SCOTUS , who vacated Roe V. Wade just approved nationwide access to abortion pill. By mail, no Dr. visit

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May 3, 2022
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Aug 22, 2023
United States
And God knows the side effects! Big Pharma probably does too tho. They don't care about lives.
It's just a continuation of the Eugenics protocols the shadow governors of the world are pushing.

In abortion clinics they have special containment procedures for medical waste.

These consumers of the abortion pill have to dispose of their "choice" themselves.

There's a message. Future aborted generations relegated to medwaste. Now, they're just going to be garbage.
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Chains Broken

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2023
United States
United States
The Fifth Amendment says that no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."

This ruling allows people to be deprived of life without due process of law and is unconstitutional.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
The Fifth Amendment says that no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."

This ruling allows people to be deprived of life without due process of law and is unconstitutional.
This pill is available for women who are up to 10 weeks pregnant.



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The Fifth Amendment says that no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."

This ruling allows people to be deprived of life without due process of law and is unconstitutional.
Their argument is, is that it isn't a person until it is breathing on it's own.
I don't believe any government entity should dictate or mandate one way or the other.
I believe the decision is between the woman, the doctor, and her conscience.
It shouldn't be just about a choice of what a woman wants to do with her body, it should be based on medical decisions for the life of the mother or the child.
If you choose to take a pill, the person should be fully informed of any side effects or consequences that can come about.
And only then by consent.
I was 13 when I got pregnant. I understand the fear of facing your parents and believing they will disown you or be ashamed of you.
But there are other choices. I had the choice to give it up for adoption or my parents agreed to help me raise it.
It took me 8 months to decide but I chose the latter.
And if I had chosen adoption I would not be a grandmother today.
At no other time in my life have I had the opportunity of pregnancy. It was a one time offer and I took it, by the grace of God.

I was put on birth control pills after having the baby and I don't know if that is the cause for my not ever getting pregnant again even after 2 marriages. I was on them for one year and they made me sick to my stomach so I stopped taking them.

But the argument remains as far as the constitution goes, when does life begin and that "person" have rights?
I believe at conception, but that's my opinion.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Their argument is, is that it isn't a person until it is breathing on it's own.
I don't believe any government entity should dictate or mandate one way or the other.
I believe the decision is between the woman, the doctor, and her conscience.
It shouldn't be just about a choice of what a woman wants to do with her body, it should be based on medical decisions for the life of the mother or the child.
If you choose to take a pill, the person should be fully informed of any side effects or consequences that can come about.
And only then by consent.
I was 13 when I got pregnant. I understand the fear of facing your parents and believing they will disown you or be ashamed of you.
But there are other choices. I had the choice to give it up for adoption or my parents agreed to help me raise it.
It took me 8 months to decide but I chose the latter.
And if I had chosen adoption I would not be a grandmother today.
At no other time in my life have I had the opportunity of pregnancy. It was a one time offer and I took it, by the grace of God.

I was put on birth control pills after having the baby and I don't know if that is the cause for my not ever getting pregnant again even after 2 marriages. I was on them for one year and they made me sick to my stomach so I stopped taking them.

But the argument remains as far as the constitution goes, when does life begin and that "person" have rights?
I believe at conception, but that's my opinion.


I believe that as well. I'll advise where appropriate, but will not force a position .....I was at a baseball practice when a kid came up and told me about my daughter. I never expected her to fall victim ....She had been sexually molested by a neighbor. I didn't expect her to ever fall. I supported her all the way through the trial. She knew I could be trusted. All her girlfriends were having sex .....she fell off the cliff. It just happened to be Daughter and Dad's night out. We went to eat where she chose to go. I asked "So what happened today?" "Nothing much." We could read each other like a book. "Who told you?" "Does that matter or does my approach matter?" "Your approach." "You realize, mom is going to throw things, yell and scream and beat her head against the wall? I'll take care of all that. She'll mad at us both."
'but now you have a dilemma to address. I would break things off with the bragging rights of the immature. I's the future you have to deal with now. Each boy you meet, somehow will see you as an easy mark. You have to address that and keep in mind ......your Father supports you ....send them to me ....."
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
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