A Day is Coming

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Father Jim

Oct 20, 2023
Northeast USA
United States
A day is coming when all of you Catholic demonizer's will be required to make a decision about Rome, Italy. A day when everyone's eschatology is placed on the table before them. The world will be launched into Tribulation and you guys will be dumbfounded.

Today's world is very vulnerable. Consider if there were TWO viruses' circulating the globe - and huge earthquakes and volcanos erupt - war in the Middle East - Islamic terrorism - even nuclear and biological terrorism - all occur at the same time?

Rome and the EU, the US or the UN - have absolutely NOTHING to do with the last days! When will folks realize that ISLAM has always been Israel's, Christianity's, and the World's worst enemy? Rome, the EU, the UN, the US - is NOT the enemy of the world!
Rocket science is NOT required to determine the beast of the last days. It's right in front of you.

Will you continue to accuse Rome when that day comes? And all the events and evidence verify Islam is the beast and religion thereof? Will you people ever come clean and admit your colossal, biased blunders? Will you repent and change your mind, OR will they continue to fabricate even more stuff to cover up those blunders?

The main point is that Jesus returns in the end and kills the Dajjal, the Islamic anti-Christ. Another person who plays a part in the Muslim perspective, is the Mahdi. The Mahdi (the guided one) and the Muslim Jesus. The Mahdi will lead the armies of Islam in the end times struggle against the enemies of Islam. And most of you have never heard of the Muslim Jesus who will follow the Mahdi around the Arab world and be his subordinate.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
A day is coming when all of you Catholic demonizer's will be required to make a decision about Rome, Italy. A day when everyone's eschatology is placed on the table before them. The world will be launched into Tribulation and you guys will be dumbfounded.

Today's world is very vulnerable. Consider if there were TWO viruses' circulating the globe - and huge earthquakes and volcanos erupt - war in the Middle East - Islamic terrorism - even nuclear and biological terrorism - all occur at the same time?

Rome and the EU, the US or the UN - have absolutely NOTHING to do with the last days! When will folks realize that ISLAM has always been Israel's, Christianity's, and the World's worst enemy? Rome, the EU, the UN, the US - is NOT the enemy of the world!
Rocket science is NOT required to determine the beast of the last days. It's right in front of you.

Will you continue to accuse Rome when that day comes? And all the events and evidence verify Islam is the beast and religion thereof? Will you people ever come clean and admit your colossal, biased blunders? Will you repent and change your mind, OR will they continue to fabricate even more stuff to cover up those blunders?

The main point is that Jesus returns in the end and kills the Dajjal, the Islamic anti-Christ. Another person who plays a part in the Muslim perspective, is the Mahdi. The Mahdi (the guided one) and the Muslim Jesus. The Mahdi will lead the armies of Islam in the end times struggle against the enemies of Islam. And most of you have never heard of the Muslim Jesus who will follow the Mahdi around the Arab world and be his subordinate.
There are several reasons to believe the Antichrist rises out of Europe, and not the Middle East. And it is not self-evident that Islam is the Antichrist. Rather, it is much more likely that apostate Christianity produces its own Antichrist.

Why do I say that? It is because Paul says that in 2 Thes 2, where he declares that Antichrist will arise out of an "apostasy." Dan 7 indicates the Antichrist, the "Little Horn," will try to change the set laws of God. Dan 7.25.

It is apparent from looking at Israel's history that nations called of God ultimately fall into apostasy. That is their record, and it has been the same record for Christian nations. A particular denomination like Catholicism, Lutheranism, or Separatism will not make any country immune to moral degradation. The people who lead the various Christian movements are also susceptible to error, and over time see leaders who compromise their faith. Apostasy results over the long run, and biblical prophecy anticipates this.

But a 2nd reason to believe the Antichrist rises out of Europe is because that is where the Apostle John, in the book of Revelation, seems to place him. He has the 1st Beast with 10 horns and 7 heads, which is taken directly from Dan 7, where the Antichrist is viewed as taking over a 10 nation confederation.

