You can become more like God via theosis/divinization and man inherited death, not sin

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Deus vult

Jun 17, 2024
South Carolina
United States
Eastern Orthodox here and opposed to Sola Scriptura since the Bible only came after tradition much like writing by hand came before typing on a computer. There was no Bible in ancient Christianity. If all Bibles disappeared over night, what would church look like? It would look Orthodox/Catholic.

We do not inherit sin, we inherit a fallen world and with that, death. Imagine your parents were guilty of murdering several people, would that make you guilty of the same thing? Absolutely not. Instead, you would inherit a life of being adopted or sitting in foster care as your parents would most likely be imprisoned. We can still however sin, but that’s why we seek forgiveness and should still seek forgiveness since many times we sin without even being aware.

Salvation also happens through theosis by becoming more like Christ since faith without works is dead. Obviously, one cannot become more like Christ without faith in Christ. The issue with Protestantism is that it threw out the baby along with the bathwater due to some bad apples. It’s no different than the democrat response of “defund the police” given cases of police brutality in recent years. The only condition to accepting modernity is to never forsake tradition. Tradition is how Christ’s apostles and the patriarchs have been able to pass down the faith before the Bible was even put together.
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Deus vult

Jun 17, 2024
South Carolina
United States
There were the books of the Old Testament which Jesus himself quoted, also there are quotes from the Old Testament in Paul's writings.
But not the New Testament which completes the Bible. The Old Testament alone gives us a whole different religion: Judaism. It’s the same as saying the Torah existed before Jesus since the Torah is the first 5 books. There is no Christianity with the Old Testament alone.

And there is hardly any similarity between Judaism and Christianity, either. There is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian” as many believe. The Jews reject Jesus to the same degree that Muslims do. Either he’s the savior or he’s not. Can’t have it both ways.
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Windmill Charge

New Member
Dec 16, 2017
United Kingdom
But not the New Testament which completes the Bible. The Old Testament alone gives us a whole different religion: Judaism. It’s the same as saying the Torah existed before Jesus since the Torah is the first 5 books. There is no Christianity with the Old Testament alone.

And there is hardly any similarity between Judaism and Christianity, either. There is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian” as many believe. The Jews reject Jesus to the same degree that Muslims do. Either he’s the savior or he’s not. Can’t have it both ways.
Those who study history, writing styles, grammar and scripture, tell us that the early Christian Church had portions of scripture from the end of the 1st century.

Paul letters from even earlier, so your claim of no bible in the ear.y chur h is untrue.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
But not the New Testament which completes the Bible. The Old Testament alone gives us a whole different religion: Judaism. It’s the same as saying the Torah existed before Jesus since the Torah is the first 5 books. There is no Christianity with the Old Testament alone.

And there is hardly any similarity between Judaism and Christianity, either. There is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian” as many believe. The Jews reject Jesus to the same degree that Muslims do. Either he’s the savior or he’s not. Can’t have it both ways.
Those who are born of the Spirit and have the Spirit can see that the gospel is preached as well as foreshadowed in the old testament. Bible says the gospel is to the Jew first, then the Gentile. And it says salvation is of the Jews. Old covenant faithful saints have a place with the born again people of God in His everlasting kingdom.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
There were the books of the Old Testament which Jesus himself quoted, also there are quotes from the Old Testament in Paul's writings.
Amen. The old testament scriptures are the scriptures that the apostle wrote about saying they are inspired by God and profitable for instruction, reproof, correction etc.


New Member
Jan 20, 2024
United Kingdom
But not the New Testament which completes the Bible. The Old Testament alone gives us a whole different religion: Judaism. It’s the same as saying the Torah existed before Jesus since the Torah is the first 5 books. There is no Christianity with the Old Testament alone.

And there is hardly any similarity between Judaism and Christianity, either. There is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian” as many believe. The Jews reject Jesus to the same degree that Muslims do. Either he’s the savior or he’s not. Can’t have it both ways.
If the old testament gave us judaism Jesus would not have been constantly in theological conflict with the Pharisees.

