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  1. G

    Time frames we have to work with

    Yes, I believe Satan was controlling or ruling during Jesus’s ministry. John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of...
  2. G

    Time frames we have to work with

    Yes, I believe the beast is cast into the lake of fire the day Jesus returns. The 42 month reign of the beast ends at the cross, after that Satan is transformed into an angel of light which is depicted as the second beast with two horns like a lamb but speaks as a dragon. It is possible that...
  3. G

    Time frames we have to work with

    Yea, I think the coming in Revelation 19 is the same event that takes place at the end of Satans little season in Revelation 20. Notice that Revelation 20:10 has the word “are” added in the KJV. ESV has “were”, which can dramatically change how to understand the verse. Ultimately if we just...
  4. G

    Time frames we have to work with

    I know some people will say the 42 months is Satans little season, but I don’t think so. I think the 42 months the beast rules was the time prior to the cross, I think the Jews were ruled by the beast else they wouldn’t have killed their Messiah.
  5. G

    Time frames we have to work with

    I think the seventy weeks are finished, with no gaps in between any of the weeks.
  6. G

    Time frames we have to work with

    I guess it depends on what you think something being fulfilled looks like. Some people have to have the literal waters on earth turning to literal blood before they are going to admit the second bowl of wrath is fulfilled, as an example. When looking at past fulfillments, Jesus himself didn’t...
  7. G

    Time frames we have to work with

    None of them, Satans little season ends when Christ returns but exactly how long that little season lasts isn’t known.
  8. G

    Time frames we have to work with

    Revelation 8:1 silence in heaven for about the space of half an hour. Revelation 17:12 receive power as kings one hour with the beast. There is also eternity, which isn’t a period of time that ends. So certain things that are eternal can’t end. For example the Daniel 9:24 everlasting...
  9. G

    A Great Conservative Study Bible using the ESV that is ANTI-dispensational

    The OG I quoted was from a different website but I like the one you have linked, it gives a side by side. Very good.
  10. G

    A Great Conservative Study Bible using the ESV that is ANTI-dispensational

    I don’t think the Old Greek is the LXX, although I’m not well studied on the various translations. From the internet the Old Greek was the earliest translation of the Hebrew Bible, it was made in Alexandria Egypt for the use of the Greek speaking Jewish community there. I’m in agreement with...
  11. G

    A Great Conservative Study Bible using the ESV that is ANTI-dispensational

    I see you’re using the Apocrypha to better understand verses in the canon. Some time ago I had a brief discussion with someone about using the Old Greek to better understand the controversial verses in Daniel 9:26-27. What are your thoughts on using something like the Old Greek as a deciding...
  12. G

    What is the "SIGN" of the Son of Man - Poll

    What do you mean by not being literal (literally happening on earth) or spiritual? For example the star of Bethlehem, it was a literal astronomical object or event that can be argued as being only a spiritual event. An argument could be made that only the magi were able to see the star...
  13. G

    What is the "SIGN" of the Son of Man - Poll

    All this is interesting and I’ll keep these things in mind. Have you tried to see if any other events can be seen in the sky? For example the abomination of desolation, would this have been something that a person could’ve seen in the night sky as an indication of when to flee?
  14. G

    What is the "SIGN" of the Son of Man - Poll

    Alright, if the sign of the Son of man is an astrological sign then this sign was also seen previously, correct? Matthew 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas...
  15. G

    What is the "SIGN" of the Son of Man - Poll

    To clarify your view, then you see the Matthew 24:31 gathering of the elect taking place on an individual basis, as each Jew died? Or a single event taking place on a specific day? What historical event that took place in 115 AD qualified as a fulfillment of Matthew 24:37-44? I can’t argue...
  16. G

    What is the "SIGN" of the Son of Man - Poll

    Yea, I can see that as a possibility, I tend to look at things in terms of probability. There are some eschatological views that I think are impossible and there are others that are possible but I assign low probabilities due to various verses that can’t be explained if that particular...
  17. G

    What is the "SIGN" of the Son of Man - Poll

    I watched the video, it was very interesting and really is just comparing facts. This is the kind of thing I can appreciate. Here’s where I’m going to have an issue though, when we come to New Heaven New Earth we have no need of sun or moon as seen in Revelation 21:23 and Isaiah 60:19-20. I...
  18. G

    What is the "SIGN" of the Son of Man - Poll

    I took a look at Orion in the Bible and Orion <3685> kesil, is found in Isaiah 13:10, Amos 5:8, Job 9:9, and Job 38:31. Isaiah 13:9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. 10 For...
  19. G

    What is the "SIGN" of the Son of Man - Poll

    I personally don’t think the sign is an astronomical event that can be deciphered but here’s what I think about the voice John hears behind him. In Revelation 1:10 John was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard a voice behind him. In Revelation 1:12 John turns to see the voice, and being...
  20. G

    What is the "SIGN" of the Son of Man - Poll

    Thanks for taking the time to post all of this. You’ve given me a lot to think about.