Are Mormons Christians? (Latter Day Saints)

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Mar 9, 2023
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Speaking my thoughts here: the 2nd great commandment is to love my neighbor, and the parable of the Good Samaraten clearly illustrates that. My neighbor includes everyone, including those the society hates and neglects. Including those of other faiths.

Hence I try really really hard to love and respect those of different beleifs. To treat them with kindness, and if possible understand them better including what they value and believe (that helps me love them better). That’s a huge part of the reason I like studying different faiths (I’ve attended 100+ churches) and honestly why I’m even on this forum: to better understand and love my neighbor.
I tell you what I do Jane, I ask the Spirit to see as he sees and Love as he Loves..I mean we wouldn’t know what Love was would we?, if he hadn’t loved us first.

All I knew was the worlds Love, which ain’t the Love Of The Spirit

.only imo can he soften our hearts/ spirit our hearts that had been hardened and closed for so long...then we receive His Love into our hearts, then the change begins..if that makes sense.xx


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Its Bible reading time folks.
Please don’t assume that “Mormons” don’t read the Bible. I first read it cover to cover at age 9. National studied (e.g. Pew) has shown that on average “Mormons” read the Bible more and can more correctly answer facts about it than folks of other denominations.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Please don’t assume that “Mormons” don’t read the Bible. I first read it cover to cover at age 9. National studied (e.g. Pew) has shown that on average “Mormons” read the Bible more and can more correctly answer facts about it than folks of other denominations.
I did not know that. An excerpt from this link:
  • Overall, the three groups that perform best in this survey are atheists and agnostics (who get an average of 20.9 out of 32 questions right), Jews (20.5 questions right on average) and Mormons (20.3 questions right).
  • Looked at another way, 27% of Jews, 22% of atheists and agnostics, and 20% of Mormons score in the top 10% of all respondents in overall number of correct answers to religious knowledge questions, getting at least 26 questions right.
  • Mormons outperform Jews as well as atheists and agnostics on questions about the Bible
I'm was little confused between the 1st and 3rd bullet points. In reading deeper, the questions were not all about the Bible but included other religions. IMO, this confirms what @Jane_Doe22 claims. :)

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
To expose what is wrong I believe we must know what is wrong and/or be directed by God in what we are doing. I know what I believe, but I also know that in my own past, I have been found wrong, so unless I am certain, I proceed cautiously. God always knows. Do we always hear His voice on all of these things? If we are not led by the Holy Spirit, should we proceed?

Perhaps you know better than I and therefore never miss the mark in your warnings or corrections. That is between you and God.

I can and have pulled away from church groups during my years of serving God, because I believed they were wrong. But... still if the clean-up job was not mine to do, I left it alone when not directed otherwise by God.

I have been a Catholic and do not expect to be returning to them. I also brushed the Mormons closely when my brother married a Mormon and was a practicing Mormon for many years.

When I was in Wyoming, I had to review the work of a Mormon and I honestly tried hard to be fair. In my estimation, he was a good worker doing good but only average work. He was fired, I believe, in spite of my review, because he was a Mormon.

My own studies of Mormonism apparently do not set me as strongly against their beliefs as you, although I am, as you understand, certainly not a Mormon. I see them as no farther from my beliefs than those of many Protestant groups.

I learned long ago to not condemn a group simply because someone had called them a "cult". I have belonged to groups called cults by others. I strive to take people one at the time and leave any final judgments to God. I may not recommend them to someone, but I certainly won't condemn them simply because some or even many others do, or because I disagree with them.
To expose what is wrong we must indeed be able to know , discern between good and evil .

I know you are devoted to God….a good Christian…..A lot of good Christians started denominations that were wrong and a lot of Good Christians came up with a bunch of man-made sins. Why and what their intent was, it is hard to say….An improvement on God’s morality? Deception? Where they doing the same thing the Jews where doing? Making it harder to be right with God? Well those that came up with something over 70 man-made sins did make it harder on Christians….Serves as a distraction from what we should be doing and gives ammo for those that want to condemn and gossip about others and turn people away from Christianity.

