Are Pastor's Salaries Biblical?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Our pastor is pastor of 2 churches. He is actively involved with both of them.
Our tithe is sent to the conference and every pastor in the conference receives the same amount of money. Big church, little church, same amount.
I have no problem paying tithe, and no problem on whether a pastor works outside or not. But note this:

"Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel." (I Corinthians 9:14)
Yes, and,

1 Timothy 5:17-18 KJV
17) Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.
18) For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2020
Depends on the type of church, and the needs for the pastor's role. At my church, the senior pastor role is a full time job. Besides leading the Sunday service, there are other ministries the pastor has to lead during the week, visit shut ins and those who are in the hospital. As well, being available during the week for church members who need ministering. This makes it hard for that person to have an actual job outside of the church, as it would effect his duties. At my first church, there was no official pastor. People took turns giving the sermon on Sundays.
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Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States

Main points:

A. Pastor's salaries are unbiblical

B. The authority gospel ministers have to collect from people only involves food and water, according to Scripture.

C. Paul often (maybe never?) used this authority. He worked to provide for himself and those with him with his own hands and taught others to follow his example.

D. The "laborer being worthy of his wages" verse is referring to food and clothing, not church member's income.

E. Pastor's salaries can be quite high.

F. Pastor's salaries can take up an average of 33-49 percent of the total church budget.

H. Pastor's salaries turn church's into businesses and ministry into a predatory practice.

I. Pastors compromise Scripture in order to keep tithepayers satisfied.

I wholeheartedly agree with all of these points. It's one of the reasons I believe modern churches have been off course for over a hundred years. The last pastor we sat under was honest and admitted that the church was a business and had to run like a business.

If a pastor wants more than food and water, that's fine. He should work to have those things, teaching when he's able along with other elders.

A true ministry should prioritize the urgent needs of the believers and all those in need. Not a building fund or the pastor's salary. Jesus taught us to give to the poor and those in need directly, not tithe to pay for a big building and pastor's salary.

Good, now go hold your personal services in public library Maybe a few homeless will attend.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Church bashing? Another reason not to go to church, to find fault with churches or not to be involved with church activities. It is now the movement within Christianity. Right now the move is to personal religious beliefs and not go to church.

Forget the concern over 30,000 + denominations, with personal religious beliefs we are talking tens of millions of differing beliefs. So that is the trend and what that means is no unity and therefore no influence on the world…..Definitely no beacon. Did Christ and the Apostles intend for there to be so many different beliefs? NO.

Now one faith is something that the Catholic Church tried by force and that went south badly. But preaching one faith is not a bad idea or at least with a few variations. Martin Luther wanted to reform the Catholic Church but it turned into a schism and got out of hand. And we are back to no unity. Is unity important? That is a debate.

But what does this have to do with “Are Pastor's Salaries Biblical?” We are not living in biblical times, if you know Christian history you know that a lot has change, not just with the religion but the social and physical environment that the church exists in.

Christ and the Apostles did not make a wage as we understand it as it was their expenses were covered by support. Back in the day there were no church buildings, congregations were called churches in the Bible, they met in private homes and hideaways and people referred to as overseers lead the worship. Early Christian writings do not discuss wages for overseers. So the answer to the question…Are Pastor's Salaries Biblical? is NO. So if you are Bible Only…you do not pay your Pastor, except maybe gas money to come to church. But why not pay your Pastor? Bible Only people have quite the juggling act of religious beliefs going on….So they do not want to pay the Pastors because it is not in the Bible? LOL It is always the questions, where do the Bible Only people draw the line...Do they not support the requirement for wedding ceremonies to be married….the Bible does not. Do they have slaves and multiple wives and concubines…. the Bible never said to stop these activates. Things have changed and Christian beliefs have changed and the environment that Christianity exists in has changed.

So as I always say, Bible Only is not the whole story of Christianity as far as beliefs and how the church evolved. The Catholic Church does not pay their Priests and Nuns….they provide for them. Is that better? In a sense it is still making a living….but forbidding families in the clergy.

Now a days we have church buildings and some are small Bethel churches and have small congregations and Preachers works for around 4 or 5 hours on Sunday, and a lot of them do not get paid but they have plenty of time to work elsewhere. If you like that, that is the way to go.

