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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

This Thread shows "us" the born again, a few wonderful and eternal realities.
This Thread is a short SS lesson written to/for the born again... It does not pertain to the the water baptized and religious who are not born again.

The Born again... :

"I am the righteousness of God...In Christ"

"I am the righteousness of God...In Christ'

"i am seated in heavenly places, in Christ".........right now.

I am..... "As Jesus is, so are the born again, in THIS World".......... right now.

I am. "one with God".... now and forever.....= Having Eternal life.

See all that?
You are all that, you have all that... and more.....if you are born again.


You are :

1.) Heir of God
2.) Joint Heir with Jesus
3.) Temple of the Holy Spirit
4.) Bone of Jesus's bone and flesh of Jesus's Flesh
5.) Son/Daughter of God
6.) Made Righteous
7.) Translated from Darkness. TO LIGHT.
9.) A Child of the Light.
10.) Saved from the wrath to come

And there is more..

Jesus is the """LIGHT OF THE WORD""... and "" God exists in LIGHT".... and the born again are "Children of the LIGHT"".

We are already IN the Kingdom of God, as THEY are the KOG< and we are "IN CHRIST", and "one with God"
See yourself?

That is How God sees us all who are born again.

See that MIND?
"That Knowledge of God" that is our "renewed mind"?

That's the renewed mind., and if you have it, then you are this..

= "As many as be Perfect".

If you have that renewed mind then you have "worked out your Salvation".

That is not about Behavior, that is about REVELATION KNOWLEDGE.... = "the renewed mind".
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
"I am the righteousness of God...In Christ'

"i am seated in heavenly places, in Christ".........right now.

I am..... "As Jesus is, so are the born again, in THIS World".......... right now.

I am. "one with God".... now and forever.....= Having Eternal life.

See all that?
You are all that, you have all that... and more.....if you are born again.


1.) Heir of God
2.) Joint Heir with Jesus
3.) Temple of the Holy Spirit
4.) Bone of Jesus's bone and flesh of Jesus's Flesh
5.) Son/Daughter of God
6.) Made Righteous
7.) Translated from Darkness. TO LIGHT.

And there is more..

Jesus is the """LIGHT OF THE WORD""... and "" God exists in LIGHT".... and the born again are "Children of the LIGHT"".

We are already IN the Kingdom of God, as THEY are the KOG< and we are "IN CHRIST", and "one with God"
See yourself?

That is How God sees us all who are born again.

See that MIND?
"That Knowledge of God" that is our "renewed mind"?

That's the renewed mind., and if you have it, then you are this..

= "As many as be Perfect".

That is not about Behavior, that is about REVELATION KNOWLEDGE.... = "the renewed mind".
We get buzz words in Christianity. Sometimes we call them 'Christian ease", but whether we call them we tend you use them as a means to show that we are a Christian. Now a Christian is someone who does actually hear from the Lord, and while He uses parables and dark saying to teach us - it is clear from hearing Him that He is not really into 'Christian ease' and buzz words. Oh, I am not saying that He will not talk to you about 'being born again', because He will talk to you about all parts of the Bible and Born Again, is a part of the Bible. But is it knowing the buzz word or knowing the Lord which is important to us? I mean what does it actually mean - "the renewed mind" which is another little phrase I often hear around church? And what about REVELATION KNOWLEDGE - another Christian phrase I hear thrown out there? Even "Born Again", what does that mean?

If you don't really understanding, though you have heard them used many times in church, and it seems like many don't really understand what they mean: let me tell you and point it out in the Bible.

The renewing of the mind means you hear from the Lord and He teaches you! So it does not mean that your are leaning on your own understanding, even your own understanding of what renewing of the mind means! So let be bring up the Scriptures (not just the phrase) and show you this?

Eph 4:19 -25 But you did not learn Christ in this way, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus, that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth. Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another.

First let me point out that we learn Christ by hearing Him!! That is to say we have spiritual ears so we can talk back and forth with Him, and by that way we learn about Him (Jesus Christ)

Now if you hear Him you find out that He is the Truth, or we can say that the truth is in Jesus, and so is not from leaning on our own understanding!

