International Supersubmission

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hamilton, New Zealand
New Zealand

Here are ten chapter titles and brief summaries on the submission of all nations to a global government:

1. “The Gathering Storm”

  • Summary: As tensions escalate across borders, world leaders grapple with the need for unity, the seeds of a global government are sown.

2. “The Rise of the United Earth Council”

  • Summary: A visionary assembly emerges, representing every nation. Their mission: to forge a new world order based on cooperation, justice, and shared prosperity.

3. “Diplomatic Dances”

  • Summary: Behind closed doors, diplomats negotiate power dynamics, cultural clashes, and conflicting interests. Trust-building becomes paramount.

4. “The Currency Conundrum”

  • Summary: A single global currency is proposed. Economists debate its impact on sovereignty, inflation, and financial stability.

5. “Borders Dissolve”

  • Summary: Nations dismantle physical barriers. Citizens move freely, but questions arise: What about identity? Who guards the world’s edges?

6. “The AI Revolution”

  • Summary: Artificial intelligence governs efficiently but raises ethical dilemmas. Can algorithms be fairer than human leaders?

7. “Climate Accord”

  • Summary: The global government tackles climate change head-on. Nations pool resources to heal a wounded planet.

8. “Cultural Preservation”

  • Summary: Amid homogenization, cultural heritage faces extinction. The struggle to balance unity and diversity intensifies.

9. “Resistance Rises”

  • Summary: Some resist the global order, fearing loss of identity and autonomy. Underground movements emerge.

10. “The New Dawn”

  • Summary: The world awakens to a transformed reality. The global government, imperfect yet hopeful, navigates uncharted waters.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Daniel 2:43-44
43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States

Here are ten chapter titles and brief summaries on the submission of all nations to a global government:

1. “The Gathering Storm”

  • Summary: As tensions escalate across borders, world leaders grapple with the need for unity, the seeds of a global government are sown.

2. “The Rise of the United Earth Council”

  • Summary: A visionary assembly emerges, representing every nation. Their mission: to forge a new world order based on cooperation, justice, and shared prosperity.

3. “Diplomatic Dances”

  • Summary: Behind closed doors, diplomats negotiate power dynamics, cultural clashes, and conflicting interests. Trust-building becomes paramount.

4. “The Currency Conundrum”

  • Summary: A single global currency is proposed. Economists debate its impact on sovereignty, inflation, and financial stability.

5. “Borders Dissolve”

  • Summary: Nations dismantle physical barriers. Citizens move freely, but questions arise: What about identity? Who guards the world’s edges?

6. “The AI Revolution”

  • Summary: Artificial intelligence governs efficiently but raises ethical dilemmas. Can algorithms be fairer than human leaders?

7. “Climate Accord”

  • Summary: The global government tackles climate change head-on. Nations pool resources to heal a wounded planet.

8. “Cultural Preservation”

  • Summary: Amid homogenization, cultural heritage faces extinction. The struggle to balance unity and diversity intensifies.

9. “Resistance Rises”

  • Summary: Some resist the global order, fearing loss of identity and autonomy. Underground movements emerge.

10. “The New Dawn”

  • Summary: The world awakens to a transformed reality. The global government, imperfect yet hopeful, navigates uncharted waters.
Yes, there is no question that top leaders across the world wish, among some, to forge a world unity. They believe they are in charge of the world's destiny, and not God.

So it is reasonable that they come up with a plan that builds this unity. It, of course, will fail. It's the Tower of Babel syndrome. But I'm not surprised they're still trying...


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hamilton, New Zealand
New Zealand
It's a naive concept but could be made into a good book or movie.
In NZ we have a coalition government consisting of three parties.

The new coalition government in New Zealand comprises three parties: National, ACT, and New Zealand First. This historic three-party coalition is the first of its kind under New Zealand’s Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system, with all parties represented in the Cabinet1.

The New Zealand coalition agreement was signed after 40 days of negotiations between the parties involved. This historic three-party coalition, comprising National, ACT, and New Zealand First, marks the first time such an arrangement has been formed under New Zealand’s Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) system. The coalition agreement outlines shared priorities, policy commitments, and mutual support among the parties. Despite the challenging economic environment, New Zealanders can look forward to a better future due to the changes brought about by this new government12. ✨
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States

Here are ten chapter titles and brief summaries on the submission of all nations to a global government:
Let's see what each one of those is about in 'actuality'.

