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  • Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress.

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  1. MorningDance13

    I Feel Lost

    I'm sorry. I was confusing you with somebody else. I seem to have been very confused this morning for some reason. It's a good thing I don't take drugs anymore or I would REALLY be confused. I like the points that you made about the seven deadly sins and how there can be something that's not...
  2. MorningDance13

    Greetings And Salutations

    Hello Wynona. Thank you for your response. I'm actually not in Brighton England but in Brighton Massachusetts. We have a plethora of towns and cities named after places in England. It's nice to hear from you and I hope to say hello again
  3. MorningDance13

    I Feel Lost

    I just realized that I thought I was on a different website. This is not the Celebrate Recovery website thankfully
  4. MorningDance13

    I Feel Lost

    That doesn't sound anywhere near like what you were saying before. Also as far as people with eating disorders go we usually discover there are things we are calling food that are in fact addictive substances and not food at all like refined sugar and white flour. Yes those are physically...
  5. MorningDance13

    I Feel Lost

    EDIT:To make less harsh I still have no earthly clue whether you are saying that moderation is achievable after a person develops an addiction. I do see very clearly you saying that addiction is not a physical thing which is absolutely not true. Do you think that people actually die from...
  6. MorningDance13

    I Feel Lost

    I'm extremely confused by what you're trying to say there. The words in all caps is especially confusing. And then it actually sounds like you're telling me I'm supposed to be moderating use of addictive substances which sounds both asinine and ludicrous no personal offense. Well first it...
  7. MorningDance13

    I Feel Lost

    :confused:So I am basically recovered from Substance Use Disorder. Working on disordered eating. Was involved in 12-Step Land off and on for 28 years but not for the last 8 and 1/2. Have been involved with SMART Recovery off and on since December 2017. I don't really fit in with SMART although a...
  8. MorningDance13

    Greetings And Salutations

    Hello everyone. I am a woman and have been a follower of Messiah Yeshua off and on for 36 years. I'm in the process of coming back into fellowship again. I'm looking for a replacement for Facebook, place to connect, and perhaps support. Peace, blessings, light, and love in Him MorningDance13