Types of Christians….what type are you?

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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
I put such an extreme emphasis on the Grace of God because this is the same thing that God does ——-we are SAVED by it ( “ It is by *GRACE* that you are Saved” ) .....we get cleansed Of The Guilt Of sin by it ( “ Go to God's ‘Throne Of * GRACE* in our Time Of Need when we Sin’) ......and we get our Assurance Of the Forgiveness Of Sins by it ( “Where Sin abounds,* GRACE* abounds that much more !) That last one there just might cause you to get your panties in a knot but all I can say is “ Deal With It”.....I must ask you —- why do you keep rejecting the very thing that Saved Anybody and everybody that ever got Saved?

Can you show me where these sayings are in the Bible?

You said:
Only a Self- Righteous Fool who thinks that he doesn’t “ NEED” Grace would be Candidate for Rejecting it...

I believe in grace just fine. I believe we are initially saved by God’s grace. This is what Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, Romans 4:2-5, Romans 10:9, and Romans 10:12-13 teaches. I also believe we are foundationally saved by God’s grace (Which would align with 1 John 1:9, Hebrews 4:16, and Proverbs 28:13). But God’s grace is not a license for immorality (Jude 1:4). Titus 2:11-12 says God’s grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and that we should live righteously and godly in this present world. Your belief does not accept passages like Titus 2:11-12, or Jude 1:4.

You said:
When God First came up with this idea of “Unmerited Favor” or Grace, for a Fallen Human Race that did not Deserve this Grace and Mercy, do you think it never occurred to Him that somebody down the road might try to take advantage of it ? Get Real! Of course He saw this coming! You ever hear of “ Chastisement?”

Well, this is not my first rodeo in discussing this topic with those who believe as you do. So this is not a new point I never heard before. I have discussing this topic since 2010-2011. I have only found more verses since that time that refutes the popular sin and still be saved type belief and not less.

First, the goal of chastisement is to get you to stop doing that particular sin. It’s like a dog who poops on your nice clean white carpets. By chastising the dog, the goal is to get the animal to stop pooping on the carpets. If the goal is not achieved then the master is within his rights to put the animal outside (like the sinners who were outside the gates in Revelation 22:15), or get rid of him to someone who does not mind poop infested carpets (i.e. an unclean home - which does not align with the clean or holy home of the house of GOD).

Second, chastisement in your belief system is not really a great motivator to stop. One’s soul is not on the line. So it does not matter what happens to one’s physical life if they end up in Heaven. In fact, Christians are told to pick up their cross, deny themselves (Matthew 16:24), and to forsake riches and pursue righteousness (1 Timothy 6:10-11). In fact, all those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). So it’s an honor to share in the sufferings of Christ. Even Paul said, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake.” (1 Corinthians 12:7-10). Tell me even one Christian today who even says that in your camp? Christians even are killed for their faith. So chastisement? Does not make a whole lot of sense if you believe you can sin and still be saved on some level. There is nothing God could ever do to you that would really ever convince you to stop sinning (if you wanted to continue down that road - according to your sin and still be saved belief system). But if your soul was on the line, that would be a great motivator for you to stop sinning (if you truly loved God and you truly wanted to be in His Kingdom).
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
If I take the attitude that I don’t like my next door neighbor and think , “ Well, I’ll just go over and punch him in the mouth! Grace has got it all covered , so what the heck? I get to go to Heaven no matter what ! I’m gonna go for it!

Even many unbelievers are motivated to not punch their neighbor because of the hassle it will bring them involving the Law. In fact, one could go to prison if they physically assault others. So that is the motivator that keeps many of them from doing it. Many unbelievers have never engaged in physical violence and so to do so would not make any sense to them. So this is not a good excuse to disobey God with the thinking one is saved because their future sin is paid for. The point here is that there are sins that you can get away with that you like or another believer likes that would not get you in trouble with the Law and you could do so thinking it is not harming anyone. But God knows. God warns that even looking upon a woman in lust can cause one’s whole body to be cast into hellfire (Matthew 5:28-30). Not forgiving others means the Father will not forgive you (Matthew 6:15). You cannot be saved if you are not forgiven.