But as the churches and congregations get larger the working positions increase in numbers, secretaries and janitors etc. And the Preacher’s duties become more and more full time. And most can understand we cannot expect the Preacher, pastoral teams and secretaries and janitors to be homeless and come to church when needed. In this world there is no free lunch and you get what you pay for…. hopefully?

Biblical? The people in the biblical period believed they were living in the last days and Christ would return soon….They never thought that we would be here 2000 years later and Christ had not returned. So Christianity had to carry on in a world where money is required to sustain anything. And depending where you live it cost more to survive. Most Pastors are married with families….that cost money. So any church of any size is going to have to pay their Preachers and all those that work to complete the activities of the church.

As far as wages, I go with the average income of the area…Income enough to own a modest home and vehicle and all the insurances necessary for living…like medical etc. Basically the average cost of living in any particular area.

As far as millionaire Preachers….they are piling hot coals on their own heads. Christ said “Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” What He meant by that was that a rich man that hoards money while others are in need of help has already received his reward and it is basically a heartless practice. It is not just being rich that is a sin, a poor man cannot give 3 million to charity and poor people do not employ people. But a good Pastor could not be absorbingly rich because he would be giving a lot of it away to charity or charitable activities. As with all Christians that can afford it should give to charity.

So it is not a sin for a Pastor and church workers to draw a fair wage.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
United States
Church bashing? Another reason not to go to church, to find fault with churches or not to be involved with church activities. It is now the movement within Christianity. Right now the move is to personal religious beliefs and not go to church.
It is easy to find fault, especially if some group's behavior does not match what I think it should. If we are able to back up and put on our big-picture glasses, we might see issues to be concerning for us. The commercialism and salesmanship demonstrated by churches is a red flag for me. Friends who have left the smaller churches in order to go to one which major youth programs and coffee bars is a sign to me as well. I fail to see those points of emphasis highlighted in scripture.

What I do see is "church" becoming a social club (while not a bad thing in itself) that relieves people from personal study and group discussion about the results of their studies because people simply sit back and believe that everything coming from the mouth of a person on the church staff is absolute truth. I see churches now more as dairy farms where only milk products are offered.

People select church by the feel-good-factor rather than any growth factor.

A pastor who supports himself should not be too stressed because he should not be the only shepherd. I see no examples where only one man was "the clergy." I see elders -plural- as those who shepherd the flock. Then, if basic daily care of the group is needed, THEN deacons are selected. If it wasn't for the need to pay one man to shepherd, and there are elders serving as shepherds, they should be able to support themselves instead of being paid, and any money donated would serves God's purposes instead of spending money on pretty buildings and awesome sound systems.

Shepherding is to be an act of love rather than for profit. There are many more details on how this kind of church can be possible, but I feel that our organized denominations are here to stay until God sorts all this out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
It is easy to find fault, especially if some group's behavior does not match what I think it should. If we are able to back up and put on our big-picture glasses, we might see issues to be concerning for us. The commercialism and salesmanship demonstrated by churches is a red flag for me. Friends who have left the smaller churches in order to go to one which major youth programs and coffee bars is a sign to me as well. I fail to see those points of emphasis highlighted in scripture.

What I do see is "church" becoming a social club (while not a bad thing in itself) that relieves people from personal study and group discussion about the results of their studies because people simply sit back and believe that everything coming from the mouth of a person on the church staff is absolute truth. I see churches now more as dairy farms where only milk products are offered.

People select church by the feel-good-factor rather than any growth factor.

A pastor who supports himself should not be too stressed because he should not be the only shepherd. I see no examples where only one man was "the clergy." I see elders -plural- as those who shepherd the flock. Then, if basic daily care of the group is needed, THEN deacons are selected. If it wasn't for the need to pay one man to shepherd, and there are elders serving as shepherds, they should be able to support themselves instead of being paid, and any money donated would serves God's purposes instead of spending money on pretty buildings and awesome sound systems.

Shepherding is to be an act of love rather than for profit. There are many more details on how this kind of church can be possible, but I feel that our organized denominations are here to stay until God sorts all this out.