So Paul is telling us to not lean on our understanding which we did in our old-self, and that lead us to lusts of the flesh and deceit. So the renewing in the 'spirit of our mind' means: actually hearing the Lord Jesus Christ and thus being taught by Him!! So then to SPEAK TRUTH, we have to hear Him, be taught by Him, and so we speak to each other what He taught us!

So let us go over that phrase "Born Again"!

If you go to a red letter Bible, where all the words Jesus spoke are in red, you will find Jesus only used 'born again' twice and that in the same chapter (Jn 3:3 & 3:7)! So those two words don't make up a lot of what He is recorded as saying, but wow do I hear them a lot at some churches. So let's look at the other words in that section and see if we can find out what they mean to us!

Jn 3:2 - 3:11 this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus *said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. “Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” Nicodemus said to Him, “How can these things be?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel and do not understand these things? “Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony.

Now if we look at the above verses, which are the verse Jesus specifically talked about being born again, we will note that He spoke about a lot of other things in the Bible and again, like with the renewing of the mind, Jesus is talking about hearing and learning with our spiritual ears!!!! And He points out that we testify about what we have seen!!!

Therefore our testimony is about what we have seen, not that we have been "Born Again", but rather that because we are "Born Again and the do hear our Teacher, we testify about this which we have seen - the hearing the Teacher! And the thing is, that our Teacher who we hear from is the King over the kingdom of God!! So not only do we testify about hearing our Teacher, but also about His Kingdom - the Kingdom of God. You cann't even enter in unless you are born of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit gives you the words of God that are for each of us personally!!

Jn 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.

Now Jn 6:63 is a verse that I rarely hear around the church!!

In fact look that the OP and try to find something about actually hearing from Him. You find it in the verses about being born again, and indeed Jesus explains that is what happens if you are born again! And we find that having heard and been taught by Him in the verses about our renewed mind! And if you really go over those red letter words in the Bible, you will find that Jesus kept covering that over and over and over, and over!!! Unlike the "Born Again", or "renewing of the mind", that we do hear about so often, Jesus made it about hearing what the Spirit has to say, and that with our spiritual ears.

Which brings us to the "REVELATION KNOWLEDGE"!

It is not only in the 4 gospel that you find read letter words. You can find them in also in the book Revelation!! In fact there are a specific set of red letter words spoken 7 times (a lot more than "born again", or 'renewing of the mind'). In fact they were spoken in regards to each of the seven church written to in Revelation!! Those words are:

‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’

Oh, that is back to what happens when we are born again and when our mind is renewed!!!

Indeed, hearing Him is the thing we are testifying about!!!!

Or are we testifying about that? May we are just into using our Christian ease??

So in the thread title we are asked a question:

Are you Born again? Then here you are.​

So in the thread title we are asked a question:

So if you are indeed Born again - where are you?

You are hearing the words of Lord our God Jesus Christ via His Holy Spirit - so testify to that, right???

It is not about being born again, it is about hearing Him, which happens if you are born again. It is not about renewing your mind, it is about hearing Him which renews your mind. It is not about REVELATION KNOWLEDGE, it is about hearing Him your teacher with gives you revelation knowledge!!

Do we not even know that the Father commanded, and which is the foremost commandment???

Mat 17:5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!”

Mark 12:28,29 ...“What commandment is the foremost of all?” Jesus answered, “The foremost is, ‘HEAR, O ISRAEL! THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD;...

That is what we are testifying to!! That you must hear from Him!! which means you are born again, having your mind renewed, have put aside the old-self, have revelation knowledge, and best of all in means you have life because His words through the Holy Spirit are life to us!!!

Rev 3:20‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

He is just standing there waiting for anyone to just hearing His voice and open up to Him. Do that and all that "born again", "renewed mind", "and revelation knowledge" just comes in with Him because He is the TEACHER!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The renewing of the mind means you hear from the Lord and He teaches you!

