Can Democrats replace Biden as their nominee?

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Jan 2, 2014
United States


Can Democrats replace Biden as their nominee?​

June 27, 2024

The short answer is, practically, there probably isn't.

All 50 states have already held their primaries, and Biden has won the vast majority of their delegates. Only Biden himself can direct those delegates to vote for someone else, as they are pledged to vote for him unless he drops out before the Democratic convention this August.
This is where practical and political challenges merge:

Biden is the only one who can decide if he wants to drop out before the floor vote. No secretive party apparatus or individual can direct him to do it.

Biden has not just all the delegates he needs, but essentially all the delegates, period. So practically, there isn’t anyone that could be swapped in at this point, and according to DNC rules, these delegates are bound to support Biden during the first floor vote of the DNC.
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