Universalism is a dangerous doctrine

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I will move on. I'm not that invested in this to be honest. But you might or might not owe it to the followers to respond to my clarifying questions.

Let's just assume there could be one or more people who read your post who haven't hear of God. And they have no idea of what the term, Word of God. Then they read the term, written Word of God.

How would you explain these 3 to them?

What is God?

What is Word of God

What is written Word of God?
Those who preach or believe Universalism are messengers of Satan leading people to Hell fire. WICKED!

Rev 20 they will be tormented day and night FOREVER and EVER!

Phil .

Active Member
Nov 1, 2022
United States

Universalism is a dangerous doctrine.

All the focus is on - Jesus saving everyone at the end. Doesn't matter what kind of life a person lived. Doesn't matter if they worshiped idols, or anything like that. Doesn't matter if they ever believed there was a God that was mighty than them. Jesus is just gonna save everyone in the end. Now, while I believe in Universal salvation (Jesus saved everyone since his victory - from Satan, his angels, death, hades, the wrath of God that came on Jerusalem, and of course sin has been paid for (it was paid for already) There is no such thing as "All way lead to heaven" which is basically what universalism is.There is only one way to heaven, that is through Christ Jesus. He is the truth, the way, the life and no one gets to the Father except through Him.

While I do believe the Lake of fire still exist it comes from God, and John the beloved - states there are people on the outside of the heavenly CITY. The city gates never close but the damage is done after this life of resurrection, without Christ. There is only the resurrection of condemnation - with a spiritual body not equipped to dwell in the light - they live outside of the Kingdom. This is good to at least know, that God doesn't destroy them because he desires none to perish - however he does get rid of everything of the prior age mentioned in the second note of (salvation).

The only way to receive deliverance is to come to Christ and die, be buried, and raise with Him being born again in newness of life. So everyone is saved from - Jesus saved everyone since his victory - from Satan, his angels, death, hades, the wrath of God that came on Jerusalem, and Sin has been paid for. Salvation to be delivered from darkness to light, and to be saved to (notice the difference) (From - To) - the Kingdom of God is to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, and the one whom he had sent which is eternal life, and to believe on them.

There is no "all ways lead to heaven" which is Universalism which says - all are going straight into the Kingdom of God.

I do believe people will come to know Christ in the afterlife but the damage they did to themselves is permanent, and coming through the lake of fire - perhaps it gets rid of all the darkness and what little is left of them remains compared to those who choose to have faith and build spiritual treasures in heaven, following Christ. Those in the darkness, have to make the choice to come and walk towards God going through "the fire and flames" - does it burn like normal fire? IDK but it will be tough to deny oneself to get through. Reconciliationism. God is good. He has a purpose but it's not like some think, especially in the realm of "universalism."​

Why are faithless people claimed to be outside of the gates of the city in heaven?

This is heaven already. This is the kingdom already. There is no way to This.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
“This world” is The Kingdom already. There is no “kingdom after the kingdom”.
I do not see how, however thank you for stating what your opinion is about that though, Phil.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
United States
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.
Isn't it strange that so many cannot understand this passage?
Lk 17:20–21 Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”

I would think that we can associate this truth with the promise that we are indwelt by God here on this corrupted planet - and being part of His Kingdom.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.
This still tells me, there is a hopeful expectation of resurrection and going into the Kingdom after this life. Seen in Revelation.

Jesus was given a revelation by Yahava. Concerning things which must shortly come to pass in their day. (Revelation 1:1)

The Revelation revealed a heavenly kingdom. Which is now established today. There is 12 open gates, that never close where Yahava and the Lamb, both share a throne as they once had been, at one point in time, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY now ruling in their rightful place. With the Word of God conquering over all things, and returning with destruction upon the final last day of sieging over the property until it was burnt down to the ground, and leveled out with no more tribes being around today, and with all now having access to Yahava in the new age which is where Yahava writes on the hearts and minds of those who are his, whom seek to worship him, in spirit and truth as Yeshua suggest the Father seeks for, and rewards those who seek him.

Reward? Spiritual resurrection body after this life, as payment for your choice to let Yahava by the Holy Spirit of God and the the Spirit of Jesus Christ, come in and through you in this life in order to place Yahava first above all others with relationship, in faithfulness loving others as they come across one’s path.

To me this place is not my home, nor is it my Kingdom. ( Is this world your home? )The Kingdom is within the heart, and it’s an hopeful expectation cause nothing is ever promised when it comes to living in this earth, however there is a promised of resurrection.

Be it resurrection of condemnation or resurrection of life, all who die here, are all raised back up again respectfully by believing the promised Messiahs words of it being the case.