You said:
Now, if you were God , what would you do? Would you say to yourself , “ Dagnabit! Look how this guy outsmarted me ! Me and my big mouth! Making all these crazy Promises and now I look like a Fool ! Yeah, right ......

The problem is that you cherry pick the Bible to believe those verses you want to hear (interpreted from a wrong perspective) while you ignore scores of other verses that warn against staying away from sin, and how we need to live holy as a part of God’s plan of salvation. You don’t have to work out your salvation with fear and trembling in your belief (Philippians 2:12). But that’s what the Bible says.

You said:
I agree with Charles Stanley on this one—- he said that if you want to try to take advantage of the Grace Of God, “ GO AHEAD AND TRY IT!” Then see what happens ....God has His “ Woodshed” and He will not hesitate to put welts on your rear-end if you think you can “Mock” Him......

So Stanley is encouraging folks to sin or put God to the test? That’s why he is a false teacher.

Charles Stanley is Hyper Grace.
He says that even if a believer were to become an unbeliever he is still saved.

CHARLES STANLEY In Touch Ministries is WRONG

In this video, Charles basically says that a practicing sexually immoral person can go to Heaven as long as they were once saved by the grace of God.

You said:
It does not matter “HOW” many times that you , I , or Luther sins per day....If one is a Believer , his sins are covered by the Blood that was given as a “ ONE TIME Sacrifice for SIN” ......A Foolish man who thinks that he us going to abuse the Grace of God and “Get Away” with Sinning is a Fool indeed! He is the guy that will “ make it” to Heaven if he is a Gospel Believer , But will be like the Bible says—-one who has made it , but like a guy that is running out of a burning house!

Can you show me in the Bible these kinds of statements that gives believers a license to sin?

You said:
Wise and Obedient Children Of God will be standing in line on Judgement Day with barely “any” stripes on his or her behind......The Idiot that thought he was going to “ Test God” By Sinning and thinking that he could “ get away with it” because of God’s Grace will be standing in that Line also.....ashamed of himself, forfeiting Rewards That He could have had for Eternity, and his rear- end is probably still smarting from all of those times that God Chastised him in His “ Woodshed”.....He found out the Hard way that God does not “ Play Games”....

Can you show me in the Bible these kinds of words that would suggest this kind of odd belief?
In other words, I want to speak in line with what the Bible says, but your words do not align with what it says.
To put it to you another way, speak Scripture and not your own thoughts. If you do speak your own thoughts, back those thoughts up with Scripture. This is one of the many reasons why I cannot take your belief seriously. It’s simply not found in the Bible (Not to mention it is also a violation of basic morality, as well).
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Bible Highlighter said:
But you encourage others to not worry about obeying the Lord.
I am calling you out as a Liar...show me and everybody else on this Forum where I made this claim...

By your very next claim that says that we are all sinners.
You said, I quote:

“I “AMIDT” we are all Sinners.”
~ Quote by: BloodBought 1953.​

You said:
Just because I “ADMIT” that we are all Sinners, and that I have found the Remedy for our Fallen Condition ( Grace Through Faith in the Finished Work Of The Cross) does not mean that I encourage Disobedience.....

Obedience is great and Believers will be “ Chastised” for DISobedience——

Yes, we should all Strive to be “obedient” —— God will be pleased and reward you for it—-He Just will not “ Save” you for it—— * THAT* gets decided by your Faith in the Shed Blood Of Jesus and NOTHING else!
This side of the Cross, the Bible talks about one’s “ OBEDIENCE” to Paul’s Gospel ( 1Cor15;1-4) , the gospel Given to Paul by Jesus Personally! You “OBEY” it by RESTING in it.....that means that you don’t ADD to it! Add to it and you “ Fall From Grace” ......refusal to “ REST” in it as ordered to in Hebrews is Tantamount to “UNBELIEF” .......Serious Stuff —— and YOU ain’t Resting....Repent Of your “ Unbelief” , before it is too late....

