The Biblical Truth About Hell - video and transcript

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Here's a video about

The Biblical Truth About Hell​

Transcript below.
This comes from the view of Annihilationism,
which challenges the forever burning hell doctrine of eternal conscious torment.
My personal view is that of Ultimate Redemption of all humankind.
But this video makes a lot of good points and is worth viewing.
Or read the transcript below if you prefer.


What does the bible say about hell?

Is hell biblical?

Do you want to know the truth about hell?

Then it's time to UNLEARN the lies.


Hey, welcome to UNLEARN.

My name is Lex, and I'd like to invite you to join us each week as we search out Biblical

truth together and UNLEARN the lies we have inherited.

Now, let's get started.

Many people claim that Hell is the absence of God, but this can't be true because the

Bible says, “If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.”

King David wrote this psalm, so it should cause us to wonder why he would be speaking

about making his bed in hell.

It should also make us wonder why God would be there with him.

Perhaps we need to re-evaluate our beliefs about Hell?

The word translated “hell” in this verse is the Hebrew word “Sheol”.

David had no problem with the idea that he would make his bed in Sheol, because he understood

that everyone eventually dies, and they rest in Sheol until the resurrection.

We know this because David also wrote, "For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will

You allow Your Holy One to see corruption."

He knew he would go to sheol, but he also knew that his soul would not be left there,

because he believed in the resurrection.

If you look up the word Sheol in many Bible translations, you will find that it's often

translated as “hell”, however, the modern concept of “hell” does not line up with

the Biblical descriptions of Sheol.

The word Sheol occurs sixty-five times in the Hebrew Bible.

The King James Bible translates thirty-one of those occurrences as ‘hell’; another

thirty-one as ‘grave’, and three occurrences as ‘pit’.

Why would Bible translators use two different concepts to translate the same word?

This causes a lot of confusion about death.

If every instance of the word Sheol were translated “Hell”, then we would conclude that both

Joseph and Jacob went to hell.

“Then Jacob tore his clothes, put sackcloth on his waist, and mourned for his son many


And all his sons and all his daughters arose to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted,

and he said, ‘For I shall go down into Hell to my son in mourning.’

Thus his father wept for him.”

- Genesis 37:34-35

Many people don't realize the Bible actually explains that all people go to Sheol when

they die, which means if Sheol is Hell, then everyone goes to hell when they die.

“What man can live and not see death?

Can he deliver his life from the power of the grave [Sheol]?

Selah” - Psalm 89:48

The word “hell” is used approximately fifty-four times in most Bibles, and is translated

from several different words including "Sheol," "Hades," "Gehenna," and "Tartarus".

All of these words have different meanings and usage in the Scriptures, and their collective

translation as "hell" has caused major confusion about death.

The word Hell was derived from the Old English word "helle," and is related to the Old Norse

goddess named "Hel".

In its original use and etymology, the word Hell literally means "to cover, or conceal,"

and may have simply referred to the ground covering over the dead person.

However, in many pagan cultures, it was believed that Hell (or Hades) was the underworld, and

was ruled by the god of the dead.

The more popular modern version of this concept refers to a place of fiery torment, and is

understood by many to be the home of Satan and his demons.

It's believed that the unrighteous dead go immediately to hell to be tortured in flames

for eternity.

Many people also believe that Satan and his demons are in charge of actively torturing

those damned souls.

However, in spite of the fact that none of these ideas can be traced back to the Bible,

they remain the popular mainstream view of hell today.

The Bible never says that Satan is in charge of Hell or even that he is currently living

there, in fact, the Bible says that Satan will be cast into the lake of fire after the

thousand year reign of the Messiah.

The idea that Satan oversees Hell is rooted in the Greek belief in Hades as the god of

the underworld.

When people say that Satan is in charge of Hell, they are rehearsing pagan mythology,

and confessing Satan to be the god of the underworld, and participating in a modern

“Christianized” version of the pantheon.

The Bible says that Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit during the thousand year

reign of the Messiah, and that he will be released for a short time to deceive the nations

before being cast into the lake of fire.

The Bible also speaks about fallen angels who were imprisoned in Tartarus to be held

for judgment.

