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In my older years I've become desirous of having more devotion to Jesus the Christ, and the New Covenant in his blood. I view the OT as history, information, background, but NOT the rule by which I live, or as my "law". I find my desire is to strive for adherence to the commands of Jesus Christ, not those through Moses in the Old Covenant. Not as a way to salvation, but as love and obedience to my Lord.

The Confession that I believe best instructs scripture doctrine as I see it is: The First London Confession of Faith of 1646. It is a faith of God's sovereign election and teaches believer's baptism by immersion; NOT for salvation, but as a symbol and outward profession of belief in salvation that is only in Jesus Christ.

I am "Confessional" in the sense I believe the historic faith once for all delivered to the saints and is found in the historic church documents that are based squarely on Scripture. I consider Bible-believing Anglicans, Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists and most other Reformed as brethren and can worship with them.
Jun 14, 1942 (Age: 82)
Region / City
Tampa, Florida
United States
Personal Statement of Faith
When I was a boy I was born from above by God's will alone. After being given spiritual life I professed my faith, and was immersed in baptism at age nine. John 1:12-13; Acts 8:12


I hold to the 1644/1646 First London Confession of Faith. I am a Particular Baptist as to my biblical understanding.
The First London Baptist Confession of 1644/1646 - NTRF
That Confession of Faith agrees well with New Covenant theology.
A short introduction to New Covenant Theology can be read online:
What Is New Covenant Theology? – Cross to Crown Ministries



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