What I see is you are finding fault with some of the great aspects of Churches.

What I do see is "church" becoming a social club (while not a bad thing in itself) that relieves people from personal study and group discussion about the results of their studies because people simply sit back and believe that everything coming from the mouth of a person on the church staff is absolute truth. I see churches now more as dairy farms where only milk products are offered.

Some people sign up for Christianity and continue as usual like it was a club….don’t go to church, don’t participate in church activities….criticize churches while sitting in there Lazyboy on Sundays….keeping their donations in their pocket. That is actually a category of Christians…I call Lazyboy Chirstians.

“social club” AHHH! Who should Christians hang with? Who should Christian children hang with? One of the churches I go to is a mega church….open and busy 7 days a week, day and night and a full pastoral team. Increasable praise a worship service for us “fully adults” and samething for young adults….Sunday School broke up by age groups, but people are welcome to mingle. And yes awesome sound systems and intercom and mega screen displays.

Yep a café, that is popular with all the comfort foods, Christian families gather and teens gather. Huge gym that is busy day and night whether it be exercise, or volleyball or basketball for kids and adults.. Auditoriums where musicians gather and socialize and play bluegrass gospel music and other Christian music. Sunday school classrooms that are used for daytime and night Bible study and counseling. Computers for those that need access to the web for getting degrees or just school work. All happening 7 days a week.

They have church buses and car services for the elderly.

Child care for the young’ins. This is interesting I didn’t really think about this until I saw it in action….Child care for worship services but also to give moms a break while they go to group study or workout or go to the café.

Ya and they advertise….so many churches exist but stay to themselves….people in town would not even know they were there.

People select church by the feel-good-factor rather than any growth factor.

What are you looking for….the feel bad…hateful….factor. Fellowship is important in a church. Church spirit is important, a dead lifeless church is no good.

As far as wages, like I said, I see no problem with wages for the pastor, pastoral teams, and church employees. Profit? Do you mean able to afford food and clothes? Or do you mean millions of dollars?

I love little country churches too and if that is what you like, there is no harm in picking one and at a lot of those no one gets paid.

Now I am a theologian and I go to several churches and one of the aspect I run into is the criticize/critical spirit in some churches big or small. I do not go back to those. Big churches can say small churches are part time churches and small churches can say as you do…saying that Christian socializing and doing things together as a family is a bad thing.

The thing is living a Christian life is more than doing it form a Lazyboy or even going to church for a couple hours. The Way, the Christian life….the church in your life… your family thinking Christian and doing Christian things.....getting involved with the church all through the week….getting involved with church charity work and food pantry and check in on the elderly.

Lazyboy Christians can lay back and ring that bell of criticism, that way the Devil knows you are headed his way.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The word “church” seems to be the problem….there are scriptural precedents that should give us parameters for what that word should means to us.
We know first of all that the “church” is not the building, but the congregation that meets in it.
When the congregation meets in it, what are they to do at such meetings? The first Christians met for scriptural instruction and to “incite to love and fine works” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

What does it mean to “incite” others? The word in Greek is “paroxysmos” and it is used in the Christian scriptures only twice. It can mean…..
  1. an inciting, incitement or
  2. irritation (Strongs)
So an ‘incitement’ can be used in a good way or a bad way, such as “inciting a riot”. It is the motivation behind the action. People can be stirred up by the words of others, either to do good or to carry out evil (which some will assume is justice)

“The church” as an entity, if it does not have unity of belief and purpose is an absolute waste of time and energy. (1 Cor 1:10) Unless “the church” functions as a uniting factor in worship, what are we offering to God but something like the lame or sick sacrifices that he rejected in Israel?

Are humans so bent on what they want to accept as truth, that they forget that God already provided it and demonstrated what it should look like in the ministry of Jesus and his apostles. There is our model.

Does “the church” today function as they did? The obvious answer is that the disunited bickering rabble that is Christendom, offers no sacrifices that are approved by God because they can’t even agree on who God is, and what his purpose is in our being placed on this carefully and lovingly prepared planet at the beginning.
The big picture is lost, and mankind are left fighting over a few dead pixels in one corner of it.

