I Feel Lost

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New Member
Jun 30, 2024
United States
:confused:So I am basically recovered from Substance Use Disorder.
Working on disordered eating.
Was involved in 12-Step Land off and on for 28 years but not for the last 8 and 1/2.
Have been involved with SMART Recovery off and on since December 2017.
I don't really fit in with SMART although a lot of their tools, coping mechanisms, and skills are extremely helpful.
I joined this message board specifically to get support and perhaps give support to others around recovery issues.
Peace, love, blessings, and light in Him
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
:confused:So I am basically recovered from Substance Use Disorder.
Working on disordered eating.
Was involved in 12-Step Land off and on for 28 years but not for the last 8 and 1/2.
Have been involved with SMART Recovery off and on since December 2017.
I don't really fit in with smart although a lot of their tools, coping mechanisms, and skills are extremely helpful.
I joined this message board specifically to get support and perhaps give support to others around recovery issues.
Peace, love, blessings, and light in Him

Hi MorningDance13:

Keeping to the BASICS…
ABUSE, is simply a Weakness to Over indulge, RATHER than stand Strong in Moderation.

Man-made “programs” are broadly “designed” TO: Psychologically
Recognize a WEAKNESS.
Not consider MODERATION.
Eliminate MODERATION options.
AND to: Remember, Focus, Celebrate, day, months, years of eliminating moderation options.
AND to: Remember the negative consequences, repercussions. of being being told, of feeling a failure, of moderation…and return to full blast indulgence.

Positive AND Negative ARE natural human experiences…Moderation IS KEY.

And the KEY to Understanding IS:
Having Gods TRUTH “IN” one HEART…
Fostering, Allowing the Hearts TRUTH to supersede, take control OVER the Mind.

God Bless you,

Glory to God,


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
United States
Hi MorningDance13:

Keeping to the BASICS…
ABUSE, is simply a Weakness to Over indulge, RATHER than stand Strong in Moderation.

Man-made “programs” are broadly “designed” TO: Psychologically
Recognize a WEAKNESS.
Not consider MODERATION.
Eliminate MODERATION options.
AND to: Remember, Focus, Celebrate, day, months, years of eliminating moderation options.
AND to: Remember the negative consequences, repercussions. of being being told, of feeling a failure, of moderation…and return to full blast indulgence.

Positive AND Negative ARE natural human experiences…Moderation IS KEY.

And the KEY to Understanding IS:
Having Gods TRUTH “IN” one HEART…
Fostering, Allowing the Hearts TRUTH to supersede, take control OVER the Mind.

God Bless you,

Glory to God,
I'm extremely confused by what you're trying to say there.
The words in all caps is especially confusing.
And then it actually sounds like you're telling me I'm supposed to be moderating use of addictive substances which sounds both asinine and ludicrous no personal offense.
Well first it sounds like you're saying don't moderate and then it sounds like you're saying do moderate.
Plus you obviously know absolutely nothing about SMART recovery if you say it's geared around recognizing weaknesses because that's the exact opposite of what it does.
The misuse of the colons in the middle of the sentences is really throwing off my ability to comprehend what you're trying to say.
Thank you however for trying at any rate at least you tried more than most people are doing in my life now
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I'm extremely confused by what you're trying to say there.
The words in all caps is especially confusing.
And then it actually sounds like you're telling me I'm supposed to be moderating use of addictive substances which sounds both asinine and ludicrous no personal offense.
Well first it sounds like you're saying don't moderate and then it sounds like you're saying do moderate.
Plus you obviously know absolutely nothing about SMART recovery if you say it's geared around recognizing weaknesses because that's the exact opposite of what it does.
The misuse of the colons in the middle of the sentences is really throwing off my ability to comprehend what you're trying to say.
Thank you however for trying at any rate at least you tried more than most people are doing in my life now

Many THINGS can be “addictive”… for examples:
Smoking, alcohol, street drugs, prescription drugs, sex, greed, money, deceiving, food, power…basically ANYTHING that “consumes” an individuals thoughts, drive, continually.

it stems from a Carnal MIND… Knowing the difference between Moderation and NO limiting Indulgence…yet our own Carnal Minds can KNOW the TRUTH of the difference, YET Convince ourselves with the LIE we ALONE can SELF STICK to the TRUTH.

THAT is the basis of human, natural EVER changing Carnal Mind….
Which “effectively” presents and natural “INTERNAL” CONFLICT…

The humans thoughts of his natural heart (ie natural spirit)….natural TRUTH…can KNOW…
Indulging IN this or THAT…leads to destruction.
The humans thoughts of his natural Carnal Mind (brain)….can certainly know, agree, with the natural spirits (truth) thoughts……YET….
Proceed to MAKE “excuses”, “form ideas”, to “get around” TRUSTING his own (hearts TRUTH), and acting rather on his Carnal Minds (deceptive, getting around the truth.)

Every…(man-made) solution for “INTERNAL” Conflict…between a mans Carnal Mind and natural spirit in his Heart….
IS…a man-devised “solution”…
* First “giving a NAME” to the “issue”…
Mental Illness, insane, bi-polar, schizophrenia, psychotic ….etc.
* Then “analyzing” the “issue”.
* Then “devising a TREATMENT” for the “issue”…

My POINT IS: God already OFFERED every man, a COMPLETE TRUSTWORTHY TREATMENT…for every humans “INTERNAL Conflict”…between his Carnal Mind and spirit in his Heart.

