Hearing God's Voice

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Does God still speak to His people? We have the Bible as a map, but what are we using for a compass? We are guided and empowered into life by the Spirit. So we have both a map and a compass. God still speaks to us, but are we listening?



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I do plan to watch. I subscribed just now. Ever since the part 2 Deconstruction video, I feel like your content on Youtube may be a rare source of encouragement.
Thank you Wynona. I put so much effort into providing that kind of encouragement it's an encouragement for me to hear that others are encouraged. :) Be blessed! <><


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27

We all know the first part of the verse. My sheep hear My voice. But the second part...the "I know them" and they follow Me...tells us something important.

How can Jesus know us unless He visits us? Or else we go to be where He is? One would think it should say...and they will know Me....and follow Me. As in...the sheep follow the Shepherd that they know. Can we follow Him from such a distance so that He doesn't know us?

A good shepherd also knows his sheep. And here we get some insight into the situation whereby those who claim Jesus as Lord...but to whom Jesus says...go away I never knew you. I would think that people would want to make their calling and election sure by an encounter with Christ.

How do we know that we are known of the Lord?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
How can Jesus know us unless He visits us?

The reason that Jesus "knows" the born again, is because Jesus is In the Born again.

Didnt you "know"?
Apparently not, according to you post.

So JESUS does not have to "visit us", when in fact... He's inside every born again Christian, right now.

See, you learned something new.
Glad i could help, again.

So, the "voice of God", is in every verse on every page of the Holy Bible.
And to hear it, you have to do this..

"The word of God is spiritually discerned"..

And how does that happen and continue to happen.?

Well, the person has to be born again....and then...= "Study (the word) to show yourself approves unto God"..... Paul teaches.
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Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
"The word of God is spiritually discerned"..

And how does that happen?

That's easy, look it up in the Greek?!

pneumatikōs (Key)

Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
  1. spiritually: i.e. by the aid of the Holy Spirit
Strong’s Definitions [?](Strong’s Definitions Legend)
πνευματικῶς pneumatikōs, pnyoo-mat-ik-oce'; adverb from G4152; non-physically, i.e. divinely, figuratively:—spiritually...../BLB

So we study and learn from the Word of God, but by the aid of the Holy Spirit, who will lead us into all truth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So we study and learn from the Word of God, but by the aid of the Holy Spirit, who will lead us into all truth.

All true.

But that is not all of it.

There is a really important part to that learning process... and the Devil knows it..

Its this..

"For the perfecting of the Saints".. (The body of Christ), God gives.. "Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Apostles, and Evangelists"..

So, those work "hand in hand" with the HS, and the word of God.

And the DEVIL knows this, so he raises up "ministers of righteousness" who pretend to be all of those, or some of those, or one of those.

And they become Popes, and Pastors, and infect forums , like this one, and all other "christian" forums.

And their message is "righteousness", but its twisted, as they deform the Cross, into "works" and "self effort" and "self sanctifying"..and "water baptism" and "keeping law and commandments".

They always deform THE CROSS, as that is the devil's work.
They never ever give The Cross, its STATUS as God has actually produced it to Achieve.
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
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And their message is "righteousness", but its twisted, as they deform the Cross, into "works" and "self effort" and "water baptism" and "keeping law and commandments"

1 John 2:3-4 KJV

3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

1 John 2:3-4 KJV​

3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

Jesus's commandments...are very specific.

"A new commandment i give unto you".. and that one, covers the other 9 that Moses gave., but it does not cover the 1st Commandment.
As that one is the most important.
Its the 1st Commandment, that Moses gave, is the KEEPER of them all.

John says that if we do not keep that one commandment, that Jesus gave... then we are "in darkness"., and if we dont keep the 1st Commandment that Moses gave then nothing else matters, regarding keeping commandments.

Now, when does this turn into Heresy?

Right at the point where the person is teaching that you have to do that, you have to keep any commandments, to go to heaven..

What disputes that false self righteous religion, that is abusing "commandments'?

A.) The Cross of Christ

B.) John 14:6

So, where do most Believers slide of the "course".. and "fall from Grace" ???
= Its that they are trying to keep themselves saved by "doing stuff"..., vs, only having Faith in The SAVIOR, Jesus The LORD< to keep them saved.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
They never ever give The Cross, its STATUS as God has actually produced it to Achieve.

You said a mouthful there! Jesus's work on the cross is the key element which brings about God ability to restore all things back to a state like it was all the way back in Eden before the fall of man!

