” in the world from Jesus’ perspective, and by our own response to the message, we have placed ourselves in either one category or the other....there is nothing in between......just true worship and false worship. Like it or not...that is where we are right now....

Jesus knows the difference....we may not.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The website I own is a non-profit organization for helping missionaries not with money but skilled trades. And it is not visible for most people as it is not promoted or advertised.

I try not to teach any theologies other than hermeneutics...things like carefully reading the scriptures to glean what they say in context without reading in our own ideas.

So you obviously have me confused with someone else. Try again.
My apologies if I misread what you are trying to accomplish.
Can I ask what skilled trades your missionaries are needing?
The "Lord's Prayer" is a model prayer...not exactly something to recite but there are many lessons to be learned from it in how to speak with reverence to God and seek God's wisdom for our daily lives without causing offense. IE: the first word is "Our" in someone speaking collectively for a group meaning that you don't do it alone.
Well, there is the clue....Jesus was teaching his disciples to pray to the one God they had in common....Yahweh is his God too as he said many times.
The model prayer gives us what to pray for, in order of importance.....the first being the sanctification of God’s name......he only has one name and Christendom never uses it, even though it is there in the Hebrew Scriptures used by Jesus and his apostles. Jesus said he had come to make his Father’s name known to his own people because they had failed to honor it by ceasing to use it in their speech as they were instructed. (Exodus 3:13-15) His titles (LORD or GOD) are not his “name”.
I could continue but it's rather pointless for me to help you read the scriptures because you believe you know more than enough and again according to you:
I'm just a schmuck who has absorbed television preaching all my life and other than giving that televangelist money I don't do anything or know anything worthwhile.
Well, you are reading way more into my words than I ever intended. So please tell me where I ever said any of that?
I already have very qualified teachers, so what is it that you need to help me read in scripture?
I have been a student and teacher of the Bible for over 50 years. I do not find any of the “mainstream” teaching to have originated in the Bible at all. They all come from outside influences.
So why you continue to engage with me I am confused seem to be looking for an argument for some reason.
Not looking for an argument at all, simply stating what the scriptures teach.....apparently you disagree but at least you could address the points I have offered and defend your faith......isn’t this what we are supposed to do? Arguments for arguments sake are pointless.....but a response to the points would let us all know where you stand on those things.

But getting along peacefully enough despite our differences should be possible.
The point again is....why are there differences in the first place? Who created those differences? God? Jesus? Or was it men, who like the Pharisees took it upon themselves to write their own version of what the scriptures said......
When Paul wrote....
“Now I urge you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you should all speak in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you, but that you may be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.” (1 Cor 1:10)

Was there room for differences? You tell me.....are the divided churches of Christendom with literally thousands of individuals and churches all teaching their own version of things.....representing Christ and what he taught? There is one truth....just one.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Good news, even on old newspaper, makes for a thrilling read! (selah)
- To whom is the Gospel not news at all?
- Is there good news for those already familiar?
- Can the Gospel be attractive to those who are SICK of hearing it?
- Is the Gospel a general message, or can it be personalized?


Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
- To whom is the Gospel not news at all?
To those who don’t want to know.
The Bible speaks of the Lord Jesus coming “from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.”
He will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (2 Thess 1:7-8; Rev 11:18)
Those who don’t know God are those who don’t want to know him, and they chafe when told to do things they don’t want to do.
Those who know of him, but fail to obey his commands, are of no use to him. They will find no place in his Kingdom.
- Is there good news for those already familiar?
There is for the misinformed....those who think they know God and his son, but really don’t know them outside of Christendom’s interpretation, can come to know them in ways they never imagined. This is a salvation issue. (John 17:3)
The only ones who really know God and his son are those to whom Christ reveals them. (Luke 10:22; John 6:65) We will never find them on our own.....and all will believe just one truth, without dissension. (1 Cor 1:10) God’s spirit unifies his does not divide them.
- Can the Gospel be attractive to those who are SICK of hearing it?
It can only be attractive to those sick of hearing it if those ones never knew it to begin with. To hear about it and to understand it for the first time is an amazing experience......much like the apostle Paul when he was struck blind by his encounter with the resurrected Jesus Christ....when his vision was restored, “what looked like scales fell from his eyes”.....its kinda like that. When you say “I see” it is with the eyes of perception....once blinded eyes are opened for the first time.
- Is the Gospel a general message, or can it be personalized?
It is a very personal message, because no one can come to the son unless he is “drawn” by the Father. (John 6:44) That makes it very personal. God is searching for us as much as we think we are searching for him. He is choosing citizens for his kingdom so that only those who can obey him without hesitation or question will be granted citizenship. He has no place for rebels or those who think that God should somehow comply with their idea of him.

We have to qualify to be his obedient children...he does not have to qualify himself to us. He is perfect and we are not. All he has ever asked is that we simply do as he tells us, since we are his creation...he is not ours. His love and generosity are already demonstrated in creation.....we don’t need to tell him how to do his job.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
To those who don’t want to know.
The Bible speaks of the Lord Jesus coming “from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.”
He will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (2 Thess 1:7-8; Rev 11:18)
Those who don’t know God are those who don’t want to know him, and they chafe when told to do things they don’t want to do.
Those who know of him, but fail to obey his commands, are of no use to him. They will find no place in his Kingdom.

