the holy spirit

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  1. G

    As a rule, "partially right, most of the time" is moral.

    Hi there, So I wanted to present a model for morality that is different from utilitarianism and deontology. That model is simply: Gottservant said: Essentially, it builds on an experience of trying to be moral. It does not need specific instructions or specific consequences, but adapts...
  2. Harvest 1874

    Bible Students and Seventh Day Adventist, Part 4

    We continue with our comparisons of the Seventh Day Adventist beliefs and the Bible Students. We were discussing their belief in The Trinity, first with respects to The Father and presently with regards to The Son. We continue. They continue: “John, the disciple, says, “In the beginning was...
  3. Mjh29

    Spirit's Work BEFORE Faith

    Here is a simple question: Do we need the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts before we have faith? I would say yes, absolutely. This is where my belief comes from. There are a few questions that need looked at from Scriptures before we can make a Biblical determination: 1.) How bad is man...
  4. Finesse


  5. Harvest 1874

    The Spirit of God, Part 3

    Let us now take a look at 1 Cor 2:9-14 Verse 9 “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man (the natural man), the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” Verse 10 “But God hath revealed [them] to us (The New Creation) by his Spirit; for the...
  6. Harvest 1874

    The Spirit of God, Part 2

    "Grieve not the holy spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." (Eph 4:30) So then if the holy spirit is only an influence per say, how can (it) be grieved and/ or insulted? "Quench not the spirit." (1 Thess 5:19.) To quench signifies to extinguish, as to extinguish a...
  7. Harvest 1874

    The Spirit of God, Part 1

    The Spirit of God, Part 1 "Grieve not the holy spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." (Eph 4:30) “This scripture is cited to prove that the Holy Spirit is a person, the argument being that only a person can be “grieved”. It is significant, we believe, that...
  8. ScottA

    Got your ears on?

    Much of the New Testament was not meant for all people, but only for “He who has an ear” to hear “what the Spirit says to the churches.” In other words, even that which is written was not to be heard or understood by everyone who reads it. But rather, that we have entered that time foretold of...
  9. ScottA

    "Another" Helper

    When you read of Christ sending "another" Helper...what comes to mind? "Another", in addition to whom? Most would automatically think Jesus meant another Helper in addition to Himself. After all...isn't Jesus an absolutely great helper? Well, of course! But He was not sent to "help" the world...
  10. Harvest 1874

    Quench not the Spirit

    “But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, And I could not.” Jer 20:9 “When a fire is kept shut off from a draft for some length of time, it will become extinguished. This is as true in the realm of moral and spiritual forces as in...