Obama Administration And Isreal In Jerusalem Standoff

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24 March 2010

Obama Administration /
Israel in Jerusalem Standoff

"I have set watchmen
on your walls, O Jerusalem;
they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord,
do not keep silent, and give Him no
rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth." (Psalm

"The Jewish people were
building Jerusalem 3,000 years ago and the
Jewish people are building Jerusalem
today... Jerusalem
is not a settlement. It's our capital." (PM Netanyahu)

Pray that "wisdom from above"
enter in and prevail between Benyamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama.

Pray that the Lord "will write on the hearts" and
instruct Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the Cabinet and Christians in the
administration regarding "arrogance" against the Jews and sovereignty
of Israel, of the dangers of
dictatorial manipulation, and of any carnal "handling" of Jerusalem to determine
"final status." (Zech 12; Rom 11:11-26)

Pray for peace and good government in Jerusalem. (Ps 122)

Pray that there will not be a new Palestinian intifada uprising.

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu arrived at the White House at 5:30 on Tuesday
after a show of solidarity
with leaders of Congress from both parties [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6896AybZirefIi5q181JnaqV9MynINJoGs182_BxgZhaUurrlbwP9YblLKXiQ_7Mh-OSQopfv68CBSchneKpYhSxlH_Jy-ECT35_RbC2sFTzdkxktgUuoIFpEKc9urKwGS29RwGKIOHUQYtiN5IIZZTxiTelrfcCc2oMjHrToC5y4rg==].
Netanyahu thanked the U.S. lawmakers for their
"constant support" and "unflagging" friendship. "Even though the challenges are
our will and our partnership is also immense," Netanyahu said at an
appearance with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Minority Leader
John Boehner (R-OH).

conferred privately with President Obama for nearly 90 minutes in the Oval
Office. A White House official said the
president then went to his residence and Netanyahu remained at the White House
to consult with his staff in the Roosevelt Room. Netanyahu requested another meeting
Obama, who returned to the Oval Office to meet with Netanyahu from 8:20 p.m. to
8:55 p.m. Netanyahu left the White House
at 9:05 p.m. without speaking to reporters at a stakeout.

office issued a brief statement Wednesday morning, stating that after the
meetings, the two leaders' teams of advisers "continued to discuss the ideas
that were raised." Netanyahu was scheduled to hold an additional round of talks
with special Mideast envoy George Mitchell later on Wednesday in Washington. The
two sides are in a stand-off over ongoing
housing projects in Jerusalem.
Plans to build 20 apartments near a Jewish-owned hotel in east Jerusalem were announced
just hours before the leaders met. There
was no customary White House welcome and handshake for photographers.
White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said on Wednesday the White House continues
to believe that Israeli building in Jerusalem is
destructive to the Middle East "peace"

had outlined Jerusalem's Jewish history during a
moving speech at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
Conference on Tuesday night -- from before the time David had shepherded sheep
in the hills of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria)
to the present day. "The Jewish
people were building Jerusalem 3,000 years ago
and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem
today," Netanyahu pointed out. "Jerusalem is not a
settlement. It's our capital," he declared.

Mayor Nir Barkat said in a London
interview: "I don't understand why the Americans are upset.... No
government has ever frozen building in Jerusalem,
not a Labor party government or Kadima. I think it would have been wise if the
Americans had come and learned the details before they took a position."

are detailed, public
master plans [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6895ltoi2i24v538XcjN5kBs-xhiTWDjkwGC9DYGvZoalyzoI1E6DkYPu1m54jXDUoGYKddXDIhq_gAw9Wm_FHgRHuRlMZFXa_Oh_j3-E_EJ_KxCQ_ZhgYkyxD3fAESveOYjrrq2MSypvqQ==]for
the good of all [the residents of Jerusalem].... If the Americans had come and
learned the plans, they wouldn't have reacted as they did. To my regret, their
policy was set according to what appeared in the Palestinian press," Mayor
Narkat maintained.

