Do the Dems Really Want Biden for Pres?

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May 15, 2024
Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
Harris like Obama was Never Constitutionally qualified to sit as P or VP.
The Constitution Requires a P and VP to be expressly, NATURAL BORN CITIZENS…with an express caveat exception.

1) a Natural born citizen is an individual born of TWO parents who themselves ARE citizens. Such parents be themselves natural citizens or naturalized citizens, BEFORE their child (in question for P or VP eligibility) is born.

Trumps father was a natural citizen.
Trumps mother was foreign born.
Trumps mother was NOT a naturalized citizen BEFORE the birth of Trumps older brother (Fred jr), thus Fred jr would NOT have been legally eligible to serve as P or VP.
Trumps mother was Naturalized, before Donalds birth, Thus Donald was legally eligible to. Serve as P or VP.

Obama’s father (a Kenyan citizen) was Never a Naturalized US citizen.
(According to Kenyan law, a male Kenyan citizen having an child, automatically made that offspring a Kenyan citizen, (at age 10, if that offspring does not live with the Kenyan parent or in the Kenyan country, his natural Kenyan citizenship would be dissolved.)
Harris’ mother was NOT Naturalized, before Kamala was born.

Obama was a US citizen, via his mother’s natural born citizenship…thus Obama was not required to “apply” for citizenship…
However, per the term “Natural Born Citizen”…Obama WAS NOT, because he had a foreign born, foreign citizen father…
(did not matter WHERE Obama was born…ONLY if his TWO parents were citizens).
Obama chuckled at the on-going charade and “rabbit hole” over his birth certificate…being utterly irrelevant and he knew that, posing himself as a Constitutional authority, and professor thereof. He knew what “natural born citizen meant”….and depended on the well known IGNORANCE of the American people at large regarding the US Constitution….as then, the IGNORANCE continues by and large to this day regarding the American People, and knowledge and understanding of the US Constitution.

Harris’ case…is a bit stranger. Her dad was a natural born Jamaican. Her mother a natural born Indian from India. Her dad appears to have possibly obtained naturalized Canadian citizenship…and thereafter naturalized US citizenship. Before or After Harris’ birth is sketchy. Her mother was NOT a naturalized US citizen, at the time of Harris’ birth. Her mother having lived in the US, attended University in the US, Worked in the US, and was still Working in the US, under the authority granted by the US Fed govt., via a Green Card, at the timeframe of Harris’ birth. (Citizens of the US, do not require Green Card, gov. Permission to work in the US.)
Harris was NOT legally eligible to be seated as VP, nor legally able to sit as P.

Our US Founders, were very explicit in creating a Constitutional Republic to GUARD it’s OWN citizens FROM foreign Influence….Yet here we are PUTTING FOREIGN person influenced by foreign parentage, at the Helm of the Citizens highest House and Office….
When Obama loudly chanted….
Dreams of my father and CHANGE…ya think he was (and is) trying to CHANGE AMERICA into his own dads RADICAL anti-Christ, oppressing, radical mob rule society?

I believe it is Speaker of the House, WHO is “supposed” to by signature on a document, “sign off” that a “candidate” has been “vetted” and found Constitutionally Qualified….
“Age, lived in the US 14 years…not a big mystery….A Natural Born Citizen…according to it’s MEANING…IGNORED.

The ONLY exception to a Natural Born Citizen…a CLAUSE expressly cited IN the US Constitution…applied to the first…I believe it was the first SIX US Presidents….because in early days….their parents were ALL British “subjects” / citizens…UNTIL the US was established, and parents became naturalized citizens, along with their offspring.

George Washington…was born IN Virginia.
His dad was born IN Virginia.
His mother was born IN Virginia…
….however Virginia, was under the governing power of the British and its ruling Monarch.
…..They became naturalized US citizens ONCE declaring independence from Great Britain and the US establish, laws, regulations, rules, regarding citizenship.

Why..modern day, “supposed” Constitutional Attorney’s are in the shadows rather than upfront talking about this travesty…who knows….fear, threats, ignorance….

UTTER Shame upon America.

Glory to God,
More than ever, Pray for this Nation. She needs Supreme Authority to get out of this mess.

I think the exception applies to people not born in the country, but both parents were citizens at the time of birth. For example, John McCain was not born in the us, but since his parents were both citizens he was eligible.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
I think the exception applies to people not born in the country, but both parents were citizens at the time of birth. For example, John McCain was not born in the us, but since his parents were both citizens he was eligible.

Both of John McCain’s parents were citizens at the time of John III’s birth.
They (the parents) were both living in the Panama Canal Zone, (US) temporary domiciled (living)… US had…(Base US Army / Ship US Navy).
John McCain’s father was in the US Navy…and in service in the Panama Canal Zone at the time of John III’s birth.
….I am not positive of WHERE “wives” of military personal (army or navy) were specifically domiciled, in the Panama Canal Zone (on base, on ship)? But was not outside of the Base, (being considered a WAR ZONE).
The circumstances of WHO McCains’ were, (Both citizens of the US), automatically conferred Natural born Citizenship to their offsprings).