There is for the misinformed....those who think they know God and his son, but really don’t know them outside of Christendom’s interpretation, can come to know them in ways they never imagined. This is a salvation issue. (John 17:3)
The only ones who really know God and his son are those to whom Christ reveals them. (Luke 10:22; John 6:65) We will never find them on our own.....and all will believe just one truth, without dissension. (1 Cor 1:10) God’s spirit unifies his does not divide them.

It can only be attractive to those sick of hearing it if those ones never knew it to begin with. To hear about it and to understand it for the first time is an amazing experience......much like the apostle Paul when he was struck blind by his encounter with the resurrected Jesus Christ....when his vision was restored, “what looked like scales fell from his eyes”.....its kinda like that. When you say “I see” it is with the eyes of perception....once blinded eyes are opened for the first time.

It is a very personal message, because no one can come to the son unless he is “drawn” by the Father. (John 6:44) That makes it very personal. God is searching for us as much as we think we are searching for him. He is choosing citizens for his kingdom so that only those who can obey him without hesitation or question will be granted citizenship. He has no place for rebels or those who think that God should somehow comply with their idea of him.

We have to qualify to be his obedient children...he does not have to qualify himself to us. He is perfect and we are not. All he has ever asked is that we simply do as he tells us, since we are his creation...he is not ours. His love and generosity are already demonstrated in creation.....we don’t need to tell him how to do his job.
I guess the term 'gift' let alone 'free', doesn't fit into your paradigm. One of earning aka 'trade', would suit you better!
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I guess the term 'gift' let alone 'free', doesn't fit into your paradigm. One of earning aka 'trade', would suit you better!
The "free gift" is like "free will" was never really "free" to begin with.

Life itself was a free gift in the beginning, but in order to keep living there was a proviso....the humans had to continue to be obedient to the commands of their Sovereign Creator. Disobedience meant death. So this is conditional freedom...and life is a conditional gift. You get to keep it in exchange for your willing heartfelt cooperation with God's stated purpose for our existence. Why are we here? To serve our Creator as he purposed....not as we prefer. It is a very fair exchange IMO....everyone wins.

Whatever "freedom" we are allowed, is to be enjoyed within the parameters set by God himself....your paradigm is way off if you think otherwise.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
The "free gift" is like "free will" was never really "free" to begin with.

Life itself was a free gift in the beginning, but in order to keep living there was a proviso....the humans had to continue to be obedient tothe commands of their Sovereign Creator. Disobedience meant death. So this is conditional freedom...and life is a conditional gift. You get to keep it in exchange for your willing heartfelt cooperation with God's stated purpose for our existence. Why are we here? To serve our Creator as he purposed....not as we prefer. It is a very fair exchange IMO....everyone wins.

Whatever "freedom" we are allowed, is to be enjoyed within the parameters set by God himself....your paradigm is way off if you think otherwise.
Sooo, to continue with your logic, you have children so that they can serve, take out the garbage, wash the dishes, clean the toilet?......and if they don't you get out the big stick.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Sooo, to continue with your logic, you have children so that they can serve, take out the garbage, wash the dishes, clean the toilet?......and if they don't you get out the big stick.
Seriously? You equate the Sovereign of the Universe with a flawed human parent? Is that continuing my logic or adding your own?

God's sons in heaven serve him....why not his sons on earth? There was a purpose to their creation and ancient times people had children who would be useful in family life, helping their parents in beneficial ways as their age permitted....adding to their work load as they got older and contributing to their knowledge about many things, so that when they created a family of their own, they would be self sufficient......sadly in our culture we have a generation of 'gimmies' who wouldn't know how to be useful to their over indulgent "helicopter parents" if their life depended on it.....they just sit there like baby magpies making a horrible noise till someone sticks food in their mouth.....but what does the magpie parent do when the baby is big enough to feed beats it up and makes it leave home and get its own food.
By serving the interests of our Creator, we serve ourselves along with it....where did God design humans to live....? and for how long?....what conditions were offered as to their workplace? What were their wages?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Seriously? You equate the Sovereign of the Universe with a flawed human parent? Is that continuing my logic or adding your own?

God's sons in heaven serve him....why not his sons on earth? There was a purpose to their creation and ancient times people had children who would be useful in family life, helping their parents in beneficial ways as their age permitted....adding to their work load as they got older and contributing to their knowledge about many things, so that when they created a family of their own, they would be self sufficient......sadly in our culture we have a generation of 'gimmies' who wouldn't know how to be useful to their over indulgent "helicopter parents" if their life depended on it.....they just sit there like baby magpies making a horrible noise till someone sticks food in their mouth.....but what does the magpie parent do when the baby is big enough to feed beats it up and makes it leave home and get its own food.
By serving the interests of our Creator, we serve ourselves along with it....where did God design humans to live....? and for how long?....what conditions were offered as to their workplace? What were their wages?
As I implied earlier, it is your paradigm of how God operates that mimics that of the fallen parent.
Are you not familiar with the account Jesus tells of the wedding feast of the lamb where he (the bridegroom) puts on an apron to serve us? What do you assume he might be trying to convey to us in this account?

When I ask you to tell me of Jehovah you claim to be a witness of you stay zipped. Ever wonder why you can't give a straight and clear answer?
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