The renewing of the mind, is what a Christian has to do.

It's literally to "work out your Salvation".

What does that mean?

It means that the Born again HAVE Salvation, and now you have to attain the Knowledge of God that is the correct understanding of what it means to have become a "new Creation, in Christ'.

Let me tell you what its not..

Its not this.... "sin, confess, repeat" for 50 yrs, believing... "'That is Christianity".
As that is not Christianity. That is broken faith, trying to DO Christianity, instead of Exist in The power of the Holy Spirit, that provides this..

"CHRIST always gives me the VICTORY" over the world, the flesh, and the devil.

God's perspective, literally means to always see yourself as God has recreated you to be, Spiritually.

1 John 3:9, is a place to Look.

And Hebrews 13:9. is a must do. ;Must Do....MUST Do !

Seeing yourself with God's Eyes, is the renewed mind.

Most see themselves, their Christianity, as their own analytical rationalization = "trying to figure it out".. mindset, and that is mind of the flesh, and that is not God's viewpoint, or "mind".

God says... "you are made righteous". "You are ONE IN Me".. "You are seated in heavenly places in Christ"..


"As JESUS IS.....so are the born again..... IN THIS World"....

A.). Get that MIND and keep that Mind.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
The renewing of the mind, is what a Christian has to do.

It's literally to "work out your Salvation".

What does that mean?

It means that the Born again HAVE Salvation, and now you have to attain the Knowledge of God that is the correct understanding of what it means to have become a "new Creation, in Christ'.

Let me tell you what its not..

Its not this.... "sin, confess, repeat" for 50 yrs, believing... "'That is Christianity".
As that is not Christianity. That is broken faith, trying to DO Christianity, instead of Exist in The power of the Holy Spirit, that provides this..

"CHRIST always gives me the VICTORY" over the world, the flesh, and the devil.

God's perspective, literally means to always see yourself as God has recreated you to be, Spiritually.

1 John 3:9, is a place to Look.

And Hebrews 13:9. is a must do. ;Must Do....MUST Do !

Seeing yourself with God's Eyes, is the renewed mind.

Most see themselves, their Christianity, as their own analytical rationalization = "trying to figure it out".. mindset, and that is mind of the flesh, and that is not God's viewpoint, or "mind".

God says... "you are made righteous". "You are ONE IN Me".. "You are seated in heavenly places in Christ"..


"As JESUS IS.....so are the born again..... IN THIS World"....

A.). Get that MIND and keep that Mind.

Jesus explained that there was only one thing truly necessary!!!


LUKE 10:41,42 But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”

Now, what was that ONE thing?? It was what Mary was doing!! So what was she doing?? She was listening to Jesus Christ - as in hearing Him.

Paul wrote that he only wanted to find out one thing from the Galatians:

This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?

So Paul knew the one thing we are preaching is hearing the Lord via His Holy Spirit by faith??

Now that hearing and thus being taught by the Lord Jesus Christ, via the Holy Spirit, is going to cause you to have your mind renewed by Him. It is also what cause our Lord Jesus Christ to send His Holy Spirit into us with His word, and His words are like a seed in us, so we are born again. Yet we are preaching the effects but the Word of God, which result in the effects!!

Rom 10:8 But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,

So are we preaching, or was even Jesus preaching, that we are born again or that we need to hear Him via the Holy Spirit????

Some people just get it all wrong, thinking that Jesus was trying to preach that we must be born again. He was not!! He was preaching that we need to hear by faith from the Holy Spirit whom He sends with His word our spirit!!!

The "Born Again" part was the catch phrase!!!!!

It is pretty 'catchy', but don't confuse the 'catch phrase' in the saying with the important part which is seeking Him to hear from Him!!!

It is the hearing from Him like Mary was doing that is truly the One thing that is necessary!!

That is why we preach the Word of God and that to mean that we can find His words to us near us, even in our hearts and mouth!!

