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  1. M

    Hello from Arkansas!

    I don’t consider it dictatorship since my opinion is always taken into account during decision making.
  2. M

    Hello from Arkansas!

    You’re an amazingly strong-willed woman if you can do that. Congrats! :D
  3. M

    Hello from Arkansas!

    Oh, he definitely does. He’s kind but also stern. If we (women) are given freedom, we start getting ideas which end up disrupting the proper flow of society (case in point: feminism). It’s the duty of our guardian (father, husband, etc) to monitor our behavior and keep us in line. It’s not easy...
  4. M

    Hello from Arkansas!

    I could have discussed it with him, plead my case, but his final decision as the man / head of the household is the end. Like in court with a judge, I guess. My husband has the same leadership style.
  5. M

    Hello from Arkansas!

    Yes and yes. I’m just a Southern Baptist, but from a very fundamentalist / conservative environment.
  6. M

    They're suing to get the ten commandments out of schools

    I’m not going to debate politics as it’s not my place as a woman to do so, but what this country needs for a revival is a Christian theocratic government. Secularism and democracy are a plague for society.
  7. M

    Hello from Arkansas!

    No. At home we have a landline I can use. I never go out in public alone.
  8. M

    Hello from Arkansas!

    My dad told me who I’ll be marrying and when.
  9. M

    Hello from Arkansas!

    I’m Mary. I’m turning 19 on Saturday. I’m a part of the Southern Baptist Convention. I’m married and have a 2-month-old son. My job is serving God, my husband and taking care of our child. Our marriage is legally a covenant one (limited, specific grounds for divorce). Our marriage was also...