1. “The Gathering Storm”
  • Summary: As tensions escalate across borders, world leaders grapple with the need for unity, the seeds of a global government are sown.
REALITY: the move towards a "one world government" has been going on for around 22 centuries. It began with the foreigners that crept into Solomon's temple, which is where several of today's secret societies claim for their origins.

2. “The Rise of the United Earth Council”
  • Summary: A visionary assembly emerges, representing every nation. Their mission: to forge a new world order based on cooperation, justice, and shared prosperity.
REALITY: same movement of a "one world government" (their phrase, not mine). The Russian Communists in 1950's said they wanted the plans of the United Nations organization to be towards a "one world government." (see ex-FBI agent Cleon Skousen's 'The Naked Communist' [1958])

3. “Diplomatic Dances”
  • Summary: Behind closed doors, diplomats negotiate power dynamics, cultural clashes, and conflicting interests. Trust-building becomes paramount.
REALITY: Use of German philosopher Hegel's dialectic. If you can control both sides of an argument, then you control the solution or goal.

4. “The Currency Conundrum”
  • Summary: A single global currency is proposed. Economists debate its impact on sovereignty, inflation, and financial stability.
REALITY: Essential in order to fulfill the prophecy for control of buying and selling prophesied at the end of Revelation 13, a prep for the mark of the beast.

5. “Borders Dissolve”
  • Summary: Nations dismantle physical barriers. Citizens move freely, but questions arise: What about identity? Who guards the world’s edges?
REALITY: A global plan to use nation's militaries as global police, has been in the works for a long time. Studies of a nation's military have been done, asking military members under U.N. authority would fire on their own citizens. Many said no, so militaries of a foreign nation will do the policing in each nation. It could mean things like the Russian military policing America. Russian military have been training in the U.S. Even the German military was allowed to establish two German bases flying the German flag in the American west a couple of decades ago.

6. “The AI Revolution”
  • Summary: Artificial intelligence governs efficiently but raises ethical dilemmas. Can algorithms be fairer than human leaders?
REALITY: Use of AI is exactly what Lucifer's children desire, an efficient method of controlling the masses without imposing delays from ethics. Nazi Germany gave their military Pervitin methamphetamine to subdue sleep and also numb their moral conscience.

7. “Climate Accord”
  • Summary: The global government tackles climate change head-on. Nations pool resources to heal a wounded planet.
Even before WWII had ended, meetings were held by globalists to determine just what major threat could be used to replace the nuclear destruction threat after the Cold War is over. The threat of destroying the environment was proposed, giving birth to Environmentalism. Climate Change thus is a hoax, designed to control the masses and create more sums of money to further the cause of "one world government." They literally rape people's wealth by it. And they proposed creation of environmental problems so as to present their solutions. Consider just why... oil tanker ship captains get drunk and create major oil spills in the environment.

8. “Cultural Preservation”
  • Summary: Amid homogenization, cultural heritage faces extinction. The struggle to balance unity and diversity intensifies.
REALITY: The opposite of cultural preservation is the real goal, to destroy all concept of morality, general goodness, and the natural order of God's creation of humans. When their plan is complete, then they will bring in their concept of law, and their "king of the world", and those they funded to divide and make the masses rebel, will be executed. (See 'Foundations: Their Power and Influence' by Rene Wormser, and... 'The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion' if you doubt this. Foundations, their power and influence : Wormser, René A. (René Albert), 1896-1981 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive)

9. “Resistance Rises”
  • Summary: Some resist the global order, fearing loss of identity and autonomy. Underground movements emerge.
REALITY: Like Revelation 13 declares, who is able to make war with the beast? None, because during the coming "great tribulation" all... the nation's militaries will be controlled under one authority. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. This 'great tribulation' by the one world government and beast king is by God's commandment. No one will be able to physically fight against it and survive. Hollywood movie themes about underground movements fighting against a globalist system is all a hoax, designed to create rebellion in the minds of those who might consider resistance, so their plans of action can be more easily recognized and dealt with by globalists. The only real resistance will be a spiritual resistance in refusing to bow in worship to their false-Messiah they will setup as their "king of the world".

