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I’ve been in 2 Timothy for days now. What has caught my attention is “forefathers”. It makes me consider:
what “forefathers" does Paul speak of in his saying, “I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers.

I have never considered this before. What forefathers does Paul refer to? Those forefathers after the flesh? Or those "forefathers" after the Spirit of God?
1) We are instructed there are also false prophets who prophesy lies, where God said “I did not send them. They speak lies about Me.”
2) Then there are those prophets, God spoke through saying, “for those who dwell in Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor knew yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day, the have fulfilled them in condemning Him.”​

What is the test of a true prophet? That their voice, or what they prophesy comes to pass and is proven to be true. That is what I hear in what was said to them. How they had read: the prophecy concerning Christ Jesus. The prophets gave in great detail how Jesus Christ would be a man of sorrows, afflicted, rejected, nothing desirable that we should desire him, how they would hide their faces from him, his being as a tender grass sprouting up out from a dry place, and they (we) would consider him afflicted and stricken of God. Yet... He has carried their burdens.

Much like the prophets that the true test is, “it comes to pass”, what was written of Christ Jesus by the prophets did come to pass.
Unlike the prophets who speak lies prophesying of those thing which are false—similar is, at least to me… as there are false prophets; there is also a difference in “forefathers" who lead to death and those "forefathers" who are after Christ.

What forefathers is Paul thanking? Could it be those "forefathers' he refers to as "my forefathers" which helped grow Christ in Paul? I can think of one "forefather" Paul may be thanking God for and that is Stephen. How Stephen stood fast in the truth. Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit spoke before a young Saul. Saul rejoicing in that moment of "doing wrong" of "doing evil" in the name of the Lord upon a brother crying out unto the Spirit of God to "help". Stephen followed the model of crucified in weakness, but this power of God worked mighty in a young Saul …Paul who is made of God's hand to become "one whom God showed mercy" for sure. The magnitude, to me, of God's mercy shown in Paul saying "Lord, you know I was there when they stoned Stephen calling on the Lord, and the coats of those who killed him were laid at my feet."
Those “forefathers” who committed good things to Paul. As Paul tells Timothy of holding fast the good things committed unto Timothy, by the laying on of the hands of Paul. Would Timothy refer to Paul as his "forefather" in the gospel of Christ Jesus. I think so. Because I also consider Paul a forefather in the words, he penned through the Spirit of God has been mighty towards edification. Mighty towards edification of and by and through the Spirit of God.
It stands out to me that in 1 Timothy…Paul keeps addressing Timothy over and over again as “my beloved son”. Is Paul a “forefather” to Timothy? Not according to the flesh, but “a forefather” according to the will of God, the promise of Life in Christ Jesus? I do truly believe so.

To Timothy, my beloved son:

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to the promise of life in Christ Jesus, to Timothy, my beloved son…

I thank God, whom I (also)serve from my forefathers

“For though you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have you not many (fore)fathers: for in Christ Jesus, I have begotten you through the gospel
1 Corinthians 4:15

“For you see your calling, brothers, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wide—to bring down everything empty and vain striving about of words to no effect, to bring down “a conspiracy found among men", to silence every mouth and to put a stop to sin; being instructed that those things (spoken against God) will perish.​

Timothy, My beloved son. As I thank my forefathers…

God has not given us the spirit of timidity but of power and love and discipline (do not be ashamed nor despise the discipline of God for the chastisement of God makes Sons after the Spirit and not sons after the flesh.)

Dear Timothy, by beloved son…God has not given you the spirit of timidness. This is not cute being referred to as "timid timothy" ...This spirit comes from the world and is of the world. And is not to be admired. God did not give you the spirit of timidness.

Timothy, my beloved son...Hold fast (Take hold of the Peace of God, cling to) the form of sound words (for God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind) hold fast that good thing committed unto you (the promise of Life in Christ Jesus) keep (the Promise) by the Holy Spirit which dwells in us.