You are making it about phrases, like the catchy phrase "Born Again" instead of understanding that it is actually hearing Him that is important!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Now, what was that ONE thing?? It was what Mary was doing!! So what was she doing?? She was listening to Jesus Christ - as in hearing Him.

When you pray, when you study the bible....be sure to listen for the revelation.

But when you want to have a renewed mind, you have understand God's perspective, literally, as who God has recreated you to be, Spiritually.

Always see yourself as this.

"I am the Righteousness of God, in Christ"
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
When you pray, when you study the bible....be sure to listen for the revelation.

But when you want to have a renewed mind, you have understand God's perspective, literally, as who God has recreated you to be, Spiritually.

Always see yourself as this.

"I am the Righteousness of God, in Christ"

What you are missing is that the righteousness of Christ means you are listening to Him in all you do!!

When you are at work, at school, while driving, at the grocery store, and in every place and position in your life you have to listen to HIm to know what the right thing to do is!!!!!!!

But look what you write and what you don't write!!!!

You right about being born again but don't mention about hearing!!! Jesus did not do that!! He explained that if we are born again we hear the sound of the wind and indeed also that we testify to that!! - But you didn't!!

And what did we find with the renewing of the mind? In the Bible there was a connection between hearing from Jesus Christ as our Teacher and the Truth, and the renewing of our mind!! But you didn't have that in what you write!! And after three posts, when you finally show your first idea of seeking the voice of the Lord it has this " pray, when you study the bible....be sure to listen for the revelation" - and still fail to realize that the revelation we get from God is the revelation that Jesus Christ is always with us to be heard from!!! That is the revelation of Jesus Christ!! That He is there always with us to be heard from!!!

It is not about being "Born Again" that was a catch phrase Jesus used with Nicodemus to get Him to listen to Him!! And the "renewing the mind" phrase is used the same way, and is connect to seeking Jesus Christ and hearing Him as your Teacher and the Truth!! You are focusing on the "catch phases" and missing the Revelation that Jesus Christ is ALWAYS WITH YOU TO BE HEARD FROM!!!

You are only the righteousness of Christ if you are indeed hearing form Him and doing what He personally ask you to do!!!

So to be the righteousness of Christ, that can't be just a "catch phrase" to you!! Hearing form the Lord has to be a way of life to you!!!


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Sorry Karl..I misread your post..therefore I deleted my reply to you....apologies..it’s been a long day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What you are missing is that the righteousness of Christ means you are listening to Him in all you do!!

My Thread is about being born again, and what that Means.
Its interesting that you think that you are the only one who hears from God.

Perhaps you don't realize it.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Hello Karl...We hear the sound of the wind?....we hear it? can you show me in scripture where it says that?

John 3:8
Context Crossref Comment Greek
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

New Living Translation
The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.”
It does not say that I we can't explain how people are born of the Spirit - you mind just thought the above "not knowing where it comes from or is going" some how means you don't know how people are born of the spirit!! It does not read that way and the how is explained right there!!

It tells you "Born of the Spirit"!! That is the how!! The real question involving the how is: How to you not understand this??

Did Jesus ever teach you on this basic Christian event??? This is even covered in many places in the Bible!!

The sower of the seed parable explains that the seed are the words of God.
Jesus explained in John 16 that the Holy Spirit comes with His words to us, and that is connected with us becoming One with Him.

And I could go on, but have cover a lot even in this thread - So do you indeed hear the sound of the wind?????

It is like this:

Is 30: 21 Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

When we seek Jesus Christ and His voice, we find that He comes into us (Rev 3:20) and we hear His voice (which is His Holy Spirit coming into us with His word and speaking to our spirit) and those words in the Bible (the sower parable) are like seeds and they bring life to us (Jn 6:63) and we can then always hear from Him! Thus He gives us teaching, the truth, the instructions in righteousness, and make us one with HIm like He is one with the Father (Jesus explain He did and said only what the Father told Him). He is perfect, while we are not perfectly hearing the Lord, however that hearing by faith is counted as righteousness to us (Gen 15)

If you do actually start listening to Him, then you will get taught all this and more!! When we open up to Him (Rev 3:20) He comes into us and we become one with Him like He is one with the Father, because He sends His Holy Spirit with His words into us. That means we hear the sound of the wind!!

