What if the Adversary is the God of this world?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
And God's Elect navigate it amid the Sons and Daughters of Disobedience?

The Elect are guided by our innate link to God. Which is something the Adversary cannot interfere with.

While the whole world lies within the power of The Evil One.

Goes a long way to explain today's world and people.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And God's Elect navigate it amid the Sons and Daughters of Disobedience?

The Elect are guided by our innate link to God. Which is something the Adversary cannot interfere with.

While the whole world lies within the power of The Evil One.

Goes a long way to explain today's world and people.

The Devil is the "god of this world"..
He's in charge of the "world System".
He's the reason that "Globalism" is a universal mind set.

Calvinism, which is a product of Satanism, essentially teaches that God is causing you to suffer, and The Devil is on Vacation.
This is how effectively the Devil has inundated Calvinism + Tulip's doctrine into mainstream Christianity, as well as everywhere else.

Calvinism + TULIP will get you killed.


Its because Calvin and TULIP, will have you lost inside a twisted hyper religious mindset that has you believing... "It was all meant to be". 'It was predestined to happen to me"...

Here are some Examples of CALVIN + TULIP... = Killing Christians :

1.) "Did your wife die of Cancer'? "Yeah, it was meant to be". "God gave it to her to test her faith, and to make her more like Jesus"...

2.) "Did someone burn down your business"? "Yeah, it was all a part of God's plan, as he wants me to live in my car, and cry myself to sleep, so that by carrying this Cross, im learning how to be a better person and more Christ-Like".

3.) "What did the doctor tell you"... ""He said that the painful knot on my knee is Tuberculosis of the Bone, and that there is no cure"... ""But that's ok, as ive had a good life, all 22 yrs.. .and im thankful that God found me worthy of this final test to death".

So, what is wrong with all that, READER?

A.) There is no real Christianity in any of it. Its all self inflicted "martyr syndrome".. that is Caused by : CALVINISM + TULIP infection of the mind.

So how does that Get you killed by = Calvinism?
Well, each of those cases, each of those dying TULIP + Calvinists, are going to suffer, and they Believe "" God caused it."", and that is what the Devil wants you to think and do.
The Devil wants you to RECEIVE From Him,... a death sentence, a life sentence...and then you complete it by believing that God is Killing you, or ruining your life to "make you better".

Notice what is missing in their reactions?

1.) Real Christianity, is missing.

Not one of them understands that the DEVIL is their mortal enemy for life....., as its the DEVIL who is the cause of DISEASES.... many times.
So, none of them are attributing to the DESTROYER = The DEVOURER = the Fact that its quite possible that HE IS Killing them.

And what else is wrong with these deceived Calvinist's - TULIP ????

= Where is their PRAYER LIFE?
= Why are they not asking GOD for HEALING... GRACE.....HELP?... ??

= Its because John The Devil Calvin, has convinced them that God is doing this to them, so they can't pray to God for Healing, when John Calvinism + TULIP has them believing that GOD is causing their DEATH as a "blessing" or "pre-destined".

A.) Calvinism will get you Killed.

Dont let it kill you, Reader.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Isn't it called SPAM when someone copies and pastes the same post into multiple threads?

You should learn about a denomination before condemning it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
And God's Elect navigate it amid the Sons and Daughters of Disobedience?

The Elect are guided by our innate link to God. Which is something the Adversary cannot interfere with.

While the whole world lies within the power of The Evil One.

Goes a long way to explain today's world and people.

I would reserve 'God' with a capital 'G' for God Almighty out of respect. But anyways:.

Didn't Israel wander through the desert for 40 years because of their unbelief? Yet God stayed with them. This is the case more often than not in the Christian life. It can take brokenness to lead us to a place of needing to trust God more. But along the way the pillar of cloud leads us by day or the pillar of fire leads the way at night, like in Exodus 13:21

So I would say the link with God through the Holy Spirit is guaranteed, but a lack of difficulty or interference is not.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
I would reserve 'God' with a capital 'G' for God Almighty out of respect. But anyways:.
Wrong member.
Didn't Israel wander through the desert for 40 years because of their unbelief? Yet God stayed with them. This is the case more often than not in the Christian life. It can take brokenness to lead us to a place of needing to trust God more. But along the way the pillar of cloud leads us by day or the pillar of fire leads the way at night, like in Exodus 13:21

So I would say the link with God through the Holy Spirit is guaranteed, but a lack of difficulty or interference is not.
The journey from Egypt to the Holy Land walking is a distance of about two weeks.