10. “The New Dawn”
  • Summary: The world awakens to a transformed reality. The global government, imperfect yet hopeful, navigates uncharted waters.
REALITY: As soon as the globalists think they have finally reached their goal of a "one world government", that is when God will speak to the whole world through His elect witnesses that will give a Testimony for Jesus Christ by The Holy Spirit against them. It will rile Lucifer to bring his armies out of the northern quarters against God's people in both the nation state of Israel, and in the Christian west. That is when Christ's coming will occur bringing HIS army from Heaven with Him, and destroy those armies, and setup HIS Kingdom here on earth instead.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States

Here are ten chapter titles and brief summaries on the submission of all nations to a global government:

1. “The Gathering Storm”

  • Summary: As tensions escalate across borders, world leaders grapple with the need for unity, the seeds of a global government are sown.

2. “The Rise of the United Earth Council”

  • Summary: A visionary assembly emerges, representing every nation. Their mission: to forge a new world order based on cooperation, justice, and shared prosperity.

3. “Diplomatic Dances”

  • Summary: Behind closed doors, diplomats negotiate power dynamics, cultural clashes, and conflicting interests. Trust-building becomes paramount.

4. “The Currency Conundrum”

  • Summary: A single global currency is proposed. Economists debate its impact on sovereignty, inflation, and financial stability.

5. “Borders Dissolve”

  • Summary: Nations dismantle physical barriers. Citizens move freely, but questions arise: What about identity? Who guards the world’s edges?

6. “The AI Revolution”

  • Summary: Artificial intelligence governs efficiently but raises ethical dilemmas. Can algorithms be fairer than human leaders?

7. “Climate Accord”

  • Summary: The global government tackles climate change head-on. Nations pool resources to heal a wounded planet.

8. “Cultural Preservation”

  • Summary: Amid homogenization, cultural heritage faces extinction. The struggle to balance unity and diversity intensifies.

9. “Resistance Rises”

  • Summary: Some resist the global order, fearing loss of identity and autonomy. Underground movements emerge.

10. “The New Dawn”

  • Summary: The world awakens to a transformed reality. The global government, imperfect yet hopeful, navigates uncharted waters.
The Great Reset developed by the WEF with Klaus Schwab at the forefront will happen sooner than anyone thinks. The UN signed in on it in July 2019. Interesting, just prior to the Plandemic. Gates, Soros most of the billionaires are on board ... all the Liberals. Actually it is disguised as the Climate Change Accord that all the countries signed into ... I think? Did China and India sign up too - it seems they are doing nothing about pollution. But their agenda is all hidden in thousands of pages of this document. Like Pelosi said, we have to adopt it before we find out what's in it! What a deceptive scam. Sure, the rich don't give a hoot, they are stocked up, they won't be waiting in long lines.
The US is the last major stronghold to relinquish it's sovereignty. No border = no country.
When? I think something severe will happen before the election. They cannot allow Trump to delay their plans so will do something.
A very ominous message goes out in the recent movie, " Leave The World Behind" , that Obama was involved in producing. He tells us, take it seriously, this can happen. Sounds like he is saying it will. Summary: Hackers, hack into the power grid, there is a blackout, so no one can work, banks/ ATM's closed and on top of that, your money is gone ... no gas, no food and obviously more voting. I didn't see it, but seems to me that if this does happen, we will all think terrorists did it. But it will be this NWO behind it. Once everyone is in long soup and toilet paper lines for months ( aside from aboiding the chaos, crime, looting, civil unrest, people will beg for change ... SOMEONE HELP US PLEASE... GOD! Only it won't be God, it will be the ANTICHRIST who steps up to the plate with a solution. Maybe it is Klaus Schwab or his son? He is in his eighties, probably too weak to be any kind of world leader. Whoever it is, Satan empowers him, so it doesn't matter.
Take the mark of the Beast if you want to buy or sell - otherwise, you'll starve and be ushered into a re-training camp, where they will force you to comply or persecute and kill you.
He will turn on the power, claim the problem is fixed; but now we must comply with their new plan for a socialized government. No more ownership of property, freedoms gone, capitalism destroyed, get in line - everyone is equal. They are all ready with the digital currency system.
There apparent well meaning plan will result in no more wars, no more poverty, envy, greed, because no one owns anything and everyone has the same ( except the elites on top. There will be the rich on top and the poor servants on the bottom - which is why they are destroying the Middle Class.
That is their solution, their Utopian plan for peace, and to solve world hunger.
John Lennon wrote the song, "imagine", that describes this time - only it's a lie, it's not a good scenario, it's diabolical.
Fear not, it only last 3 1/2 years, then Jesus comes and puts an end to it all. So persevere, hold on to your faith, a big change is coming.
This really sounds like a sci-fi movie and far-fetched.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
They are all wrong and all fail to read what the Maker of this world has planned to do, in order to reset human civilization to how He originally intended for us to live.
Nobody seems able to see the Prophesies telling of the forthcoming, dramatic event of the Sixth Seal. Try to imagine the world situation after that disaster happens.

