is something wrong with me? *cw, substance abuse*

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I kinda wanted to say not to play around with the triptan meds, but was unsure how to approach it.

Praise God, I have not had one in about 15 years! But, you don't forget what they are like. My first one was at about the age of 7, was staying overnight at an Aunts house and, I was laying on her bathroom floor because it was cool. Had no idea what was happening but boy was my head exploding and when I smell food, forget it, upchuck city! Glad you don't get them any longer :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Praise God, I have not had one in about 15 years! But, you don't forget what they are like. My first one was at about the age of 7, was staying overnight at an Aunts house and, I was laying on her bathroom floor because it was cool. Had no idea what was happening but boy was my head exploding and when I smell food, forget it, upchuck city! Glad you don't get them any longer :)

I had one recently, only 1 in ten years, but yeah, I snuck in some ibuprofen when the nausea hit and just made it, drank some coffee (two cups of strong brew) and the nausea went away. But couldn't drink the coffee until the ibuprofen kicked in. Yeah you don't forget. For me they last three days.

Sorry to hear about your depression and anxiety, and glad you have them under control. I suffered from both of those for a few years. Mine must have been situational because when I started going to church, eventually they both went away. Took years though.

Yes praise God for everything good!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I had one recently, only 1 in ten years, but yeah, I snuck in some ibuprofen when the nausea hit and just made it, drank some coffee (two cups of strong brew) and the nausea went away. But couldn't drink the coffee until the ibuprofen kicked in. Yeah you don't forget. For me they last three days.

Sorry to hear about your depression and anxiety, and glad you have them under control. I suffered from both of those for a few years. Mine must have been situational because when I started going to church, eventually they both went away. Took years though.

Yes praise God for everything good!
Oh yes, they can linger for a good long time. Hope you don't get anymore migraines!


Oct 18, 2020
United States
i used one of my prescriptions the other day. i wasnt trying to self harm. i was just trying to cope so i wont get down.
i dont feel guilty . but i know it is wrong. i feel like i would do it again if i feel low enough. i just know i would confess about other things but otherwise i jsut dont know.

Medications don’t help you cope. Try talking to people who can give you good advice. If you ask me, Biblical advice is the best; it is different from any secular advice—or at least, it should be different. Find someone who can give you this type of advice, I’m even if you have to pay them. It will be worth it. And let God do what you cannot.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Medications don’t help you cope. Try talking to people who can give you good advice. If you ask me, Biblical advice is the best; it is different from any secular advice—or at least, it should be different. Find someone who can give you this type of advice, I’m even if you have to pay them. It will be worth it. And let God do what you cannot.
Well, actually, medications do help people cope. But they're not the answer to the problem. They only maybe buy time until the person is stable or strong enough to address the root issues. And while they may help a person cope, they may also eventually cause other issues that prevent ability to get at the root of what is causing a person's depression or anxieties. So there is a fine line ...medications can help, or they may hinder.

@JesusLovesYou @lilygrace
Ideally, talking to someone who is trustworthy and has a relationship with Christ is helpful. But there can be many roadblocks to that as well. Finding someone who has His heart toward the broken is challenging (even in the churches) ....let alone having finances to pay someone.

I feel strongly that if someone is called by God to minister to the broken, they shouldn't charge a fee. If someone wants to give an offering or gift, that is different. But to ask for or require a "gift" or a set fee...I feel, is very wrong. I would look for lay counseling within a church, or just pray for God to lead you to the right person you can talk to and who will support you with prayer.

Over the last 10+yrs, the Lord has given me opportunities for peer-to-peer counseling (giving and receiving) and has also given me opportunities to reach out to others who have been where I once was, and offer love, counsel, support, prayer, and friendship.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2020
United States
I think this is why I'm struggling. I have talked to quite a few people online. But it's gotten to the point that i need to make another step in life and I have no courage. I don't feel my church is helpful . I went to a rehab that was recommended to me and it seemed like bad things happened since. So i don't want to hurt my friends feelings the ones online and stuff that i am like this. But i don't trust people who might be able to have access to tell people things I've said who i don't want them to whether they mean well or not. It's already happened....


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I think this is why I'm struggling. I have talked to quite a few people online. But it's gotten to the point that i need to make another step in life and I have no courage. I don't feel my church is helpful . I went to a rehab that was recommended to me and it seemed like bad things happened since. So i don't want to hurt my friends feelings the ones online and stuff that i am like this. But i don't trust people who might be able to have access to tell people things I've said who i don't want them to whether they mean well or not. It's already happened....
So the people you confided in went to others with that information?

I think then, a counseling ministry that has a code of confidentiality would be a good option. There is a Christian 2 step program called Celebrate Recovery, where they are supposed to hold to a rule of confidentiality. But that all depends on the people and their integrity.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2020
United States
yes. or to get information about me.
i have did a little bit of celebrate recovery material from a library app. seems pretty good and i think it might add up biblically. the closest program to me is doing in person and fb live videos. the group i attend which has been on zoom for awhile now ...its hard to talk and i kind of dont want to now cos i made a mistake in confiding in someone. i mentioned about therapy being expensive (i looked into a couple christian in name programs) and instead of just getting what i was saying they told me i need to look for through my insurance provider or my insurance could pay for it. they told me i need to get more vitamin d or medicated. they might be right about the vitamin d but i tried medicine a lot. and the place i was sent to had me wean off medicine :/ so im confused. its not bad advice but i kind of know these things. i guess i just wanted someone to just "weep with me"
thank you. i feel bad for posting this. i can have it deleted if it bothers anyone :(
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
United States
I think this is why I'm struggling. I have talked to quite a few people online. But it's gotten to the point that i need to make another step in life and I have no courage. I don't feel my church is helpful . I went to a rehab that was recommended to me and it seemed like bad things happened since. So i don't want to hurt my friends feelings the ones online and stuff that i am like this. But i don't trust people who might be able to have access to tell people things I've said who i don't want them to whether they mean well or not. It's already happened....