And this 10 nation confederation originates with the 4th Kingdom, which many Bible scholars believe began with the ancient Roman Empire. Today, the same imperial tradition is held by the states of Europe, East and West. And we can still see imperialism in Russia.

So, Europe is the heart of Gentile Christianity, and apostasy must arise out of there. And John confirms that it originates with ancient Rome.

Furthermore, John in Rev 17 gives some cryptic references to what can only be understood by the Christians of the time as Rome. Obviously he could not just come out and say it.

And so, he refers to the 7 heads (of Europe) as symbols of 7 hills, which speak of Rome. And he also refers to these 7 heads as representative of a succession of 7 kingdoms, which Christians would be aware of. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The 7th kingdom would represent the Antichristian Empire, issuing out of the preceding Rome.

To cap it off John describes the Great Whore as a city ruling over the world of that time. That would be Rome!

A final reason to think Antichrist rises out of Rome/Europe, and not out of Islam, is because the Middle East has been a weaker imperial entity than European empires. They have been strong, but they have been divided and ultimately weakened well below the strength of European nations, at least now, in the last days.

I think the prototypes of Antichrist in modern times, such as Napoleon and Hitler, better represent an Antichrist figure than Islamic figures who oppose Christianity from outside of Christian culture. Antichrist will rise, I think, from within Christian culture.

The Beast will arise from the sea, speaking of the great expansion of world powers, which include the colonial powers of Europe, whereas the 2nd Beast, the False Prophet, will likely emerge from the Middle East, the land, settled with ancient cultures.

The False Prophet, therefore, may be either a false Pope or an Islamic figure, but the Antichrist himself will come out of Roman culture, in my opinion. To defend any religious tradition because it is ours is a grave mistake, just as the Pharisees erred by defending their religious tradition even as it was failing. One should take God's side over the side of a failing religion.

If Catholicism fails, it's time to jump ship. If Protestantism fails, it's time to jump ship. "Choose this day what side you are on?"

Josh 5.13 Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”
14 “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?”
15 The commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
The Destroyer is Coming Deuteronomy 32:34-35

Isaiah 54:16b I; the Lord, created the Destroyer, to wreak destruction.

Jeremiah 4:7 A lion has risen from his lair – the Destroyer of nations. He has come out of hiding and will devastate the nations.

Ezekiel 7:8-19 Very soon I shall vent My wrath onto the Land of Israel. I shall call them to account for their bad conduct and their abominations. I shall neither pity nor spare them; they will suffer for their sins. They will know that it was the Lord who struck them.

The Day is coming, doom is here – it bursts upon them, the Lord’s retribution and punishment for their many sins. The time has come! The Day has arrived! The war Trumpet has sounded, but no-one goes to war, for their turmoil has called forth My wrath. Outside is the Destroyer, inside is pestilence and famine, those out in the country will die and if any escape to hiding places, there I will kill them for their iniquity. Everyone will be terrified, their hands will hang limp and people will wet their pants with fright. None of their riches or possessions will save them on the terrible day of the Lord’s fury.

Jeremiah 8:12-16 The whole earth trembles as the Destroyer comes. It devastates the land, all it produces is burned. City and citizens alike will fall with a great crash on the Day of the Lord’s Reckoning. Malachi 4:1-&3, 2 Peter 3:7, Amos 1 & 2:1-5, Isaiah 66:15-17,

Isaiah 6:11 …cities are ruined and deserted, without any people left in them. The holy Land lies ruined and wasted.
Ref: REB. Some verses abridged.