You could be 99.9% Obedient to the Law that you worry so much about ( a Law That Believers are “ Dead” to, btw ) and it won’t do you one ounce of good if you are not “ Obedient” to the Gospel by Resting in it....

Believers are not going to care about some unseen lost rewards or temporal discomfort in this life over sin if that sin also gives them pleasure. They can just keep on sinning because they are sinners saved by the grace of God. They don’t have to change. But if one loses their salvation or their soul because of sin, then that is a real motivator to stop sinning if they truly love God and want to be in His Kingdom. You want me to believe in a devil’s religion with the label of Christian slapped on to it. For he that commits sin is of the devil (1 John 3:8).
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
My goal is simply to get you to see what the Bible says.

According to “YOU”.....One can make the Bible say “ anything” If they are a “Poor Student Of The Word, who does not know how to Rightly Divide” ......You take Verses out of context and I don’t even think that you know it.....that’s how you got your Legalistic Doctrines Of Religious Mush

Btw, I am still waiting on the money I demanded from you..or are you just another religious hypocrite?

But you have not shown how I have taken any verses out of context. You have not refuted anything I stated with Scripture. You just keep repeating your man made doctrine in that you can sin and still be saved without any clear support for that type of false belief.

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
I will try to clear up your Confusion and misunderstandings of my Bible Based beliefs later on....I just wanted to pop in and make you aware of the Terrible Insult that you threw my way....It is NOT True that I believe in this “ Hyper Grace” nonsense ! It’s * SUPER” Hyper Grace That I adhere to, so let’s get this cleared up going out the gate.....You Reject Grace and I Bask In It it —- kNOWING that it is the ONLY thing that “ EVER” saved anybody.....

So Super Grace is somehow different than Hyper Grace?
They both appear to teach one cannot out sin the grace of God.
I feel sorry for you if you truly believe this nonsense.
Your belief is not really much different than that of unbelievers who justify sin and who believe in the existence of God (But don’t want to read the Bible at all). Actually, your belief is worse because you twist verses in the Bible to justify in doing darkness and evil under God’s grace. The unbeliever who believes in the existence of God does their evil in ignorance to what the Bible says.
You should know better because you supposedly are a reader of the Bible.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
So Super Grace is somehow different than Hyper Grace?
They both appear to teach one cannot out sin the grace of God.
I feel sorry for you if you truly believe this nonsense.
Your belief is not really much different than that of unbelievers who justify sin and who believe in the existence of God (But don’t want to read the Bible at all). Actually, your belief is worse because you twist verses in the Bible to justify in doing darkness and evil under God’s grace. The unbeliever who believes in the existence of God does their evil in ignorance to what the Bible says.
You should know better because you supposedly are a reader of the Bible.

And @BloodBought 1953

Good topic, but not the topic of this thread.

Move it along.

To the reader; The topic of this thread starts on the first page.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2022
Greater Tucson
United States
I will try to clear up your Confusion and misunderstandings of my Bible Based beliefs later on....I just wanted to pop in and make you aware of the Terrible Insult that you threw my way....It is NOT True that I believe in this “ Hyper Grace” nonsense ! It’s * SUPER” Hyper Grace That I adhere to, so let’s get this cleared up going out the gate.....You Reject Grace and I Bask In It it —- kNOWING that it is the ONLY thing that “ EVER” saved anybody.....

Somehow I copied this without intending to but it fits so well into my reply. To

@Bible Highlighter

It seems that you purposely misunderstand us and even the the Bible You Highlight.

