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Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
I would really appreciate some prayer about meeting my husband. Abut 6 years ago I was having a crisis of finding affordable housing it took months of constant searching and stress then finally one day I just had enough and I went on different forums and groups and basically did a couple rants about how this is my home town but I have no where I can live etc. A women I never met felt bad for me and said she was a property manager and arranged me to be one of the first ones to look at a place and I was able to get it. After that I felt God speak to me saying my housing search will be like my search for my husband. I had temporary forgotten that word until a couple of months ago when I am basically at the end of myself with the searching. Though I dont know literal to take what I heard from God I know my found my house once I started expressing how much I needed a home and posting on random places on the internet lol....
So though this is a bit out of my comfort zone here I am.
I know God has some one out there for me and I know His timing is perfect, and I really want to meet this man of God. Not just because I want his companionship but also because I am at a time in my life where I am trying to start a ministry in Latin America and its very difficult doing this on my own. Having a partner in this ministry would be a huge blessing. My dad who was a big part of starting the ministry this, is now in the hospital and its extremely serious with him. My heart is grieved because not only do I want my dad to see the beginning of the Terra Firma ministry but I also wanted him to be able too meet my husband and be there for my wedding.
I am in my 30s and am exited about having some one to reach the lost with, to laugh with, and to serve God with. I do believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and that God is the same today as He has always been.

One thing that is a little unique is I also do believe we are living in a time of uncertainty and possibly the end times. For this reason and also the reason of being involved in starting the Terra Firma Community Center I am not really looking to have children of my own.
However, if the man God has for me already has children, I will love them and raise them as if they are my own.

Though I do need to keep growing and striving to be better, I do love Christ very much and I know that love will carry over to my future husband. I dont know where He is or how to find Him. However, the Heavenly Father knows how much ive traveled the world looking for him. I even have letters to give him as ive written to him over the years of waiting.
Anyways if you all could please be in prayer for me about this, and also if you know of anyone at your churches or fellowships that matches on these points please share this post with him.
Thank you.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011

Handing over all of our cares to God is a worthwhile endeavour as it gives us time to focus on simply worship God for His goodness towards us.

So often when we pray, we pray without any guidance from God as to what and how we should pray. I would love to be rich, but money is the root of all evil, yet God has provided my wife and I enough money for us to live comfortably.

When I first meet my wife, I asked God if she would become my wife. I felt at that time that the answer was yes, but it has taken us over 50 years to come to the place where we have unity in our relationship with each other and God. Marriage requires a lot of work to make it work. It requires us to become one entity together in Christ.

However, the journey to reach this place of unity has been good for both of us.

As for praying for a partner for you, that I would not presume is the appropriate prayer for you. What I feel is more appropriate for you is this: -

That the Lord will continue to draw you further into His loving embrace so that you know His love for you and can sense His presence with you in all that you do. That you will be able to know what His purposes for you are and that you will sense and feel God's promptings as you walk in unison with God. That He will bring across your path the right people for you to form wholesome relationship with so that you can grow further into the person that God has always intended you to become. That you will renew your mind and that you will put on the refurbished personhood that God has always intended for you to become in Him. May the Lord Greatly bless you in sustaining you with your needs so that you will always be dependent on the Lord for all things.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Though I do need to keep growing and striving to be better, I do love Christ very much and I know that love will carry over to my future husband. I dont know where He is or how to find Him. However, the Heavenly Father knows how much ive traveled the world looking for him. I even have letters to give him as ive written to him over the years of waiting.
God will cause your paths to cross....your future husband and yourself....you will also know he’s the one as soon as you meet...God knows your “ hearts desire”...that is what I’m praying for , in Jesus Name Amen!

Psalms 20:4-7New Living Translation (NLT) May he grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory banner in the name of our God. May the LORD answer all your prayers.


Active Member
Jun 18, 2024
I am orginally from Billings Montana
United States
As for praying for a partner for you, that I would not presume is the appropriate prayer for you. What I feel is more appropriate for you is this: -

That the Lord will continue to draw you further into His loving embrace so that you know His love for you and can sense His presence with you in all that you do. That you will be able to know what His purposes for you are and that you will sense and feel God's promptings as you walk in unison with God. That He will bring across your path the right people for you to form wholesome relationship with so that you can grow further into the person that God has always intended you to become. That you will renew your mind and that you will put on the refurbished personhood that God has always intended for you to become in Him. May the Lord Greatly bless you in sustaining you with your needs so that you will always be dependent on the Lord for all things.

Thank you for sharing some of your story and your journey that you have had in life. I am glad that even though it took 50 years you both now have unity, that is very special. Thank you for your thoughts and responce I appreciate your perspective and your prayer.

What types of ministry do you hope to accomplish there? Do you speak Spanish?
Hello thank you for the responce, I do not speak spanish yet but im learning. I am still praying for the full direction, and ultimately I want it to be whatever God wants it to be as its not my ministry it His. What I hear most often is feed my sheep.
We are hoping to make it into a believers community center, a place where people can meet and spend time togather, and a place people can be fed physicaly and spiritually. Its very important to me to me that if some one is hungry they can eat. I also want to have teams that evanglize, as I myself try to do that often and I have a heart for the poor or anyone who is in need.
I see it simlair to a church, but more like a small village as it will have many functions.

God will cause your paths to cross....your future husband and yourself....you will also know he’s the one as soon as you meet...God knows your “ hearts desire”...that is what I’m praying for , in Jesus Name Amen!

Aww thank you for your responce and prayer that really is special to me! Its funny because I have always said that exact thing, that I feel like I will know its him as soon as I meet him. Thank you!:)


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
I have found that things change whenever I remember to concentrate on thanking God for all things in my life as they are today, even the bad things. He promises to work all things for the good.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Thank you for sharing some of your story and your journey that you have had in life. I am glad that even though it took 50 years you both now have unity, that is very special. Thank you for your thoughts and responce I appreciate your perspective and your prayer.

You are welcome to what the Lord prompted me to post.

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2021
United States
I pray for your endeavor and God help to guide you in it. As for the husband thing, I pray that it is the appropriate person. If it's someone who helps you in what you are setting out to do, great.
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