"That's not fair!"

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Always looking for fairness is a horrible way to live your life.

On a bigger scale, many of the world's worst evils have come in the name of fairness and equality.

People get hung up on why the Bible doesn't directly condemn slavery.

Christians are to seek the Kingdom of God first, not focus on resenting a situation you likely had no real control over.

Does this mean that those in power won't be held accountable for treating lower classes unfairly? No. The more power someone has, the more responsibility they have to use it for good. Fighting slavery is the prerogative of those who can afford to do so, but not the slaves themselves.

Being born in America gives me advantages and privileges that many cannot imagine. That's not fair. Maybe that's not the point.

I can act as if its unfair for me to get up at night to soothe my crying baby while my husband sleeps.

What would that accomplish besides an argument, and risking the lives of drivers and my husband who needs to stay awake driving an 18 wheeled truck?

My baby, God willing, will grow up and my duties will lessen. Hubby will have to work till retirement.

Hardly fair.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
To be persecuted is to be treated unfairly. Can we respond to this with blessing?

The Father does not owe us the crucifixion of Jesus the Son. Our Lord lived a humble obedient life to the point of death to give followers after Him a supremely unfair advantage. Yet the world treats us unfairly and Jesus wants us to handle it the way He did.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

If you have your good health,,,,,, then Having a lot of money, makes life easier, in general.

If your health is not good then money is much less of a help.

However, no amount of money will ever make Life : "fair".

See, Life is neither fair or unfair....its just Life..
Things happen., then everything changes, while you wait.

John Calvin produced a foul theology that tries to falsely connect God to every little thing that happens, and this hopes to promote the false belief system that.... if you live to be in perfect health until you are 99, ......vs., dying screaming in the Cancer ward at 26, then "Blame God" for both.

So, This "blame God" "Calvinism" mentality/theology....., is not of God., its of the Devil., as its the DEVIL who wants you to blame God.

Now Reader, the reason that Jesus told us to Trust and PRAY, is because what happens to you that is hurtful, harmful, can be changed from that circumstance, into Restoration and Healing and New Life., a New Beginning.

Reader the reason we have HOPE, is because : "with God all things are possible" on our behalf.., always.

Calvinism, denies this hope, and would chain you down into ..Hopelessness and Despair,.... as the Devil would have you BELIEVE.

Always remember, that God answered Prayer is proof that "pre-destined everything" is a LiE.

Jesus told us to PRAY, and = ANSWERED PRAYER....., is God's eternal proof that Calvinism's vile concept of God, is a Satanic Lie.

Let me tell you a fact about me.....as a Testimony to God's Grace.

In 1998, i was handed a possible death sentence, according to my BLOOD-Work, and according to a few "specialists" who evaluated me.

Now Calvin said to me...>"ah, too bad Behold.. .isn't it"....... "oh well, just accept that God predestined you to suffer for your own spiritual growth, and then DIE"..,,,

And i told this Devil..... "I dont Believe YOU.....I believe in The HEALING JESUS, who shed His BLOOD for ME because He loved me and gave Himself for ME, and by Jesus STRIPES i was HEALED".

And after a time, i was standing in my bedroom one morning, and i felt the disease, leave my body.. and it was gone.
I felt it leave me.
It was like a weight, or a constant pressure i'd had for quite a while...... and then it was no more in me or on me.

So....The potential "death sentence".. the "predestined suffering".. the "Calvinism Theological DUNG, ", ... could not keep Jesus from doing what God wants for YOU, if you are sick or stuck in some life crisis., Reader.

Its now '2024, and here i AM....... and what Jesus did for me many years ago, He also DIED to provide for you, Reader.

Believe it..

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Always looking for fairness is a horrible way to live your life.

On a bigger scale, many of the world's worst evils have come in the name of fairness and equality.

People get hung up on why the Bible doesn't directly condemn slavery.

Christians are to seek the Kingdom of God first, not focus on resenting a situation you likely had no real control over.

Does this mean that those in power won't be held accountable for treating lower classes unfairly? No. The more power someone has, the more responsibility they have to use it for good. Fighting slavery is the prerogative of those who can afford to do so, but not the slaves themselves.

Being born in America gives me advantages and privileges that many cannot imagine. That's not fair. Maybe that's not the point.

I can act as if its unfair for me to get up at night to soothe my crying baby while my husband sleeps.

What would that accomplish besides an argument, and risking the lives of drivers and my husband who needs to stay awake driving an 18 wheeled truck?

My baby, God willing, will grow up and my duties will lessen. Hubby will have to work till retirement.

Hardly fair.
I grew up believing we work till we get old and then retire. That is what I did.