Words mean things….You say…. its time we get back into ONLY the bible and read it again and be refreshed in it .
Do you really mean that? Most people don’t, just so you know.
It just a way to stand on a soap box and thump the Bible and proclaim, Look at me I am so holy! Then some are so unknowledgeable that they do not know what it means.

I have tried to find a way to word the Bible Only thought so as to make some sense of it. I don’t think there is…..We can try but it would be messy.

First off you would have to give up the requirement for wedding ceremonies. There is no requirement in the Bible for a wedding ceremony to be married, Old or New Testament. In fact the word wedding does not occur in the actual scriptures, Old or New Testament and wedding ceremonies where in fact a Pagan custom that the Protestant made mandatory to be married. Which I always say was a fantastic idea. But still Bible Only….no wedding ceremonies. The act of sex forms a marriage, just as it was in the beginning. For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

Bible Only would allow people to have polygamous marriages and fathers to sell their daughters as sex slaves….concubinage. It would allow Christians to have slaves. The Bible never says all this should stop.

Does the Bible say that in 1500 years there would be an update ….as in the Protestant reform. How can they justify this if they are Bible Only.

Bible Only….are you going to be Jewish-Christian or Gentile Christian? Are you going to sacrifice animals?

The Bible was written during a very turbulent period. The thought was that they were living in the last days….no mention of years or centuries. The tribulations were to start soon and Christ was to return soon. The priority was to preach the Word and save souls before it was too late. This is one of the reasons that there is no focus on the family in the New Testament. Should we have less interest in the family in Christianity?

Is this the character and spirit we would want in Christianity?

NOOO! But it is the Bible…..The NT documents the first 65 years of Christianity…. Christianity continued on from there. No matter what, people pick and choose what they believe and proclaim they are Bible Only to look good in front of men.

To say that people need to get back to the Bible and study and pray and go to church and stand with other Christians and worship the Lord and sing hymns to Him….That is correct.