"For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell [Tartarus] and

delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment"

- 2 Peter 2:4

This is the only place in the entire Bible that the word Tartarus is used, and it refers

exclusively to a prison for fallen angels.

The word “Tartarus” is also found in Greek mythology, and it means an abyss or a bottomless


Although it's not mentioned by name, it's most likely the same “bottomless pit”

where Satan will be imprisoned for a thousand years, as well as the “abyss” into which

the legion of demons begged Yeshua not to send them.

In Greek mythology, Tartarus is a deep abyss that was used as a dungeon of torment, and

served as a prison for the Titans.

Plato said that Tartarus was the place where souls were judged and punished after death,

which might be where we get the idea that humans could end up there.

However, the Bible never says that humans will go there, and it's presumptuous to jump

to such a conclusion without any Scriptural warrant.

It's obvious that not all fallen angels were sent to Tartarus, because during Yeshua’s

ministry, He encountered a number of demons and unclean spirits who were not imprisoned.

The context of what Peter said indicates that he was referring to the fallen angels who

sinned around the time of Noah.

He was most likely referring to what the Bible calls “the sons of God” who took human

wives and produced half-human offspring.

"the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives

for themselves of all whom they chose...

There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came

in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them.

Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."

- Genesis 6:2, 4

The Genesis record mentions both giants and mighty “men of renown," which sounds similar

to Greek mythology about giants known as Titans, and the demigods who were said to be the half-human

offspring of gods mating with humans.

The Greeks believed the Titans were cast into Tartarus, and Paul explains that the gods

of the pagans are actually demons.

So, in this particular case, there seems to be some connection between the Greek and Biblical

concepts of Tartarus as a prison for fallen angels.


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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States

However, this does not mean we should look to pagan mythology for understanding, because
they have twisted the story so much that it no longer resembles the truth.
We must always let the Scriptures guide our understanding, and not allow ourselves to
be influenced by pagan myth, even when it resembles the Biblical record.

Therefore, when Peter speaks about the fallen angels imprisoned in Tartarus, we must not
confuse the events in the Bible with pagan myths.

As I mentioned earlier, the abyss, spoken of in Revelation, is most likely a reference
to Tartarus, since it is a prison for Satan during the thousand year reign of the Messiah.

“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit [abyss]

and a great chain in his hand.
He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound
him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit [abyss], and shut
him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the
thousand years were finished.
But after these things he must be released for a little while.”
- Revelation 20:1-3

We see that Satan will be bound in the abyss for a thousand years while Messiah is reigning
on earth.
This also gives us better understanding about why the legion of demons begged to be cast
into the swine and not the abyss.
They knew the abyss was a prison and Yeshua had the power to send them there, so they

begged Him for mercy.

“Jesus asked him, saying, ‘What is your name?’

And he said, ‘Legion,’ because many demons had entered him.

And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss.

Now a herd of many swine was feeding there on the mountain.

So they begged Him that He would permit them to enter them.

And He permitted them.

Then the demons went out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd ran violently down

the steep place into the lake and drowned.”
- Luke 8:30-33

It's obvious that legion was terrified of the abyss, and yet the Bible simply describes
it as a temporary prison, not a place of fiery torment or judgment.
If the demons were terrified of the temporary prison, what does that say about the punishment
they will receive in the lake of fire?

Satan will be bound for a thousand years in the abyss when Messiah returns, but where
does he currently live?

According to popular theology, Satan is the ruler of Hell, yet the Bible never mentions
him having such authority.
The Bible describes Satan as “going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and
forth on it.”

He is currently dwelling on the earth, tempting people to transgress the commandments of the

He is not the god of the underworld, the Bible actually calls him “the god of this age.”

The idea that Satan is the god of the underworld comes from various pagan religions including

Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Persian, Roman, Germanic, and Celtic mythology, and

is completely unbiblical.

In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was the god of the underworld, and Anubis was the guardian

of the dead.

In Greek mythology, Hades was not only king of the underworld, but also its namesake.

In Norse mythology it was Hel, the daughter of Loki, who presided over the dead, and it's

no coincidence that the underworld was also called Hel.

One of the biggest problems with using the word “Hell” is that it has become associated

with the lake of fire.