Now where exactly did the Holy Spirit come from when He came into us?? I can't point to that!! And where is the Holy Spirit going when He finishes the teachings He gives me. I can't point to that either. The Kingdom of God is in our midst, but it seems like the Kingdom of God is not of this world, and Jesus explained that it is not to Pilate. Therefore, since I can only point to things in this worldly or physical realm, I cant point to where the Spirit of God comes from or is going. It is in our midst, but where?

You might want to check out some the books of Hugh Ross. He is a Christian cosmologist. (That is he is a scientist that studies the universe) He has a number of interesting books, and in at least one of them he covers dimensions!! For example, in the physical realm we live in, we have four dimensions: back forward, up and down, and movement (Like in a 3D movie) and then we have the speed of light which we can project a 4th Dimension. It turns out that the mathematics of the Universe come together best with 10 dimension. So since God created the Universe, there has to be at least one dimension apart from all those. So where is the Kingdom of God that Jesus told Pilate was not of this world? I can't point to it, and where the wind I hear comes from or is going. I still know that I was born againt when the Holy Spirit came into my life and I started hearing the word of the Lord - which for me happen about 20 years ago.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
My Thread is about being born again, and what that Means.
Its interesting that you think that you are the only one who hears from God.

Perhaps you don't realize it.

Being born again means hearing the wound wind!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus explained that when He explained being born again. You didn't but He did!! And I explained it to you!! And I told you to hear from Him!!!

So I believe you can hear from Him, perhaps even more than you believe you can hear from Him!!

But you come back with a silly statement say I think I and "the only one who hears from God."

That is just funny!!!

Anyone can hear from God!! And I covered that when I covered the good news!!

What is interesting is that you missed all that! Why are you missing that??? It is not because you are not hearing from Him, is it??

Look, because I hear from Him I know that He loves us!! God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish!! I actually believe that, and that because faith comes from hearing Him.

So I really believe you can hear from Jesus Christ - However believing you can hear form the Lord is not you are believing you can! If you believe that you could hear from Him, then you would seek Him and find Him, and hear from Him and get to know Him.Then you would realize that you are not special, in that anyone can hear from Him. And you also would realize that hearing from Him is the One thing needed!! You would realize that "Born Again" was a catch phrase Jesus used to get people to seek to hear from Him. That is true for the renewing of the mind and revelation knowledge.

Also I might note that it is written:

Heb 3:13 But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

Today is the day we are to hear from Him, and day after day is the time to encourage people to listen to Him "Today" - according to the Bible!!

Now specifically He doesn't always have me post on hearing from Him. There are other people to encourage to hear form Him and at different times. Still have you not read the command to preach the Word, and to be ready in season or out to reprove?

2 Tim 4:1,2 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

The problem is that none of us really listen to Him like we should (all the time) so He commands us to Preach the Word (meaning listen to Him) encourage either other daily, and be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

You read all that and talked to Him about it, right?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Being born spiritually into God's Spirit, by God's Spirit......

This happens after God cleanses our sin and removed the law's dominion from us, so that we become sinless and "redeemed from the Curse of the Law".

Now we are a New Creation 'IN Christ'.

That all happens the INSTANT you give your Faith in Christ, to God.

Salvation is not a Process, its THE Savior who has by His own blood and death made it possible for God to do all that for you..

You brought a lifetime of sin to the Cross and God met you at The Cross with Eternal LIfe in Him.

"The Divine Exchange".

God took all your sin and gave you All His Righteousness. ... as "The Gift of Righteousness".

"We are COMPLETE< in HIM"..."IN Christ".
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Mar 9, 2023
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Being born again means that God has dealt with your sin through the Cross of Christ and then gives you the New Birth of your Spirit,...
.= born again into Himself.
In Jesus Name...Amen!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Being born again means that God has dealt with your sin through the Cross of Christ and then gives you the New Birth of your Spirit,...
.= born again into Himself.
No - born again means you hear the sound of the wind - just like Jesus explained!!!

