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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

A.) Faith is Trust.

1.) Christian Trust, in the context of Christianity, is to Trust in the Truth, who is the Unseen Christ, as your Savior.

To do this, to place your Trust in TRUTH : is to put your "Faith in Christ".

The literal NT explanation is that : "faith is the substance of things HOPED for.....the evidence of thing Not seen", or (unseen).

Believing in the Unseen, is to Trust in the Heart..."IN".= what is not seen by the eyes.
That's Christian : Faith.

Jesus said....."blessed are all those who have not SEEN ME", and "believe".......so that is BLIND TRUST, or to believe in what you can't see, that is the opposite of Logic or Natural Law.

2.) Someone, a few have told me...."If i can't see it then i ain't gonna believe it"....

I told them......"well, you can't see the AIR that you are breathing...so, did you want to to stop breathing now, as according to you, you don't believe it's there".

See, Christianity is not Logical....its ALL SPIRITUAL Truth.

We think of Truth as : "it isnt a lie" or its the opposite of a Lie.
But Jesus said....

"I am THE TRUTH"......not some, or most....but LIVING Truth...>"THE".

Truth exists because God exits.

The """Spiritual realm""" .....It can be understood as "cosmic design" but, even that is not really "scientific" in the traditional sense.
We see the Hand of God all over the Universe... as "divine order" and "Creation itself"
God says that man's unbelief is not accepted by God, because God has shown Himself to us all by the known universe.......all of Creation.

You can't have Creation, without a Creator.

Even AI (artificial intelligence) was created to create. Sort of like Us being created to create by our Creator. (except we are alive).(non-artificial).

5.) Christianity is TRUST based, not Logic based... Its ALL Spiritual, which is not the "natural realm". understanding.
I see a lot of Christians trying to understand the bible..trying to figure it out, trying to put it all together.
That is the natural mind, trying to comprehend spiritual reality.
=Total Disconnect.
That is like trying to go to heaven by trying to be good enough for God to have you., yet you have already sinned all your life.
That is a Total Disconnect from God's Salvation that is a "Gift" to us.
(See Jesus on the Cross for the "Gift of Salvation".

Simply put.....to Trust in Christ is to have faith in The Truth, and Jesus is the Truth.

John 14:6


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
place your trust in truth? You have the wrong idea of faith my friend, and truth for that matter. Your explaining belief.

Do you own a bible?

Jesus said...>" I am THE Way.... THE Life.....and THE TRUTH".

John 14:6

So, when ALL your Trust in Christ, (your Faith).... is in....= the ONE who is "THE TRUTH". = This this means you have placed your faith in "Truth".

A Buddhist's, hasn't.
A Scientologist, hasn't.
A Satanist, hasn't.
A Pagan, hasn't.
A Muslim, hasn't


Active Member
Mar 20, 2023
Belief in government = belief in slavery.
Truth is something you know. Faith is letting go. Belief is pretty much just believing something you don't understand, which is what your talking about.

Personally I know Truth. I dont need to trust it or believe it. I know and understand it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
May I ask you a question? You say that you trust truth, what does this mean for you?

All your questions are welcome here., Zachariah.

Same as on any of my Threads.

Ask me anything you like, about anything you want to know, and if i know, i will tell you the answer.
If i dont know the answer, i wont pretend to know.

So.....What does me "meeting the Truth" mean to me? ?????

IT means that i understand that Truth exists = because God exists.
Without Him, there is none..... No Truth.
The Truth: = is as far as Heaven is from earth......as compared to Logic, Facts, or Information, or data.

And Jesus Himself, who is God "manifested in the flesh", "virgin born" is the literal manifestation of: The Truth.

So, i became joined to Jesus, spiritually, by being born again by the Holy Spirit of God.... and that is how I went from believing in the Truth, to becoming "within the Truth" myself.
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2023
Belief in government = belief in slavery.
All your questions are welcome here., Zachariah.

Same as on any of my Threads.

Ask me anything you like, about anything you want to know, and if i know, i will tell you the answer.
If i dont know the answer, i wont pretend to know.

So.....What does me "meeting the Truth" mean to me? ?????

IT means that i understand that Truth exists = because God exists.
Without Him, there is none..... No Truth.
The Truth: = is as far as Heaven is from earth......as compared to Logic, Facts, or Information, or data.

And Jesus Himself, who is God "manifested in the flesh", "virgin born" is the literal manifestation of: The Truth.

So, i became joined to Jesus, spiritually, by being born again by the Holy Spirit of God.... and that is how I went from believing in the Truth, to becoming "within the Truth" myself.
So jesus is truth and jesus is God I think its fair to say that all of these words mean exactly the same things really.

I have a question for you. Would you mind explaining the truth behind the water into wine for me if u can.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I have a question for you. Would you mind explaining the truth behind the water into wine for me if u can.

Ive not been asked that before, exactly.

Here you go.

1 ) Jesus's First Miracle, it really happened. Also, only Jews are present, and this miracle is a "sign" for the Jews, as "Jews require a sign"

1 Corinthians 1:22

2.) Its a wedding, and there is a Bride. Jesus creating New Wine is symbolic of us being changed from sinner into Saint, as we become the Bride of Christ by being Born Again, Spiritually. Jesus is coming back for a WIFE.....a Bride.

3.) Jesus didn't put the wine into old wine skins, He put it into Clay Pots.....and that is a 2 -fold Lesson.

