How to keep from "falling from Grace".

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Keeping yourself from falling from Grace, is not just automatic.
Many reasons for this..

1.) The main reason, is innate within yourself.
Understand....we are pride based adamic nature sinful failures.
We were all hell bound, until God left Heaven and went to the Cross "For the sin of the world".

People love attention, they love to be the center, they love to be in control, and they have a natural state that is...."look at me"...."its all about me"...>"i did it all".
Well, that is a part of the Satanic nature. That is the devil's nature. = Pride.
Satan wants to run everything and get all the credit.
That is "us'.... that is our natural state.....we are all naturally selfish and self righteous.
Well, GRACE, the Grace of God, is exactly the opposite, as God provided it HIMSELF.

God's Grace accepts no help from you.
God's Grace needs no help from you.
God's Grace does not allow any help from you.
God's Grace is the Blood of JESUS. And this is what God provided that you can't provide for yourself, so, when you try to be good, and do right, and "abide", for the wrong reason..= for the purpose of doing for yourself what only God's Grace can freely offer and maintain for you , then THAT is when you have fallen from Grace.
Many on this forum are Fallen long ago.
Many on all "christian" Forums, are the same.

Most people, most born again Christians, are fallen from Grace, which is to be deceived into the idea that they-you have a big part to play in getting to heaven that includes (them-you) doing self works to try to maintain (their-your) Salvation.
LISTEN...if you think, .. if you believe that YOU have to perform any self effort to be a part of God's Salvation, then you have actually turned away from God's Grace.
This is how you "fall" from "Grace".
You had it, then you left it.
Paul says you are "fallen", that you are "in the Flesh". The Carnal Mind.

And a newbie believer says......"but we are supposed to live holy, and present our bodies as a living sacrifice".
And God says.....>"thats true"...but you are not SAVED or kept SAVED by your effort to live holy and do good. As if you could, then Jesus could have stayed in Heaven.
Understand...You are made Righteous by ME....thru Christ's BLOOD, as THIS is WHY and only WHY i took you and will keep you".

Then the newbie diaper believer says.....>"but, how can i stay saved, if im not always trying to live the perfect (abiding) life that i believe you would want".

And God says....."Listen, I came to you, i bled for you, and i have given you a new birth.

This new birth is the eternal consequence of your Faith. My Grace is based not on your lifestyle, but only by your becoming MINE, as born again, through the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, by the Holy Spirit.
Grace Through Faith.
What allows you to be a part of ME, is not anything you can do, o ye pride filled...
What allows you to be a part of ME... is that you have been born again INTO ME, and into me you remain BORN AGAIN a part of me, for eternity.
THIS is your hope. THIS is your Salvation. Its a GIFT.""

2.) Among the main reasons that many are fallen from Grace, is that many popular Teachers and Preachers, and Pope's, have fallen from Grace, and because humans equate money and popularity and 20,000 church members on Sunday with "correct" or "right" or "smart" or "leader"......people tend to not really listen to what they are being taught by the very successful heretic.

You've noticed that there are thousands of denominations.?
They are all "christian" and they all say..>"we are RIGHT".
The reason there are so many, is because so many are fallen from Grace.
The pride that cause them to fall from Grace, empowers them to build huge monuments to themselves, often.
Remember Saint....God is not interested in your monument, He is only interested in your HEART and your MOTIVES.
The Devil builds epic towers and stunning monuments, but GOD builds the perfect character, the perfect love, the perfect "fullness of the Stature of Christ".
God's body is not made with bricks and wood and stones and windows, and a parking lot.
The Devil is a show off, he's all about the external, the temporary.. the "look at all this ""..
God is Grace, He is Love, and He is all about building His Spiritual Body, that He exist's within.
That's us, the born again.

Now, finally.

If you are fallen from Grace.... if you are trying to stay saved, and are trying to get into heaven by your own means of effort to be good and do good, (abiding, commandment keeping, etc) then stop right now, and turn from your own self created Cross, and turn back to the One True Cross and the One True God who hung there just for you.
Go back to God's Grace.
Go back to faith in CHRIST and not faith in SELF EFFORT.
Go back to the place where you know that the only faith you have, is not in you, is not in your church, is not in your spiritual leader, but only is it in the Risen Lord who is THE WAY to God, and there is no other....= including your list of stuff you are doing to try to replace Him.



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Keeping yourself from falling from Grace, is not just automatic.
Many reasons for this..

1.) The main reason, is innate within yourself.
Understand....we are pride based adamic nature sinful failures.
We were all hell bound, until God left Heaven and went to the Cross "For the sin of the world".