This terrible disaster, the Sixth Seal; will be triggered by an attempt to send nuke missiles to Israel. An Electro Magnetic Pulse of high magnitude sent out from the sun, will cause their weapons to explode, killing themselves. Psalms 7:12-16, Joel 3:4

Father Jim

Oct 20, 2023
Northeast USA
United States
There are several reasons to believe the Antichrist rises out of Europe, and not the Middle East. And it is not self-evident that Islam is the Antichrist. Rather, it is much more likely that apostate Christianity produces its own Antichrist.
Why do I say that? It is because Paul says that in 2 Thes 2, where he declares that Antichrist will arise out of an "apostasy."
Part one

That thinking was developed by the Reformers who justifiably had an unfavorable opinion of Rome. I and many others believe they were wrong. It's amazing that Christians have fallen for that. Today's prophecy experts, esp. the dispensationalist, promote an end-time scenario of self-condemnation and demonization. They prophecy have misled and deceived (deluded is the word in the text) so many into believing that the Church established by Jesus Christ would produce the demonic duo.

There are things I'm unsure of in 2Thes. 2. Some of it is a little confusing and ambiguous. I don't believe the 'apostasy' involves Christians for several reasons.

It has been a matter of debate among Bible scholars for centuries whether this verse refers to an apostasy among those who once followed God, or a general worldwide rebellion. In fact, Paul may have two things in mind. This apostasy could easily be on two fronts. One by the general population and the other by terrorism. We saw quite a round of riots - revolts and rebellion that took place after the last election. I think after the next election it's going to be even worse. Couple that with terrorism and voila - you have the prophesied apostasy!

Papyri documents that were written in the 3rd century and found during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are a group of manuscripts that used the word APOSTASY politically of rebels.

Most Christians do NOT know what apostasy is and that's because of what they are taught. Christianity is the only World Religion that has the incorrect understanding of APOSTASY.

Other World Religions view apostasy as 'ABANDONING THEIR FORMER POLITICAL OR RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION AND ACCEPTING ANOTHER or as a revolt and a rebellion as well as a total abandonment of a previous affiliation.

This is the web definition of apostasy.
Apostasy - (noun) 1. The act of abandoning a party or cause.
2. The state of having rejected your religious beliefs, political party, cause or sports team in favor of opposing beliefs, causes or teams.
3. A defection, renunciation, disaffiliation, abandonment or revolt from a previous association.
4. (Islamic definition) Rejection in word or deed of one's former religion.
5. (Christian definition) To fall away from the truth.

It's a political or religious revolt just like what's taking place in the Arab Islamic world today,

I've read and pondered verse 3 and I do believe it has NOTHING to do with Christians and the Church.

Verse 3 shows no indication this implies the Church. It shows the opposite.

From the word 'except' to the end of verse 12, the church IS NOT implied in any way. In fact the words "BUT WE" in verse 13 prove that Christians (the church) is not part of the apostasy! "The word 'but' is a conjunction that shows distinction and opposition to a previous statement. It opposes persons to persons or things previously mentioned or thought of. The distinction in this passage is between the Parousia and the followers of Christ as opposed to the man of sin and his followers. The church is not implied whatsoever."

Bible scholars like John MacArthur, David Jermiah, Hal Lindsey, and a host of others are an abomination to the Lord because they attribute this to the APOSTATE Church and esp. Catholicism. (There is no such thing as the apostate Church) They demonized God's Church and Christians have fallen for it because Christians believe these EXPERTS. They think they're the ones in the KNOW so they accept their teachings line, hook, and sinker.

Once more I'm going to ask everyone for ONE verse that SPECIFICALLY identifies Rome, Italy or the EU in ANY way. JUST ONE! NOBODY can do it because ONE verse does not exist.

Dan 7 indicates the Antichrist, the "Little Horn," will try to change the set laws of God. Dan 7.25.

I've had some tell me that the little horn of Daniel 7 is a different little horn than the one in Daniel 8!

As far as I can tell, Daniel 7's fourth beast doesn't specify anything about its origin. So injecting Rome in the mix is a presumption. Daniel gives us a clue in Daniel 8 where it is said to come from GREECE - NOT ROME.

Daniel 7:7 "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, DREADFUL AND TERRIBLE."

In reference to the BABYLONIANS, Habakkuk uses similar language and that may help identify the origin of this beast.

For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans/Babylonians, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs. They are TERRIBLE AND DREADFUL: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.