What I write, from study and faith

What Grailhunter writes, from study and faith

Living a life of love for God. A life of faith in God.
Is knowing that OUR sins are forgiven. This doesn't remove sin which is our nature but does help us to sin less. Sin less not be sinless!

Do you read, READ the message or do you take a few words as the message.

I ask because I keep seeing a few words "THAT ARE" the message, not just from you but others. Even though finishing the paragraph or Jesus's full story is another meaning then what your select message is.

Yes while the publican beat his breast as an action in Jesus's parable when he Jesus concludes his story that attitude that Jesus was pointing to IS humility.
If the Pharisee in the parable had beat on his breast would that action have atoned for his self exaltation?
The finish, "" the humble shall be exalted while exalted will be humbled.""

I am not going to back through the posts to prove you posted this but it fits with your very selective word writing

I was hit with Ps.106 v3 you know verse three very well in your selective way.

But the other 47 verses fully contradict what I am told v3 means by itself.

The first two verses close v3 out from it was posted to mean. The last 45 verses totally cut the conclusions that were put forward as the meaning of verse 3.

As a Christian that has faith in God's love that he has freely given me redemption. I am not lifted out of my mean natural state of being a sinner. But I am through love being given a chance to sin less.
To pick one verse out of many and assigning other meaning to that verse. What are you showing the world? Contempt, is the first term that jumped in to my mind.

If they say they are without sin they deceive themselves and the truth is not in them.
One of the greatest Christians that ever lived wrote these words.
That same Christian wrote,
that which I should I do not and that which I should not I do.

It wholly and totally false to say that any man for any reason can be sinless.

Only living to return God's love to him can I sin less. That love will keep me from purposely sinning but not stop natural sin altogether. To say anything else is false and purposely false.

To say that in saying that natural sin is unavoidable is saying I can do any sin freely is a legalistic pharisitical teaching of the bible.

Yours in Christ

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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Here is a short 4 minute parody clip showing what the average Christian is like.

This is close depiction of the type of Christians you see nowadays.

It was a real kick listening to this smug, self -righteous Jack-Ass....Of COURSE we are to do “good Works !” It was the very reason that God created us! The ONLY Law that Jesus Left us With is this one —- ( And for sure, It was a “ form” of Good Works !) The “ Law Of Christ” says to “Take on the Burdens Of others!” ........Now, if that is not a “ good work” , I don’t know what IS!

The problem arises when one tries to make the claim that these “ good deeds” are the Elixir for Salvation.... Even the Confused guy in the video does not quote a verse saying that you must do Good deeds TO GET SAVED .....that Is because there ARE NONE!

Salvation is not a “trade”, as in “ Ill save you if you promise to do good deeds later” ......Salvation is a *GIFT* .....You simply Ask for it and its yours (Anybody that ASKS to be Saved , WILL be Saved) Do that and then it is up to God to give you the Holy Spirit , Finish the Job That *HE* started and present you as “Blameless”......

Don’t turn Sanctification Issues into Salvation Issues.....Don't confuse what we “ should” do with what we “ must” do......” What ** MUST** I do to BE SAVED?” ....” BELIEVE on the Lord , Jesus Christ and thou shall be Saved”

BELIEVE to get and stay Saved....The “Good Works” Will Follow naturally because God is working within you and transforming you into the Image Of His Son.......these good Works May take time to manifest themselves....they may not even be visible to the self- Righteous and self- appointed “Fruit Inspectors” like this Clod in the video....

Jesus has made the Promise to present you as “ Blameless” Before His Father on judgment Day .....God made the Promise to Save you if you asked , so now the Onus is on HIM to fulfill the promise.....anything and everything that you MUST do, ( whether that be 10, 000 good Works or none at all) * HE* will see to it that it gets done ....

