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  • Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress.

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  1. W

    He's not romantic enough

    A strong marriage is one where both partners communicate, expressing their needs to each other and listening to what the other is expressing. Letting the other know that certain acts, gestures and words are very important to you is part of communicating, as is understanding what the other...
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    Being a religious Christian is good

    Christianity is not just spiritual, it is also about how one lives, it affects ever area of ones life.
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    Being a religious Christian is good

    I've never understood this saying. Christianity is about Jesus those who talk about spirituality usually mix all sorts of pagan no sense in with their religion of Christian rituals. It's how we interact with Jesus that is important.
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    The Unity and Division threads - Unified to one topic - Divided by links

    But we are not talking about mere opinions but about what people actually believe and base their lives upon. Would you be happy if on Sunday a preacher taught you about the prosperity gospel, that you can have it all now, if you only have faith. Then the next Sunday a Liberal preacher teaches...
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    The Unity and Division threads - Unified to one topic - Divided by links

    Except one says you are not saved because you do or haven't......... The other says you are not saved because you have done this or that..... Where is the unity?
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    The Unity and Division threads - Unified to one topic - Divided by links

    You are assuming that the only unity that matters is a visual outward unity, so long as people don't discuss deeply what they believe we can have a show of unity. But when beliefs are as divergent as Catholic view of salvation by faith and works against protestant justification by faith...
  7. W

    where does co2 go away when its in the body?

    "where does co2 go away when its in the body?" CO2 is a product of cells working, it is a waste product that is taken by red blood cells back to the lungs where it is exchanged for oxygen.
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    Dreams And Visions Thread

    Far better to be involved in living and gossiping the gospel and praying for those one interacts with. Any fad a godless world has about crosses etc means nothing except as an introduction to talking about Jesus.
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    Matthew 18 - Is Jesus Lying Or Are You Lying?

    Nothing about salvation by works, something about God's amazing undeserved grace to us.
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    Ho.y999, You know the scripture 1 john1:9 If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins. Don't mess around making posts go dir3ct to your Heavenly Father.
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    can demons work for god?

    He is being used by those demons to lead him deeper into being there accomplice that he ends up as there slave. They like there father are masters of lies.
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    Japan : Of The 10 Lost Tribes of Israel?

    Why waste time with irrelevencies like this. What value do the lost tribes of Israel have in promoting Jesus? They were lost because of there rejection of God and of his laws. Have they changed and now proclaim Jesus? If not why waste your time on nonsense.
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    You can become more like God via theosis/divinization and man inherited death, not sin

    Those who study history, writing styles, grammar and scripture, tell us that the early Christian Church had portions of scripture from the end of the 1st century. Paul letters from even earlier, so your claim of no bible in the ear.y chur h is untrue.
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    Matthew 18 - Is Jesus Lying Or Are You Lying?

    So you believe salvation is learnt by what we do. Not by what Jesus has done for us. Remember Jesus does not forgive everyone.
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    Dreams And Visions Thread

    "No confession of faith, no belief, no changing of their worldly ways, no salvation message" This alone tells you your dream is false. Basic christianit Always check any message against scripture, if it doesn't match it is false. No changing of worldly, si nful ways, should scream at you "...