Father Jim

Oct 20, 2023
Northeast USA
United States
Part two
Since I believe the anti-Christ is ISLAMIC, and since he will reign from the Dome of the Rock Complex. I think he will change the times of Day, and maybe the number of times Muslim's say their prayers as well as change the direction Muslim's face during those prayers. Instead of facing east toward Mecca, they will face toward the Dome Complex where the Islamic anti-Christ will rule his coming worldwide Caliphate for 3 1/2 years.

It is apparent from looking at Israel's history that nations called of God ultimately fall into apostasy. That is their record, and it has been the same record for Christian nations. A particular denomination like Catholicism, Lutheranism, or Separatism will not make any country immune to moral degradation. The people who lead the various Christian movements are also susceptible to error, and over time see leaders who compromise their faith. Apostasy results over the long run, and biblical prophecy anticipates this.

Again, APOSTASY does not apply to Christians, and it is NOT a defection from truth.

But a 2nd reason to believe the Antichrist rises out of Europe is because that is where the Apostle John, in the book of Revelation, seems to place him. He has the 1st Beast with 10 horns and 7 heads, which is taken directly from Dan 7, where the Antichrist is viewed as taking over a 10 nation confederation.

Here is where Christians go wrong. Daniel's fourth dreadful and terrible beast, and the beast of Revelation 13 as well as the Revelation 17 beast are three different entities. They represent three different things! Also - the anti-Christ is NOT a global dictator. He rules his worldwide Caliphate from the Dome but his reign of power is limited to a coalition of nations which he unites to take out Israel. He's NOT a global dictator! I think there is a global dictator of sorts coming, but he is NOT the prophesied anti-Christ. But that's an entirely other topic.

And this 10 nation confederation originates with the 4th Kingdom, which many Bible scholars believe began with the ancient Roman Empire. Today, the same imperial tradition is held by the states of Europe, East and West. And we can still see imperialism in Russia.

Again - Daniel's fourth kingdom, the little horn, emerges from the Greece - NOT Rome!

So, Europe is the heart of Gentile Christianity, and apostasy must arise out of there. And John confirms that it originates with ancient Rome.

Europe and Christians are NOT implied in any of the texts.

Furthermore, John in Rev 17 gives some cryptic references to what can only be understood by the Christians of the time as Rome. Obviously he could not just come out and say it.

More speculation. John is taken into the desert to see the judgment of the great harlot - Rome is not found in the desert.

And so, he refers to the 7 heads (of Europe) as symbols of 7 hills, which speak of Rome. And he also refers to these 7 heads as representative of a succession of 7 kingdoms, which Christians would be aware of. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The 7th kingdom would represent the Antichristian Empire, issuing out of the preceding Rome.

John uses the word OROS which is properly translated MOUNTAINS. Rome AKA the Vatican doesn't even sit on 7 hills. Vatican hill is on the west side of the Tiber and Rome's tiny little seven hills sit on the East side of it making 8 hills total.

To cap it off John describes the Great Whore as a city ruling over the world of that time. That would be Rome!

OF THAT TIME is incorrect. The ten horns and 7 heads of Revelation 17 are all present-day entities. They are NOT ancient empires, kings, or Popes!

A final reason to think Antichrist rises out of Rome/Europe, and not out of Islam, is because the Middle East has been a weaker imperial entity than European empires. They have been strong, but they have been divided and ultimately weakened well below the strength of European nations, at least now, in the last days.

That's exactly what the word MIXED means in Daniel 2! MIXED OR MINGLED is used to describe the toes of iron and clay. Mixed is the Aramaic word "arab." It means mixed and it denotes an Arabian or Arabia. I would like to know how people associate this word with ROME, ITALY. Europe is NOT divided.