This is quite problematic because the Bible tells us that Hell (hades) will be “cast

into the lake of fire.”

If Hell is the lake of fire, then how can it be cast into the lake of fire?

It's illogical to say that Hell is cast into Hell.

So, either Hell is not the lake of fire, or the word “Hades” should not have been

translated with the word “Hell”.

Either Hell and Hades are synonymous, or Hell and the lake of fire are, but it's impossible

for Hell, Hades, and the lake of fire to all be synonymous.

If the subject of Hell is not already confusing enough, we must also consider who goes there

and why.

If sinners go directly into hellfire punishment at death, this negates the whole purpose of

the great white throne judgment that will take place at the end of the age.

If the unrighteous begin their punishment at death, then they are being punished unjustly,

since they have not received a fair trial for their actions.

This line of thought leads us to an unjust god who condemns and punishes people before

they are found guilty.

Therefore, it's not only a logical fallacy to claim that Hell is the lake of fire, but

it's also an attack against the justice and righteousness of God, claiming that He condemns

people before they are judged.

The Bible teaches that God is a just God who makes righteous judgments.

Which is why it's so important for us to have an accurate understanding about death and

Hell, because we don't want to believe lies about the Almighty.

He is a righteous and just Judge, but the confusion about Hell has inadvertently soiled

His good name by turning Him into one who acts unjustly.

This should cause us to carefully examine our beliefs, making certain that we are not

bringing further shame upon His glorious reputation by our ill-placed faith in unbiblical doctrines.

Because there is so much confusion about this subject, I tend to avoid using the word “Hell”

when speaking about the places and events associated with death and judgment.

When I refer to the place of the dead, I typically use the word “Sheol” instead of “Hell”

or “Hades”, because those terms have become so entwined with fiery punishment that it's

difficult for people to separate them.

For example, if I were to explain that everyone goes to “Hell” when they die, people would

immediately reject what I was saying based on their preconceived ideas about what Hell


Likewise, when I refer to the “lake of fire”, I tend to avoid using the word “Hell”

because I don't want to feed into the popular bias that Hell is a place of fiery torment,

therefore I prefer to use the word “Gehenna” or I simply call it the “lake of fire”.

Gehenna is the name Yeshua used for the place of fire and punishment.

However, like “Sheol” and “Hades”, it is usually translated as “Hell” in

most English Bibles.

The Greek word Gehenna, was actually a reference to the valley of Hinnom outside of Jerusalem.

The Bible mentions the valley of Hinnom a number of times, and explains that people

burned their incense to the pagan gods, Molech and Baal, and even burn their own children

in the fire as they worshipped there.

However, Jeremiah prophesied that the valley of Hinnom will be turned into a burial place

for those who do wickedness.

"And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom,

to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did

it come into My heart.

'Therefore behold, the days are coming,' says the Lord, 'when it will no more be called

Tophet, or the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter; for they will

bury in Tophet until there is no room.

The corpses of this people will be food for the birds of the heaven and for the beasts

of the earth.

And no one will frighten them away.'"

- Jeremiah 7:31-33

This is no doubt why Yeshua refers to the fire of Gehenna as a place of punishment for

the wicked.

He made reference to it a number of times in phrases like, “whoever says, 'You fool!'

shall be in danger of Gehenna fire” , and “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck

it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members

perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna.”

Notice that Yeshua said, “your whole body to be cast into Gehenna," indicating that

it is a bodily destruction.

Likewise, He indicates in another place that both the body and the soul will be destroyed

in the fire of Gehenna.

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell [Gehenna].”
- Matthew 10:28

This is significant because it shows that the soul is not kept alive in an eternal state

of torture separate from the body (as many people teach), but the soul is actually destroyed

by the fire.

This is why the lake of fire is referred to as the “second death," because the Scriptures

teach us that “the soul who sins shall die.”

In the first death, the soul sleeps in the grave, but in the second death the soul is


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If you found this video helpful then share it with your friends and family so they can

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
You missed this one:

Revelation 20:10
10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Here's a video about

The Biblical Truth About Hell​

Transcript below.
This comes from the view of Annihilationism,
which challenges the forever burning hell doctrine of eternal conscious torment.
My personal view is that of Ultimate Redemption of all humankind.
But this video makes a lot of good points and is worth viewing.
Or read the transcript below if you prefer.