At this juncture, there are only “wheat and weeds” in this world…..”sheep and goats”…..and Jesus is due any time now to make his final separation….what will he find? And who will pass muster? (Matt 7:21-23) We are all either one or the other….not just collectively but individually…….we will have cast our lot in with whoever has made sense to us. But we have to ask ourselves what drew us to the camp we chose? Whose instruction are we really following?

How does the first century model fit the 21 st century reality? Who are following Christ and his apostles in their teachings and example……their emphasis on preaching…..and on meeting together regularly to stimulate and strengthen each other’s faith?

Whose truth are we promoting? And who is profiting from doing God’s work? Who is the one dressed in the garb of the “clergy” when there was no “clergy” (or priests) in the first century.
Who are teaching the traditions of men, rather than doing the work that Jesus assigned to all of his disciples? (Matt 28:19-20; Rev 22: 17)
Were they to sit in a building, with just one pastor, waiting for the people to wander in? Or were they instructed to go out to the people with his message of the Kingdom? (Matt 10:11-14; Matt 24:14)

There was always a body of elders to support the flock as @Spyder has mentioned. No one was paid a salary because what they did was done voluntarily out of love for God, for Christ, and their brothers and sisters. They worked for their own keep. The only ones arguing against that are those who are paid clergy and those who have no idea what first century Christianity looked like.

How many people who identify as “Christians” can tell us what the Kingdom is and what it will accomplish?

Unfortunately the whole meaning of being a “Christian” is lost in a fog of adopted religious doctrines and worldly political ideologies and allegiances Those things divide the ones who claim Jesus as their “Lord”.

It was humans under the influence of the devil (the sower of the weeds) who carved up the Christ to serve themselves. Jesus knows those who are his own.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Early Christian writings do not discuss wages for overseers. So the answer to the question…Are Pastor's Salaries Biblical? is NO. So if you are Bible Only…you do not pay your Pastor, except maybe gas money to come to church. But why not pay your Pastor? Bible Only people have quite the juggling act of religious beliefs going on
Thank you for being honest.

I put a high value on "Bible Only". It's very important to me. And Im willing to leave modern church behind because of it.

But no, I don't think this is an ideal situation. There are a lot of social benefits from attending a local church. I have been a tithe paying member of a church before.You brought up some good points about why pastors are paid salaries but Scripture is a sticking point for me. I do appreciate that someone is willing to be open about it not being a 100 percent sticking point for them.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Valuing Scripture over traditions and social conventions is wonderful. But it will definitely raise eyebrows and come off antisocial in a lot of cases. I am enjoying this thread. Thanks, guys. (Agree or not)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Thank you for being honest.

I put a high value on "Bible Only". It's very important to me. And Im willing to leave modern church behind because of it.

But no, I don't think this is an ideal situation. There are a lot of social benefits from attending a local church. I have been a tithe paying member of a church before.You brought up some good points about why pastors are paid salaries but Scripture is a sticking point for me. I do appreciate that someone is willing to be open about it not being a 100 percent sticking point for them.

My primary point is to go to church….hang with Christians…. worship with Christians….be active with Church activities and charitable activities.

Secondly, Protestantism is a virtual smorgasbord of denominations and churches and if small churches where no one gets paid are what you like….nothing wrong with that.

Now the Lazyboy Christians and the church of ones….they may not even make it to Heaven. Christ may ask them, What did you do that I could tell you were a Christian? Sit home and think about it and or criticizes churches and others?

As far as “Bible Only” it is feel good statement….Most Christians do not really believe in that, they just say it. Do you believe that people should have wedding ceremonies to be married? The Bible does not require it. The Protestants made it a requirement in the mid 1500’s. Do you think polygamous marriages and father selling their daughters a sex slave is OK? The Bible….Old or New Testament did not but a stop to this. So Bible Only? Most good Christians would not like that.

