Recent content by Heart2Soul

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  1. Heart2Soul

    The demon behind Woke, affirming and false teachers

    @Wrangler, to be honest I have had times when I was really disgusted with humanity and was even remorseful for having ancestors who may have been part of the evils of the past. But then I repent and praise God that He is doing a new thing in his children. We won't be like this forever. God Bless
  2. Heart2Soul

    The demon behind Woke, affirming and false teachers

    Well your point is duly noted, however, references of historic events are simply informative facts that teach us how we have evolved into the society we are now. Everything in the world is outside of Him. This forum is outside of Him, you are outside of Him. So what must we do to gain access...
  3. Heart2Soul

    Will Trump be able to lead...

    I did indeed. I guess I just don't see as much of them in the news as the others.
  4. Heart2Soul

    The demon behind Woke, affirming and false teachers

    Same here...and the Civil Rights Movement (which I highly respected) open doors for Women's rights, Gay rights, and any other kind of rights....what God meant for good was used to promote evil.
  5. Heart2Soul

    Will Trump be able to lead...

    Which illegal immigrants would you like to stay? The MS-13 gang tightly connected to the cartel? The fentynal dealers bringing thousands of lbs of fentynal to sell on the streets and kill our young teens, the convicted criminals who have committed heinous crimes against people that have entered...
  6. Heart2Soul

    The demon behind Woke, affirming and false teachers

    Wasn't the most vile cities Sodom and Gomorrah? So much of an abomination that God destroyed that city? And isn't it prophesied that in the last days it will be like Sodom and Gomorrah, even worse? I don't condone all these immoral acts but I do praise God for fulfillment of prophesy in that it...
  7. Heart2Soul


    I pray for peace and that God will mend the relationship.
  8. Heart2Soul

    Brother in law fighting for his life.

    Praying for him!
  9. Heart2Soul


    COVID-19 was a political strategy against the Trump administration. He was blamed for everything even though he did exactly what he should have done. Beginning with shutting down airline passengers from entering the U.S. Fauci gave a speech after Trump's inauguration saying "there will be a...
  10. Heart2Soul


    You have my prayers!
  11. Heart2Soul


    Why are you in a rehab facility? I have been gone awhile so I have missed a lot of things going on.
  12. Heart2Soul

    Jesus was tempted

    It's fine if it is directed to me. Iron sharpens iron and I would be a fool to be closed-minded to other members wisdom, knowledge and understanding of scripture. So any debate between us is welcome as long as it stays pleasant. It's easier to swallow with a little sugar on top.
  13. Heart2Soul

    Jesus was tempted

    I can't really say because I have no clue. The New owner took over 2 years ago and he may have done away with it. Angelina and lforrest, our administrators aren't sure either. I only mentioned it because I was replying to one of your post and it wouldn't allow me to post it because your post and...
  14. Heart2Soul

    Jesus was tempted

    Not me, the program won't allow you to exceed the number of words allotted.