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  1. G

    Sometimes God doesn't remove a doubt, because it isn't the right time to remove it (still?)

    Hi there, So a little help for my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are all struggling (bar the foolishmost). God doesn't always remove doubt. I have been in the faith and away (from the faith) and been back again (even back to the end), and I can attest that this is true. My past sins are...
  2. G

    We are given this body ("this tent") temporarily, let your light shine through it while you've got it! (bright?)

    Hi there, So I just had a revelation of the importance of the body, while on Earth. As Peter says it is a "tent" (2 Peter 1:14) that we must put off in due time. But why are we given it, for the short time that we are? The point is that we are able to shine a little light, before we enter into...
  3. G

    The stone that the builders doubted, has still worked (selah)

    Hi there, So Psalm 118:22 talks about the "stone which the builders rejected" conveying something about Christ. The idea is the builders wanted to build a bridge, but couldn't get the two sides of the arch underneath the bridge to lean against each other - the 'cornerstone' was needed. This...
  4. G

    The Devil doesn't believe the Rapture is coming; the Devil is counting on the Tribulation causing Men to fear (still not praying?)

    Hi there, So just to bring you up to speed a little more: the role of the Devil, in relation to the Rapture and the Tribulation, is quite relevant. The Bible tells us that the Devil is the accuser of the Brethren (letters, from memory). What does he accuse the Brethren of? For one thing...
  5. G

    "In weakness My Strength is made perfect" (the Lord is fulfilling this as we speak!)

    Hi there, So I can't go into all the details, but I can promise you that something great is going to happen. The Lord is confirming that "in weakness the Strength of God is made perfect". We are going to come out of this time, with even greater fervour for the Lord; those that are worthy will...
  6. G

    The Rapture will be challenged, by the Great Doubt (slowing down?)

    Hi there, So I contend two things, here: one that the Holy Spirit reminds us of Jesus' Cross; two, that the inactivity of the Church, will lead to the battle of Armageddon. The concept I want you to understand, is that the world, in whatever state it is in, needs to see evidence of faith. When...
  7. G

    The World tells you the "World" is the same, since you believed - but they're wrong! (confront?)

    Hi there, So yes, the heart of the snare, people fall into when it comes to the anti-Christ, is that the anti-Christ aggrandizes the demand of the World - not that the World be a greater "World", but that the World be more greatly "the same". In other words, the World wants to refuse the...
  8. G

    Say the anti-Christ was against "Evolution", would you tolerate him 'more'?

    Hi there! So the anti-Christ being Jewish, there is a strong possibility that he will not be in favour of "Evolution". As a Jew, he has the heritage of the Holocaust to bear in mind and there is a bitter wound there, one that is not going to be quickly forgotten. Is this a marvel? As Jesus said...
  9. G

    Each successive Heaven, is more by faith than the last (selah)

    Hi there, So yes, just thinking about Heaven and falling back on Paul's suggestion that it is possible for someone to be caught up to the third Heaven, it behooves us to think on how the Heavens work. Something that is fairly self-evident, is that each successive Heaven, is more by faith than...
  10. G

    How to respond to the idea, that Christ is being slowed down, by a believer? Like how would you respond to the guilt, that your work is unfinished?

    Hi there, So something you may not know about me, but I have a habit of mulling questions of the faith, over in my mind. I basically do a stress test "do I believe enough?" "how would I express that faith differently?" I want a tight, easy to grasp relationship with God, with Jesus. But I was...
  11. RLT63

    Do forums increase your faith?

    I was on another "Christian " forum but it seemed there were more atheists and agnostics than Christians. Even most of the Christians there are evolutionists. It put me constantly defending my faith. On this forum the issue has been the deity of Christ. Does talking about these things increase...
  12. MatthewG

    The Truth Of Becoming Unbelieving

    (Please be encouraged to read this out loud to yourself and consider what is said.) There are many Christians who believe that it would ever been impossible to give up faith. There is scripture to support this of course, the idea also of the use of "Sovereign God" does what He wants, and there...
  13. MatthewG

    Mark Chapter 6:1-6 (baggage of problems - doubt and unbelief - marveled with no honor)

    Hello you and welcome; this is a moment in time of going and walking with Jesus Christ and learning from what He had experienced in His life while living and returning to his own hometown. It is for us all to learn from these stories in the bible and get a grip on an understanding what is going...
  14. Stuart

    I pray for wisdom

    I accept that i am not God and i do not determine what is right or wrong about the bible and for this reason i willingly concede and say unto you that i need wisdom, i need to strengthen my faith I realise i am not an authority on the bible and i should not have my own separate beliefs about the...
  15. T

    Doubting Thomas

    After his resurrection Jesus appeared to the apostles. One of them wasn’t present. Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came.So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails...
  16. Unkoowning

    is there Anyone on here i can talk to personally.

    i just need someone to talk to still a bit confused and filled with some doubt. i think i have things to say but i don't want to have the whole forum see just yet. i think this is what making me so negative. anyway going to cook some steak. pm me if you wanna talk together.
  17. DanielGarneau

    Overcoming Doubt?

    Do we allow some of our modes of reasoning to suppress faith from our lives? Why not ask God to help us find ways of countering doubts about the faithfulness of His promises? You may consult this article in its original context: Overcoming Doubt? at Savoir et croire .ca (Knowing and Believing)...
  18. A

    Faith and Doubt - I need help!

    Hello everyone. I have been raised Christian my entire life and love God. I believe with all my heart that Jesus died on the cross for my sins but latley I have noticed that my faith is slipping. I am under constant doubt and questioning and whenever I pray to God or think about Him I just dont...