Unethical treatment of LGBTQ humans / Understanding LGBTQ - 101

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
What I THINK is if you move #3 to the top it reads almost like a poem.
Interesting idea. (think Frank Sinatra, or Bobby Caldwell)

Make you rich and famous. - (not likely)
Go broke because - they are expensive.
Ruin your social life - because they give you gas.
Put you in gridlock trying - to decide on a filling.
Get strange looks in line - at the grocer. (what's new?)
Someone might mistake the package -
for a bookmark to put in their Bible.
Get in an argument with someone that -
misinterprets the Bible verse in question.



Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
I'm still trying to help Christians understand this COMPLEX issue that they have reduced to a knee-jerk reaction.
Notice the term "LGBTQ humans" in the topic title. I need to remind Christians that these people are human. - Sigh. :(
Because they are typically treated by Christians as subhuman.

In my previous topic, WWJD with LGBTQ, I tried to inform forum members about what I knew about the subject.
--- If you wonder where I am coming from, that's a good place to start. ---

The level of ignorance on this subject is substantial.
And more than that, the level of aggression toward those humans with these issues.
And EVEN more than that, the aggression toward anyone, like myself who would DARE
to stand up to defend these precious ones that Jesus gave his life for.
Recently I have been accused of being a "homo" (I'm not) and for "lying" (I didn't) about being a Christian (in Christ). - Sigh. :(

Therefore, the Ethics & Morality Forum seemed appropriate. This has become an issue of Ethics & Morality.

Understanding LGBTQ - 101 / Terminology:
(note: we don't need to AGREE with these terms, but we do need to understand them)
I'm not an expert by any stretch; but this is what I have learned to date.

Birth Sex: The sex/gender you were born with.
Determined by the presence of male or female genitalia.
A small percentage are born with dual genitalia (asexual) or genitalia abnormalities.
See "Gender Assigned at Birth" below.

Gender Assigned at Birth: Now part of the paperwork doctors are required to fill out.
Allowing for parents to assign Non-Binary gender on the birth certificate.
Previously this was reserved for doctors and parents (hopefully) in cases of
dual genitalia (asexual) or genitalia abnormalities. (this subject is new to me)

Gender Identity: In most cases gender is determined by birth sex.
But as we have all seen, hormonal imbalances can give us a broad range of maleness and femaleness.
There are very masculine females and very feminine males. and everything in between.
See Gender Roles and Gender Dysphoria below.

Gender Roles: We see early signs of children gravitating toward gender specific interests.
Typically girls play with dolls and boys prefer trucks. But not always. Happens as early as 3 to 5 years.
We have seen a lot of evening out in this area. Opportunities for women in typically male roles.
Things have gone in the other direction as well. With more and more stay-at-home Dads.

Gender Dysphoria: The situation where a birth sex male feels that they are a female in a male body.
Or a birth sex female feels that they are a male in a female body. Usually realized in adolescence.
However, some children as young as 3 to 5 years old are acting on strong urges to opposite gender behavior.
Unfortunate, this has been OVER-STRESSED in recent years to epidemic proportions.
Gender identity is being pushed on anyone with a hormonal balance in either direction.
And has become popular in teen culture to pursue gender identity opposite their birth sex.

Transgender: A range of reactions to gender dysphoria. Manifesting in anything from
clothing and hair style preferences and name change to gender reassignment surgery.

Sexual Orientation: Attraction to opposite sex, or same-sex partners.
Note: Transgenderism does NOT automatically effect a change in sexual orientation.

Monogamous Relationships:
A couple in a lifetime commitment to each other regardless of sexual orientation.

Again, we don't need to AGREE with these terms, but we do need to UNDERSTAND them
in order to have any meaningful relationships with LGBTQ humans.

Discussion questions:
Please use the terminology laid about above in the discussion, thanks.

1) Were LGBTQ humans created in the image of God?
2) Does God love LGBTQ humans?
3) Did Jesus die to pay the death penalty for LGBTQ humans?
4) Has the church recognized these factors?
5) Has the church acted accordingly?
6) What is your church, or fellowship, doing about this issue?
7) What can you do personally to grapple with this issue?

There is NOTHING we need to understand, its a sin, this is the same as saying us Christians need to learn about the ins and outs and apparent justifications of murder, theft and adultery, and other sins, we don't, a sin is a sin and you cannot bend God's word, you might be able to hide behind laws that force society to pander to you but you cannot change Gods word and what is put in black and white in the bible as a sin.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
There is NOTHING we need to understand, its a sin, this is the same as saying us Christians need to learn about the ins and outs and apparent justifications of murder, theft and adultery, and other sins, we don't, a sin is a sin and you cannot bend God's word, you might be able to hide behind laws that force society to pander to you but you cannot change Gods word and what is put in black and white in the bible as a sin.
What if you were attending an urban church in a neighborhood where murder was a BIG problem?
Perhaps you are living in a bubble of protection in a suburb where murder is not an issue?
But in an area where this is a problem, don't you think the church should recognize the problem and help?