Arab Islamic tribes and clans scattered across the countries of the Middle East. Rome, Italy, and the EU, have strong alliances and are all a peaceful coalition of nations. They're more unified than the Arab World which isn't united at all! Arab/Muslim countries throughout the Mid-East and Northern Africa have always been divided. There are about 250 different tribes and clans in Northern Africa alone. Iraq has several hundred. They are proud of their heritage and can be your best friend and worse enemy at the same time. Iron and clay, divided, partly strong and partly broken, not cleaved to one another, "mixed with the seed of men," perfectly describes the Arabs. Both iron and clay are brittle, and they don't mix. I believe the iron is the Sunni sect of Islam. The clay is the Shia sect of Islam.

Not only do Arab/Islamic countries have fragile alliances, but the Arab's also have mixed, crossed, and broken up into hundreds of different tribes and clans scattered across the entire Mid-East including Northern Africa. The two major sects of Islam have also divided themselves into several different sub-divisions.

Their history, the scriptures, Ishmael as their father, and today's world proves they are divided, uncleaved, intermarried, AKA "mixed with the seed of men." The Arab world has never been united or 'cleaved to one another. The NLT actually uses the word intermarried instead of mixed. The word Arab is today a variation of the word 'crossed.'


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Rome and the EU, the US or the UN - have absolutely NOTHING to do with the last days! When will folks realize that ISLAM has always been Israel's, Christianity's, and the World's worst enemy? Rome, the EU, the UN, the US - is NOT the enemy of the world!
yes, they are not the enemies of the world as you said but they are likely to treat God's people as enemies.

A substituted Jesus (one who underpins the bulk of mens theologies) is the one favoured by popular opinion, not the self sacrificing Jesus. The self sacrificing Jesus was murdered by popular opinion as were his people. They again will be hunted down (great tribulation) by those with influence just before the real Jesus returns in the clouds.

When it comes to Rome, the grandiosity with which she displays herself; her architecture, her wealth, her internal corruption are all in step with the systems of the world.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
A day is coming when all of you Catholic demonizer's will be required to make a decision about Rome, Italy. A day when everyone's eschatology is placed on the table before them. The world will be launched into Tribulation and you guys will be dumbfounded.

Today's world is very vulnerable. Consider if there were TWO viruses' circulating the globe - and huge earthquakes and volcanos erupt - war in the Middle East - Islamic terrorism - even nuclear and biological terrorism - all occur at the same time?

Rome and the EU, the US or the UN - have absolutely NOTHING to do with the last days! When will folks realize that ISLAM has always been Israel's, Christianity's, and the World's worst enemy? Rome, the EU, the UN, the US - is NOT the enemy of the world!
Rocket science is NOT required to determine the beast of the last days. It's right in front of you.

Will you continue to accuse Rome when that day comes? And all the events and evidence verify Islam is the beast and religion thereof? Will you people ever come clean and admit your colossal, biased blunders? Will you repent and change your mind, OR will they continue to fabricate even more stuff to cover up those blunders?

The main point is that Jesus returns in the end and kills the Dajjal, the Islamic anti-Christ. Another person who plays a part in the Muslim perspective, is the Mahdi. The Mahdi (the guided one) and the Muslim Jesus. The Mahdi will lead the armies of Islam in the end times struggle against the enemies of Islam. And most of you have never heard of the Muslim Jesus who will follow the Mahdi around the Arab world and be his subordinate.

NOPE! You are only showing your personal bias, and NOT staying with God's Word as written.

My Lord Jesus warned about the coming of a pseudo-Christ for the end, during the coming time of "great tribulation". Jesus said that false one will work 'great signs and wonders, that IF it were possible, would deceive even His very elect.'

Now just what level of powers of deception and miracles would be required to almost... deceive Christ's own very elect that are sealed against deception for the end??

Does that mean a Christian is going to suddenly think one of the religion of ISLAM could be a returning Jesus Christ? or would an orthodox unbelieving JEW think one of the religion of ISLAM could be The Messiah of Bible Scripture?? NO - OF COURSE NOT!