In the this Earth it self, the body included, there is no earthly peace to be found, no earthly kingdom to really belong to. The only kingdom known, to me is a spiritual one, and what it looks like after this I do not know; but I hope some work will be given to do, perhaps the people outside the surrounding gates need help in the afterlife?

Phil .

Active Member
Nov 1, 2022
United States
This still tells me, there is a hopeful expectation of resurrection and going into the Kingdom after this life. Seen in Revelation.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

I don’t see any of what you’re claiming in that quote. It says - among you.

Jesus was given a revelation by Yahava. Concerning things which must shortly come to pass in their day. (Revelation 1:1)
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about anything coming to pass. It says - among you.

The Revelation revealed a heavenly kingdom. Which is now established today. There is 12 open gates, that never close where Yahava and the Lamb, both share a throne as they once had been, at one point in time, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY now ruling in their rightful place. With the Word of God conquering over all things, and returning with destruction upon the final last day of sieging over the property until it was burnt down to the ground, and leveled out with no more tribes being around today, and with all now having access to Yahava in the new age which is where Yahava writes on the hearts and minds of those who are his, whom seek to worship him, in spirit and truth as Yeshua suggest the Father seeks for, and rewards those who seek him.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about time, returning, a final last day, until, any new age, about who or who not, nor rewards. It says - among you.

Reward? Spiritual resurrection body after this life, as payment for your choice to let Yahava by the Holy Spirit of God and the the Spirit of Jesus Christ, come in and through you in this life in order to place Yahava first above all others with relationship, in faithfulness loving others as they come across one’s path.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about life or afterlife. It says - among you.

To me this place is not my home, nor is it my Kingdom. ( Is this world your home? )The Kingdom is within the heart, and it’s an hopeful expectation cause nothing is ever promised when it comes to living in this earth, however there is a promised of resurrection.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about “to me”, hopeful expectations, promises, living or earth or resurrection. It says - among you.

Be it resurrection of condemnation or resurrection of life, all who die here, are all raised back up again respectfully by believing the promised Messiahs words of it being the case.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about resurrection, condemnation, life, death, being raised up, believing anything, promises, Messiahs or anything else being the case. It says - among you.

In the this Earth it self, the body included, there is no earthly peace to be found, no earthly kingdom to really belong to. The only kingdom known, to me is a spiritual one, and what it looks like after this I do not know; but I hope some work will be given to do, perhaps the people outside the surrounding gates need help in the afterlife?
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about an earth, a self, a body, finding anything, belonging to anything, knowing anything, any spiritual one, anything after this, hoping for anything, doing any work, nor that anyone needs any help in any afterlife.

It just says - among you… in your midst.

Simple. Self-evident. No one, no thought, no thing, no knowing, no understanding required.



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

I don’t see any of what you’re claiming in that quote. It says - among you.
Some say in your midst.
To me that means it resides in the heart.

The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about anything coming to pass. It says - among you.
It comes with rebirth.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about time, returning, a final last day, until, any new age, about who or who not, nor rewards. It says - among you.
All of the Bible supports itself concerning all shared.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about life or afterlife. It says - among you.
Okay? I’m not interested in you just desiring to be right about something you read with one line from the Lord Yeshua. You are more than welcome to disagree with me.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about “to me”, hopeful expectations, promises, living or earth or resurrection. It says - among you.
Your really getting a bit much.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about resurrection, condemnation, life, death, being raised up, believing anything, promises, Messiahs or anything else being the case. It says - among you.
All you have is just one verse about this, Jesus disciples throughout Jesus life though he was gonna be setting a kingdom on earth.

Jesus told Pilate his Kingdom is not of this world.
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.

Doesn’t say anything about an earth, a self, a body, finding anything, belonging to anything, knowing anything, any spiritual one, anything after this, hoping for anything, doing any work, nor that anyone needs any help in any afterlife.
Okay? I don’t believe this earth is a Kingdom.

You can call it that if you want to. God gives the earth freely to people and calls out by the spirit and bride which reside in the Kingdom, perhaps the outer court.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

It just says - among you… in your midst.

Simple. Self-evident. No one, no thought, no thing, no knowing, no understanding required.

That just seems to simple for me, and it’s understandable for people to not desire to look more into these things. They are important for establishing a good relationship with the Father, and helps us in our faith, and where one’s hope is decided upon. Inside of the gate, through the Lord Yeshua. Or outside the Gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Thank you for deciding to reach back out.

Phil .

Active Member
Nov 1, 2022
United States
Some say in your midst.
To me that means it resides in the heart.

It comes with rebirth.

All of the Bible supports itself concerning all shared.