Now that happens because He sends His Holy Spirit (the wind) with His words!

Now Jesus did deal with our sins, and sin does get in the way for hearing from Him. But Abram heard from the Lord before the cross. Moses heard from the Lord before the cross. And I could go on - but they heard the sound of the wind!! And we read in the Bible a phrase like 'they slept' referring to their flesh dying. So perhaps there was still something, the cross, which had to be done, but they heard the sound of the wind, then slept.

Indeed, Elijah was taken up in a whirl wind and was seen with Moses on the mountain of transfiguration before Jesus went to the cross. And Samuel hear the Lord call out to Him, "Samuel, Samuel, and was woken from his sleep by Saul. There is a bit more that we can be taught, but will we listen?

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Born again is a Spiritual Birth.

"Jesus said... You MUST BE.....BORN.....again".
Born again is a "Spiritual Birth", so how come you seem to really know how it works??

When you seek our Lord Jesus Christ and what He has to say to you; He then sends His Holy Spirit into you because the Holy Spirit is the One who takes His words and speaks them to your spirit (See Jn 16). His words are the seed (see the parable of the sower) and that grows in you making you a new person (Born Again) and it activates your spiritual ears! And so the sign that you are born again is that you hear the sound of the wind (The Holy Spirit).

So then, if you are "Born Again" you do hear the Holy Spirit (the sound of the wind), and obviously you will then start telling others to also seek the voice of the Lord (unlike you), because hearing from the Lord our God Jesus Christ via the Holy Spirit is awesome!! So you tell other to seek the voice of the Lord our God (unlike you), and try to hear from Him.

Now you are making it about the catch phrase "Born Again", and that is your purpose. Yet if we are actually listening to the Lord our God Jesus Christ, you would be making it about trying to hear from Him, because if they seek Him and His words to them He will send His Holy Spirit into them with His words!! Therefore the act of really seeking the Lord and His voice results in what you know as being Born Again, so we preach the act of seeking His voice, which is going to be found near you - like Moses explained - is found near you!! Even in your heart and mouth! That is true, and Moses knew it was true because Moses heard the Lord near him (in his heart and mouth) Moses was "Born Again", but you don't understand that to be Born Again, you didn't need the Cross! To be Born Again, you always just had to seek the Lord and His voice!!

So what did the cross do?? Well, it defeated sin through the required sacrifice in the Law and more important for forgiveness!!! Those trying to live by the Law could not come to the Lord that way (trying to fulfill the Law), because just seeking Lord and His voice is how you come to the Lord and not by following some set of rules!! The cross then helps us understand this mistake of ours, which the devil always promoted.

What you miss, and don't even realize that you miss (and the vast number of people also miss this) is that the personality of God doesn't change. He also loved His creation!! So if anyone was to repent of trying to live by His ways, so that they actually turn to seeking and listening to our Lord, it would have always gotten the Holy Spirit send into them with His words (been Born Again - since you prefer the catch phrase) Which explains why Moses told and honestly meant that they way back then that the word of God was near them!!

Another problem you have and certainly don't understand you have, is what happened because you are born again. It means that you personally come to now the Lord!! Moses knew the Lord, and can be seen with Jesus Christ on the mountain of transfiguration!! That could happen because Moses was born again!! And you should have read how the Lord reproved those religious Pharisees by pointing out that He is God of the living, and referenced David!!Moses and David where thus alive while Jesus was in the flesh and before going to the cross!! And that because they knew the Lord!!

If you really knew the Lord like you should, you would understand that actually knowing the Lord through a person relationship with Him, and like all personal relationship, you get that by actually spending time with Him and that in conversations back and forth!! So we preach the Word of God to mean talking back and forth with Him, and that by seeking the Word of God (Jesus Christ and His words) which have always been found near us (in our hearts and mouth)!!

