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Misty Williams

Active Member
Apr 8, 2022
United States
Before I even start this post, let me make a disclaimer...
I'm not soliciting for anything. I'm starting a discussion about spiritual warfare that I hope everyone will participate in (I'm hoping some of you can share a thing or two that I didn't know myself!).

I'm sharing a link to our online discussion that we do every week and spirits was this week's topic (YouTube, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.). If you're interested, check it out, if not, no worries. It's free, nothing is being sold, it's just us doing what we believe God asked us to do. It's there if you need it. Always weigh anything you hear against what the word says!

OK...now that is clarified...I would LOVE to hear any of your experiences with spiritual warfare, spirits you've witnessed or dealt with yourself. I know I overcame a severe spirit of despair about 5 years ago. Thank Jesus for deliverance! If you'd like me to share my story, I'd be happy to.

God Bless
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
We all have a spirit that is a container within us. I see other spirits as a mean of conveyance of influence from beyond the temporal world that can enter into our spirits either temporarily or in a more permanent way.

We can see a cell phone as something that is able to speak to us...like a living thing...or else as an intermediary device that facilitates communication with another person in another place. Are spirits persons? No....but they convey the words, thoughts, and influence from beyond this world.

I see spirits working that way...although unlike a cell phone the line is always open. If we give a foothold to the devil by believing a lie...we can be influenced by an evil spirit. We are subject to be so influenced until we go to the cross to be dealt with in the outer man. Only then can we say....the devil has nothing IN me.

The truth sets us free from believing lies that give spirits their power over us. We are to be subject to God through His Spirit...and no other. :)


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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I won't join in if you don't mind as I do not want anything i say here to appear on you tube or anywhere else.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2021
United States
I believe what you see in your dreams is what you should pay attention to or take note of. To understand what is going on with you.

What are spirits and how do we deal with them? There is a spirit of God where you are abiding with the holy spirit and then there are evil spirits when you are going contrary to God.

Getting rid of evil spirits/demons is crucial. I've dealt with a Lucifer spirit, a Jezebel spirit, and a Leviathan spirit to name a few.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
not something preached a lot nowadays i guess, but y’all might find the part that says the battle is won

Scriptures to Remind You that God Has Already Won the Battle for You - BibleVerses.com

particularly if you find yourself struggling, and dont seem to be getting anywhere; your “struggle” is almost always in vain i guess. Kind of a hard concept to get at first
Right because:
1. We're already completely saved.
2. We've already received our glorious bodies impervious to temptation and sin.
3. We're already in heaven safe from all evil forever.
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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
This area of Christian experience is better understood by those who have been captive to the demonic and delivered.

I am a prodigal son - wondered away for 11 years - ended up with a shipwrecked life and was restored over a seven year period.

I had spiritual strongholds in my life that I had to learn how to deal with.

I have been called to assist others similarly captive from time to time.
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David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
OK...now that is clarified...I would LOVE to hear any of your experiences with spiritual warfare, spirits you've witnessed or dealt with yourself. I know I overcame a severe spirit of despair about 5 years ago. Thank Jesus for deliverance! If you'd like me to share my story, I'd be happy to.

As one who has been under attack from demonic forces since i was young, there is much in this topic that is not discussed in most churches. The adversary has hierarchies of demonic forces at his disposal, from the carnal such as the incubus and succubus to the higher powers such as Legion and Leviathan, and Jezebel. Nothing but the blood of Jesus will help you overcome these oppressions they send your way, and they are more subtle at first than you can imagine (very covert), so much so that you do not realize that you or the church you belong to are under attack, until you are well wrapped up in their manipulations.

This happens on the internet too, and these forces can reach to affect and oppress you despite your online anonymity. For example, One of these demonic beings that I was debating with online was "holding me back", and it took the Holy Ghost to intervene and show me this in a dream where I was half asleep and could not move because of this demonic being holding me in place. I had to plead the blood of Jesus over me and cry out for the LORD Jesus to rebuke these demons, and immediately they let go and the bondage was released.

These are not topics discussed for many reasons from the rational mindset of western culture that has overtaken the church, which by doctrine denies the demonic as having power, to the deliberate coverup of these things by churches which are under the oppression of these demonic powers and principalities.

Read carefully 2 Peter 2, and Jude 1, as well as the story of the sons of Sceva in Acts 19, to see that these principlaities and powers are not to be taken lightly, and those who think they have power to overcome them of your own accord (will and strength) are the ones who are most likely to fall victim to these powers and be overcome. Do not take this topic lightly or lead others astray by puffing up the ego of the believer and making them think they are immune to their oppression.

Be warned, sometimes the ones speaking loudest about this Spiritual warfare are the ones who are opening doors to the demonic, just like in the world the ones who speak loudest against abuse (sexual and physical) are the ones often the most guilty of the abuse. (As a recent example of this in the news think Amber Heard)

God bless.
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Misty Williams

Active Member
Apr 8, 2022
United States
Hey guys,
Thank you so much for the replies. For some goofy reason I wasn't getting notices there were more replies or I would have chimed in sooner!
A lot of what you've said here, we talked about in the discussion.
You are absolutely right, there is the spirit of God and we WANT that in our lives. I want the Holy Spirit to lead me, teach me, comfort me, and correct me if I make a mistake
But yeah, what we were talking about was demonic spirits. I AM SO GLAD to see so many of you commenting because, I'll be honest, I was expecting some push back on this one (not enough to keep me from posting the message, but a lot of people will call you crazy for daring to imply the existence of Satan and his army).
Absolutely, through Christ the battle is already won; however, often when dealing with these spirits, you're talking about someone who has been affected for months, years, or even decades. The strongholds are deeply entrenched. In those situations, we have to put on the armor and deal with these things in the spirit. The reassuring thing is, yes, the battle is won as long as we are walking hand-in-hand with Christ.

Always make sure you are protecting yourself as well! The next logical person for a demonic spirit to come after (when leaving someone) is you. Make sure you pray that hedge of protection, cover it all in the blood of Jesus.

Our next discussion is being posted tomorrow on prayer relating to spiritual warfare, then we'll move on to something else, but we'll be talking about how to go to war in prayer.

Again, thank you so much! I love to hear what you have to say. It brings me a lot of joy.