I find myself up with the owls again.

Have you seen this?

Hell and Mr. Fudge (2012) | Full Movie



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Bravo! Thanks. Glad you thought of me, brother.
Loved it. Brought me to tears a half dozen times. Very touching.
This came up in the sidebar.


You're more than welcome! Pretty good, huh?

Outside of Adventism (and probably more influential in evangelical circles), Fudge was probably the most prominent of modern-day annihilationist apologists. Our church was abuzz with news of the movie back in 2012. I think we probably more than covered the costs of production - lol. I've thought of buying one or two of his books, but I have so many to read already.

I have 4 Audible credits I have to use up. I signed up for a 4-month promotion that offered what amounts to 4 choices of any audiobook at $6 each. I'm nothing if not a terrific cheapskate! :Happy:


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Outside of Adventism (and probably more influential in evangelical circles), Fudge was probably the most prominent of modern-day annihilationist apologists. Our church was abuzz with news of the movie back in 2012. I think we probably more than covered the costs of production - lol. I've thought of buying one or two of his books, but I have so many to read already.
You may recall that I actually encourage the doctrine of Annihilationism, because
I know that it's the gateway drug to full-blown Christian Universalism. - LOL

Edward Fudge was on the right track in choosing a doctrine of the final judgement that focuses
on God's character. And if you continue down that road the destination is UR.

And Annihilationism is the halfway house to full recovery of God's character
and the ultimate triumph of grace. Ultimate Redemption.

Jesus taught us to love our enemies. In the final judgement he will SHOW us how that is done. IMHO


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Granted, but he concludes that the fire does, in fact, consume.

He maintains his Annihilationist position.
But I thought it was interesting that he now recognized UR as one of the options.
He only recognized two views in the movie.



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
He maintains his Annihilationist position.
But I thought it was interesting that he now recognized UR as one of the options.
He only recognized two views in the movie.


Yes, that is interesting. I'll have to check out the video.

More of his lectures have been posted since he passed away in '17.



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
United States
The relationship between Annihilationism and Universalism is not necessary at all. One thing does not imply the other.

The Bible is clear about people who will be eliminated from existence not only temporarily, but forever.

Psal. 69:26 For they pursue the one whom you struck,
And they keep recounting the pains of those you wounded.
27 Add more guilt to their guilt,
And may they have no share in your righteousness.
28 Let them be erased from the book of the living,
And may they not be enrolled among the righteous.

Rev. 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshipped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?” (...) 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name and his dwelling place, even those residing in heaven. 7 It was permitted to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. 8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it. From the founding of the world, not one of their names has been written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered.
... 17:8 The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And the inhabitants of the earth—those whose names have not been written in the scroll of life from the founding of the world—will be amazed when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present.

Exo. 32:32 But now if you are willing, pardon their sin; if not, please wipe me out from your book that you have written.” 33 However, Jehovah said to Moses: “Whoever has sinned against me, I will wipe him out of my book. 34 Go now, lead the people to the place about which I have spoken to you. Look! My angel will go ahead of you, and on the day when I make an accounting, I will bring punishment on them for their sin.”

So, the Scriptures talk about the book of life, where names are being written, other names aren't, some are also deleted ... Those names that never were written or were deleted out of that book, will be annihilated for ever and ever.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
The relationship between Annihilationism and Universalism is not necessary at all. One thing does not imply the other.
I see Annihilationism as a step away from Damnationism, in the direction of Universalism.
But it mostly makes a good joke. IMHO (gateway drug)


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I see Annihilationism as a step away from Damnationism, in the direction of Universalism.
But it mostly makes a good joke. IMHO (gateway drug)


Annihilationism is the gateway drug to full-blown Christian Universalism. - (UR)

How do you spell it?
Universal Restoration, Ultimate Redemption, Universal Reconciliation. (UR)

Open Discussion of UR Chapter Four - The Gates of Hell...

Open Discussion of UR Chapter Five - When Was Hell Invented?

Open Discussion of UR Chapter Three - God's character

Open discussion about UR - Chapter One



Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Hell will be FILLED with those who don't believe in Hell!