Therefore, we don't go around preaching "Born Again, Born Again, Born Again" we go around preaching a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by having conversations with Him, and that by Him sending His Holy Spirit into us!! That means we are "Born Again" but you are putting the horse before the cart. You are preaching what happens if you seek Him, instead of preach Him so the benefits in the cart (being Born Again) follow you seeking Him and His voice!! You have it all backwards!!

Now Jesus, being wise, started by showing what was in the cart "Being Born Again and more" as a way to reprove Nicodemus, so that He could tell him that he did not accept their (Moses, David, Elijah) testimony!!

Jn 3: 11 “Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony.

Jesus was telling Nicodemus that he did not accept our testimony!! There isn't anything like that going on around here is there?

Jesus knew that that religious man did not accept the testimony of those who heard from the Lord!! So He was trying to make it perfectly clear that he didn't hear with his spiritual ears. If that continued he (the religious man who does listen) is not going be under Jesus Christ who is God of the living!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Born again is a "Spiritual Birth", so how come you seem to really know how it works??

"Jesus said, You must be Born again".

A.) The Holy Spirit of God births the spirit of a (Believer) into God/

"God is A Spirit".


"New Creation in Christ"

"Son-Daughter of God"

"Seated in Heavenly places"

"having been Translated from darkness.......To Light""

"one with God'"
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Being born again means that God has dealt with your sin through the Cross of Christ and then gives you the New Birth of your Spirit,...
.= born again into Himself.

Another wonderful type Christian statement that does not really lead to understanding!!!

What happen when Jesus Christ went to the cross???

Well - we men, encouraged by demons - took the Son of God whose name is called the Word of God, because his Father gave Him all things, including the words of God and put Him on the throne of God to rule over all things, and killed Him!! We hung Him on a piece of some pieces of wood, put thorns in His head, put a sword in His side, and cause His blood to be spilled here on earth. Never-the-less, He willing went through it and still forgave us for our sakes, because He loved us!! And all that had spiritual meaning!!!

He is called the Word of God because He talks to men in words! Because God is spirit and He has always been with God and is God, so He sends His Holy Spirit to talk to our spirit! So if spiritually speaking you want to kill the Word of God, who is spirit, the way you do it is to not listen to Him!! Adam and Eve did not listen to Him and ate from the wrong tree. That killed Him! And all the people who came after them also did the same at some point or another!! All of us. All have sinned! And since God created the heavens and the earth, the things that happen in the heaven tend to manifest here on earth. Therefore He came down out of heaven for our sins - every time we didn't and don't listen to Him! All unrighteousness is sin, and only God truly knows the right thing to do! So to know the right thing to do, you have to listen to Him!!

Yet Jesus Christ/God the Son forgives us, because He loves us, even though we don't listen to Him like we should. So our sinful nature (our not listening to Him) meant we all killed Him spiritually speaking, and if we still don't make it about listening to Him, we are still killing Him. His mercy and grace are incredible. Where sin abounds His mercy and grace abound. so much more.

Still, there is one unforgivable sin, and that is deny the Holy Spirit who comes with His words for us! In that case, a person never stops killing Him, because they are not willing to listen to the Holy Spirit who comes with His words. To deny the Holy Spirit and His trying to give us the Lord's words, we decide not to believe in Jesus Christ, the One whom the Holy Spirits gets the words of God from!

The statement in the post above does not tell you that. It does not give you the understanding that you have to hear by faith, which is how you receive the Holy Spirit!

So the statement, like soooooooo many religious statements, sound great but they don't actually lead you to Understanding!!

Understanding is a name in the Bible for Jesus Christ. It is written that we need to call Understanding our friend, and a friend is someone you talk with. The statement ignores that fact! It deceives you with a bunch of religious sounding stuff! And the people say Amen, because they still don't want to talk to Him like they should! They are influenced by religious spirits and don't realize it! A religious spirit is a spirit that tries to replace the Word of God with religious belief. That is to say, a religious spirit encourages people to seek religion instead of actually seeking the voice of the Lord our God Jesus Christ!!