of Congress from both sides of the
aisle have [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894LYFP6rtkaY3qTacpX3BGpHOGk-xma75JDUccj9UOL9xKpDmk2bYRDs7ZBdzbJdsedJSaJqkuw0MqPJiq3v1BOD4yDIc7aqLQjQ9npx7-5CXTKOaAVQZEa]
called on the Obama Administration to defuse tension [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894LYFP6rtkaY3qTacpX3BGpHOGk-xma75JDUccj9UOL9xKpDmk2bYRDs7ZBdzbJdsedJSaJqkuw0MqPJiq3v1BOD4yDIc7aqLQjQ9npx7-5CXTKOaAVQZEa]between
Washington and Jerusalem. See a list of Congressional statements [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6896AybZirefIi5q181JnaqV9MynINJoGs182_BxgZhaUurrlbwP9YblLKXiQ_7Mh-OSQopfv68CBSchneKpYhSxlH_Jy-ECT35_RbC2sFTzdkxktgUuoIFpEKc9urKwGS29RwGKIOHUQYtiN5IIZZTxiTelrfcCc2oMjHrToC5y4rg==].
Rep. Gary Peters
(D-MI) said, "I hope that the Administration will end its unnecessary
denunciations of Israel and
will instead turn its focus to working with Congress to finally enact strong
sanctions on Iran."
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) engaged in a
colloquy [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894gVhCdogbN9AUfFLRmnGtB-6hqJfvJRcmC3veK4PslEy20eHpA1LrD-8tathfLYQjkp2F9GZL8BhX5YwDdFy3bIK1K_L1q0m4GoFWpjoseeOyamvsRs66D2QgsNtwJFDYn6mqddDMSXQ==]with
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) saying, "the American
relationship with Israel is one of the strongest, most important, most
steadfast bilateral alliances we have in the world because ... it is based on
shared values, shared strategic interests in the world, and, unfortunately, now
on the fact that we in the United States and the Israelis are also targets of
the Islamist extremists."

David Petraeus, commander of the United States Military's Central Command
(CENTCOM) testified before the Senate a week ago and dropped a "bombshell,"
accusing Israel of "intransience" [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894QsY7M-UOHRS4KJP9W8BxAbfbSAweXaxA9tq0Tnv1M0QAO9zNzz52ka2mfd3e-ZdXhW_3Ax56cPPXx8XhMM-OymAKJ0R71gndpsrdS_43sj-coJfrbpQZFcYR-rsHB8HwlcV5-yIgKqDS_hdxHY3hR]
In the Middle East. Military observers are expressing a growing
concern that Petraeus' statement might indicate a shift in military ties and cooperation
between the U.S. and Israel,
the sharing of intelligence and operational assessments, as well as future
joint exercises.

Parker's editorial
in IFA's June, 2009 First Friday Prayer Letter [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894LxH6pa6pbr6eL-RxYRPnWOxVNdsU0Shy0jHD8NhZkbJPKdwHmjlAtK-BH7HpKosFVPWId2wIY56zNY3SpcuVZ3o9UeWdllosmouOZfkxHeYc6_O-eq07kprU0sdfRDBa6khhNOMqI3JbWAaG6d6MRpfhLXWWKQdotF3wt0a7INA==]outlines
the overall shift
in Obama policy toward Israel.

newspaper editorial boards and Middle East experts have called for the U.S. to defuse
publicly escalating tensions with
Israel, a critical U.S.
ally in the region. "It has been startling -- and a little puzzling -- to
see Mr. Obama deliberately plunge into another public brawl with the Jewish
state," The Washington Post [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6895yPW92YULHel2EDZ5tr14L64EpqUIxPLio4I7HnoPm4_lsVN0F0qedxBoHfoInWpTKcJLZMcViBzOlkKbGEP0kNOVuV5V61HO2UP9zc9j6UaEikH0EIcUw-bQ58GZKJD_E_BjqMei9daYd2HROAULb54XbgKkNcgODklR7-iAF37kVrL65YfPAXqGm4bFGjjnCtuyBPkOL8HJb1Od1_dM5NsY66P3rbhZ0xdZnBTZ99w==]
wrote on Tuesday. A day earlier, The Wall Street Journal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6897QCoUYMZyPO1BWpNIFTjbxyTxWLO3J40Q-Qpj9jbxvgVBGNOaapqP4yAuy96VxOSGSWv0U12CP8forFVqHcRVifwurRO20CVgQSj3hqUqDP_n-CDRylZOXd1Oryo8v-2dLIAUFc3U-rier5J6aaVrjjBAm6xgf1miipGY13asgwwaSvfKJZIug]questioned
the administration's
strategy in Israeli-Palestinian talks. "If the Obama Administration opts
to transform itself, as the Europeans have, into another set of lawyers for the
Palestinians, it will find Israeli concessions increasingly hard to come
by," said the paper's lead editorial.

