Talking with a Scammer

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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022

[Last time, I rebuked a famous Roblox scammer. Surprisingly, it seems they messaged me back on Reddit!]

Jun 16

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4:45 PM

hey i'm prodisty i saw your post about me

Image [Editor note: Here they attached a screenshot which seems to show that they own the channel Prodisty, as it has the buttons for Customize Channel, Manage videos, view channel stats

yeah i saw your post about me and you praying about me. i am aware that what i'm doing is a sin and i wanted to quit doing this for a long time. i believe that jesus christ died on the cross for my sins so i know i'm already saved. but whenever i make these videos i hear voices in my mind and i know they're demons or spirits trying to talk to me. i haven't quit because of the amount of money i have made and i don't plan to quit. christians have the right to sin after they're saved, i understand the consequences of sin but the money is always tempting. after i reach 1m - 5m $$ i'll quit and do something else.

i quit, then i trust in myself, then grind, then quit, then trust in myself, then grind. etc. it's a cycle of temptation. tbh i don't care if i die anymore since everyone is getting depopulated. i'd rather have fun in heaven then have fun on earth. so i don't think your post of me stopping my sin will do anything. i'

i'm already saved so what i'm doing doesn't really matter

4:53 PM

you are already justified to sin because jesus christ already died for all my past present and future sin and there's no way to stop sin no matter what. even the most little sins will bring you to hell if you aren't saved. everyone should believe that jesus christ died on the cross so they'll be justified by all of their sins

Therefore, here is my reply ------------

Hi Prodisty. I am Harold Samson, creator of My apologies for keeping you waiting, my friend. I’ve been busy with family matters lately. I just noticed your message recently, so now that I have more time, here is my reply.

I’m grateful you read the post I made about you. I saw the Youtube video on my recommended feed, fate it seems. No matter what you do, I pray the Lord blesses you, my friend.

It is good that you are aware of your sin, the sin of bearing false witness. That is repentance, meaning the recognition of sin. 3341. metanoia.

Proverbs 19:9 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.

You also recognize Jesus Christ as the one true savior from sin, that too is good. As you believe in Christ, you are permanently saved as the Holy Spirit dwells within you, a spiritual baptism that washes away all sin.

Matthew 13:10 10 Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean” which the Christ said to the disciples. They too were already saved, yet they sin, and thus their feet become dirty. Still, it is good for them to wash their feet. I too wash my feet, as even after being permanently saved by faith in Christ, I sin as well.

I have also committed the sin of bearing false witness, many times, like lying about being somewhere where I was not. Or spreading the false doctrines of eternal conscious torment and annihilationism. I was mentally tormented by those false beliefs, I self harmed, I almost committed suicide if it weren’t for people who caught me. No loving God tortures people forever, nor does He destroy forever. The Lord will save all people because everyone will become believers in Christ and go to Heaven. Titus 2:11.

Is it good that I sin? No. Sin is never good. I rebuke myself for sin as well.

Sin has consequences, even for those already saved. This is called “dirtying one’s feet”. I ask you, when is dirt ever clean? Never! Dirt is dirt. Though Christians are permanently forgiven for all sins, sin still has consequence, our feet still get dirty, dirt is still dirty. Though I have permanent life as a Christian, I still suffered horrible mental pain, extreme guilt for my wrongdoings. Suffering is suffering. I do not want you to experience that. Even though there’s Heaven awaiting us both, why make this train ride, our lives on Earth, uncomfortable? Sin is always uncomfortable, though you may not feel it now, it always come back to bite you.

Galatians 6:7-8 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. ESV.

Though we both have eternal αἰώνιον (aiōnion) Strong's 166: life, we both have also sown of our own flesh and reaped corruption. Why cause unnecessary pain for ourselves?

In the past, I was a Roblox griefer, who would go to drawing games and scribble over innocent people’s art, destroying their works. Why did I do this evil, even though I was already saved? I thought it was “fun” seeing their reactions, thus I despise my sinful behavior, I failed to consider other people’s feelings.

