Body, Mind and Emotions

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Is it really body, mind and soul?

I have noticed how little we know about our emotions themselves. Knowing why we feel certain ways in certain scenarios is still largely a mystery for the human race.

How many types of emotional reactions are possible? 7 different possible types? 12 different possible types? 51 different possible types? Infinite different possible types?

If I was to accurately categorise every type of emotional feeling the human brain is capable of generating, that would only explain one component of our emotional senses. I would still need to understand the utility for each emotional reaction and why they are triggered by certain external stimuli. Also I'd still need to understand why we possess a set of positive emotional reactions, and a set of negative emotional reactions and what (purpose they serve in our daily life experiences.)

(I might expand this later)


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Is it really body, mind and soul?

I have noticed how little we know about our emotions themselves. Knowing why we feel certain ways in certain scenarios is still largely a mystery for the human race.

How many types of emotional reactions are possible? 7 different possible types? 12 different possible types? 51 different possible types? Infinite different possible types?

If I was to accurately categorise every type of emotional feeling the human brain is capable of generating, that would only explain one component of our emotional senses. I would still need to understand the utility for each emotional reaction and why they are triggered by certain external stimuli. Also I'd still need to understand why we possess a set of positive emotional reactions, and a set of negative emotional reactions and what (purpose they serve in our daily life experiences.)

(I might expand this later)

We are a spirit which has a soul and we live in a body.
We have a natural world around us that we can see and engage with our 5 senses. (Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing and See.
Our spirit also has 5 senses to be able to sense and engage the unseen spiritual realm and spiritual matters.
Or spirit is made up of primarily 3 functions: Conscience, Fellowship and Intuition.
Our Soul has primarily 3 functions: Intellect, Will and Emotions.

The soul and spirit are locked together and can not be seperated. The Soul only wants to please the desires of the flesh and can not discern spiritual matters. It only wants to control our flesh body and dictate our actions i our body.

Our spirit also wants to control our flesh body. So the spirit & soul fight constantly. Like the two wolves in the Cherokee Proverb. Ehich one wins grandpa? The one you feed will win.

We feed our soul through the desires of the flesh. We feed our spirit by reading the word of God.
We also have what is called a Heart that is positioned between the spirit & soul. It is there that we take the thoughts of the soul and the thoughts of the spirit, and make up our mind what decision to make. If you live for the flesh, scripture says you will die. If you live by the spirit then we live.
Here's a short video from Andrew Wommack which is particularly good at explaing the spirit/soul/body relationship and all the scriptures that go with it. It's a good teaching.



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
We are a spirit which has a soul and we live in a body.
We have a natural world around us that we can see and engage with our 5 senses. (Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing and See.
Our spirit also has 5 senses to be able to sense and engage the unseen spiritual realm and spiritual matters.
Or spirit is made up of primarily 3 functions: Conscience, Fellowship and Intuition.
Our Soul has primarily 3 functions: Intellect, Will and Emotions.

The soul and spirit are locked together and can not be seperated. The Soul only wants to please the desires of the flesh and can not discern spiritual matters. It only wants to control our flesh body and dictate our actions i our body.

Our spirit also wants to control our flesh body. So the spirit & soul fight constantly. Like the two wolves in the Cherokee Proverb. Ehich one wins grandpa? The one you feed will win.

We feed our soul through the desires of the flesh. We feed our spirit by reading the word of God.
We also have what is called a Heart that is positioned between the spirit & soul. It is there that we take the thoughts of the soul and the thoughts of the spirit, and make up our mind what decision to make. If you live for the flesh, scripture says you will die. If you live by the spirit then we live.
Here's a short video from Andrew Wommack which is particularly good at explaing the spirit/soul/body relationship and all the scriptures that go with it. It's a good teaching.
I know to what you refer when you identify that human beings have a soul but also need a spirit for redeeming their souls. This idea is found in the New Testament (Not sure about the O.T) But it is a important Christian doctrine that man's soul was corrupted and needed redeeming by the spirit of God through Jesus the Christ (Who sends the Holy Ghost) I would say this soul that died is in reference to God (YAHWEH) spirit he breathed into the nostrils of Adam after he created him. However I don't see theologically where you obtained this extra information about the functions of the soul/spirit and how they operate as you believe they do.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I know to what you refer when you identify that human beings have a soul but also need a spirit for redeeming their souls. This idea is found in the New Testament (Not sure about the O.T) But it is a important Christian doctrine that man's soul was corrupted and needed redeeming by the spirit of God through Jesus the Christ (Who sends the Holy Ghost)

This is a right statement here I agree. So to add to it, ...who sends the Holy Spirit to teach our spirit through the written word of God most of the time. The battleground is the mind. What are the spirit and soul fighting about all the time? Who gets to control the flesh body and dictate it's actions?! The soul would rather go chase sex or food, things of the world, and the spirit says, nah, let's go do a good deed for someone who could use a hand instead. It's the good voice vs the bad voice within you. The Lord says in scripture walk not after the flesh, but the things of the spirit.

However I don't see theologically where you obtained this extra information about the functions of the soul/spirit and how they operate as you believe they do.

Well I've been paying attention for a long time now. I was just a little guy when they dragged me to church for the first time, so I had that in my head, and I noticed there was something special about the girls, when you get close to them something starts happening and it and I figured out over time that it's the coming together of spirits.. it's like an electrified field of magnetism and the closer you get the more power there is. I knew they had a spirit. From young. I read the Bible some and it explained not much of it.

How many different voices do you hear in your head? I think there's at least 3. The voice of my mind (which is my soul), the voice of my Conscience (which is my spirit), and the still small voice of the Lord. So I started paying even more attention to these things They've been saying in teachings that we are tripartite beings spirit/soul/body for a long time and slowly I was able to spot patterns and stuff so I kind of put a lot of it together myself. Just practical experience in life. That was years back and now it's years later and there is a lot of teachings out there on this subject. YouTube has a lot of them.