Washington visit appeared designed in part to
cement the Israeli perspective that Jerusalem is
an indivisible city and that Jewish housing developments in neighborhoods such
as Maale Adumim (see map below) are strategically necessary to the
transportation infrastructure and security of the city and nation -- such as
the traffic artery shown to the Dead Sea.

nearly a quarter of a million Jews, almost half the city's Jewish population,
live in neighborhoods that are just beyond the 1949 armistice lines," Netanyahu
said. "Everyone knows that these neighborhoods will be part of Israel
in any peace settlement. Therefore, building in them in no way precludes the
possibility of a two-state solution."

On Monday, Hillary Clinton [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6896gvAnz1BdqeG01ic86GQdl4it_Xz6ENR9-Ui0ccCzx1moC2HO_a4nqS3HanjiK7iqYsv1W9XFNanx571Xxk6i_Z-qMCvu-wFWgk8eHbnlkaU0CTO9ng9vC85rBAmoJbqGXk82DK9_qzcs0vOzKTkbv9EVMCMc0RQN84OBqp-SA3TSr6sWdxGIGtp51sZ2GDFs=],
the US secretary of state, publicly
reframed the relationship between the two countries by breaking from the
virtually unquestioning support of the previous administrations to say that the
present one will "say so unequivocally" when it doesn't agree with
Israeli policy.

an uncompromising
AIPAC speech [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6897OZY4QRQb9wSazlV1-Z6yE_Z5bMVS5Z7fxRiRqfM1sDZzEMrvVTvhEFS-2G_WKIBljlTBH3ZlH4yC28eJ-v62x4tP_AZVILhqOn6-aUg7b83CWeQXUjTHJ12gg3vbHHzlDGYZkCKS3l-UZJjRAFObXCPfd2OncT-hFcghw1SKtrwIp81ohJ50iysbtQXWoXZc=],
in large part built around the position that Israel
faces a perpetual threat of destruction, Netanyahu reminded the audience of the
long history of persecution and barbarity against the Jewish people.

the size of Israel to that
of New Jersey, he asked how we would feel with
the Hezbollah terrorists on New Jersey's
northern border releasing 6,000 missiles, bringing in 50,000 more from Iran, and
with Hamas on the southern border releasing
6,000 rockets and smuggling in more missiles, weapons and munitions through
tunnels from Egypt. He then pointedly noted that "the future
of the Jewish state can never depend on the goodwill of even the greatest of
men.... Israel must always reserve the right to defend itself."

we cherish our homeland, we also recognize that Palestinians live there as
well. We don't want to govern them. We don't want to rule them. We want them as
neighbors, living in security, dignity and peace. Yet Israel is unjustly accused
of not
wanting peace with the Palestinians. Nothing could be further from the
truth," he said. listen
to his speech here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6897o6YCniajgy49FmUHJXTJGUZk0kAaSBUQbxxHKgU1On4Zv3zbtcPYzts6UAbZZ_vUVnQijlDu6_tVFtNLk9R6Lzt3aOEWRE70aUNYuNchG0OPVxd8XdNgOc9S4l4BW-gADFGP_BEg7NcRHAMseaMXKPSmHbtirzSfLQnx2GBHw0w9JKCLpMTXX]

and Fasting for Jerusalem" [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6897kFoVdR_wl2HRFtdWIIFHtpuCPd-isQ0-9gD1cbx930Vb1rJlGOJZwh-u8FYpklGlWEFr3yy8gSFRONtMM6efQfu0HiQi5k9WInH7uhi1xPL6jHgrrY-XJ3o4pLogrd_PnDnHu-03vUvM7-wR0izG1Vv5LLiEuF-t4tMaNdJR8DbqcVLNOIJUg]
by Derek Prince.