Now I have my own good type of fun. I draw Bible verses in servers, which people scribble over, and I am permanently banned on many alt accounts from Roblox Free Draw, repeatedly.

Screenshots: I am kind to people now, and still, I get the joy of being persecuted, seeing their reactions against the Bible. Christianity brings out genuine emotions out of people, it’s very interesting… If you find this sin “fun” then, I tell you, it is more fun to expose sin. Unlike others, you have knowledge of scams. Wouldn’t it be fun to expose others?

I am still a hacker, I used my hacking for evil, yet honestly, I find it more entertaining using that hacking for good. And thus, I have been blessed, with reward beyond merely salvation, the friendships I’ve gained. It’s made this train ride much more pleasing.
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
You say you hear voices in your mind… So, you too are familiar with them? Yes, those evil spirits. I was tempted many times by them, failing repeatedly.

Now, years later, I’ve personally fought against them spiritually.

Like on Roblox Free Draw, where a demon named “Adonay”. A mod there even personally emailed me requesting for my help. I prayed to the Lord and He made the demon go away. Therefore, I pray to the Lord that the demons and evil spirits that affect you are driven away too my friend.

I love playing Roblox tycoon games. Now, thanks to my Roblox hacking, with my verses running on separate accounts, I am playing a real-life idle game with human souls. I remember the joy I felt when I converted a friend of mine to Christian Universalism.

My own name was added into one of my favorite video game series. I was personally messaged by an employee from the team behind another. The LORD God Yahweh even personally visited me in a dream and I could feel myself hugging Him. Story:

I was saved by faith alone in Christ years ago, around May 14, 2017. Yet, why did He wait until Dec 22 2022? Because I made that website, dedicated to Him, because of that good work. Our own good works do not save us at all, that is true, yet, they are still good. Sow what is good and reap what is good.

Surely, we will all embrace the Lord of Hosts Christ in Heaven. But, would you not want that now, rather than later? To experience that joy, which comes from godliness, having clean feet.

Colossians 3:9-10 ESV Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. (ESV)

Truly, we have been born again, a new self. Yet, we are still able to sin. Is it good to sin? Never. All sin is painful. Why self harm ourselves?

I say these things because you remind me of myself, when I was younger. Indeed, I had my own Youtube gaming channel. My intention was to donate money I gained to Christian causes. But I got consumed by the sin of greed. I almost even abandoned my own family in pursuit of money.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. (ESV)

Now I pursue a more valuable form of currency, human souls.

Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

How do you win souls נְפָשׂ֣וֹת‪ (nə·p̄ā·śō·wṯ) Strong's 5315? By converting people to Christianity! Convincing them to become believers in Christ. Anything else is Monopoly Money. Do you want to spend your time going after 1 to 5 millions of pieces of physical paper, fools gold, which disappear anyways? Or after some real soul gold here, which continues to the next life?

I recommend reading this parable:

What guarantee is there that you’ll even make it to 1 to 5 million $$? What if you die before it? I’ve experienced close-to-death experience many times. I’ve been physically assaulted, spat on, heard gunshots next to me. I’m prepared to die at a moments notice!

Your channel has 184K subscribers. Imagine… 184 000 human souls for you to win! With your audience, if you posted a Youtube video, 10 000 people watch it, that’s 10 000 dice rolls, 10 000 chances to obtain a genuine human soul!

Even just winning 1 human soul is incredibly valuable! It’s like owning a single dominus, except even more prestigious.

Those demons know the value of human souls too, that’s why they talk to your soul. Wanna fight back, piss em off? Why don’t you take their human souls, that they’ve been keeping in captivity? I’m talkin’ about your subscribers who do not yet believe in Christ. Yeah, some payback after how they’ve treated you with that cycle of temptation you describe, I was stuck in that same loop too. It pisses me off seeing those demons get away with the same sorta abuse they gave me.