Per Hippolytus of Rome (3rd century A.D.):

"6. Now, as our Lord Jesus Christ, who is also God, was prophesied of under the figure of a lion, on account of His royalty and glory, in the same way have the Scriptures also aforetime spoken of Antichrist as a lion, on account of his tyranny and violence. For the deceiver seeks to liken himself in all things to the Son of God. Christ is a lion, so Antichrist is also a lion; Christ is a king, so Antichrist is also a king. The Saviour was manifested as a lamb; so he too, in like manner, will appear as a lamb, though within he is a wolf. The Saviour came into the World in the circumcision, and he will come in the same manner. The Lord sent apostles among all the nations, and he in like manner will send false apostles. The Saviour gathered together the sheep that were scattered abroad, and he in like manner will bring together a people that is scattered abroad. The Lord gave a seal to those who believed on Him, and he will give one like manner. The Saviour appeared in the form of man, and he too will come in the form of a man. The Saviour raised up and showed His holy flesh like a temple, and he will raise a temple of stone in Jerusalem. And his seductive arts we shall exhibit in what follows. But for the present let us turn to the question in hand."
(from Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers)

The coming pseudo-Christ that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24:23-26, will come from among the JEWS in Jerusalem.

That false one will proclaim himself as The Christ, Messiah. Not as an Islamic messiah.

He will claim to be The GOD of all... religions, all faiths joined into a one-world faith system for the end. But he will claim to be of Judah, from which Christ was prophesied to be born from, and was descended from, as per the written Word of God.

Jesus of Nazareth as The Christ being born of the tribe of Judah is a major focal point for His return as Messiah and as KING and LORD. No imposter would be able to come and claim they are from another people like the Arabs and try to say they are The Messiah of The Bible!

So those who try to push the false idea that the coming Antichrist will be from Islam are most likely Jewish or at least pro-Jewish, and only showing their Biblical illiteracy while revealing their hatred of the Islamic nations. Maybe they think with the present political situation in the middle east today that it's a good time to push this Islamic false-Christ fabrication?


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
A day is coming when all of you Catholic demonizer's will be required to make a decision about Rome, Italy. A day when everyone's eschatology is placed on the table before them. The world will be launched into Tribulation and you guys will be dumbfounded.

Today's world is very vulnerable. Consider if there were TWO viruses' circulating the globe - and huge earthquakes and volcanos erupt - war in the Middle East - Islamic terrorism - even nuclear and biological terrorism - all occur at the same time?

Rome and the EU, the US or the UN - have absolutely NOTHING to do with the last days! When will folks realize that ISLAM has always been Israel's, Christianity's, and the World's worst enemy? Rome, the EU, the UN, the US - is NOT the enemy of the world!
Rocket science is NOT required to determine the beast of the last days. It's right in front of you.

Will you continue to accuse Rome when that day comes? And all the events and evidence verify Islam is the beast and religion thereof? Will you people ever come clean and admit your colossal, biased blunders? Will you repent and change your mind, OR will they continue to fabricate even more stuff to cover up those blunders?

The main point is that Jesus returns in the end and kills the Dajjal, the Islamic anti-Christ. Another person who plays a part in the Muslim perspective, is the Mahdi. The Mahdi (the guided one) and the Muslim Jesus. The Mahdi will lead the armies of Islam in the end times struggle against the enemies of Islam. And most of you have never heard of the Muslim Jesus who will follow the Mahdi around the Arab world and be his subordinate.
1 John 2:18 Greek

500 [e]

500 antíxristos (from 473 /antí, "opposite to, in place of" and 5547 /Xristós, "Christ") – properly, opposite to Christ; someone acting in place of (against) Christ; "Antichrist."

  1. All the names which in the Scripture are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that He is over the church, all the same names are applied to the Pope.” Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, De Conciliorum Auctoriatate (On the Authority of the Councils) Bk 2, chap. 17
  2. “The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God. He is the divine monarch and supreme emperor, and king of kings. Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as King of heaven and of earth and of the lower regions.” Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, vol.6, art. “Papa II”
  3. “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.” Pope Leo XIII, in an encyclical letter dated June 20, 1894, The Great Encyclical Letters of Leo XIII, p. 304.