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Health Care: States
Challenge Constitutionality

Pray as
the Lord leads for Health Care developments.

Senate began
debate Wednesday [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6897jwfSNZu2zjq2S4tKwuhDjk2mIK2IC_Evwq3d1CTaqY2pKv6OK5_jwI3k3xeoZDZfTmjH_-9tjcTr_2gXCcAuyT9Kk94CsSPbHRwnC2VaMhG51z9xdsli1ClbNDXmyW_-Sn9DA6_3MVDy37x_wK5W0]on
the health care reconciliation bill, and Republicans
offered a series of amendments to slow the process. Under the rules of
reconciliation, debate is limited to 20 hours and amendments cannot be debated,
but each amendment must be voted on individually. If Republicans succeed in
getting a single amendment passed, the bill will return to the House of
Representatives to be considered again.

soon as President Obama had signed the health care bill on Tuesday, Virginia
Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli filed
a lawsuit [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6895xhmQ__jrG7f1hb0wJvz6hoqBAeTADkAGzmij5hYqKU-W8K3-mn6x52uJ-GNtEJy8xS3WOv8khRLwRlxKNixlIaUi-sIs1HZFDAsNqf8WjmANpxgqnlds2tQ7_mdNKHMjX4v10VUYv372AF8JWzTwTgK-DI79oR94aftSCswr4AfwUHvWTrBaGSPLUroiKUxWjbAH-eoFpNw==]at
the state courthouse on behalf of Virginia citizens, claiming the individual
mandate to purchase insurance is unconstitutional. Florida Attorney General
Bill McCollum filed a similar suit on behalf of Florida and 12 other states. Many
have passed laws aimed at the bill, but the legal challenge on constitutional
grounds is the one some experts feel might have some weight.

Obama signed
an executive order [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe68967sX_GxI7SKo0XuZaRaN_NGAxGiz4zi6zuSCTcmRKA4yUbBhpHvX6dHUTzU1bzQloWxQAf8lY2m8Nk_sCfNpFe26JyHM4RFUBdkGpTQRlMopt2WbIVuJWQaDo7J-0lRzy-9KYCQ2mdU0o6o2mJIQQen4CMybiiDdEvKAvxeQv8TEh6wuk_p0izVovvuCWYJs546bLvjMohnrQTKy2YGWfonzDedlYuzipBPgFLdsfzT1Afl-Ue7Fw-]Wednesday
afternoon intended to ensure that no federal
money will be used for abortions under the new health care bill. The order,
which explicitly states that federal funding cannot be used for abortions
(except in the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother) through
the new insurance exchanges or through Community Health Centers, was required
to gain the support of about half a dozen pro-life congressmen led by Rep. Bart
Stupak (D-MI). Stupak, who drafted the language of the order, had long held out
for stricter language within the bill itself, and pro-life groups held him up
as a hero until he agreed to vote for the bill on the condition of the
executive order.

National Right to Life Committee, the Susan B. Anthony List, the U.S. Council
of Catholic Bishops, and other pro-life groups accused Stupak of
"caving" for a "bogus" executive order. The groups
complained that the executive order could be rescinded at any time and does not
hold the weight of legislation. Stupak
fired back [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe68949QLShCCmxvoaz5FNZJ_Z12oGPpMpoA3g0BuDylIDkeMtOsTGhTMlYVwHGbpCgVDpgBMn1i1hy5zbTfXljGN6CbJRPxlE0R1pDCo3Tmqfok6oSpN_L9t4M_irAys55dvbZk8SGbPgT4g19RF_-8IWpbA8-AZM1C7MBCf70sGvnbqWpOuAulVMO5MikdqrRhm7tN3NbQXwB_zYDcWjgG3cKOzeg3wm6hqZ6uAT8kdLgYNphjAX0qqub],
calling the groups hypocritical for criticizing the order after
supporting President Bush's executive order in 2007 to ban embryonic stem cell
research. Stupak feels betrayed by pro-life groups who supported him as long as
he would vote against the bill, but turned harshly against him when he felt he
won a pro-life victory. "I question, did they want to protect the sanctity of
life, or did they want to defeat health care?" Stupak said.