Hmmm… now why would the demons want you to scam people? I believe it’s because it makes souls harder to win. One who is scammed, trusts people less, how difficult it then becomes for them to trust the Savior Christ! It also occupies people, distracts them, so they have less time to spend learning the truth.

I completely agree that I’d rather have fun in Heaven than on Earth. A single second in Heaven will be more fun than all the years of our life here.

Like yourself, I am also not afraid of my own physical death. Not a lot of people have that courage, you know. Would be a very useful trait as a soulwinner. As one myself, this has definitely been the most exciting time of my life, bar none! Feels like being a protagonist of your own anime series lol.

Truly, the earth is getting depopulated. Climate change, biodiversity loss, geopolitical conflicts like Ukraine vs Russia, China vs Taiwan, Israel vs Iran, North Korea vs uhh… lotsa people I guess XD. I’m a preterist, so I see all the events of Revelations, like the Second Coming of Christ, being already fulfilled as per 70 AD. Point is, there’s a lot of physical disasters coming. So who knows how long we’ve got left to live! Honestly, can feel a bit relieving. Not a lot more we gotta tough out before everyone’s saved huh? But this limited time motivates me further to make the most of the fleeting moments I have left of my random insignificant human existence. Ya never know if a nuclear bomb may drop.

I agree that even the smallest sins are bad. Though, the word Hell never appears in the actual Bible: Hell is Leaving the Bible Forever

“Hell” is usually a mistranslation of these 4 terms.

Sheol = Realm of the dead in Hebrew.

Hades = Realm of the dead in Greek.

Gehenna = Physical valley beside Jerusalem where bodies were burned since it was faster than burying them.

Tartarus = Where the demons are.

None of these “hells” are forever btw. Even though everyone will become believers in Christ to be made permanently clean of all their sins, I still find joy in being the person to tell them about Christianity. Someone would have won their souls, so I think it’s cool that I got to play a part in it. Same thing with sin. Even though God permits sin and some sins are predicted in advance, I still find joy in fighting against them. You never know if a sin was predestined or not until it actually happens, but certainly, there are many sins that were prevented, could be the case here too. I guarantee you’ll find going against sin way more fun than committing them, that’s for sure. Even though our sins are forgiven, they still hurt.

Psalm 38:3 there is no health in my bones because of my sin.

Overall, you say that my post about you stopping your sin will not do anything. Yet, you indeed messaged me. That alone is proof that this was well-worth the endeavor. Besides, I had a lotta fun typing up this message. Not every day I get to speak to a famous Roblox Youtuber my friend, God bless Prodisty! Have an awesome day!

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
I prayed to the Lord and He made the demon go away.

Some people have the belief that we should ask the Lord to get the devil off of us... because they are not aware of the authority of the Name of Jesus, and the authority given to those that believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Only applicable to those walking in the Spirit (Romans 8:14) as faith without works is dead, James 2:20)

2 Corinthians 12:7-9
And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.

For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee

This does NOT mean "No, the messenger of satan has to stay because I sent him" which is what false teachers claim this means. This is of course an interpretation inspired by satan designed to get Christians to lay down so demons can walk all over them and keep them in defeat.

God's Word never teaches that we are to pray and ask God to get the devil off of us.

No, Jesus said WE (them that believe) are to cast the devil out

Mark 16:17
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

We became new creatures IN CHRIST by God’s grace and are part of the Body of Christ by God’s grace, so we have the authority to cast the devil out in the might Name of Jesus... then Name above all other Names!

Philippians 2:9
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

The Learner

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
United States

[Last time, I rebuked a famous Roblox scammer. Surprisingly, it seems they messaged me back on Reddit!]