Bible Only is just a cliché. It is much more complicated than that.
that is what i mean . to just get back into the bible and learn it . as far as bible only
if anything contradicts , key word CONTRADICTS , that which was already written THEN FLEE IT .
as far as wedding ceremonies . You might want to read where JESUS turned the water into wine .
IT was at a wedding ceremony . as far as pologomy goes . read what paul writes . it was already
beginning to be taught that bishops and deacons should have ONE WIFE not more .
Now as far as pologomy goes , IT DID exist in the early church and in time it stopped .
I mean there were jews in there that had come to Christ and had already multiple wives .
You cant just put away the other wives . SO they did keep the wives they had .
BUT it was being and would end up being removed in time .
However if even today a jew had three wives and came TO JESUS , i would not TELL HIM to put away the other two .
though if a jew did come to JESUS and had a wife , BUT desired another , i would stop him and tell him not to do so .
Of course the laws of the land have pretty much already changed that so that wont be a problem in most cases .
As far as slaves , they were in no way treated like slaves in america and etc .
The jews were warned to treat their servants GOOD . and even at the end of the sixth year or at the year of release
had to release a jewsih servant . but GOD even warned them IF you knock out the tooth of your servant
YE shall repay him for his tooth . THEIR slaves were in no way treated like the american colonies treated theirs .
They , as in america , treated theirs like dirt , harsh and cruel and DID NOT KNOW GOD at all .
that is a fact . as far as servants , onesimus had been a servant himself . he wasnt walking around in chains
saying yesah massah . many had servants and them servants were treated darn good too ,
THE CHURCH leaders , mainly paul, warned those who had servants to treat them as BRETHREN
DIDNT HE . so again the concept of slavery in the bible was a far cry different than in america .
The more we read that bible , i tell us all the far better off we gonna be and have been for doing so .
now walking a dog on a leash was not mentioned in the bible , but that dont mean its sin to do it .
HOWEVER if what one does do is SIN is contrary to what was written , IT NEEDS TO BE ASAP GREASE LIGHTING
FAST corrected within the church . ALL false places and false leaders MUST BE EXPOSED asap fast .
ALL sin and error when seen or noted within the church must be ASAP CORRECTED GREASED LIGHTNING FAST .
cause leaven loveth to LEAVEN . and tis about time we learn THEIR APPROACH , THEIR PATTERN they TUAGHT TO THE CHURCH .
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Please don’t assume that “Mormons” don’t read the Bible. I first read it cover to cover at age 9. National studied (e.g. Pew) has shown that on average “Mormons” read the Bible more and can more correctly answer facts about it than folks of other denominations.
..that’s interesting to learn,Jane, I never knew that,xx
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That is what I was hoping you meant..
I want to remind you of something . I hope this helps too my friend .
I have THIS against you , GOD TOLD a church , You ALLOW . notice that says EVEN ALLOW
you allow a false prophtess to teach and to seduce my people .
WELL , now ya know why i wont allow pope francis nor scores of others to TEACH and to seduce this people
into a LIE . There are far too many who now work within christendom to simply allure to seduce to decieve
this people . THEY get exposed on this lambs watch . and it aint because i hate , ITS CAUSE I DO LOVE .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
..that’s interesting to learn,Jane, I never knew that,xx
Its true they do have to take a course on reading the entier king james bible .
But as with most other instituitions they also teach a lot of things wrong too .
I had two mormons , educated quite well by their church
come a knocking years back on my door .
Me , i had been but a follower of CHRIST for but a few months .
SAD , VERY SAD when i knew far more of the KJV than either of them did .
OH and SOME , SOME of what they tried to expound unto me
was dead wrong too . Just keep that in mind dear sister .
They even left me a book of moroni to read and did read a bit to me .
The entire time my soul was deeply troubled within me . I DIDINT EVEN KNOW they were false either .
BUT GOD SURE DID KEEP ME BACK NOW DIDNT HE . it was not till some years later
when i went to the library to read THEIR OWN BOOKS . take note reader , for i said THEIR OWN BOOKS
that i realized , OH MY GOODNESS , this is a dangerous place . BUT EVEN when i knew little to nothing
GOD GAVE ME ZERO PEACE about those two and their reading . GOD looks out for HIS OWN sister .
I do not hate mormons . I DO NOT . but i would advise anyone to not become one
and if they are to get out and get back into the bible to learn for YOU .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Do you hold Christian’s having different doctrines to be evil?
depends on the doctrine . i mean if they teach a mid pre or post trib
or maybe even OSAS , or some other things , I WOULD NOT call them EVIL
i would try and correct them .
NOW IF THEY HOLD UP that RAINBOW DIVERSE FLAG , no longer believe other religoins need to even repent to believe ON CHRIST
and call certain sins good and call truth evil . THEN HECK YEAH THEY EVIL .
i mean if one dont even truly beleive the gopsel of JESUS CHRIST , HOW CAN THEY BE HIS .
and if we THINK JESUS is a minstir of sin , WE DO NOT KNOW HIM EITHER .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Do you hold Christian’s having different doctrines to be evil?
THE CHURCH would not have held different doctrines , IF IT HAD HELD ONTO THE SCRIPTURE now Would it .
YOU DO realize why we got so many denominations
and why and how even the RCC got started . MEN did this .
now some were a bit better off than others . but man its high time we got us back into the bible again for ourselves .
Cause there is a love that has come of this world , under the guise its of GOD , only IT AINT .
and it is seducing so very very very many within christendom RIGHT INTO A LIE . PS , i cant give the numbers on that one
ITS ALL OVER THE PLACE and it takes form within MANY A HOUSE NOW . I suggest we bible up my friend .
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
You might want to read where JESUS turned the water into wine .
IT was at a wedding ceremony .

Do you think I missed that LOL Check the actual wording in the scriptures. It is the marriage at Cana….Like I said the word wed or wedding does not appear in the scriptures. The story of the marriage at Cana does not give us much information. If there was a marriage ceremony the scriptures do not document it. If it was a wedding ceremony it was probably Pagan. Which would bring up a bunch of questions and maybe why we do not know who was getting married.

The storyline picks up at the reception and all we know is it was significant enough to Yeshua and Miriam for them to be there and significant enough for her to ask Christ for a miracle and significant enough for Him to perform a miracle. It all leaves a lot of questions.