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Education Update: Student Loans, NCLB, Duncan

Pray as
the Lord leads regarding education across the U.S.

the Senate debates the health care reconciliation bill, more than just health
care is being decided. Before the bill was introduced in the House of
Representatives, Democrats added a student loan overhaul bill into the
provision. The bill had been stalled in Congress, but by catching a ride on the
reconciliation bill, student loan reform got new life. The bill would eliminate
private lenders from the government loan program [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe689678IyvDJeCv5OFhGE7byVjOXucXDb7xyugxaW5LBdc04H2HjmlR3ZVdj2NsCrY_d3rBTVifysHebIGF0aO0PL_xg6Q1LJYLiHp_ai0VOXoBDLryI1QN_So3vfScoTN_6bZvHvav1ZMwTEG4TFf4YhifosHcoctNdVNKLbXhHkgbhsq3TvBaefRcteJ-Ra4zCOKfF6XsN2v9TDYn4sQVGTWmOm0-tZSEA_dGtLj3-qO2VaLqMDjZnyB],
giving loans directly to

before Congress is the Obama administration's proposed overhaul
of No Child Left Behind [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6897qWjqwaSVJ96cUdieW2-SVDTfcAI6hIlQL6sfXyVUmSUGQ8KwbFQoc0oYVaIi5z_hzgQPmNXsXigCe2X6gb8l_Dk8yPnI0ngRiGkqR4fmYceLOkg5nys89HsXPbUjk8tsVLVD9WNLzclVPXvDCS2b9b2flbSJB7JJzboErNwLi8L98yqejvnZ5NtI04C9wbIBefv0cXD60Q2JVazAeGjJ9eoGgjLUFQVA=].
The proposal has gotten some support, but has run
into opposition from both parties as well as teachers' unions. Education
Secretary Arne Duncan testified before Congress last week to introduce the
"blueprint" for the overhaul. The blueprint calls for schools to
adopt a "college-and
career-ready [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894-o_8c74NyWqpqtwQ-1T2xPRXLOmmX_DWI-soj5rWvqwuJAUKiKzIpU3DJ95FgMkEyZPlreUuCZ60EeMNTp7-tJx3JxG7zPGiHWaIfgn4geZ4hpdtFtY-AZKCmOUNYBsO_SRqNAfBtCS80zCSyuxVWI1tOK72N0M8dvgi4tZgk5FNx_73pwPfZoySKDKpVKq4oi82_yn0OuT8e5qlROUp5n9MXjBjIwg0=]"
standard for graduating students.

Duncanhas come
under recent criticism [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6895udk17lGI24SbBMYKrFlx9Ryle6u_m9JgWqxzEglEu43zvjvWxffHzXHxIWicfUoTMG8isRQzofWLbxlBbro2driFRUZhyB04J5UyTaK06MQiQgfWncAym9RK3qOcHCdLKpL6A04CYpX57cO2pivxCffi0iKmi8Ci6CRsyMpDx1xP9gkV_KjrCAAnh3vXuwZbN-erkzNceyQ==]for
keeping a list of important figures who
requested help getting children into the best public schools while he was
in charge of the Chicago
school system. Since his appointment, conservatives have raised
concerns about Duncan [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6895OZ7rCQ3Rtr_epmFVVKJI4kiB92JyBYx1Ux7NXLtGk-u1s-msNeG1NFQ9dJIczI9t1dsP4nKaiI_H6lIZWVV0ny0gkIHpkIOkggmOyHFt1P0RwOMat--BKeUSsvqGUB2FMx1rG2zt3oZ0x3wG64DBUhHlqE8e04XX4d4Z5KKHCjg==],
mostly involving his views on sex education. Duncan has advocated
"comprehensive sex education" which teaches children to
"explore" their sexuality and their family's moral and religious
traditions about sexuality. It also teaches children that they have "options"
with regard to sexual orientation, masturbation, abortion, and nearly
everything having to do with sexuality.
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On the Heels of Health Care:
Immigration Reform?