It’s called, the agreement of a man to Receive the Offered Gift from God, Called the Baptism of Gods Holy Spirit.

It is A realization, that the “weakness” no longer IS the Focus, but rather, the “strength” becomes the Focus.

My point was…man-made “solutions”, continue keeping the “weakness” the focus…
The chatter, reminding, continual pointing out….
Whereas with Gods solution, the “strength” is the focus, the chatter, the reminding, continual pointing out…

Sorry if I am inept in conveying my point with clarity to you.

Glory to God,


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
United States
EDIT:To make less harsh

I still have no earthly clue whether you are saying that moderation is achievable after a person develops an addiction.

I do see very clearly you saying that addiction is not a physical thing which is absolutely not true.
Do you think that people actually die from alcohol withdrawal because of their minds and their spirits and nothing to do with their bodies?
Many substances are physically addictive!
Even the majority of behaviors to which people become addicted are actually physically addictive because of the hormones and neurotransmitters and what not they cause to be created in the body.

Then after a couple paragraphs of the exact same stuff you said in the first message that I couldn't comprehend you actually have the temerity to deny that mental illness / psychiatric illnesses are real!
I actually find that terrifying.

After I left the site and went someplace else I realized that what I'm feeling and thinking is that this is reminding me of Science And Health and the other stuff that Mary Baker Eddy the false prophet of that counterfeit religion Christian Science wrote and I used to try to read and understand.

This is very important for me to know now if Taken's viewpoint is that of Celebrate Recovery.
If it is I'm not going to waste any more time and energy but rather look someplace else for real help
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I still have no earthly clue whether you are saying that moderation is achievable after a person develops an addiction.
If I may ... My 1st gf had an eating disorder. Compared to drug abusers, she observed the specific challenge for her addiction is that she cannot stop eating for ever. A drug addict can live without ever consuming the drug he developed an addiction to. The same is not true for anyone with a food addiction. Ergo, devotion to moderation.

Frankly, this is the solution to all the 7 Deadly Sins. They are all indulgences, excess. For instance:
  1. it is not a sin to be angry; it is a sin to allow it to become wrath.
  2. It is not a sin to get what you earn; it is a sin to be greedy.
  3. It is not a rest (in fact, it is commanded); it is a sin to be lazy.
  4. it is not a sin to have sexual desire; it is a sin to lust.
A fruit of the Spirit is self-control and all of these sins are sins one is out of control, acting outside the virtue of moderation.


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
United States
If I may ... My 1st gf had an eating disorder. Compared to drug abusers, she observed the specific challenge for her addiction is that she cannot stop eating for ever. A drug addict can live without ever consuming the drug he developed an addiction to. The same is not true for anyone with a food addiction. Ergo, devotion to moderation.

Frankly, this is the solution to all the 7 Deadly Sins. They are all indulgences, excess. For instance:
  1. it is not a sin to be angry; it is a sin to allow it to become wrath.
  2. It is not a sin to get what you earn; it is a sin to be greedy.
  3. It is not a rest (in fact, it is commanded); it is a sin to be lazy.
  4. it is not a sin to have sexual desire; it is a sin to lust.
A fruit of the Spirit is self-control and all of these sins are sins one is out of control, acting outside the virtue of moderation.
That doesn't sound anywhere near like what you were saying before.

Also as far as people with eating disorders go we usually discover there are things we are calling food that are in fact addictive substances and not food at all like refined sugar and white flour.
Yes those are physically addictive substances.
As a matter of fact recent science has proven that refined sugar is 10 times more addictive than cocaine.
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New Member
Jun 30, 2024
United States
EDIT:To make less harsh

I still have no earthly clue whether you are saying that moderation is achievable after a person develops an addiction.

I do see very clearly you saying that addiction is not a physical thing which is absolutely not true.
Do you think that people actually die from alcohol withdrawal because of their minds and their spirits and nothing to do with their bodies?
Many substances are physically addictive!
Even the majority of behaviors to which people become addicted are actually physically addictive because of the hormones and neurotransmitters and what not they cause to be created in the body.

Then after a couple paragraphs of the exact same stuff you said in the first message that I couldn't comprehend you actually have the temerity to deny that mental illness / psychiatric illnesses are real!
I actually find that terrifying.

After I left the site and went someplace else I realized that what I'm feeling and thinking is that this is reminding me of Science And Health and the other stuff that Mary Baker Eddy the false prophet of that counterfeit religion Christian Science wrote and I used to try to read and understand.

This is very important for me to know now if Taken's viewpoint is that of Celebrate Recovery.
If it is I'm not going to waste any more time and energy but rather look someplace else for real help
I just realized that I thought I was on a different website. This is not the Celebrate Recovery website thankfully


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
That doesn't sound anywhere near like what you were saying before.
1st post. You must be confusing me with @Taken.

things we are calling food that are in fact addictive substances and not food at all like refined sugar and white flour.
Yes those are physically addictive substances.
As a matter of fact recent science has proven that refined sugar is 10 times more addictive than cocaine.
Very good point!
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New Member
Jun 30, 2024
United States
1st post. You must be confusing me with @Taken.

Very good point!
I'm sorry.
I was confusing you with somebody else.
I seem to have been very confused this morning for some reason.
It's a good thing I don't take drugs anymore or I would REALLY be confused.
I like the points that you made about the seven deadly sins and how there can be something that's not a sin but if it's taken to the extreme end of the spectrum it becomes wrong.