The early Christians risked their lives to assemble and worship the Lord and fellowship….Now a days people spend their time thinking of reasons not to go to church and worship the Lord with other Christians. Christianity is not the type of a religion that can be practiced in a closet.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The early Christians risked their lives to assemble and worship the Lord and fellowship….Now a days people spend their time thinking of reasons not to go to church and worship the Lord with other Christians.
That would probably be because they get so little out of what goes on in the building……you don’t avoid doing what you love….you don’t “find” the time…you “make” the time because of how uplifted you feel when it’s time to go home. Meeting with your brothers and sisters should feel like being in an oasis in the desert….Most don’t get that uplifting if they are burdened down with the anxieties of life, and there is no help to unburden themselves.
This is another reason why just one shepherd is not enough to take care of the whole flock….and especially not with the magnitude of today’s problems. A body of elders was needed in the first century and that model was not followed by Christendom.….and they wonder why the churches are dying.

Another problem too is that some places are fortunate to have only one shepherd….some do not have any shepherds to care for the flock……the young ones are not replacing the older ones who have to step down due to age or illness. But what was foretold for God’s people in this time of the end was prophesied in Isaiah 2:2-4…….

”In the final part of the days,
The mountain of the house of Jehovah
Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains,
And it will be raised up above the hills,
And to it all the nations will stream.

3 And many peoples will go and say:

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah,

To the house of the God of Jacob.
He will instruct us about his ways,
And we will walk in his paths.”
For law will go out of Zion,
And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem.
4 He will render judgment among the nations
And set matters straight respecting many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning shears.

Nation will not lift up sword against nation,
Nor will they learn war anymore.”

So here is the identification of true Christians in this time of the end…..”the final part of the days”…
Jehovah’s mountain (his figurative place of worship) would become firmly established, with instructions about how to rise above this world’s troubles……resulting in many streaming to it for support and comfort in these difficult times. God will lead his people to true worship whist the devil leaves his own to fend for themselves.…spiritually malnourished, they have a very weak faith.

God’s true worshippers will know what they believe, and why they believe it, because Jehovah will be instructing them.
How will we identify those whom Jesus is leading?….the last four lines in that prophesy tell the story…..
they will be in peace, whist others are fighting their governments, their laws, and each other….
They will not be part of the warring nations but will have already turned their weapons into gardening implements ready for life in the new world….never to learn war again.

Genuine Christians take care of each other and make sure their brothers and sisters are not in need.
Christianity is not the type of a religion that can be practiced in a closet.
Nor is it the type of religion that is only practiced in a building….it is a way of life….not something you do…but something you are 24/7.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
That would probably be because they get so little out of what goes on in the building……you don’t avoid doing what you love….you don’t “find” the time…you “make” the time because of how uplifted you feel when it’s time to go home. Meeting with your brothers and sisters should feel like being in an oasis in the desert….Most don’t get that uplifting if they are burdened down with the anxieties of life, and there is no help to unburden themselves.
This is another reason why just one shepherd is not enough to take care of the whole flock….and especially not with the magnitude of today’s problems. A body of elders was needed in the first century and that model was not followed by Christendom.….and they wonder why the churches are dying.

Another problem too is that some places are fortunate to have only one shepherd….some do not have any shepherds to care for the flock……the young ones are not replacing the older ones who have to step down due to age or illness. But what was foretold for God’s people in this time of the end was prophesied in Isaiah 2:2-4…….

”In the final part of the days,
The mountain of the house of Jehovah
Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains,
And it will be raised up above the hills,
And to it all the nations will stream.

3 And many peoples will go and say:

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah,

To the house of the God of Jacob.
He will instruct us about his ways,
And we will walk in his paths.”
For law will go out of Zion,
And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem.

4 He will render judgment among the nations
And set matters straight respecting many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning shears.

Nation will not lift up sword against nation,
Nor will they learn war anymore.”

So here is the identification of true Christians in this time of the end…..”the final part of the days”…
Jehovah’s mountain (his figurative place of worship) would become firmly established, with instructions about how to rise above this world’s troubles……resulting in many streaming to it for support and comfort in these difficult times. God will lead his people to true worship whist the devil leaves his own to fend for themselves.…spiritually malnourished, they have a very weak faith.