God being the only God would not seem to need have His ego placated by lesser beings He made in His image and likeness first.

While one of Lucifer's traits was vanity and hubris.

Moses sacrificed much to do God's will. Yet in the end was for hidden to enter the Hy Land be abuse he burned the wrong incense on an altar.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Wrong member.

The journey from Egypt to the Holy Land walking is a distance of about two weeks.

God being the only God would not seem to need have His ego placated by lesser beings He made in His image and likeness first.

While one of Lucifer's traits was vanity and hubris.

Moses sacrificed much to do God's will. Yet in the end was for hidden to enter the Hy Land be abuse he burned the wrong incense on an altar.
"Wrong member."
I was referring to the title: "What if the Adversary is the God of this world?"​

"The journey from Egypt to the Holy Land walking is a distance of about two weeks."
So close but so far away.​

"God being the only God would not seem to need have His ego placated by lesser beings He made in His image and likeness first.
While one of Lucifer's traits was vanity and hubris."
I think God flexes his sovereignty for our benefit because living for oneself is a dead end​

"Moses sacrificed much to do God's will. Yet in the end was for hidden to enter the Hy Land be abuse he burned the wrong incense on an altar."
I thought it was for striking the rock twice. Which was a prophetic act that reminded God of the punishment placed upon Jesus Christ and subsequent rejection of the Jews who claimed to be obedient to the law, which Moses symbolized.​


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
"Moses sacrificed much to do God's will. Yet in the end was for hidden to enter the Hy Land be abuse he burned the wrong incense on an altar."
I thought it was for striking the rock twice. Which was a prophetic act that reminded God of the punishment placed upon Jesus Christ and subsequent rejection of the Jews who claimed to be obedient to the law, which Moses symbolized.
It was.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2021
United States
I would reserve 'God' with a capital 'G' for God Almighty out of respect. But anyways:.

Didn't Israel wander through the desert for 40 years because of their unbelief? Yet God stayed with them. This is the case more often than not in the Christian life. It can take brokenness to lead us to a place of needing to trust God more. But along the way the pillar of cloud leads us by day or the pillar of fire leads the way at night, like in Exodus 13:21

So I would say the link with God through the Holy Spirit is guaranteed, but a lack of difficulty or interference is not.

I wouldn't nitpick about the capital or lowercase g thing. And Christ said that many will come in his name or use God's name during all the end times deceptions and not be of him. The deception is so great that even the elect will/may be deceived.

People bring up the many years in the wilderness a lot. There's other stuff. Ancient Israel did things that caused God to divorce them. Those who backslide or fall will be like the ancient Israelites who had to be taken into enemy nations.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
"Wrong member."
I was referring to the title: "What if the Adversary is the God of this world?"​
That's right. Context.
"The journey from Egypt to the Holy Land walking is a distance of about two weeks."
So close but so far away.​
Yeah. Forty years worth.1 generation. No elderly leaving Egypt ever finished the trip.
"God being the only God would not seem to need have His ego placated by lesser beings He made in His image and likeness first.
While one of Lucifer's traits was vanity and hubris."
I think God flexes his sovereignty for our benefit because living for oneself is a dead end.​
Um, OK?
"Moses sacrificed much to do God's will. Yet in the end was for hidden to enter the Hy Land be abuse he burned the wrong incense on an altar."
I thought it was for striking the rock twice. Which was a prophetic act that reminded God of the punishment placed upon Jesus Christ and subsequent rejection of the Jews who claimed to be obedient to the law, which Moses symbolized.​
That's correct. I was mistaken thinking back to Leviticus 10 rather than Numbers 20.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
I wouldn't nitpick about the capital or lowercase g thing. And Christ said that many will come in his name or use God's name during all the end times deceptions and not be of him. The deception is so great that even the elect will/may be deceived.

People bring up the many years in the wilderness a lot. There's other stuff. Ancient Israel did things that caused God to divorce them. Those who backslide or fall will be like the ancient Israelites who had to be taken into enemy nations.
Except His name isn't, "God".