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(continued from "Why Jesus Had to Die" - Part 1) If the Pharisees had shown excellent judgment in warmly receiving Jesus Christ, acknowledging that Christ was who he said he was, and accepted that he did the things he said he did - wouldn't man have a more charitable perception of our own will...
The Book of Isaiah, written ~740 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, prophesied Jesus's coming and also his death. Because Jesus died for our sins, we have a connection to the Most-High God through Jesus, our high-priest. And we were blessed with the Holy Spirit who dwells within...
Chapter 12 of Genesis wastes no time! It has no time for things like "origin stories" or "background" or "context". The Bible reader receives no real introduction to Abraham - who he is, what his relationship with God is. Nevertheless, God, out of the blue it would seem, picks Abraham for one...
(See Part 1) 3. Show Faith The only topic of conversation that's recorded in the Bible during the meal Abraham and the angels have together is that God will fulfill the promise he gave Abraham earlier (Genesis 17:15-16) that Sarah (his wife) will bear him a son. The angels say it will be...
What comes to mind when you think of an angel? Sometimes we think of divine beings zipping around invisibly up above. Psalm 91 says "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways (Psalms 91:11). We believe angels offer words of caution to us or protection, but...
(Click here to read Part 1) Overreach? Keller says the Elder Brother was trying to use his obedience to the father to control him. He says: One reason I included the full text of the “Prodigal Son” parable in Part 1 is so you could reference it. Feel free to scan it again and see if you...
I wasn’t sure what I felt about “The "Prodigal God" until the very end of the book. Until then, I alternated between being in vehement denial of the author Tim Keller's assertions (thinking he made arguments which were a "stretch") to feeling completely enlightened & "fully sold" on the very...
2 min read
Biblical Training is a website with free online Bible classes that teach everything from Introduction to New Believers to seminary-level instruction. All at no cost. It's a wonderful service for Christians. It was the first Christian instruction I turned to after my conversion. The first...
5 min read
The Path of Life
Phew! I feel like I climbed Mount Ranier in reading the first book I've completed in the Bible: The Book of Matthew. Or rather this was the first time I read a book in the Bible that I actually understood. My first encounter with the Bible was marked by pure incomprehension. The year...

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