Okay? I’m not interested in you just desiring to be right about something you read with one line from the Lord Yeshua. You are more than welcome to disagree with me.

Your really getting a bit much.

All you have is just one verse about this, Jesus disciples throughout Jesus life though he was gonna be setting a kingdom on earth.

Jesus told Pilate his Kingdom is not of this world.

Okay? I don’t believe this earth is a Kingdom.

You can call it that if you want to. God gives the earth freely to people and calls out by the spirit and bride which reside in the Kingdom, perhaps the outer court.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

That just seems to simple for me, and it’s understandable for people to not desire to look more into these things. They are important for establishing a good relationship with the Father, and helps us in our faith, and where one’s hope is decided upon. Inside of the gate, through the Lord Yeshua. Or outside the Gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Thank you for deciding to reach back out.
Some say all kinds of whacky stuff apparently, but Jesus said among you.

Doesn’t say anything about anyone being right, anyone disagreeing, life, earth, a world, beliefs, what anyone calls anything, God giving anything or calling out, any spirit or spirits, brides, water, anyone which anything is too simple for, anything being important, any relationships, our faith, one’s hope, any deciders, any gate, any Lord or Lords, or any Jerusalem - it just says among you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Some say all kinds of whacky stuff apparently, but Jesus said among you.
The Kingdom was among them. The Word of God whom was raised by the Holy Spirit, came and returned for the bride in which was the taking of the bride into the Kingdom of Heavenly Jerusalem.

However you take it is up to you. I can see the Spiritual King, who by and through the Spirit of His Father, also conquered over all the material Law which was given to the Material nation, 12 tribes, and Jesus came and with the wrath of Yahava on the nation in Ad 70.

The Heavens and Earth the Hebrews knew with Yahava and his Law, that doom was coming to those who were to disobey the loss of their life, and their homeland. That was in the days, John talked about to the crowds and Pharisees who told them to escape wrath to come?

There were few who chose to believe in the promises of Christ and were saved by Yeshua when he came to get them. People continue to come to Yahava as he continues to calls out to all.
Doesn’t say anything about anyone being right, anyone disagreeing, life, earth, a world, beliefs, what anyone calls anything, God giving anything or calling out, any spirit or spirits, brides, water, anyone which anything is too simple for, anything being important, any relationships, our faith, one’s hope, any deciders, any gate, any Lord or Lords, or any Jerusalem - it just says among you.

There are multiple ways of how a person takes it.

In the context Jesus is talking to who?

And what does the context mean when reading it?

16 And fell down on his face at his feet,giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
17 And Jesus answering said, Were therenot ten cleansed? but where are the nine?
18 There are not found that returned to giveglory to God, save this stranger.
19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.
20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not withobservation:
21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lothere! for, behold, the kingdom of God iswithin you.
22 And he said unto the disciples, The dayswill come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall notsee it.
23 And they shall say to you, See here; or,see there: go not after them, nor followthem.
24 For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth untothe other part under heaven; so shall alsothe Son of man be in his day.
25 But first must he suffer many things, andbe rejected of this generation.

Other than just looking here at this, what are your own thoughts on just the little section here?

Aside from that, I just made a simple remark in not seeing this world as a Kingdom, because this is not the Heavenly Kingdom that is on my own heart. Is there any other things you are interested in speaking on?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Thinking on Yeshua, and how He was a representative of his Father, and of His Fathers Kingdom (Yeshua was in heaven before having left the prior sitting with Yahava in the beginning, coming down by the holy spirit of Yahava which overshadowed Mary, having been the Word of God, with God in the beginning, as the Lord God Almighty in my opinion revealed to the world by the Revelation given to Yeshua, after his accession, and before his shortly to return without delay, to save the Bride of Christ, from the great tribulation which would in the end be the Romans who (I believe was used by Yahava) in order to overthrow and leave the nation in ruins by the falling fires shot from the slings, Israel in the early Ads.

Scary to see flaming fireballs coming into your community, and death, along with plagues, even those who understood that this ruin fell on the NOI (12 tribes), leaving with 1,000,000 Jewish people dead. I believe Yeshua, came and rescued his bride in that day in age, and the judgement of those from Noahs day, coming out of hell, judgements reserved for certain angels, and also certain merits towards the Devil which he would come to and end, along with the false prophet and the beast.

Death, Hell, are done away with today, along with Satan, because of the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ, and what he had done on behalf of the world, for the behalf of his Father, and for the love of you yourself. Jesus has the keys to hell and death, that is something to remember, that would also mean the keys to the second death? I believe so personally, Jesus overcame the second death. (Spiritual death.) His resurrection shows from the narrative that his body was different from what he would achieve upon his glorifyed by Yahava, of course that scene is seen in Revelation 3-5. Where the Lord God Almighty is established being revealed to people, and in the Heavenly Kingdom.
Revelation 22:3-5 (ESV) reads: 3 No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. 4 They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 And night will be no more.

