A Guesthouse World

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Last year I had a dream
I was chasing after you
Around a guesthouse world
That was made up entirely
Of staircases and hallways
I was calling out to you
Can you please stop!
It's not what you think!
But even while I said that
I knew what it was exactly
Like it was like that exactly
But it didn't stop the chase
I kept running and running
Until I almost reached you
Then from out of nowhere
People you never even knew
Leapt upon me from all sides
Trying hard to slow my way
For reasons they'd fear I'd say
So I had to push them all away
While I continued the chase
Through a guesthouse world
Of never ending staircases
And hallways.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Last year I had a dream
I was chasing after you
Around a guesthouse world
That was made up entirely
Of staircases and hallways
I was calling out to you
Can you please stop!
It's not what you think!
But even while I said that
I knew what it was exactly
Like it was like that exactly
But it didn't stop the chase
I kept running and running
Until I almost reached you
Then out from nowhere
People for some other reason
People who didn't know you
Tried to slow me down
Jumping on me from all angles
And nothing I said to them
Did they care to hear
So I pushed them all away
While I continued the chase
Throughout a guesthouse world
Of never ending staircases
And hallways.

Up the down staircase, then down the up staircase;
Poor Alice is bewildered.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Her conversation with Humpty Dumpty, in particular.
Look! I think the poem is fixed now. I'm drawing my inspiration from a dream and that's always difficult. What's this about Humpty Dumpty? I had this dream (Nightmare) about Humpty Dumpty, when I was about 3-4 year's of age. First nightmare I ever had, let me set the scene.

I was standing in a courroom and the judge was Humpty Dumpty. He was dressed like a judge and was seated on high like in a real courtroom. Down below on the right and left side of Humpty Dumpty were two typists typing in everything Humpty Dumpty was saying. Those two typists looked like a mixture of different animals (Very alien looking) Humpty Dumpty began speaking out a sentence on me, a sentence of death. When Humpty Dumpty finished his sentencing he picked up the gavel and struck it down and a crack appeared in his shell. He struck the gavel a second time and another crack appeared in his shell. Then on the third time Humpty Dumpty struck the gavel down, his shell cracked completely and exploded with blood that flooded the entire courtroom.

(I woke shortly after that part, and you should ask my mother the rest of the story)


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Look! I think the poem is fixed now. I'm drawing my inspiration from a dream and that's always difficult.

Poetry is a form of literary art.

Dreams are mental imagery produced by brain activity when we sleep. Making literary art from dreams could produce some pretty wild poetry!

What's this about Humpty Dumpty?

I interpreted your literary art. (What you wrote reminded me of something.) I had a particular conversation in mind which takes place between Humpty Dumpty and Alice. I was going to post it for you if you asked for the specifics but I don’t think I will now that I’ve learned of your childhood experience.

I had this dream (Nightmare) about Humpty Dumpty, when I was about 3-4 year's of age. First nightmare I ever had, let me set the scene.

I was standing in a courroom and the judge was Humpty Dumpty. He was dressed like a judge and was seated on high like in a real courtroom. Down below on the right and left side of Humpty Dumpty were two typists typing in everything Humpty Dumpty was saying. Those two typists looked like a mixture of different animals (Very alien looking) Humpty Dumpty began speaking out a sentence on me, a sentence of death. When Humpty Dumpty finished his sentencing he picked up the gavel and struck it down and a crack appeared in his shell. He struck the gavel a second time and another crack appeared in his shell. Then on the third time Humpty Dumpty struck the gavel down, his shell cracked completely and exploded with blood that flooded the entire courtroom.

(I woke shortly after that part, and you should ask my mother the rest of the story)

That’s a nightmare all right.