The Hebrew back then did not have a word for wed or wedding. The Greeks definitely had a word for wedding because weddings are a Pagan custom. The Gentile-Christians brought that custom into Christianity and it became popular but not required until the Protestants made it a requirement in the mid 16th century. Even the Catholics did not require a wedding ceremony to be married until after the Protestants required it. The Catholics were big on celibacy and not on marriage. But still wedding ceremonies gained in popularity with Catholics but they would not allow them in Church buildings until after they made them a requirement. One of those Pagan customs that made sense and was right….And one of the things we learned after the biblical era.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
as far as pologomy goes . read what paul writes . it was already
beginning to be taught that bishops and deacons should have ONE WIFE not more .

That is a requirement for leadership in the congregations. Congregations are called churches in the Bible. The scriptures never said to stop polygamy and there were Christians that had multiple wives, I am guessing mostly Jewish-Christians.
But Paul stipulated that leaders could only have one wife and he had to be married.
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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
depends on the doctrine . i mean if they teach a mid pre or post trib
or maybe even OSAS , or some other things , I WOULD NOT call them EVIL
i would try and correct them
I believe in once Born Again always Born Again of imperishable seed..that liveth and abideth one can correct what I’ve received into my heart, the Living word of God....who NEVER lies, no one can take a child of God away from the Son, as “ Spirit gives birth to spirit “....once I was Born Of The flesh...I can’t go back into my mother’s womb where I came from, that was the flesh birth....same as the Spiritual rebirth, I can’t be un- birthed, 100% impossible.....I knew from day one ( evening) that I was Born Again.....

I don’t think I try and correct anyone, I just post what “ I” believe I’m prompted to post, by the Spirit.

You don’t believe as I believe, why would “ I” try and correct you, only the Spirit of God can correct us..
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
mainly paul, warned those who had servants to treat them as BRETHREN
DIDNT HE . so again the concept of slavery in the bible was a far cry different than in america .

Well that was nice of Paul to tell them to be nice to their slaves but they were still owned by somebody. And you are right slavory back then was a lot different than the blacks in America. But then again some of the black slaves in America were house servants and treated a lot like family. But then there is the labor aspect of it in America and back then. No rights, not free and owned. You can look into the history of slaves in that era….not good.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
However if even today a jew had three wives and came TO JESUS , i would not TELL HIM to put away the other two .
though if a jew did come to JESUS and had a wife , BUT desired another , i would stop him and tell him not to do so .

Put away the other two….divorce just adds to the problem. Even Martin Luther said he could not forbid polygamy because the Bible did not. I am just glad that it has mostly stopped. I as far as I am concerned polygamy is a form of female slavery.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Wouldn’t it be great if we all respected each other’s belief.?

I keep asking myself what do we achieve firing all these questions at each other?

Quite a few of us imo accuse each other of being fake.....

Do you think we can come across as being superior in our beliefs...imo I think we can, what say you Jane?xx

There are many people here by authenticity, in general nature in rational life outside the culture of Christianity, who do not claim "Christianity:, but do follow the Lord Jesus Christ, as their King, and Lord, even brother for doing the will of God which is to have faith and to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves. It really is very little fighting, but then there is the bigger scope of reality within the culture of Christianity where, horrible things can be done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, such as abuse in any given church no matter denomination, be it men, women, or children.

That is he fruit to worry about, when harm, manipulation, jealousy, envy, starts to come up even in my own flesh, is bad fruit which is not good for anyone to partake in. Any type of personal gain, or taking control over others is not good, and that is what Jesus also had come to set people free from, the bondage of chains which comes by and through the fleshly means of life, and not the spiritual ways of life. Setting people from the bondage over others, and lead to be free in christ Yeshua, and they continue to have love, and respect other people out of the general sense in that we all bleed and die, and no one is greater than the other, and to love goes such much further than judgement, and they always say sharing is caring, but caring enough to know a full story, and not bits and pieces, also goes a long way in someone sitting listening to you just read, the bible, whether or not you make comments or not is up to you, however just going over them and speaking them outloud with another is good for the nurture of the soul (mind./will/emotions.)

To condemn, mistreat, or have outburst and say you so and so blah blah, is not healthy, and people should be fair in discussion and not let passion get in the mix, which I myself am guilty of many times.
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