Honestly the best formal "treatment" I underwent was doing Teen Challenge, which I graduated from. And not because they pushed some psychological model or some other manmade techniques or drugs, but because it was all about meeting with The One Who has the Power and Authority to Deliver from anything and everything.

Was I sober after completing T.C.? Yes, for a time, but things got worse...way worse. I did three prison terms since graduating T.C.. But one thing that did happen, was those roots that went deep while fellowshipping and serving there, held fast and the training I received was used everywhere I went. And when I fall, I fall forward every time (As I was taught to do)...ha ha...and He works through me regardless of any doubts and/or struggles.

No, I don't condone sin of any sort. My point is that the best thing to do is dig your roots in deep by reading and studying the Bible, praying constantly, fellowshipping with believers, and using your gifts and talents to serve others.

The storms will come regardless.

There is nothing wrong with you that isn't wrong with all of us who also drag this body of death around with us in this present world, but:

John 16
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Romans 6
1What then shall we say? Shall we continue in sin so that grace may increase? 2Certainly not! How can we who died to sin live in it any longer?

Romans 8
"28 And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose."

2 Corinthians 12
"9But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me."


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
yes. or to get information about me.
i have did a little bit of celebrate recovery material from a library app. seems pretty good and i think it might add up biblically. the closest program to me is doing in person and fb live videos. the group i attend which has been on zoom for awhile now ...its hard to talk and i kind of dont want to now cos i made a mistake in confiding in someone. i mentioned about therapy being expensive (i looked into a couple christian in name programs) and instead of just getting what i was saying they told me i need to look for through my insurance provider or my insurance could pay for it. they told me i need to get more vitamin d or medicated. they might be right about the vitamin d but i tried medicine a lot. and the place i was sent to had me wean off medicine :/ so im confused. its not bad advice but i kind of know these things. i guess i just wanted someone to just "weep with me"
thank you. i feel bad for posting this. i can have it deleted if it bothers anyone :(
I'm not one bit bothered by your posts, @lilygrace. I'm sorry you've had such a rough time finding someone locally, or even just a friend who can listen with compassion. I know you've talked with people online before, but please feel free to message me anytime.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Medications don’t help you cope. Try talking to people who can give you good advice. If you ask me, Biblical advice is the best; it is different from any secular advice—or at least, it should be different. Find someone who can give you this type of advice, I’m even if you have to pay them. It will be worth it. And let God do what you cannot.
So the people you confided in went to others with that information?

I think then, a counseling ministry that has a code of confidentiality would be a good option. There is a Christian 2 step program called Celebrate Recovery, where they are supposed to hold to a rule of confidentiality. But that all depends on the people and their integrity.

CR is amazing. It really helped me with self injury and depression in the past.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Well, actually, medications do help people cope. But they're not the answer to the problem. They only maybe buy time until the person is stable or strong enough to address the root issues. And while they may help a person cope, they may also eventually cause other issues that prevent ability to get at the root of what is causing a person's depression or anxieties. So there is a fine line ...medications can help, or they may hinder.

@JesusLovesYou @lilygrace
Ideally, talking to someone who is trustworthy and has a relationship with Christ is helpful. But there can be many roadblocks to that as well. Finding someone who has His heart toward the broken is challenging (even in the churches) ....let alone having finances to pay someone.

I feel strongly that if someone is called by God to minister to the broken, they shouldn't charge a fee. If someone wants to give an offering or gift, that is different. But to ask for or require a "gift" or a set fee...I feel, is very wrong. I would look for lay counseling within a church, or just pray for God to lead you to the right person you can talk to and who will support you with prayer.

Over the last 10+yrs, the Lord has given me opportunities for peer-to-peer counseling (giving and receiving) and has also given me opportunities to reach out to others who have been where I once was, and offer love, counsel, support, prayer, and friendship.

Just to clarify, medicine in the right way is very helpful. I recommend when needed. Like the prescriptions named on here though, only take for that purpose. If you @lilygrace have any feelings to take things just to cope in a wrong manner, pray for that courage to go talk to someone. It is inside of you. I believe in you that you are courageous. God gave that to you and it is built inside of you.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
yes. or to get information about me.
i have did a little bit of celebrate recovery material from a library app. seems pretty good and i think it might add up biblically. the closest program to me is doing in person and fb live videos. the group i attend which has been on zoom for awhile now ...its hard to talk and i kind of dont want to now cos i made a mistake in confiding in someone. i mentioned about therapy being expensive (i looked into a couple christian in name programs) and instead of just getting what i was saying they told me i need to look for through my insurance provider or my insurance could pay for it. they told me i need to get more vitamin d or medicated. they might be right about the vitamin d but i tried medicine a lot. and the place i was sent to had me wean off medicine :/ so im confused. its not bad advice but i kind of know these things. i guess i just wanted someone to just "weep with me"
thank you. i feel bad for posting this. i can have it deleted if it bothers anyone :(

Awww no way. Don't feel bad. I posted all the time on CF recovery section all the time back in my hard days. You just will have a complete mix of answers from a lot of different people who mean well. If this helps you cope and does good for you, talk about it.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
United States
Awww no way. Don't feel bad. I posted all the time on CF recovery section all the time back in my hard days. You just will have a complete mix of answers from a lot of different people who mean well. If this helps you cope and does good for you, talk about it.

Yeah...chew the meat...spit out the bone...
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