Sharrett/The New York Times

thanksgiving that there has finally been a greater enforcement of existing U.S.
laws. Pray for a just yet compassionate
resolution in immigration reform.

of thousands of immigrants and activists filled five
lengthy blocks of the Washington Mall [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe68966r0BgaCxlNcjlLa2_zsLrLnIoKNBPLbI60KP7W0ozRNASZ0w8g2zaXQNXTf2PzzCD4lvZWyguPf3RRVab42Van0arXYPuNdeUyyaDoM2Ezv_zIMnDbWujCItIfga5i4G8gngoY1QjNEJ4_zsBlvcLgVCf1xFdYc0=],
down the hill from the Capitol on
Sunday while the final hours of debate were under way on the health care bill.
rally was called to ask President Obama and Congress [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6896Ra0QTUxXOdEe6-M551Md5BxdH7BOnMQIBUtddZPSxDoXoK2ccmgbAWP10xW4j8rL97yKX0734xs74T5LDnny09Ru1hyQLcxqGsZ7_YNT0rl8pcFwbZl0ZL_cCVbGvpplujtnEy4Zn_o03Ze6ArYfyVlxWcJy88BMc4AqEOp6fMYL0g-oqBuPmjO5yfHV9OWbp5vhxJWDaVlrHpAQy6K4B]to
enact legislation
this year to resolve the legal status of 11 million or more of illegal immigrants.

the Bush and Obama administrations have increased the enforcement of existing
immigration laws. Many more illegal
immigrants have been arrested, detained and deported.

and pastors working among Hispanic immigrants and citizens report many broken
families because of deportations. They
are calling upon U.S.
and foreign officials to enact reforms and find ways that these family members
might be reunited.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is considered a crucial
player in the immigration reform debate -- a Republican who reaches across
party lines and is willing to work on this contentious issue. Graham has spent months
working with Sen.
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) to draft an immigration bill. The
two met privately with President Obama recently [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6896SHlc3QadVtRXm2y4Ak1d1O2GSfZu5UymHvR4elwC4T1rhNx0Qtb0F-qt75b_HAizFB6VwINyqSnKOwJl3Yx1ZL7j1QaNDMulCAZV5PFw6PtblVKDFWFC-LTX0dNqYEgYYPL8sqcrt3bWt5AiAI43SbiDZ8nva7vIUFjnOIA4A2i4JVJSDjRr8Cg6-2DOYt0dDIoG03xfDMQ==],
delivering a three-page
On Thursday, the Washington Post's website published an op-ed article
coauthored by Graham and Schumer laying out a proposal seen as the basis for a
politically viable bill.

Castizo, 59, of Mulberry, Florida, raises her hands in prayer as immigration
reform demonstrators gather in Orlando to depart on buses to Washington, D.C.,
Saturday, March 20, 2010. (Joe Burbank / Orlando

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Karzai Meets with
Insurgents, Travels to Beijing

Pray for
good government, a thwarting of evil influences and for resolution of conflict and
violence in Afghanistan.