If you are sweating bullets about doing enough “good Works” to get Saved, you will ge better results by not trying to do them....have the Faith to let God Work “Through” you....”Let go and Let God”.... it takes Faith....Got any?
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
If you are not aware of these “ Christianity 101” Bible verses, I aint got the time to look them up...I’ve taken the time and have done the work to “prove myself to be a Good Student Of The Word”..... now it is YOUR turn.....it’s easy enough—— just google them....
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
. But God’s grace is not a license for immorality

Duh. What Fool is saying otherwise? You Blind Guides hurl this LIE out constantly towards those of us that understand Grace and don’t reject it...You conjure up that lie because you have no Truth to bring forth

I am New Creation with a New Heart.....Sin has all of the appeal of me sticking my hand-in a fire....why would I want a “ License” to do “ THAT?” Think, man —-Think!

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Can you show me where these sayings are in the Bible?

I believe in grace just fine. I believe we are initially saved by God’s grace. This is what Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5, Romans 4:2-5, Romans 10:9, and Romans 10:12-13 teaches. I also believe we are foundationally saved by God’s grace (Which would align with 1 John 1:9, Hebrews 4:16, and Proverbs 28:13). But God’s grace is not a license for immorality (Jude 1:4). Titus 2:11-12 says God’s grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and that we should live righteously and godly in this present world. Your belief does not accept passages like Titus 2:11-12, or Jude 1:4.

Well, this is not my first rodeo in discussing this topic with those who believe as you do. So this is not a new point I never heard before. I have discussing this topic since 2010-2011. I have only found more verses since that time that refutes the popular sin and still be saved type belief and not less.

First, the goal of chastisement is to get you to stop doing that particular sin. It’s like a dog who poops on your nice clean white carpets. By chastising the dog, the goal is to get the animal to stop pooping on the carpets. If the goal is not achieved then the master is within his rights to put the animal outside (like the sinners who were outside the gates in Revelation 22:15), or get rid of him to someone who does not mind poop infested carpets (i.e. an unclean home - which does not align with the clean or holy home of the house of GOD).

Second, chastisement in your belief system is not really a great motivator to stop. One’s soul is not on the line. So it does not matter what happens to one’s physical life if they end up in Heaven. In fact, Christians are told to pick up their cross, deny themselves (Matthew 16:24), and to forsake riches and pursue righteousness (1 Timothy 6:10-11). In fact, all those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). So it’s an honor to share in the sufferings of Christ. Even Paul said, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake.” (1 Corinthians 12:7-10). Tell me even one Christian today who even says that in your camp? Christians even are killed for their faith. So chastisement? Does not make a whole lot of sense if you believe you can sin and still be saved on some level. There is nothing God could ever do to you that would really ever convince you to stop sinning (if you wanted to continue down that road - according to your sin and still be saved belief system). But if your soul was on the line, that would be a great motivator for you to stop sinning (if you truly loved God and you truly wanted to be in His Kingdom).

You seem to Be VERY “SIN Conscience’ .....ate up with it, as a matter of Fact....

I prefer to be more ‘ SON” Conscience .....

You are stuck in an Old Testament “Carrot and Stick” approach to Obedience...........Your “ Motivation” to “ stop sinning” is a Weak and Beggarly one..........Why not try to conjure up the Faith to do it God’s way ?
“LOVE” is the ENGINE that drives Obedience....”Love God and live as you please”.....There was a Reason That God gave “ Love God with all of your heart , and with all of your mind , and with all of your soul” as the First and most Important Commandment——- He knew that if one could accomplish THAT, everything else would take care of itself....

Concentrate on Obedience and Love won’t come.....concentrate on Love and Obedience will follow....
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
So Super Grace is somehow different than Hyper Grace?
They both appear to teach one cannot out sin the grace of God.
I feel sorry for you if you truly believe this nonsense.
Your belief is not really much different than that of unbelievers who justify sin and who believe in the existence of God (But don’t want to read the Bible at all). Actually, your belief is worse because you twist verses in the Bible to justify in doing darkness and evil under God’s grace. The unbeliever who believes in the existence of God does their evil in ignorance to what the Bible says.
You should know better because you supposedly are a reader of the Bible.

