Rejected yet Confident

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
The little girl I was that reached out to befriend everyone and often got rejected turned into the woman God chose and approved.

I sought refuge in attention seeking. I begged for friendship. I sought the lustful gaze of strangers.

None of it compares to the delight our God shows to those who fear His name. I found purpose in being his holy handmaid, created to be found in Christ and do good works for His glory.

God love me. He likes me. And that is truly enough.

I'm not just "weird", or "quirky" or "that lonely black conservative woman". I am accepted, purpose-filled, fearfully and wonderfully made, and affirmed by the Lord.

The world will continue to further reject me. They can't help them. I forgive them. Without Christ, Id be just as lost as they are.

I look to God for my confidence. His righteousness is my aim.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
The little girl I was that reached out to befriend everyone and often got rejected turned into the woman God chose and approved.

I sought refuge in attention seeking. O begged for friendship. I sought the lustful gaze of strangers.

None of it compares to the delight our God shows to those who fear His name. I found purpose in being his holy handmaid, created to be foubd in Christ and do good works for His glory.

God love me. He likes me. And that is truly enough.

I'm not just "weird", or "quirky" or "that lonely black conservative woman". I am accepted, purpose-filled, fearfully and wonderfully made, and affirmed by the Lord.

The world will continue to further reject me. They can't help them. I forgive them. Without Christ, Id be just as lost as they are.

I look to God for my confidence. His righteousness is my aim.

the world will reject us, because they hate us
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
The little girl I was that reached out to befriend everyone and often got rejected turned into the woman God chose and approved.

I sought refuge in attention seeking. I begged for friendship. I sought the lustful gaze of strangers.

None of it compares to the delight our God shows to those who fear His name. I found purpose in being his holy handmaid, created to be found in Christ and do good works for His glory.

God love me. He likes me. And that is truly enough.

I'm not just "weird", or "quirky" or "that lonely black conservative woman". I am accepted, purpose-filled, fearfully and wonderfully made, and affirmed by the Lord.

The world will continue to further reject me. They can't help them. I forgive them. Without Christ, Id be just as lost as they are.

I look to God for my confidence. His righteousness is my aim.