Wendesday, Afghan President Hamid
Karzai met with Chinese leaders [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6896ehrwY0mVKFOZpEjXAkRjR26cWRqW1-nYg_yb3NtbJldp2U_sdrWOqo2avKt6_H3tcuVlZbsDRSEfrDesdZz_cUyGPDujHfMesEsX34USHWfk57DSFxLKWb0ipXP4MKmKprzKpwhMuYVw3PdVvx5XzvkQ_qfDVw3G7xdFugEs5vIZm2qyGtFrroAZU2wMGBKauYKtjthjxqA==]in
to sign economic pacts and strengthen ties between the two countries. As Karzai
seeks to establish his rule as a strong and independent leader for Afghanistan,
the country's trade relationship
with China
could be a safe haven from the criticism Karzai has been receiving from western

continues to demonstrate that it doesn't trust Karzai to make decisions without
significant input and persuasion from western leaders.

this week, Karzai began peace talks
with insurgent group Hezb-i-Islami [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894yYy0Vik5ACmuUOuHS7-10mXkIuszMzJI7bNenkXWmAFHTs0mNnGlYjdk0ANF-g3AqYvFa13eQTOjobaNAPnXD2ghU3eKH9_IK4_K0ji7LH9izxMjOqi62oyH2nNAYtL-j8ecdlMlJrfBp9yCYUdS9-WGb3DIpa5I=],
which proposed a 15-point plan for the
ending of hostilities. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said it istoo early to
enter reconciliation talks [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6897NFz0-JRdStaiQIxzMnoZ3q_DKjAuMPX2JeP3VK4Iiw9rVuP2nKVWF49-6vD1UKibJYu7aZac0FAIFXtdMN3tU3I4PD8EbzdU2NrzmwLrqNq0ABxiubb0UquqvaX0Il6gIiMctaVVLYwwD6nbPJwgLBIeebycaBoqDqp3Xh7XJa0xm2X6wRJ5qHBx7soHLnYY2H4wXUl7s_w==]with
insurgents. Gates said the
insurgency needs to be further weakened to demonstrate that they will not win.

comes only two weeks after Karzai hosted
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894kiuxOt-cFUnsA_4hztNbLXu2HgwJfMkFiTUkCpd7vEKj-OiwYZ1rwc7lRlBIQCBmRh9IQLK8znpFrSpYG5I9saAgHQ0BpR8sn4CBnFnJjQSK2x3ZGfX0gUcEAbjjyFpjEs4y_z251r0TAWu9ifY6oKUBXCPkIPzWSMf1lgflNbjArI_7MTXJvzFFPLR2qIFWAujnCk1LXRkEJfuomqrURBqiwBSGRL5zq7HRGN2HaEg==]in
Kabul. Ahmadinejad criticized the U.S. in a press conference alongside Karzai, but
Gates warned Karzai that Iran
was playing a "double game" with Afghanistan.

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Unite in Saturday Nationwide Prayer Surge

Invitation to Prayer Surge NOW!

Joint Prayer Meeting
Across America
Morning 3.27.10
7:30-11am EST, 6:30-10am CST, 5:30-9am MST
4:30-8am PST, 3:30-7am Alaska, 2:30-6am Hawaii
Call & Access
712-432-9998 -- code 526338 #

Unity in Christ -- Ephesians 6:9-24"
Prayer for each other & Reading of God's Word
Prayer Surge Prayer Points for the Middle East"
Tom Smith and Al McCarn

"Advancing the Kingdom of God"
"The Promise of Freedom in Cambodia"
Amber Baron, www.freedompromise.org - Larry Allen - YWAM

"Revival Among Youth of Tyler, Texas"
Joe Enge, Boulter Middle School Men of Issachar

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Principles for Effective
Intercession by Joy Dawson

"Seek God
for the City" and Lenten prayer vigils continue.

Praise God for who He is, and for the privilege of engaging in the same wonderful
ministry as the Lord Jesus.

7:25 - "He ever lives to make inter­cession for them (His own)."

God for the privilege of cooperating with Him in the affairs of men through

Make sure your heart is clean before God, by having given the Holy Spirit time
to convict, should there be any unconfessed sin.

66:18 - "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me."

139:23-24 - "Search me, 0 God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting."

carefully in relation to resentment to anyone.

the link between forgiveness and prayer in God's Word.

6:12 - When Jesus instructs the disciples how to pray He says, "Forgive us our
debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" and IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the
"Lord's Prayer" He says, "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your
Heavenly Father also will for­give you; but if you do not forgive men their
trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" (verse 14).