I still do believe though even though Satan has been taken care of. There are still idols, and gods that people make out of things, and the spirit(s) of the World, and in high heavenly places (perhaps those who are in power and are desirous for corruption). It seems all people tend to fight against the spiritual wickedness in high places, and with loving the darkness more than the light, and the battle of our own mind with ourselves.

And while some things that are stated may seem absurd. It seems that the Hope is going to be to Love Yahava, first, and to love others as yourself, in faith. Faith, hope, and the greatest is love, which comes by and through faith, and having hope and relationship with the one whom created you.

Another interesting consideration is from the writer of Hebrews,
8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 9 By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise.

10 For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

11 And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she[b] considered him faithful who had made the promise.

12 And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.

13 All these people were still living by faith when they died.

They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth.

14 People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.

15 If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.

16 Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

To me, when Yeshua speaks about how the Kingdom comes with no observation, and that no one will be able to point it out is because it's a Spiritual Kingdom, that becomes more to the mind, about the afterlife and what happens. Jesus warns his disciples, when that will start longing to see his return, however they need to be careful not to fall into any traps from anyone who may be claiming to be the messiah, to no follow after them, and continue to watch and wait for the return of the Lord, which came about with a span of time of a generation which is considered 40 years.

You are right @Phil . ,

Jesus said, the Kingdom is among you. Today, Yahava, is calling constantly and the Kingdom of Yahava is open to any and all, whom have their eyes washed, and ears cleaned, surely we are able to come to a reasoning, and I am just laying out the reason why I do not believe the earth is the kingdom or that the kingdom is here in the sense that the only unforgivable sin is those who reject the LORDs Spirit by their own merit, and even further mock cherishing to have the world rather than anything heavenly which of course. To me, the LORD GOD, knows everything we do in secret.

And while the Kingdom of Yahava, is a faith from a heart believer who decides to Love God, and to love others, aspect of passing on from this world on to the next one (The Heavenly Realm, where Yahava and the Lamb reside within the Heavenly Kingdom, there are glimpses and pictures revealed in Revelation about the Heavenly Kingdom, it will always about where is our own heart residing when it comes to ones own relationship with their Creator.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' . For in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.
Still looks more like Hell on this Earth than God's Kingdom.

Phil .

Active Member
Nov 1, 2022
United States
The Kingdom was among them. The Word of God whom was raised by the Holy Spirit, came and returned for the bride in which was the taking of the bride into the Kingdom of Heavenly Jerusalem.

However you take it is up to you. I can see the Spiritual King, who by and through the Spirit of His Father, also conquered over all the material Law which was given to the Material nation, 12 tribes, and Jesus came and with the wrath of Yahava on the nation in Ad 70.

The Heavens and Earth the Hebrews knew with Yahava and his Law, that doom was coming to those who were to disobey the loss of their life, and their homeland. That was in the days, John talked about to the crowds and Pharisees who told them to escape wrath to come?

There were few who chose to believe in the promises of Christ and were saved by Yeshua when he came to get them. People continue to come to Yahava as he continues to calls out to all.
Jesus didn’t say them though, just you… and Jesus can’t come back in a future as that would be impossible, since no one experiences a future. The second coming is now, or not at all. That isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with beliefs or believing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Jesus didn’t say them though, just you… and Jesus can’t come back in a future as that would be impossible, since no one experiences a future. The second coming is now, or not at all. That isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with beliefs or believing.

Phil, from my own time spent in reading out the bible, or even put effort in to studying.

You say that Jesus did not say them though, just me...
Jesus can not come back in a future as that would be impossible,
There nothing experience in the future after death? What do you mean there is no future, or no experience of a future.

When you say the second coming is now. Do you mean like for modern day?

And of course, people are free to believe, and choose to believe and act by their own choices and decisions to seek out Yahava, and everyone just about has access to a bible, but there is more than just the bible, there is the universe, the sky, the rain, the sun, the moon, the animals, and of course in one of the Old testament books, Ecc, it is written by the writer that God had made man, similar to the animals in that we all pass away, there is no escape until one lays their head to rest. Yahava uses those who allow the holy spirit, and the spirit of Christ to move and come through to show agape love, (1Corinthians13). A love which is heavenly, and with a faith which has confidence is what has been show in and through the words of the bible, that Yahava is love, fire, spirit, God above all gods.

Another question of What comes to my mind is what leaves the body, the life (soul - mind/will.emotions) in that body is gone from here?