Same is true for LGBTQ.
Perhaps you are living in a bubble of protection in a suburb where LGBTQ is not an issue?
But in an area where this is a problem, don't you think the church should recognize the problem and help?

I've met committed Christians with same-sex attraction issues.
We had small group meetings to help with life-controlling issues.

What about parents with children that have gender dysphoria?
Just tell them to repent? You might as well show them the door.

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Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
What if you were attending an urban church in a neighborhood where murder was a BIG problem?
Perhaps you are living in a bubble of protection in a suburb where murder is not an issue?
But in an area where this is a problem, don't you think the church should recognize the problem and help?

Same is true for LGBTQ.
Perhaps you are living in a bubble of protection in a suburb where LGBTQ is not an issue?
But in an area where this is a problem, don't you think the church should recognize the problem and help?

I've met committed Christians with same-sex attraction issues.
We had small group meetings to help with life-controlling issues.

What about parents with children that have gender dysphoria?
Just tell them to repent? You might as well show them the door.

Okay so you wanna play "what if" aka devils advocate.
What part of my original response can be argued with? As in what part of Gods word can be bent to suit and condone living in sin?

The very people who killed Jesus are the ones who are pushing this movement.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Okay so you wanna play "what if" aka devils advocate.
What part of my original response can be argued with? As in what part of Gods word can be bent to suit and condone living in sin?
This is the problem with even trying to discuss this issue.
Everyone thinks I am promoting sin. I am not.
I am addressing the way the church responds to the issue.
Like you, the church wants to make it a black and white issue.

Can you identify these Christians in your church?
- Those struggling with same-sex attraction?
- Teens with gender dysphoria?
- Young adults experimenting with sexual partners?
- The parents of these children.
- Same-sex couples?

Obviously anyone struggling with these issues is hiding it.
And the church is pretending that it only happens outside the church.

The very people who killed Jesus are the ones who are pushing this movement.
Say what? Who is that?
If you don't understand that it was ALL of us who put Christ on the cross, you need to settle that now. IMHO

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
United States
Well, science has not found a "gay gene." It is not genetics. The question of nature or nurture is invalid.

If someone is a pyromaniac, and sets fire to things belonging to another, we don't excuse the person because of an internal desire.

The same can be said about kleptomania, and we know stealing is wrong.

How about people who gossip? How dare I mention one of the most common sins in church!

Yeshua dined with sinners (and not only drank wine, He made wine!). It is not, from all that I have seen, that he ever excused sin. He worked to change sinners into children of God. God will correct His children.

Christians should acknowledge that sinners exist, and that they should look to God to change their behavior. Even if their desires remain the same, the behavior does not have to remain. We certainly cannot help those who suffer from irresponsible setting fires, stealing, gossiping, or those of the "gender confused" group if we won't associate with them. The behavior that is demonstrated today by "Christians" does nothing to show what Yahweh wants them to know.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Good post, thanks.
Well, science has not found a "gay gene." It is not genetics. The question of nature or nurture is invalid.
If there is a genetic aspect, it comes through the family line. IMO - And environment may play a bigger role.
Spiritual things are passed through bloodlines as well. CC: @TLHKAJ

Can we deny the reality of those who feel that they are in the wrong body?
There is a whole range of testosterone and estrogen levels in both males and females.
We all know very masculine females and very feminine males.

The behavior that is demonstrated today by "Christians" does nothing to show what Yahweh wants them to know.
That's the point I am trying to make with these topics.
Much of what I posted were things I learned while investigating this whole subject.
I was woefully ignorant, as are most of my Christians brothers and sisters.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
United States
Good post, thanks.

If there is a genetic aspect, it comes through the family line. IMO - And environment may play a bigger role.
Spiritual things are passed through bloodlines as well. CC: @TLHKAJ

Can we deny the reality of those who feel that they are in the wrong body?
There is a whole range of testosterone and estrogen levels in both males and females.
We all know very masculine females and very feminine males.

That's the point I am trying to make with these topics.
Much of what I posted were things I learned while investigating this whole subject.
I was woefully ignorant, as are most of my Christians brothers and sisters.

Well, brother, there has been no evidence of a genetic reason for these situations. However, our social climate and condition of broken family units alter the way children develop and think. I do believe it is a nurture problem. One can have sinful desires (and I think we all do), the issue is whether or not we act on them.

I've prayed for God to remove those desires from me, but He has not. That leaves me depending on Him every day.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
When you say someone is LGBTQ you are saying that they are an Atheist....
They are opposed to religion....especially Christianity.