THE Constitutional Exception…. ONLY…. applies to Person’s who Parents were NOT US Citizens….who such Person’s were ALIVE

The US was in it’s beginnings of BECOMING a Nation…EVERY person participating IN establishing the US as a NATION….AND being APPOINTED or ELECTED and SERVING in a US Governmental P / VP POSITION….were Primarily Naturally Born Citizens of Great Britain and Subjects of the British King/Crown.

It was about the FIRST SIX US Presidents / V-Presidents…that were ALIVE during …
the ADOPTION of the US Constitution

Thereafter….the LAWFUL REQUIREMENT for V - VP, clearly requires a VALID Candidate and Constitutionally VALID V and VP…to be “natural born citizens”….which EXPRESSLY means…BOTH of their PARENTS…WERE US Citizens, at the time of the “candidates” own Birth.

And not to forget…the US Constitution IS the Highest Law in the LAND (USA)…
Not “people”, regardless of their “title”.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
I think the exception applies to people not born in the country, but both parents were citizens at the time of birth. For example, John McCain was not born in the us, but since his parents were both citizens he was eligible.
Obamas father was snot a citizen... ane their was a question about the length of time his mother was in Hawaii.

Obama was born Aug 4, 1961.

His father was from Kenya. and there was a big celebration there when Obama was born.

Answer ths...

How Did Obama Obtain a Social Security Number from Connecticut?​ › watch?v=8hyyK1opzyY

His name really is Barry Soetoro - so says Barack Obama

SNN.BZ – SyndicatedNews.NET Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library. Recorded on September 20,1995 › when-barry-became-barack-84255

When Barry Became Barack - Newsweek

Published Mar 22, 2008 at 10:26 AM EDT Updated Oct 30, 2010 at 9:31 AM EDT. By Richard Wolffe. Barry Obama decided that he didn't like his nickname.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Obamas father was snot a citizen... ane their was a question about the length of time his mother was in Hawaii.

Obama was born Aug 4, 1961.

His father was from Kenya. and there was a big celebration there when Obama was born.

Answer ths...

How Did Obama Obtain a Social Security Number from Connecticut?​ › watch?v=8hyyK1opzyY

His name really is Barry Soetoro - so says Barack Obama

SNN.BZ – SyndicatedNews.NET Barack Obama speaking at the Cambridge Public Library. Recorded on September 20,1995 › when-barry-became-barack-84255

When Barry Became Barack - Newsweek

Published Mar 22, 2008 at 10:26 AM EDT Updated Oct 30, 2010 at 9:31 AM EDT. By Richard Wolffe. Barry Obama decided that he didn't like his nickname.
The fiat currency available to the vampires of the deep state is endless.

When BHO illegally occupied our White House, that was when the DS came out of the shadows. Why hide anymore? It's not like the majority of slaves,us, under their control will stop them.

That's why Harris illegally occupies the office of VP. And to the DS amusement makes a fool of herself Everytime she speaks in public.

Biden dreamed of being president. Which is why he first entered politics. Now he's mentally unfit and has finally been illegally placed in that office he tried to obtain for years and earlier.

has no idea what's going on. All he knows is he's reminded daily he's waking up in the White House residence daily.

Demons control the world today. They're everywhere.


May 15, 2024
Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
It doesn’t matter if your parents are not citizens if you were born in country. Don’t know why we’re debating constitutional law on this site. Don’t know what this thread is doing in this group. This belongs in the nonchristian forum. A Christian debate topic would be ‘which candidate is more Christian?’ Or ‘does god give a care about our election?’

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
They want power. Both Biden and or harris gives them power. because they are yes men/women

They are afraid of trump. Because trump will not give them what he want, Trump can not be bought off.
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
It doesn’t matter if your parents are not citizens if you were born in country. Don’t know why we’re debating constitutional law on this site. Don’t know what this thread is doing in this group. This belongs in the nonchristian forum. A Christian debate topic would be ‘which candidate is more Christian?’ Or ‘does god give a care about our election?’
Wrong. It belongs here because it is the Christians who truly worry about our loss of democracy.

Yes, God does care about our election. But you wont understand that.

Which is more Christian???? I would say the one who became born again in 2015 and not the one... well, I really should not judge... for our eyes can see and our mind do know... but not the hair sniffer.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
It doesn’t matter if your parents are not citizens if you were born in country. Don’t know why we’re debating constitutional law on this site. Don’t know what this thread is doing in this group. This belongs in the nonchristian forum. A Christian debate topic would be ‘which candidate is more Christian?’ Or ‘does god give a care about our election?’
You have a candidate who claims to be catholic. Yet all of his policies are anti christian..

I think it deserves to be right where it is..

Granted, neither is perfect, but one has the most anti christian policies this nation has ever seen

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
It doesn’t matter if your parents are not citizens if you were born in country.
B.O. was not. That has been fairly determined, though they managed to cover it up.