That statement also demonstrate that you do not know much about judaism because judaism is a mix of torah, mishnah, kabbalah, zohar... which include for some a lot of teachings that go against what Jesus taught.

Jesus said that the Torah was about him so proper application of Torah would lead to Jesus not Judaism.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Eastern Orthodox here and opposed to Sola Scriptura since the Bible only came after tradition much like writing by hand came before typing on a computer. There was no Bible in ancient Christianity. If all Bibles disappeared over night, what would church look like? It would look Orthodox/Catholic.
Agreed. But that can be something bad as well as good. I agree that interpretations, translations, and human agendas, have basically spoiled the gospel for most people. Maybe 90% of believers or would be believers have gone astray through a lack of instruction and false teachings.

BUT, without access to a bible there would not be the minority of people who surpass the laity and the clergy into intimacy with God.

So for the small percentage of those who read the bible seeking God for answers, rather than making up their own minds about what it is saying, having a bible is most welcome.

The bible is NOT a book of is a book of questions...that only God can answer through demonstration of His life and power that He wants s to walk in. But if we have no bible, how can true seekers know what to ask?
We do not inherit sin, we inherit a fallen world and with that, death. Imagine your parents were guilty of murdering several people, would that make you guilty of the same thing? Absolutely not. Instead, you would inherit a life of being adopted or sitting in foster care as your parents would most likely be imprisoned. We can still however sin, but that’s why we seek forgiveness and should still seek forgiveness since many times we sin without even being aware.

We have an ingrained sin nature..sometimes called original sin...that we all are deviated from God in . We have all sinned and gone astray.

The cross of Christ is there to crucify the sin nature thus liberating us into a holy walk IN Christ.
Salvation also happens through theosis by becoming more like Christ since faith without works is dead.

This is a good aspect of Orthodox Christianity...rejected by Catholics and Protestants (the West). However, there can be a lot of hocus-pocus added to that by people wanting something so bad they are willing to take we see in charismatic circles.
Obviously, one cannot become more like Christ without faith in Christ. The issue with Protestantism is that it threw out the baby along with the bathwater

Agreed. Luther hated the truth enough to make up a new gospel....a different "reformed" gospel.
due to some bad apples. It’s no different than the democrat response of “defund the police” given cases of police brutality in recent years.

Agreed again. Going too far the other way. People tend to go to extremes having never experienced a proper balance.
The only condition to accepting modernity is to never forsake tradition. Tradition is how Christ’s apostles and the patriarchs have been able to pass down the faith before the Bible was even put together.
But what is the apostolic tradition if not to walk in resurrection life in Christ? In Him is no sin.

A liturgy is a human tradition. It's wrong to impose a local human tradition and put that on a par with the tradition of the apostles. We see that error with Rome who forced people into their tradition...with their pomp and hierarchies.

What we seem to avoid is being led by the Spirit in all these endeavours. Councils, creeds? All from men. All religious institutionalism that negates the depth of grace to lead people in life and power. People want too much control over others. But Paul said that we are to have no dominion over the faith of others...for by faith we stand. Not beliefs, creeds and lip-service.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Salvation also happens through theosis by becoming more like Christ since faith without works is dead. Obviously, one cannot become more like Christ without faith in Christ. The issue with Protestantism is that it threw out the baby along with the bathwater due to some bad apples. It’s no different than the democrat response of “defund the police” given cases of police brutality in recent years. The only condition to accepting modernity is to never forsake tradition. Tradition is how Christ’s apostles and the patriarchs have been able to pass down the faith before the Bible was even put together.
1jo 3:2Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
United States
There was no Bible in ancient Christianity.

How do you suppose Christianity would have spread without the Bible? Through word of mouth alone? That doesn't seem likey.

But not the New Testament which completes the Bible. The Old Testament alone gives us a whole different religion: Judaism. It’s the same as saying the Torah existed before Jesus since the Torah is the first 5 books. There is no Christianity with the Old Testament alone.

There is a saying: The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. It's been said that one-third of the New Testament either quotes from or alludes to the Old Testament. You really can't understand one without the other. By the way, Old Testament and New Testament really just mean old covenant and new covenant.