If you Believe that Sin can ever trump Grace, you are FAR more Ignorant than I ever gave you credit for! Plus because you lack the Faith to Believe what God plainly says in His Word , you are calling God a Liar....you don’t understand Christianity at all.....

As usual , I suppose that I will have to point you in the right direction and provide you with specific chapter and verse.....all this Christianity 101 stuff that I send is completely NEWS to you.....Why do you come here to debate only to have yourself “Standing Ashamed” , as God warned when you are not a Good Student Of The Word....

Here it comes.....get ready for that knot in your panties——the first part of this verse that we are not even discussing at this time will “ Also” give you the “Vapors!”

“The Law was Given so that Sin would INCREASE ! But whenever that Sin ” DID” Increase, the Grace Of God increased MUCH MORE! “ ( Romans 5:20)

GRACE just Rankles the crap out of you, doesn’t it....I guess it’s easy to not be able to understand something that has never been extended to you.....the Self- Righteous will never Receive what they MUST receive when they see no need for it....In your delusion, you are getting along just fine, arent you? You never sin anymore—- why, you never even harbor an impure thought do you ?
Let me tell you something , my Sinful, Sinful Friend—— Something That I know and something that I can guarantee you that God knows—- you have Secret Thoughts that would shame Hell ! Everybody does —— a wise man goes out and gets him some Grace, and YOU had better get you some too!
“ It is by GRACE that you are Saved.....” swallow your Pride

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
And @BloodBought 1953

Good topic, but not the topic of this thread.

Move it along.

To the reader; The topic of this thread starts on the first page.

While I do not agree with your view of Christianity, you do have my humble apologies for going off topic on your thread topic. I will attempt to redirect the conversation.

May God bless you.
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Somehow I copied this without intending to but it fits so well into my reply. To

@Bible Highlighter

It seems that you purposely misunderstand us and even the the Bible You Highlight.

What I write, from study and faith

What Grailhunter writes, from study and faith

Living a life of love for God. A life of faith in God.
Is knowing that OUR sins are forgiven. This doesn't remove sin which is our nature but does help us to sin less. Sin less not be sinless!

Do you read, READ the message or do you take a few words as the message.

I ask because I keep seeing a few words "THAT ARE" the message, not just from you but others. Even though finishing the paragraph or Jesus's full story is another meaning then what your select message is.

Yes while the publican beat his breast as an action in Jesus's parable when he Jesus concludes his story that attitude that Jesus was pointing to IS humility.
If the Pharisee in the parable had beat on his breast would that action have atoned for his self exaltation?
The finish, "" the humble shall be exalted while exalted will be humbled.""

I am not going to back through the posts to prove you posted this but it fits with your very selective word writing

I was hit with Ps.106 v3 you know verse three very well in your selective way.

But the other 47 verses fully contradict what I am told v3 means by itself.

The first two verses close v3 out from it was posted to mean. The last 45 verses totally cut the conclusions that were put forward as the meaning of verse 3.

As a Christian that has faith in God's love that he has freely given me redemption. I am not lifted out of my mean natural state of being a sinner. But I am through love being given a chance to sin less.
To pick one verse out of many and assigning other meaning to that verse. What are you showing the world? Contempt, is the first term that jumped in to my mind.

If they say they are without sin they deceive themselves and the truth is not in them.
One of the greatest Christians that ever lived wrote these words.
That same Christian wrote,
that which I should I do not and that which I should not I do.

It wholly and totally false to say that any man for any reason can be sinless.

Only living to return God's love to him can I sin less. That love will keep me from purposely sinning but not stop natural sin altogether. To say anything else is false and purposely false.

To say that in saying that natural sin is unavoidable is saying I can do any sin freely is a legalistic pharisitical teaching of the bible.

Yours in Christ


I replied to your post in this thread here (So as not to derail this thread).