People love attention, they love to be the center, they love to be in control, and they have a natural state that is...."look at me"...."its all about me"...>"i did it all".
Well, that is a part of the Satanic nature. That is the devil's nature. = Pride.
Satan wants to run everything and get all the credit.
That is "us'.... that is our natural state.....we are all naturally selfish and self righteous.
Well, GRACE, the Grace of God, is exactly the opposite, as God provided it HIMSELF.

God's Grace accepts no help from you.
God's Grace needs no help from you.
God's Grace does not allow any help from you.
God's Grace is the Blood of JESUS. And this is what God provided that you can't provide for yourself, so, when you try to be good, and do right, and "abide", for the wrong reason..= for the purpose of doing for yourself what only God's Grace can freely offer and maintain for you , then THAT is when you have fallen from Grace.
Many on this forum are Fallen long ago.
Many on all "christian" Forums, are the same.

Most people, most born again Christians, are fallen from Grace, which is to be deceived into the idea that they-you have a big part to play in getting to heaven that includes (them-you) doing self works to try to maintain (their-your) Salvation.
LISTEN...if you think, .. if you believe that YOU have to perform any self effort to be a part of God's Salvation, then you have actually turned away from God's Grace.
This is how you "fall" from "Grace".
You had it, then you left it.
Paul says you are "fallen", that you are "in the Flesh". The Carnal Mind.

And a newbie believer says......"but we are supposed to live holy, and present our bodies as a living sacrifice".
And God says.....>"thats true"...but you are not SAVED or kept SAVED by your effort to live holy and do good. As if you could, then Jesus could have stayed in Heaven.
Understand...You are made Righteous by ME....thru Christ's BLOOD, as THIS is WHY and only WHY i took you and will keep you".

Then the newbie diaper believer says.....>"but, how can i stay saved, if im not always trying to live the perfect (abiding) life that i believe you would want".

And God says....."Listen, I came to you, i bled for you, and i have given you a new birth.

This new birth is the eternal consequence of your Faith. My Grace is based not on your lifestyle, but only by your becoming MINE, as born again, through the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, by the Holy Spirit.
Grace Through Faith.
What allows you to be a part of ME, is not anything you can do, o ye pride filled...
What allows you to be a part of ME... is that you have been born again INTO ME, and into me you remain BORN AGAIN a part of me, for eternity.
THIS is your hope. THIS is your Salvation. Its a GIFT.""

2.) Among the main reasons that many are fallen from Grace, is that many popular Teachers and Preachers, and Pope's, have fallen from Grace, and because humans equate money and popularity and 20,000 church members on Sunday with "correct" or "right" or "smart" or "leader"......people tend to not really listen to what they are being taught by the very successful heretic.

You've noticed that there are thousands of denominations.?
They are all "christian" and they all say..>"we are RIGHT".
The reason there are so many, is because so many are fallen from Grace.
The pride that cause them to fall from Grace, empowers them to build huge monuments to themselves, often.
Remember Saint....God is not interested in your monument, He is only interested in your HEART and your MOTIVES.
The Devil builds epic towers and stunning monuments, but GOD builds the perfect character, the perfect love, the perfect "fullness of the Stature of Christ".
God's body is not made with bricks and wood and stones and windows, and a parking lot.
The Devil is a show off, he's all about the external, the temporary.. the "look at all this ""..
God is Grace, He is Love, and He is all about building His Spiritual Body, that He exist's within.
That's us, the born again.

Now, finally.

If you are fallen from Grace.... if you are trying to stay saved, and are trying to get into heaven by your own means of effort to be good and do good, (abiding, commandment keeping, etc) then stop right now, and turn from your own self created Cross, and turn back to the One True Cross and the One True God who hung there just for you.
Go back to God's Grace.
Go back to faith in CHRIST and not faith in SELF EFFORT.
Go back to the place where you know that the only faith you have, is not in you, is not in your church, is not in your spiritual leader, but only is it in the Risen Lord who is THE WAY to God, and there is no other....= including your list of stuff you are doing to try to replace Him.


1 John 3:24
24 Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
1 John 3:24
24 Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.

You can keep commandments and not be born again.

Commandment keeping, is useless to get you into Heaven.
The Commandments are actually DEATH to the believer, originally.
They are given to the UNBELIEVER to show you that you are unable to have fellowship or relationship with God, as you are not able to keep the commandments, and so, failing, you are shown your lost condition.
The Commandments are God's moral law, that show us our need for God's righteousness, our need of the Cross.

Following our salvation, the Commandments become a moral boundary, but never do they become a substitute for the Blood Atonement.