11:25 - "And whenever you stand pray­ing, forgive, if you have anything against
anyone; so that your Father also who is in Heaven may forgive you your

notice the link between forgiveness and faith when we pray: Mark 11:24 - "Whatever
you ask in prayer,
believe that you receive it, and you will."

comes verse 25, warning us to forgive anyone who has wronged us.

17:3-5 - "'Take heed to yourselves; if your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he
repents, forgive him; and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and
turns to you seven times, and says, "I repent" you must forgive him.' The
apostles said to the Lord, 'INCREASE OUR FAITH!' and the Lord said, 'If you had
faith as a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this syca­more tree, "Be
rooted up, and be planted in the sea," and it would obey you.'" read
the entire teaching by Joy Dawson [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6895_vm8xnipGIBjy_JF1S6Jqiy7491zsYkOLib4aau_EarX2j_V2qkN2paXjmYG2Nn8caLrlRwPBpCHGM0llSwho-hCTbhZKTHYTR7vH44ZbW1yMkga1vyMemQX2_aObjsPEZElAo1pMmqOPyjbs5H8ExuusJUvDqkpsnKDKcF5jI9UY6bEA0IEa]


New On Watch In Washington Blog & Prayer Tools

www.ifapray.org/blog [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6897PC5RZHFSb0QXbBL5nY1vEhoaFArkImSyMPqn3TWIPfaTW7Z-Dtl9vTxz-Mf8Xfwwd9h9IXHsnoJqqQe20Ry51EEvN9BPTECjTFAUbDIVZYw==]
You are invited to visit IFA's new On Watch
In Washington blog. We are "watching
unto prayer" and working to frame perspectives that will help you and your
prayer group members pray with insight and understanding.

www.Twitter.com/IFApray [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894hyX-Y3hwOphWNS0MlpKY9TL5UAyXZT2zhiwAlZTRSZMUAKi6FWX7L1tg1ZSBQnwIvG17r30PSZJqe1VTyAO6bHb-ynMraX3epouuFOMaX5WHezc0vMPgb]
At this Twitter address or the blog site you
can pray in agreement with the latest IFApray Tweets.

www.GetAmericaPraying.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6897WsEXJSnCrYmrFnowydhDTfQfTkO9ZxPPIsXKjxT7HpXz1AKXVV4V6z8a-fVIw_ZUoZ9Qnt3Sk1fyFooH4Dna7s8ePkhPriSBj9RIoaSFq8I-73UpEgvGT]
You and your prayer partners are invited to
avail yourself of our free GAP Web tools which will help you easily build your
own unique Web site and inform, connectand mobilizea regional prayer

We are gratefulto be able to
provide these additional prayer helps; your prayers and monthly financial
support help make these services possible. Click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103223577912&s=10265&e=001VJ4TYCe6894L6bBX4n6Aa8Hb84N057a0jral9cVxU3mSWZru95V0gYiICvbeMCsWcPXzTocFHW467A5qavoU9b-dW8GSPc8iKTAGnQOeRVKzLkqmsReVHkVGzjY_Z0hU]
to make a secure donation.

Did you knowthat you can now give
to IFA, a non-profit organization, directly from an IRA? Contact IFA President
Dave Kubal at [email protected] [mailto:D[email protected]]. He is ready
to assist you with an IRA
contribution, stock transfers, estate planning or other questions you might

Joined with you at a "tipping point" time in history!

"Now to
Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by
Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20, 21)

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In This Issue

Obama Administration / Israel in Jerusalem Standoff
Health Care: States Challenge Constitutionality
Education Update: Student Loans, NCLB, Duncan
On the Heels of Health Care: Immigration Reform?
Karzai Meets with Insurgents, Travels to Beijing
Unite in Saturday Nationwide Prayer Surge
Principles for Effective Intercession by Joy Dawson
New On Watch In Washington Blog & Prayer Tools
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Prayer Surge Now!
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Prayer Surge Now!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
What was the quote...

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. "

A manufactured crisis is even better.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States

I think this is a good reminder given the current conflict between Hamas and Israel. And it lends another reason to believe BHO is the shadow president of this Republic.