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
So Jesus, the one through whom ALL things were created does not know what he is talking about.

Oh my gosh! You so funny! Don't take a long trip you will fall off the edge of the flat earth!

Yeshua knew what He was talking about....He could have opened up a Quantum science class during His ministry...Who would have understood it?

Yeshua knew what He was talking about....Odds are good, you do not....at the most basic level. Not your fault really, except you have not taken the initiative to seek the Truth. Basic level understanding buried under a ton of false beliefs. Case in point!

Beliefs, Truths, Facts. Looking at the thousands of Protestant denominations....Beliefs can vary widely. AHHH! LOL! That is why you should seek Truth.

For instance and In your case....you think...along with a lot people....that Christ's name is Jesus. That is impossible! And that is a Fact! But boy you are going to cling to it. Odds are you do not know the names of God the Father or God the Son. For the educated, this is common knowledge.

Beliefs, Truths, Facts

I would not want to startle you with Facts so lets start with Truths

1. In the scriptures the Apostles...the Bible.... calls Christ Iēsoûs....LOL it is not a name, it is a Greek word and it mean more or less honorable man. When St. Jerome translated the Bible into the Latin, he translated this word to Iesus ....a little different. The early translators were not well versed with Greek so most of their sources were from the Latin Vulgate translation or from other Latin sources. So the Geneva Bible and then the early prints of the King James Version used the Latin word for Christ's name.... Iesus.. It was not until 1638 that they started to use the name Jesus. But no one can truthfully tell you where that name came from, it has no history before that time, no one in history named Jesus before this time. It was around the time of the great "J" slam were they removed the "Y's" in the Bible and replaced them with "J's" You can verify most of these words in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. Like Yob and Yoshua was changed to Job and Joshua....any person, place, or thing that started with a "Y" was changed to "J" If you ever make it to Jerusalem, ask someone there to pronounce the name of their city. LOL

2. God the Father's name is Yahweh and God the Son's name is Yeshua. But still most modern Bibles does not contain either one. As it is their names are not in the Bible...Yeshua was never written in the New Testament, because they used a Greek word, not a name. And God the Father's name was removed and replaced with the tetragrammaton YHWH, sometime during the conversion of Paleo- Hebrew....But then it was removed also and that was some effort....They removed YHWH nearly 6000, times and replaced it reconfiguring the verses and writing in the words God or Lord or both. Because of this and several factors if you want to get it straight, you are going to have to learn some biblical languages and go back to the scriptures....because the Bible you have in your hand has been messed with ten ways to Sunday....That is besides the false theological propaganda people have been feed for centuries.

Beliefs, Truths, Facts
Be good and do good!
Good luck
Last edited:

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
It was a real kick listening to this smug, self -righteous Jack-Ass....Of COURSE we are to do “good Works !” It was the very reason that God created us! The ONLY Law that Jesus Left us With is this one —- ( And for sure, It was a “ form” of Good Works !) The “ Law Of Christ” says to “Take on the Burdens Of others!” ........Now, if that is not a “ good work” , I don’t know what IS!

The problem arises when one tries to make the claim that these “ good deeds” are the Elixir for Salvation.... Even the Confused guy in the video does not quote a verse saying that you must do Good deeds TO GET SAVED .....that Is because there ARE NONE!

Salvation is not a “trade”, as in “ Ill save you if you promise to do good deeds later” ......Salvation is a *GIFT* .....You simply Ask for it and its yours (Anybody that ASKS to be Saved , WILL be Saved) Do that and then it is up to God to give you the Holy Spirit , Finish the Job That *HE* started and present you as “Blameless”......

Don’t turn Sanctification Issues into Salvation Issues.....Don't confuse what we “ should” do with what we “ must” do......” What ** MUST** I do to BE SAVED?” ....” BELIEVE on the Lord , Jesus Christ and thou shall be Saved”

BELIEVE to get and stay Saved....The “Good Works” Will Follow naturally because God is working within you and transforming you into the Image Of His Son.......these good Works May take time to manifest themselves....they may not even be visible to the self- Righteous and self- appointed “Fruit Inspectors” like this Clod in the video....

