How was your day?

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Today has been fantastic. Im setting my mind on things above and keeping my hand busy around the home. I planned fun activites in the day too---scrapbooking and journaling. Soon, Ill make dinner and a lunch for hubby's workday tomorrow. Naomi is down for her nap

I feel peaceful, like humble contentment is finally mine. Thank you, Jesus!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
It's been a process but a blessing to accept that most people on here do not see me as an authority on Scripture, even if I quote the Lord Himself to back up my points.

They will not read the Scripture I post and will jump right into correcting me as a misguided soul.

It hurts the ego but it's not necessarily a bad thing. God charges men to guard doctrines of salvation. I will never be seen as having authority because I present female on here. And people realize I'm youngish.

As humbling as this is, it frees me from a lot of fruitless arguing. I can focus on topics that need wisdom in other areas and focus on what Im called to do in my life first.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
The in-laws live across the street and usually bathe Naomi. But I might have to take it back over.

She needed an emergency bath so I gave her one, brushed her hair, treated her skin as she watched her baby videos. It was so satisfying!! I appreciate their help but we might have to work out a way for me to give her more baths

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
It's been a process but a blessing to accept that most people on here do not see me as an authority on Scripture, even if I quote the Lord Himself to back up my points.

They will not read the Scripture I post and will jump right into correcting me as a misguided soul.

It hurts the ego but it's not necessarily a bad thing. God charges men to guard doctrines of salvation. I will never be seen as having authority because I present female on here. And people realize I'm youngish.

As humbling as this is, it frees me from a lot of fruitless arguing. I can focus on topics that need wisdom in other areas and focus on what Im called to do in my life first.
I think all of us in here probably think the same..

To many are focused on doctrines or words of men, and not the word of God.. Be blessed. Yesterday was a great do. I accomplished alot. especially since the drama od the last few weeks at work have ended (the drama has been let go) And I look forward to going to Virginia t see my daughter and grand kids this weekend :)
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
I think all of us in here probably think the same..

To many are focused on doctrines or words of men, and not the word of God.. Be blessed. Yesterday was a great do. I accomplished alot. especially since the drama od the last few weeks at work have ended (the drama has been let go) And I look forward to going to Virginia t see my daughter and grand kids this weekend :)
Thank you! God bless you too!

It sounds great that you get to see your family in Virginia. I hope you have a safe trip and enjoy yourself!
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
In-laws can be a blessing and a curse. We lived around one hour's car drive from one and four hours from the other. We did not have that luxury of the in-laws living nearby, i.e. five to ten minutes away, so that we call on them to help. When our kids were older, the furthest in-laws took some of our children with some of their cousin home with them for school holidays. This was great as the cousins were able to form relationships with their cousin which has lasted.

Advice that I was given too late, was that young married couples should move right away from their in-laws for a time so that they can mould and form their love for each other and strong bonds within their marriage without any influence or advice from their relatives/respective families. Once this bond of trust and respect is established in the marriage, then it is time to start mingling with their respective families within the boundaries that they, as a couple, have established for their lives.

In-laws should also not take over any of the overall responsibilities from the parents of their grandchildren as this can lead to unintentional and dysfunctional bonding issues later on in life.

I know that in-laws can be a blessing, but the in-laws need to temper this willingness to bless their married children, without taking over and undermining the confidence of their children.

Once you allow this line of responsibility to be crossed, it can be difficult to take it back without also offending the in-laws. A health balance between the In-laws and the married couple has to be established early and quickly. In-laws should also have the wisdom to know when they should also step back.


PS: - It is never too late to set agreed boundaries around your own personal marriage and to then adopt them for your marriage's benefit.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
I see God's hand in so many things. Went to visit the in-laws church again.

Plus I found this cute illustration!

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