They can claim to be a Christ follower....but their lifestyle and actions say the direct opposite. People say a lot of crap....doesn't make it true. Faith is expressed by actions. And if they don't have faith....

People get off the tracks when they see the train coming....because they believe they will be killed otherwise. Those who are members of the LGBTQ community who also claim Christ are liars (as exactly expressed in Romans) and even though they claim they know the train is coming they do not get off the tracks.

It's almost past the point of tolerance anymore when prepubescent children and teenagers are inundated with the sexuality of these people....because they wish to corrupt the children into their lifestyle. (AKA moral turpitude) And Jesus was very specific about doing this to children.

No excuses, no exceptions....if a LGBTQ expresses their perverted sexual preferences to someone under the age of 21 they are a pedophile. Period. But yet....every deviant schoolteacher out there has done exactly that with flags and signs and memes in their classrooms.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I've prayed for God to remove those desires from me, but He has not. That leaves me depending on Him every day.
That's a great point. Thanks for your candor. We all struggle.

Christians (in general) treat LGBTQ as if one simply repents of it and their problem is solved. ???

All of us struggle constantly against sin. Imagine the struggle of an LGBTQ person that wants to please God.
Will they find help in the church? Or just glib platitudes?

I put this topic up to help educate Christians about these issues. The response as been poor. (to say the least)
Many have only condemnation for my efforts. Assuming that I am promoting an LGBTQ lifestyle.



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Many have only condemnation for my efforts. Assuming that I am promoting an LGBTQ lifestyle
Because it's an ongoing topic for you. No different from a particular member of this site going on about Saturday worship services.
Everything he posts about is turned and twisted into this one subject.

When quite literally there is an entire life to be lived out beyond these single subjects. But they do not want to discuss anything other than these topics. As if to convert us into these very subjects. It's a form of fishing to lure people into their particular lifestyles.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Because it's an ongoing topic for you. No different from a particular member of this site going on about Saturday worship services.
Everything he posts about is turned and twisted into this one subject.

When quite literally there is an entire life to be lived out beyond these single subjects. But they do not want to discuss anything other than these topics. As if to convert us into these very subjects. It's a form of fishing to lure people into their particular lifestyles.
Not sure that's fair. ???
I'm certainly not a one-trick pony.

Below is a list of recent activity on my topics. (from page one of Find Threads)
Subjects range from Doctrine to LGBTQ to Eternal Security to
Where the Bible Came From to Religious Upbringing to Apokatastasis to
Prophetic Ministry to Skepticism to Spiritual Rebirth Stories to
Doctrinal Unity to The Character of God. And that's just page one.

Doctrine as a god - bow down before the one you serve...

Unethical treatment of LGBTQ humans / Understanding LGBTQ - 101

Response to "God's Eternal Life Insurance" topic


Where did the Bible come from? - Shot out of a canon

Is there a cure for my religious upbringing? - other than atheism, I mean.

Apokatastasis in the early church

Healthy Prophetic Communities ft. Graham Cooke

Skepticism versus gullibility

The gospel according to... ???

What makes a doctrine false?

Your spiritual rebirth story - An event, or a gradual experience?

Christianity as a Closed System

Unity in exclusivity is mere tribalism - Nothing special there

"My doctrinal opinion is true; you're doctrinal opinion is false." - Got it?

Perceptual Reality and Spiritual Understanding

Leaving Room for Faith - why we don't know EVERYTHING

The Character of God - Reader Poll

Theistic Agnosticism - The honesty to admit we don't know everything



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Correct....and in each of these threads your focus is on discounting scripture, bringing God less than Omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign, or holy holy holy.
Which aligns itself with promoting a LGBTQ agenda or more appropriately a gnostic viewpoint.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
United States
Contrary to some opinions, I believe that true understanding and wisdom come from putting effort into validating what we claim to believe. Someone not willing to admit that they just might not know God's truth is someone who is walking in the pathway of some man who claims that his truth is also God's. If we can't prove it is true by the entirety of scripture, we should not yet be claiming anything to be true. Modern churches today are based on the views of man rather than allowing Yahweh to teach us in community. I have found that anyone who leads a bible study using ALL of scripture upsets that staff of the church.


Active Member
Mar 26, 2024
United States
I'm still trying to help Christians understand this COMPLEX issue that they have reduced to a knee-jerk reaction.
Notice the term "LGBTQ humans" in the topic title. I need to remind Christians that these people are human. - Sigh. :(
Because they are typically treated by Christians as subhuman.