God’s true worshippers will know what they believe, and why they believe it, because Jehovah will be instructing them.
How will we identify those whom Jesus is leading?….the last four lines in that prophesy tell the story…..
they will be in peace, whist others are fighting their governments, their laws, and each other….
They will not be part of the warring nations but will have already turned their weapons into gardening implements ready for life in the new world….never to learn war again.

Genuine Christians take care of each other and make sure their brothers and sisters are not in need.

Nor is it the type of religion that is only practiced in a building….it is a way of life….not something you do…but something you are 24/7.

I am not going to cut you any slack. I am not going to pat you on the back and be all huggy as you make your way to Hell. That is not Christian love or kindness. No sorry.

Give evil no tolerance, no mercy, not quarter.

If you are Jehovah’s Witness you are on your journey to Hell no two ways about it.
All I have to say to you is flee that evil religion. That is love and that is truth.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

Are Pastor's Salaries Biblical?​

No more biblical than Pas da potatoes!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
United States
That would probably be because they get so little out of what goes on in the building……you don’t avoid doing what you love….you don’t “find” the time…you “make” the time because of how uplifted you feel when it’s time to go home. Meeting with your brothers and sisters should feel like being in an oasis in the desert….Most don’t get that uplifting if they are burdened down with the anxieties of life, and there is no help to unburden themselves.
This is another reason why just one shepherd is not enough to take care of the whole flock….and especially not with the magnitude of today’s problems. A body of elders was needed in the first century and that model was not followed by Christendom.….and they wonder why the churches are dying.

Another problem too is that some places are fortunate to have only one shepherd….some do not have any shepherds to care for the flock……the young ones are not replacing the older ones who have to step down due to age or illness. But what was foretold for God’s people in this time of the end was prophesied in Isaiah 2:2-4…….

”In the final part of the days,
The mountain of the house of Jehovah
Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains,
And it will be raised up above the hills,
And to it all the nations will stream.

3 And many peoples will go and say:

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah,

To the house of the God of Jacob.
He will instruct us about his ways,
And we will walk in his paths.”
For law will go out of Zion,
And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem.

4 He will render judgment among the nations
And set matters straight respecting many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning shears.

Nation will not lift up sword against nation,
Nor will they learn war anymore.”

So here is the identification of true Christians in this time of the end…..”the final part of the days”…
Jehovah’s mountain (his figurative place of worship) would become firmly established, with instructions about how to rise above this world’s troubles……resulting in many streaming to it for support and comfort in these difficult times. God will lead his people to true worship whist the devil leaves his own to fend for themselves.…spiritually malnourished, they have a very weak faith.

God’s true worshippers will know what they believe, and why they believe it, because Jehovah will be instructing them.
How will we identify those whom Jesus is leading?….the last four lines in that prophesy tell the story…..
they will be in peace, whist others are fighting their governments, their laws, and each other….
They will not be part of the warring nations but will have already turned their weapons into gardening implements ready for life in the new world….never to learn war again.

Genuine Christians take care of each other and make sure their brothers and sisters are not in need.

Nor is it the type of religion that is only practiced in a building….it is a way of life….not something you do…but something you are 24/7.
I think I can see this taking place. But then, I have found that our local social clubs that we call "church" is failing to follow the example that Jesus set for us. Now, we do marketing - coffee bars, children's playgrounds, nice baby sitters, beautiful furnishings, amazing sound systems, and a pat on each other's backs for being so holy while learning nothing other than the same pablum that has been fed to the crowd that is devoid of deep scriptural study.

Now, anyone who desires to dig in to scripture to validate their beliefs are shunned if their results run afoul of the denomination's "Statement of Beliefs."

I know from experience that pastor's get angry and offended if their doctrines are questioned with scripture. It's usually because, when scripture is compared to other scripture, their doctrines fall apart.

The truth needs no defending, but a lie must be protected - usually by ignoring the person with questions and shunning them when the questions don't stop.

The self-righteous person claiming to follow Jesus will make attacks against anyone who looks to be rocking the boat by searching for truth as if it needs to be protected.

As I look around, I see signs that God is at work and is crumbling the foundations of those denominations that have called sin acceptable and lies as truth. If a person insists on worshipping God in spirit and in truth, it is rare to find a church which does that.