New profile posts

  • Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress.

    You will need to register to be able to join in fellowship with Christians all over the world.

    We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless!

I was never meant to fit in and it's a blessing
Surely we cannot escape the fact that God has set everything according to His "from before the foundation of the world" plan.
Therefore nobody can be other than a "cog within that plan".

How great is the God we adore
Our faithful, unchangeable, friend
His love is as great as His power
And knows no beginning or end
Am encouraged by many of the latest threads and posts. I see new members that are bringing great threads, questions and discussion.

LPraying that God will get glory and His will out of this forum, despite it's flaws.
"my husband and I are because we can't find a church that follows Scripture over the traditions of men."
If I may suggest email: [email protected] to get help with a Grace church or small study
group in you area.

Grace And Peace.
Welcome to the forum brother in the Lord. I lurk some while posting seldom, but as God see fit, we each must do what we must do.