Therefore, my son…be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Endue hardness (of the heart) …endure the hard hearts of men… as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. The Lord said to Jeremiah “A conspiracy has been found among men.” A conspiracy to destroy, a conspiracy to kill and a conspiracy to steal. Consider Satan how beautiful and a guard he was until “a conspiracy” was found in him. It reminds me of the garden of Eden. But also, the verses that speak of the devil seemed to be everything except there was a conspiracy destroy, lie, kill and steal against God... found within him of “I will ascend high above God.” What do we consider the attributes of the devil? could “conspiracy” be a word that does well to describe the works of the devil? Malice, maligning, liar, a thief stealing the words of God, truce breaker, accuser, a brother-hater, back-biter, slanderer, despiser of the things of God, denying any truth, destroyer, out from which every evil thing comes...envy, greed, lust, pride...what else?

Paul speaks to Timothy about first fruits and references to what Christ spoke of also: that you will have tribulation but out from much tribulation for His namesake there comes forth also fruit born(again) unto God, Fruit unto Life in Christ Jesus. Made Alive unto God.

The hard-working farmer ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops.(fruit)

I (Paul)have been refreshed(I have been comforted), my beloved son, Timothy.
As a Forefather to you, my beloved son in the Spirit of Christ... Timid Timothy you are no more. Keep and walk in the Power of God by the Spirit which comes from God and has been given unto you from the Father above "to rebuild" "to build up" "to edify" the body of Christ… kept by the Power, and of love, and of a sound mind. For God has not given you the spirit of timidity.

Hold fast!
Endure hard hearts!
"A conspiracy has been found among men."

My beloved son Timothy. Join me in the sufferings of Christ Jesus.
An example of enduring hardened hearts:
An example of “hold fast”:​
Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
This is the third time I am coming to you.
The second time, and now absent I tell you in advance if I come again I will not spare anyone.
"You seek proof of Christ who speaks in me, who is not weak towards you, but is mighty in you."
Test yourselves.
Examine "Are you in the Faith'?

We pray to God you do no wrong. this is for your sake not so we will appear approved but so you have opportunity to do what is right. Even though we appear unapproved. We speak not against the truth but only for the truth. We are not among you as those of a conspiracy found among men. We are not rejoicing in evil but rejoice when we are weak and you are strong. This we pray. That you be made complete. I pray in the authority of the Lord given unto me for building up and not for tearing down.
Finally brother, rejoice in doing well.
Be made complete in Christ.
What is the evil you rejoice in doing?
You lie.
You deny the power of Christ speaking in me and instead call Christ weak. You deny in weakness he was crucified but by the power working that is not weak but mighty in you. Christ is not weak but mighty in you, yet you deny the power thereof, and of this you turn away from Christ.
Do not lie against the truth. “Denying the power thereof”

Timothy, remind them not to wrangle about words, which are useless and lead to ruin of the hearers.
Be diligent, my son Timothy, to present yourself approved of God,

Stand fast when they call you a reprobate. When you are called as one who fails. When they stand hard-hearted and accusing you Timothy. When they curse, bless. When they wrongly about with their words against the Spirit dwelling in you … “stand fast”
a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. Avoid worldly and empty chatter for it will lead to further ungodliness. Their talk will spread like gangrene. (The Lord said to Jeremiah “A conspiracy has been found among the men.”)

The lord said to Jeremiah “Therefore, pray not for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer, for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.”

If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death; I do not say that he should make a request for this. (1 John 5:16)

Old Testament: They say, “prophesy not in the name not in the name of the Lord.” New Testament: “Forbid not one to prophesy”

Jeremiah 11:10 They have turned back to their iniquities of their ancestors who refused to hear My words and they have gone after gods to serve them…they have broken My covenant I made with their fathers.

Jeremiah 14:11-12 “the lord said, do not pray for the welfare of this people.”

“Forefathers”, ancestors which refused to hear

They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers which refused to hear my words; they went after gods to serve them” …having broken my covenant which I made with their fathers.

2 Timothy 1:15 when you do evil, then you rejoice. “A conspiracy has been found among men.” I was like a lamb, or an ox brought to slaughter; I knew not what they had devised against me saying, let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof.

But Christ knew what they had devised …
He knew of the conspiracy found among men.

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