Isaiah 24:1-6 Be warned, the Lord is about to strip the earth, split it and turn it upside down and scatter its inhabitants. Everyone will be affected.
The earth dries up and withers, it is desecrated by those who live in it. They have broken My Laws and violated My covenant, that is why a curse consumes the earth and its peoples suffer, their numbers dwindle, only a few are left.
The Lords Day of vengeance and wrath strikes the earth, punishing all its inhabitants. Isaiah 63:1-6, Revelation 6:12-17.

Isaiah 24:7-13 Crops fail, the people are shocked and anxious. Their cities are in chaos and their houses shuttered and locked. Nothing but desolation is left in the towns, the bridges and highways are destroyed. So it will be throughout the world, among the nations, as an olive tree is beaten and stripped.
Cities and towns will become uninhabitable – no food, power or water and roads impassable. Suddenly, in a single Day, is mentioned in Isaiah 10:7 & Isaiah 47:9 All the nations of the world face the sun over a 24hr period. A huge Coronal mass ejection could strike all the earth in one rotation = Day. Isaiah 30:26

Isaiah 24:14-16a People from the West and the East, acclaim the Lord. In the coasts and islands of the sea, we hear them sing- from the ends of the earth, glorifying the God of Israel.
As Isaiah 30:26 says: On that Day, I will save My people. They will praise the Lord for their salvation. Isaiah 66:8.

Isaiah 24:16b-20 But, there will be trouble for the earth on the Day that the Lord opens the window of heaven and shakes the earth’s foundation. It will lurch and sway like a drunkard and whoever tries to escape will be caught, like in a trap.
Worldwide earthquakes. The unrighteous will be punished- no one will escape. Luke 21:35

Isaiah 24:21-23 On that Day, the Lord will punish the powers in the heavens above and the leaders on the earth below. They will be made prisoners, punished for a long time. The sun and moon will grow pale. God will reign in Jerusalem and will be revealed in His glory to the elders of His people. Reference: REB verses abridged.

The leaders of the nations will be captured and punished. Psalm 149:6-9. The sky will be darkened for a while because of smoke and ash clouds. The Lord’s people will move to and settle in New Israel. The elders and leaders will know Him, as in ancient times, with Abraham, Moses and David, etc. Jeremiah 30:21, Hosea 1:11

That all this is before the Return of Jesus, is clear, then; He will come on the clouds with His angels, visible to all and He destroys the armies of the Anti Christ .

The Glory of God will come back into the Temple Holy of Holies, as in Solomon’s day. Ezekiel 43:1-9.

Note; that there is absolutely no hint of a ‘rapture’ of anyone at this time. The Lords people, righteous Israelites, will gather and settle in the new nation of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, in all that area promised to Abraham. Jeremiah 23:3-4. Ezekiel 48.

The survivors of the worlds peoples will organise a one world government, as their leaders have gone. 10 regions will be established, each led by a President. It will not be long before one of them assumes full dictatorial powers. You know the rest of the story!

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