In my previous topic, WWJD with LGBTQ, I tried to inform forum members about what I knew about the subject.
--- If you wonder where I am coming from, that's a good place to start. ---

The level of ignorance on this subject is substantial.
And more than that, the level of aggression toward those humans with these issues.
And EVEN more than that, the aggression toward anyone, like myself who would DARE
to stand up to defend these precious ones that Jesus gave his life for.
Recently I have been accused of being a "homo" (I'm not) and for "lying" (I didn't) about being a Christian (in Christ). - Sigh. :(

Therefore, the Ethics & Morality Forum seemed appropriate. This has become an issue of Ethics & Morality.

Understanding LGBTQ - 101 / Terminology:
(note: we don't need to AGREE with these terms, but we do need to understand them)
I'm not an expert by any stretch; but this is what I have learned to date.

Birth Sex: The sex/gender you were born with.
Determined by the presence of male or female genitalia.
A small percentage are born with dual genitalia (asexual) or genitalia abnormalities.
See "Gender Assigned at Birth" below.

Gender Assigned at Birth: Now part of the paperwork doctors are required to fill out.
Allowing for parents to assign Non-Binary gender on the birth certificate.
Previously this was reserved for doctors and parents (hopefully) in cases of
dual genitalia (asexual) or genitalia abnormalities. (this subject is new to me)

Gender Identity: In most cases gender is determined by birth sex.
But as we have all seen, hormonal imbalances can give us a broad range of maleness and femaleness.
There are very masculine females and very feminine males. and everything in between.
See Gender Roles and Gender Dysphoria below.

Gender Roles: We see early signs of children gravitating toward gender specific interests.
Typically girls play with dolls and boys prefer trucks. But not always. Happens as early as 3 to 5 years.
We have seen a lot of evening out in this area. Opportunities for women in typically male roles.
Things have gone in the other direction as well. With more and more stay-at-home Dads.

Gender Dysphoria: The situation where a birth sex male feels that they are a female in a male body.
Or a birth sex female feels that they are a male in a female body. Usually realized in adolescence.
However, some children as young as 3 to 5 years old are acting on strong urges to opposite gender behavior.
Unfortunate, this has been OVER-STRESSED in recent years to epidemic proportions.
Gender identity is being pushed on anyone with a hormonal balance in either direction.
And has become popular in teen culture to pursue gender identity opposite their birth sex.

Transgender: A range of reactions to gender dysphoria. Manifesting in anything from
clothing and hair style preferences and name change to gender reassignment surgery.

Sexual Orientation: Attraction to opposite sex, or same-sex partners.
Note: Transgenderism does NOT automatically effect a change in sexual orientation.

Monogamous Relationships:
A couple in a lifetime commitment to each other regardless of sexual orientation.

Again, we don't need to AGREE with these terms, but we do need to UNDERSTAND them
in order to have any meaningful relationships with LGBTQ humans.

Discussion questions:
Please use the terminology laid about above in the discussion, thanks.

1) Were LGBTQ humans created in the image of God?
2) Does God love LGBTQ humans?
3) Did Jesus die to pay the death penalty for LGBTQ humans?
4) Has the church recognized these factors?
5) Has the church acted accordingly?
6) What is your church, or fellowship, doing about this issue?
7) What can you do personally to grapple with this issue?

Let’s just look at it from a common sense perspective

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the powers to be seem to think that we are overpopulated on this planet

Which, of course I disagree. It is all due to poor management.

Is playing right into the hands of extermination
A suicide mentality
Due to the fact, that lifestyle will be produce
no babies
Would I allow them to have children by adoption?
Hell no
Especially when it seems a little boys are more preferred

I mean, if you don’t want a baby, because you chose LGBTQ.
Then No adoption
Maybe there we can compromise
Plus, no marriages legally

If you’re going to shove your lifestyle onto society, you have to play by some rules that we set but it seems nobody wants to follow any rules

That lifestyle is suicidal for the human species

And I didn’t even bring God into the picture
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The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States
Good post, thanks.

If there is a genetic aspect, it comes through the family line. IMO - And environment may play a bigger role.
Spiritual things are passed through bloodlines as well. CC: @TLHKAJ

Can we deny the reality of those who feel that they are in the wrong body?
There is a whole range of testosterone and estrogen levels in both males and females.
We all know very masculine females and very feminine males.

That's the point I am trying to make with these topics.
Much of what I posted were things I learned while investigating this whole subject.
I was woefully ignorant, as are most of my Christians brothers and sisters.

huh??? Spiritual things are passed through bloodlines as well.


Active Member
Mar 26, 2024
United States
⛔️12% of LGBTQ youth attempted suicide last year

Note that this is the percentage that has committed suicide in ONE year, the lifetime chance of suicide is way higher. And all this is happening while acceptance and social support for LGBTQ is at an all time high.

Still think this is a natural lifestyle?

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