A.) The New Covenant, is the Blood of Jesus, the Blood Atonement, (the New Wine) and that Covenant replaces the Old Covenant... That is New Wine GRACE, replacing Old Testament Moses Law

B. ) We are the Clay Pots.....we are made of Dirt. Jesus fills us with New Wine. (Himself) "Christ in you, the hope of Glory".. as He filled those clay pots with a Miracle.

Being born again is this Miracle.
.. and we become a New Creation, that will need a New Pot, (A new Body) to contain "the new Creation in Christ" that is the wine of Eternal Life that is being poured into those pots, as that miracle.

Christ in us, is to have Eternal life.

"new wine into clay pots"

"Temple of the Holy Spirit"
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2023
Belief in government = belief in slavery.
Ive not been asked that before, exactly.

Here you go.

1 ) Jesus's First Miracle, it really happened. Also, only Jews are present, and this miracle is a "sign" for the Jews, as "Jews require a sign"

1 Corinthians 1:22

2.) Its a wedding, and there is a Bride. Jesus creating New Wine is symbolic of us being changed from sinner into Saint, as we become the Bride of Christ by being Born Again, Spiritually. Jesus is coming back for a WIFE.....a Bride.

3.) Jesus didn't put the wine into old wine skins, He put it into Clay Pots.....and that is a 2 -fold Lesson.

A.) The New Covenant, is the Blood of Jesus, the Blood Atonement, (the New Wine) and that Covenant replaces the Old Covenant... That is New Wine GRACE, replacing Old Testament Moses Law

B. ) We are the Clay Pots.....we are made of Dirt. Jesus fills us with New Wine. (Himself) "Christ in you, the hope of Glory".. as He filled those clay pots with a Miracle.

Being born again is this Miracle.
.. and we become a New Creation, that will need a New Pot, (A new Body) to contain "the new Creation in Christ" that is the wine of Eternal Life that is being poured into those pots, as that miracle.

Christ in us, is to have Eternal life.

"new wine into clay pots"

"Temple of the Holy Spirit"
Nice reply. Your very good with your history and poetic theology regarding the bible. You have given me new layers of understanding when it comes to this scene.

When i interpret scripter personaly I always ask myself "how does this help me now". God is omnipresent so that means that Truth is omnipresent meaning also that its not affected by time or place. It simply exists everywhere in all things at all times. So what's the same now as it was then? How can I pin point this Truth that has nothing to do with our physicle reality or time?

When we have found God so to speak, we have also found our "true self". Our true self is one which has a firm relationship with God. So being our "true self" is in fact being Godlike or Christlike for we have found our true home.

So I like to say that when knowlage turns into Truth its because it's found an understanding within our true self. We can call this many things, the Christians normally call this a revilation. When a thought or a belief get reflected on the true self and it becomes known. It becomes apart of us in Truth. Knowlage will never be complete because it is of this world but I like to call it the bridge to Truth. It is the purification and defragmentation of knowlage that becomes Truth and revilation.

All worthwhile knowlage is knowlage of the true self. Because it is from which that turns to real Truth. The bottom layer of interpretation is always a lession on the true self and the nature of the human psyche.

So coming back to the story I ask myself what is this knowlage of myself that this story is trying to teach me? In the bible there are many stories that all symbolise the same thing. The center stage is resserection. From death to life, from dark to light, from blind to seeing, from asleep to awake, from the fishes belly to the sky, through the red sea to Mount Sinai, from the ark on water to be placed on a mountain, baptising in water then up into the wind, from the tomb to resserection. All of these stories mean exactly the same thing as does the water into wine. Wine, dove and olive oil symbolise the holy spirit as you know and is our entrance into heaven. This is why the bird brings the olive branch before the ark lands on the mountain and this is why the dove lands when Jesus comes out of the water.

The word spirit means emotion so the Holy Spirit means a divine emotion. It is infact compassion as compassion is the purist form of love. It is innocent love, virgin love. A love that is unconditional, and when love is unconditional it is sinless. It is a common misconception with the making of Jesus. He was conceived via the holy spirit which means he was conceived through the act of compassion. A similar misconception takes place in the Quarn where people think they have however many virgin girls waiting for them in heaven so that they can have sex with the. This is un true. The virgin girls are simply refering to the abundance of divine and holy love that's waiting for them as they enter into heaven.

Back to the point. Let's talk about resserection in the human psyche. Being born again, christ conciousness. finding that place of rest and enlightenment within ourself. Call it what you want, its all the same thing. We all know the saying "pride comes before a fall" well this is true bit I would add to that and say the bigger our ego and pride the bigger the shame we are covering up. In exact measure in fact. So when we come to our wits end we generally fall into this shame we have been covering up for so long. We realise that our identity in this world (the ego) does not serve us any longer. But its hard because now we have all this shame to deal with that we have been avoiding our whole life. We fall into water and darkness. When we are overwhelmed we despair we cannot see a posative outcome and when we are under water we cannot breath. We experience the taste of death or "the valley of the shadow of death". Death however is Gods polaric opposite as God is life. This area of shame and guilt is also the area of repentance because it is the place at which we are judged by God. Repentence, Gods judgment, the underworld, the darkness, call it what you want its all the same thing. It relates to the realm of death and in the human psyche is related to shame and guilt.

So when we turn water into wine this is the alchemical trasmutation within the human psyche. We where dead but saved by the grace and forgivness of God. Resserection. We are now free from the shackles of darkness.

Once we have shifted our identity out of our ego, through the darkness and find the light. We experience eternal life. Never to be that dark again. This is true enlightenment and Christ conciousness.