That's why WW III is necessary. It serves as the demolition phase of the restoration job!

There will still be cities and stuff but life will be much different then!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You said a mouthful there! Jesus's work on the cross is the key element which brings about God ability to restore all things back to a state like it was all the way back in Eden before the fall of man!

Specifically ..

1st Adam's transgression... is the start of the fall of us all, and 2nd Adam (On The Cross).. is the eternal restoration from the fall of us all, that was caused by 1st Adam.

"""By one man's sin, we all became sinners, and by one SAVIOR's gift of Himself on the Cross, all who believe are born again as "made righteous",= ..FOREVER
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The cross is not about status, it's about power....the power to overcome as Jesus overcame.

To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Rev. 3:21

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Rev. 12:11

Overcomers in Christ go to the cross to have their sin nature dealt with. That experience gives them a testimony.

But the subject of this thread is hearing God's voice. :backtop:
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Does God still speak to His people? We have the Bible as a map, but what are we using for a compass? We are guided and empowered into life by the Spirit. So we have both a map and a compass. God still speaks to us, but are we listening?

Watching. You mention being translated into the higher walk and you said you've experienced this.

I have at least two spiritual goals. One is to have another encoubter with God that is powerful, similar to Moses being shown a glimpse of God's glory.

The other is to stop sinning and walk in the Spirit continuously.

Did you seek either of these before your supernatural translation and do these have anything to do with the "higher walk"?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Watching. You mention being translated into the higher walk and you said you've experienced this.

Twice now. Once for 3 days (I couldn't take it anymore) and the second time for about 2.5 years. I hung on until I guess I got smug and uncareful.
I have at least two spiritual goals. One is to have another encoubter with God that is powerful, similar to Moses being shown a glimpse of God's glory.

I think we can't go directly after these things. The Lord knows what we need. But it is while we are doing His will and then NEED His intervention, that these encounters occur. Or else, we are working in His vineyard and He is directing us.
The other is to stop sinning and walk in the Spirit continuously.

For this I suggest offering God your body and soul...both....as a living sacrifice. Your full measure for His full measure. The second time I went into the Spirit I had offered God my body...as being His. And I was translated immediately into the higher walk.
Did you seek either of these before your supernatural translation and do these have anything to do with the "higher walk"?
Yes, walking in the Spirit in the kingdom realm...I call the higher walk. Full of love, joy and peace. Full power over sin...even in dreams..which are either not there or prophetic...never any silly dreams. During the revival we experienced here, some people would wait till I got out of bed to hear of any prophetic dreams...strange and wonderful times.

It's funny that the Lord tells us to seek first the kingdom...but not how. I find that we can't go directly after spiritual experiences...in fact in many cases it's wrong to do so. We can get counterfeited by a false spirit. Instead we are to seek to serve the Lord and be equipped to do so. In that equipping and service to God, we find our gifting, our elevation. But the battle is still the Lord's! :)

Now I have not walked in the Spirit for 22 years or so. But I still get words and promptings from the Spirit and last fall I experienced a time of great peace...no words...just an eternal presence for about 10 minutes...while riding my bike near a corn field. I felt a connection to God in the the eternal realm and kinship with the saints...like Paul specifically. Hard to explain.

I see this as times of refreshing in the "lower" walk, where we walk in our own strength even as our eyes are fixed on Christ (although not in a permanent ongoing way like when we are in the Spirit)

Peace and blessings <><


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I think we can't go directly after these things. The Lord knows what we need. But it is while we are doing His will and then NEED His intervention, that these encounters occur. Or else, we are working in His vineyard and He is directing us.
Amen. Glad you said this, as it has been on my mind. If we are being led by the Spirit, He is leading our journey/growth as the Shepherd of our souls. We have but to follow. Our job is to seek and follow His will day by day and He is the one leading us to where He wants us to be, wherever that may be, and depending on our readiness. I don't believe we are to seek encounters and experiences as such for their own sake, that can be a snare and mixed motives with that.
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Jan 27, 2021
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Twice now. Once for 3 days (I couldn't take it anymore) and the second time for about 2.5 years. I hung on until I guess I got smug and uncareful.

I think we can't go directly after these things. The Lord knows what we need. But it is while we are doing His will and then NEED His intervention, that these encounters occur. Or else, we are working in His vineyard and He is directing us.

For this I suggest offering God your body and soul...both....as a living sacrifice. Your full measure for His full measure. The second time I went into the Spirit I had offered God my body...as being His. And I was translated immediately into the higher walk.