Jesus has made the Promise to present you as “ Blameless” Before His Father on judgment Day .....God made the Promise to Save you if you asked , so now the Onus is on HIM to fulfill the promise.....anything and everything that you MUST do, ( whether that be 10, 000 good Works or none at all) * HE* will see to it that it gets done ....

If you are sweating bullets about doing enough “good Works” to get Saved, you will ge better results by not trying to do them....have the Faith to let God Work “Through” you....”Let go and Let God”.... it takes Faith....Got any?

I have replied to you on this in another thread so as not to derail this one.
You can check out my initial reply to your post here.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Oh my gosh! You so funny! Don't take a long trip you will fall off the edge of the flat earth!

Yeshua knew what He was talking about....He could have opened up a Quantum science class during His ministry...Who would have understood it?

Yeshua knew what He was talking about....Odds are good, you do not....at the most basic level. Not your fault really, except you have not taken the initiative to seek the Truth. Basic level understanding buried under a ton of false beliefs. Case in point!

Beliefs, Truths, Facts. Looking at the thousands of Protestant denominations....Beliefs can vary widely. AHHH! LOL! That is why you should seek Truth.

For instance and In your case....you think...along with a lot people....that Christ's name is Jesus. That is impossible! And that is a Fact! But boy you are going to cling to it. Odd are you do not know the names of God the Father or God the Son. For the educated, this is common knowledge.

Beliefs, Truths, Facts

I would not want to startle you with Facts so lets start with Truths

1. In the scriptures the Apostles...the Bible.... calls Christ Iēsoûs....LOL it is not a name, it is a Greek word and it mean more or less honorable man. When St. Jerome translated the Bible into the Latin, he translated this word to Iesus ....a little different. The early translators were not well versed with Greek so most of their sources were from the Latin Vulgate translation or from other Latin sources. So the Geneva Bible and then the early prints of the King James Version used the Latin word for Christ's name.... Iesus.. It was not until 1638 that they started to use the name Jesus. But no one can truthfully tell you where that name came from, it has no history before that time. It was around the time of the great "J" slam were they removed the "Y's" in the Bible and replaced them with "J's" You can verify most of these words in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. Like Yob and Yoshua was changed to Job and Joshua....any person, place, or thing that started with a "Y" was changed to "J" If you ever make it to Jerusalem, ask someone there to pronounce the name of their city. LOL

2. God the Father's name is Yahweh and God the Son's name is Yeshua. But still most modern Bibles does not contain either one. As it is their names are not in the Bible...Yeshua was never written in the New Testament, because they used a Greek word, not a name. And God the Father's name was removed and replaced with the tetragrammaton YHWH, sometime during the conversion of Paleo- Hebrew....But then it was removed also and that was some effort....They removed YHWH nearly 6000, times and replaced it reconfiguring the verses and writing in the words God or Lord or both. Because of this and several factors if you want to get it straight, you are going to have to learn some biblical languages and go back to the scriptures....because the Bible you have in your hand has been messed with ten ways to Sunday....That is besides the false theological propaganda people have been feed for centuries.

Beliefs, Truths, Facts
Be good and do good!
Good luck

Much ado over nothing......Yeshua could have been translated as “ Ralph” .....who cares, as long as people understood that “ Ralph, Plus Nothing, Saves”......


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
You've posted a massive smoke screen about names but nothing about the truth.

How can the names of God the Father and God the Son not be important?
Much less a smoke screen.

Was Jesus speaking the truth when he said Man was from the begining of creation?

Not sure what scripture you are referencing but I get the gest of it.

I do not believe in a flat earth.....and what God created occurred like 5 billion years ago.....Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.....truth? Well maybe, but there always seems to be a issue with time sequences.....