Still, Jesus did show, by going to the Cross, that He is will willing to forgive them and does, but that so they might turn back to Him and start listening to Him by faith! Faith comes from hearing a word from Him (See Rm 10), but will they start hearing from Him. If you believe, and that means you start listening to Him and believe that it is Him, then He reckons that faith to you as righteousness! (Gen 15)

But if you don't believe and thus don't listen to Him, that pretending to believe (as in serving a religious spirit) will not get you into a relationship with Him; which is what He wants! Doing that is called giving Him lip service, or pretending obedience to Him. You will sound - religious! It will show up that you are not really trying to get others to listen to Him, and that because you are not even trying to get yourself to listen to Him!! That is very common! Indeed, religion is the big door that most people try to get into heaven through! Yet you have to get into heaven via Jesus Christ, meaning that His sheep actually hear His voice!

If you hear His voice and actually get to know Him, you will quickly realize what I am saying. You badly want others to actually seek Jesus Christ, as the Word of God, so they will hear His voice, like His sheep do!!

You will hear Him give you great instructions, and fantastic teachings, and wonderful counsel!!

Things like "Karl, we don't use the Lord to preach the Scriptures; we use the Scriptures to preach the Lord."

So we don't become "Bible thumpers", but rather become those trying to get others to actually turn to our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

So we don't say Amen to someone going "Born Again!! Born Again!! Born Again!! and other catch phrases we find in the Bible - but rather we ask people to actually seek the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ!!

Let me give you a recent example. I was helping at a ministry the Lord has working in at my church. When a man rattled the door and I went to talk to him. He was thinking about committing suicide. So how should we approach that? Do we tell him not to do that? Probably we should point that out. Should we listen to Him and give him helpful advice? Yeah, maybe. Maybe we should anoint him and pray that God would help him. That sound like a good idea.

However I propose there is a better answer that all of the above, and that is what I did. The better way is to hook him up with Jesus Christ and His voice so that He can tell the man not to do that! And He can give the man helpful advice and wonderful counsel! And He can send His Holy Spirit to anoint Him and pray that God would help him.

Are you better than God, smarter than God, have better advice that God, and are you more powerful that God?? It's not even close!! God is better at helping others that you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So turn them to the Word of God, Jesus Christ and get them listening to His words!! Jesus explained It is the Spirit who gives us life, and His words are spirit and are life. But we want to be God instead of turn people to God, and we don't even see that I ourselves!! Those religious spirits get too much control in our lives!!

So I did. I lead the man to seek Jesus Christ and hear what He had to say to Him. Jesus told the man He loved him! The man heard that himself from Jesus Christ, via the Holy Spirit. That gave the man life, not that spirit of death, and this man considered himself a Christian and had been around the church. And once stated in the conversation with that small voice of the Lord, he continued on, and with that my work was done.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What happen when Jesus Christ went to the cross???


But when Christ Jesus DIED on the Cross, He became our sin bearer and eternal redemption.

"God hath made Jesus to be sin for us".. and "Jesus is the one time Eternal sacrifice for sin".


"""" God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.""""
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

But when Christ Jesus DIED on the Cross, He became our sin bearer and eternal redemption.

"God hath made Jesus to be sin for us".. and "Jesus is the one time Eternal sacrifice for sin".


"""" God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.""""
But those who trod the Son of GOD under foot , there will be no sacrifce for sins .
And i remind the church of this as well . Beware of the error of the delusion of the all inclusion .
For if one takes off HEEDING that we must BELIEVE ON CHRIST JESUS TO BE SAVED
and rather believes that it dont matter what religoin one is of , that this false love they do saved them .
to find out they dont beleive IN HIS TEACHINGS . And that my friend is not going to be a good ending at all .
that if one rejects the gospel of CHRIST , if one hears the gospel and refuses to believe on CHRIST JESUS ,
SO , we better make sure ITS JESUS WE TRUST IN and not in men .
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