This most blessed faith…..

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Not me

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2019
California, Ca.
United States
Colossians 3:3 (NASB20)
For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

The foundation of the faith is put forth in the above scripture, for once seen that it is indeed true, this truth opens up one’s relationship with Christ….. For it is self that keeps one from Christ, seeing that self has indeed been taken care of by the cross of Christ itself, this blessed truth becomes the foundation of all things….. For Christ did indeed die on the cross to fulfill the law concerning man, He did this by taking every man to death with Him… This is the faith Paul speaks of when He said ‘I have finished my course, I have kept the faith’…. Through all the things he went through he kept believing it was ‘no longer he that lived but Christ that lived in him’…..

For keeping this faith is that faith that causes the free gift of Christ’s life to grow and be formed in one…. This faith that is the all of everything, this faith that will do everything that is required to turn a sinner into a saint, this most blessed faith that was given once onto man….

Blessed indeed are they that grab onto this faith in the time of this life to grow in them that which is necessary to receive the abundant welcome into the next… For this life is only to prepare one for the next, blessed are they that see into this truth…..

A fellow believer, Not me
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