Yes, walking in the Spirit in the kingdom realm...I call the higher walk. Full of love, joy and peace. Full power over sin...even in dreams..which are either not there or prophetic...never any silly dreams. During the revival we experienced here, some people would wait till I got out of bed to hear of any prophetic dreams...strange and wonderful times.

It's funny that the Lord tells us to seek first the kingdom...but not how. I find that we can't go directly after spiritual experiences...in fact in many cases it's wrong to do so. We can get counterfeited by a false spirit. Instead we are to seek to serve the Lord and be equipped to do so. In that equipping and service to God, we find our gifting, our elevation. But the battle is still the Lord's! :)

Now I have not walked in the Spirit for 22 years or so. But I still get words and promptings from the Spirit and last fall I experienced a time of great peace...no words...just an eternal presence for about 10 minutes...while riding my bike near a corn field. I felt a connection to God in the the eternal realm and kinship with the saints...like Paul specifically. Hard to explain.

I see this as times of refreshing in the "lower" walk, where we walk in our own strength even as our eyes are fixed on Christ (although not in a permanent ongoing way like when we are in the Spirit)

Peace and blessings <><
Thanks for answering.

II did finish the video and am glad to hear that seeking the Kingdom and obeying God's will are first priority. You are saying supernatural encounters, signs, and wonders are a byproduct of actively serving and doing God's will.

That does help because Ive often been confused about that. I thought I was seeking God by begging Him to simply appear in my living space. But other times I would operate in perhaps word of wisdom or word of knowledge just by focused prayer on a sister's behalf.

I like how you say these things happen out of a need for God while doing His work because I often criticized myself for not being able to have these experiences while navel gazing. Thank you


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Amen. Glad you said this, as it has been on my mind. If we are being led by the Spirit, He is leading our journey/growth as the Shepherd of our souls. We have but to follow. Our job is to seek and follow His will day by day and He is the one leading us to where He wants us to be, wherever that may be, and depending on our readiness. I don't believe we are to seek encounters and experiences as such for their own sake, that can be a snare and mixed motives with that.
Guilty of just that. I wanted that Moses encounter, but sure didn't want that Moses burden!


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
The circumstances I found myself in just before I 'entered His rest' for the first time, was an issue I was having over something I was struggling with, wondering why God was not supplying me with something I thought was very important. A need not a want. I had been praying and felt that God was not answering, and it came to a crisis point one day when I lost patience.

I had to decide at that point whether I would accept the will of God even if I had to suffer greatly for it. I said yes. I was on the point of turning away from Him for good. I was instantly translated to another realm altogether, even after 17 years of Following Christ. I felt at last a part of Him and all of my longings for a closer walk were satisfied. It was all I had been longing for. I heard Him clearly and prayed without ceasing.

Of course I searched for others who had experienced this oneness and found them, from the Holiness Movement and began to read their works.

Many had come to the end of themselves in trials and had known the same as me, in that holy visitation. For three days I was in the seventh heaven and was taught directly many things I had missed in scripture.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Thanks for answering.

II did finish the video and am glad to hear that seeking the Kingdom and obeying God's will are first priority. You are saying supernatural encounters, signs, and wonders are a byproduct of actively serving and doing God's will.

That does help because Ive often been confused about that. I thought I was seeking God by begging Him to simply appear in my living space. But other times I would operate in perhaps word of wisdom or word of knowledge just by focused prayer on a sister's behalf.

I like how you say these things happen out of a need for God while doing His work because I often criticized myself for not being able to have these experiences while navel gazing. Thank you
Amen, well said sister, I like how you put that.....a byproduct of serving and doing His will. (That is also like we could say works are a byproduct of our faith.) Bible says that "Signs follow the preaching of the gospel".....and I think the word "follow" there kind of incorporates the idea that signs "accompany" our serving and doing His will, if I'm not mistaken.
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Well-Known Member
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Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Amen, well said sister, I like how you put that.....a byproduct of serving and doing His will. (That is also like we could say works are a byproduct of our faith.) Bible says that "Signs follow the preaching of the gospel".....and I think the word "follow" there kind of incorporates the idea that signs "accompany" our serving and doing His will, if I'm not mistaken.
Thanks, but I was only trying to repeat what Episkopos said at the end of his video.

Ive had a lot of confusion on this and on what seeking the Lord is.

I have been like Peter---talking big before maturity sets in.