Enough of B.O. He cannot runs again... he can only work behind the scenes

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
You have a candidate who claims to be catholic. Yet all of his policies are anti christian..

I think it deserves to be right where it is..

Granted, neither is perfect, but one has the most anti christian policies this nation has ever seen
If the puppeteer handler is who I think they are....

This is what is said about the handler...

From their own book....

I was not raised in a religious household. For my mother, organized religion too often dressed up closed-mindedness in the garb of piety, cruelty and oppression in the cloak of righteousness. However, in her mind, a working knowledge of the world's great religions was a necessary part of any well-rounded education. In our household the Bible, the Koran, and the sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology.
On Easter or Christmas Day my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.In sum, my mother viewed religion through the eyes of the anthropologist; it was a phenomenon to be treated with a suitable respect, but with a suitable detachment as well.

And they would sit with their spouse in Sunday services listening to the minister preach things like " No. Not God bless America. God damn America"
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May 15, 2024
Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
Wrong. It belongs here because it is the Christians who truly worry about our loss of democracy.

Yes, God does care about our election. But you wont understand that.

Which is more Christian???? I would say the one who became born again in 2015 and not the one... well, I really should not judge... for our eyes can see and our mind do know... but not the hair sniffer.
God cares nothing about man made institutions. Democracy is 250 years old; Christianity is 2000.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
God cares nothing about man made institutions. Democracy is 250 years old; Christianity is 2000.

Please explain Romans 13:1 and then tell us how God does not care..... 6 translations...

King James Bible
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

NASB 1995
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (Peshitta)
Let every soul be subject to the authority of the great, for there is no authority that is not from the same God, and those authorities who are from God are under orders.

Berean Standard Bible
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God.

Berean Literal Bible
Let every soul be subject to the authorities being above him. For there is no authority except by God; but those existing are having been instituted by God.

More? Romans 13:2 2 translations

King James Bible
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

NASB 1995
Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

Liberty Unitversity article on this:

For centuries, many have debated the obligation and extent of a believer’s duty to obey governmental authorities. That topic is the focus of Rom 13:1–7, which is the primary passage on obedience to civil authority in the Bible. The problem, however, is that while the passage at first appears clear, context may affect Paul’s instructions. While many expositors interpret Rom 13:1–7 as an absolute command to always obey governmental authorities, the historical context of Rome prior to AD 62 shows that when Paul wrote Romans, Nero was an exceptionally good ruler who allowed Christianity to flourish, thus while Paul’s guidance in Romans applies when the government is just, the text does not address what to do what to do when tyrannical governments persecute believers or others unjustly.... and it goes on

The one and only conclusion is that God indeed cares.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

Do the Dems Really Want Biden for Pres?​

Do those who call themselves Christians really want Jesus as their Saviour?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States

Remember how Trump said he wants JB to take a drug test before the debate?

The thinking is JB is either on drugs to help him be somewhat animated as he battles Alzheimer's or,he's drugged to make him appear too addled to serve.

Here's a curious what if.

BHO being shadow president is pretty obvious now that he accompanied Joe around from time to time.

What if Michelle runs for president though she's said she never would? Her claim being she cang let a convicted felon take over. Which is why they all pushed the illegal trial.

And who becomes her legal VP? BHO.


Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States

Remember how Trump said he wants JB to take a drug test before the debate?

The thinking is JB is either on drugs to help him be somewhat animated as he battles Alzheimer's or,he's drugged to make him appear too addled to serve.

Here's a curious what if.

BHO being shadow president is pretty obvious now that he accompanied Joe around from time to time.

What if Michelle runs for president though she's said she never would? Her claim being she cang let a convicted felon take over. Which is why they all pushed the illegal trial.

And who becomes her legal VP? BHO.

I agree with it could be Michelle...

But not BHO for VP because if something happens to her he steps in to be pres and
he can only be for 2 years more as a total of 10 years for Pres. So I think that would knock
him out of the running.

But he can continue to run things from behind the scenes


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I think the exception applies to people not born in the country, but both parents were citizens at the time of birth. For example, John McCain was not born in the us, but since his parents were both citizens he was eligible.

Yes…both parents being citizens of one nation, transfers the nationality / citizenship to the birth of the child….and EXPRESSLY is a US Constitutional REQUIREMENT for the Office of President AND Vice-President of the US.

Obama’s citizenship at the time of his birth was NOT the child of Two US citizens.

Harris’ citizenship at the time of her birth was NOT the child of Two US citizens.

McCain’s citizenship at the time of his birth WAS the child of Two US citizens.
(And specifically WHERE McCain was born…
IDK…If it was ON a US ship, if it was ON a US military base (located anywhere IN the World)…the US ship, the US military base…IS LAWFULLY US soil.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
United States
God cares nothing about man made institutions. Democracy is 250 years old; Christianity is 2000.

Democracy goes back to ancient Greece. There's plenty examples that God intervenes in human affairs, and so do the powers of darkness.