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  • Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress.

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    Topic, about various passages from the Bible

    An admonition with tears in the eyes. Acts 20. 27+. Paul said to the elders of the church in Ephesus: For I have made known to you the saving plan of God, without concealing anything. Take care of yourselves and of the entire flock in which the Holy Spirit has made you bishops. Be shepherds of...
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    MIRACLE! During the Mass, the host was transformed into the body and the wine into the blood of Jesus Christ.

    In the history of the Catholic Church, there are many cases of miracles that are considered supernatural interventions of God. One of the most famous and long-lasting Eucharistic miracles is the Miracle of Lanciano, which took place in 8th century Italy. This unique miracle, which continues to...
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    Topic, about various passages from the Bible

    Tormenting doubts ... Mark 3:20-35. Words of the Gospel according to Saint Mark. One day he entered the house and such a crowd had gathered that they did not have time to eat bread. When His relatives heard about everything, they came to stop Him. It was said that he had lost his mind. But the...
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    Number four: You use your gifts and talents. God has endowed each of us with a unique set of skills and abilities that are specifically designed to glorify Him and serve others. Just as the different parts of the body form a harmonious whole, we, as members of the Body of Christ, have a variety...
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    Have you ever wondered if you are really doing what God wants you to do? In today's world of distractions and dynamic change, many people are searching for deeper meaning and purpose in their lives. One of our greatest desires is to find our role in the world, which is not only our heart's...
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    Topic, about various passages from the Bible

    Beware, this good leads to evil. Exodus 24:3 When Moses returned, he told the people all the words of the LORD and all the statutes of the law, and the people unanimously said,"We will do everything the LORD has said." Moses wrote down all the words of the Lord. He rose at dawn, built an altar...
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    5 Great Messages from God for Your Life | A Message That Will Change Your Life.

    The fourth message from God that should be constantly in our hearts is that He is always with us, even in the most difficult moments when we think we are alone. God gives us strength and supports us. In the book of Joshua we read: "Have I not commanded you: Be strong and courageous? Do not be...
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    5 Great Messages from God for Your Life | A Message That Will Change Your Life.

    In the shadow of our greatest sufferings, we often wonder if God is present in our lives. We are looking for answers to the question of why we have to go through difficulties, why we experience pain and how we can find the strength to get up. Sometimes life presents us with trials that seem too...
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    Topic, about various passages from the Bible

    A sign heralding something beautiful ... Mark 4:26-34. Jesus told the crowds,“The kingdom of God is like a man throwing seed into the ground. Whether he sleeps or wakes, night and day, the seed sprouts and grows, and he knows not how. The earth produces the crop by itself: first the blade...
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    Topic, about various passages from the Bible

    Forgers of truth ... Matthew 16:16. The eleven disciples went to a mountain in Galilee, just as Jesus had commanded them. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him. However, some people did not believe it. And Jesus came to them and said, “I have been given full authority in heaven and on earth.So...
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    Topic, about various passages from the Bible

    Three disasters befalling those who turn away from the Creator ... Words of the Gospel according to Saint Mark. Mark 4:35-41. That same day, when evening came, he said to them, "Let us cross over to the other side." So they left the crowd and took Him as He was in a boat, and other boats...
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    5 Attitudes that please God. How to attract God's blessing.

    Number four, Desire to walk with God every day. The fourth attitude that deeply pleases God is the desire to walk with Him every day. It is the longing for His presence, for an intimate relationship and for the guidance of His Holy Spirit in our daily lives. The desire to walk with God means...
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    5 Attitudes that please God. How to attract God's blessing.

    All those who seek greater intimacy with God must be wondering what our Creator really likes. What attitudes and behaviors catch His eye and make God's heart glow with joy? In search of the answer to this question, we delve into the depths of our spirituality and knowledge of the Divine...
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    3 reasons why God doesn't answer your prayers? Find out what he is doing wrong.

    I read opinions that reality influences itself, according to your prayer.. it should be specific and long... and then according to the "statistics" they adapt to it ... (according to the state of your soul, your consciousness, the number of sins or good things you have done and so on)
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    5 Signs that you are under SPIRITUAL ATTACK | (Find out if it's happening to you)

    number four. Doubting God's Goodness. Doubts plant seeds in your heart, and your faith becomes more and more questioned. This is the fourth sign that you are being targeted by a spiritual attack. The spiritual adversary suggests thoughts that question God's goodness and make you doubt His...
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    5 Signs that you are under SPIRITUAL ATTACK | (Find out if it's happening to you)

    Every day we fight an invisible but extremely real fight. This is not an ordinary conflict between people or matter. This clash takes place on a spiritual level, in the sphere of our thoughts, emotions and spiritual forces. Many of us are unaware of this invisible front that brings chaos to our...
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    Whenever you experience suffering, watch this message. Strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ!

    Suffering is an integral part of our lives. At different times, we face physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. It can come from a variety of sources: loss, illness, disappointment, injustice, or tragedy. However, as Christians, we have the certainty that God is with us every step of the way...