Jun 16

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4:45 PM

hey i'm prodisty i saw your post about me

Image [Editor note: Here they attached a screenshot which seems to show that they own the channel Prodisty, as it has the buttons for Customize Channel, Manage videos, view channel stats

yeah i saw your post about me and you praying about me. i am aware that what i'm doing is a sin and i wanted to quit doing this for a long time. i believe that jesus christ died on the cross for my sins so i know i'm already saved. but whenever i make these videos i hear voices in my mind and i know they're demons or spirits trying to talk to me. i haven't quit because of the amount of money i have made and i don't plan to quit. christians have the right to sin after they're saved, i understand the consequences of sin but the money is always tempting. after i reach 1m - 5m $$ i'll quit and do something else.

i quit, then i trust in myself, then grind, then quit, then trust in myself, then grind. etc. it's a cycle of temptation. tbh i don't care if i die anymore since everyone is getting depopulated. i'd rather have fun in heaven then have fun on earth. so i don't think your post of me stopping my sin will do anything. i'

i'm already saved so what i'm doing doesn't really matter

4:53 PM

you are already justified to sin because jesus christ already died for all my past present and future sin and there's no way to stop sin no matter what. even the most little sins will bring you to hell if you aren't saved. everyone should believe that jesus christ died on the cross so they'll be justified by all of their sins

Therefore, here is my reply ------------

Hi Prodisty. I am Harold Samson, creator of My apologies for keeping you waiting, my friend. I’ve been busy with family matters lately. I just noticed your message recently, so now that I have more time, here is my reply.

I’m grateful you read the post I made about you. I saw the Youtube video on my recommended feed, fate it seems. No matter what you do, I pray the Lord blesses you, my friend.

It is good that you are aware of your sin, the sin of bearing false witness. That is repentance, meaning the recognition of sin. 3341. metanoia.

Proverbs 19:9 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.

You also recognize Jesus Christ as the one true savior from sin, that too is good. As you believe in Christ, you are permanently saved as the Holy Spirit dwells within you, a spiritual baptism that washes away all sin.

Matthew 13:10 10 Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean” which the Christ said to the disciples. They too were already saved, yet they sin, and thus their feet become dirty. Still, it is good for them to wash their feet. I too wash my feet, as even after being permanently saved by faith in Christ, I sin as well.

I have also committed the sin of bearing false witness, many times, like lying about being somewhere where I was not. Or spreading the false doctrines of eternal conscious torment and annihilationism. I was mentally tormented by those false beliefs, I self harmed, I almost committed suicide if it weren’t for people who caught me. No loving God tortures people forever, nor does He destroy forever. The Lord will save all people because everyone will become believers in Christ and go to Heaven. Titus 2:11.

Is it good that I sin? No. Sin is never good. I rebuke myself for sin as well.

Sin has consequences, even for those already saved. This is called “dirtying one’s feet”. I ask you, when is dirt ever clean? Never! Dirt is dirt. Though Christians are permanently forgiven for all sins, sin still has consequence, our feet still get dirty, dirt is still dirty. Though I have permanent life as a Christian, I still suffered horrible mental pain, extreme guilt for my wrongdoings. Suffering is suffering. I do not want you to experience that. Even though there’s Heaven awaiting us both, why make this train ride, our lives on Earth, uncomfortable? Sin is always uncomfortable, though you may not feel it now, it always come back to bite you.

Galatians 6:7-8 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. ESV.

Though we both have eternal αἰώνιον (aiōnion) Strong's 166: life, we both have also sown of our own flesh and reaped corruption. Why cause unnecessary pain for ourselves?

In the past, I was a Roblox griefer, who would go to drawing games and scribble over innocent people’s art, destroying their works. Why did I do this evil, even though I was already saved? I thought it was “fun” seeing their reactions, thus I despise my sinful behavior, I failed to consider other people’s feelings.

Now I have my own good type of fun. I draw Bible verses in servers, which people scribble over, and I am permanently banned on many alt accounts from Roblox Free Draw, repeatedly.

Screenshots: I am kind to people now, and still, I get the joy of being persecuted, seeing their reactions against the Bible. Christianity brings out genuine emotions out of people, it’s very interesting… If you find this sin “fun” then, I tell you, it is more fun to expose sin. Unlike others, you have knowledge of scams. Wouldn’t it be fun to expose others?

I am still a hacker, I used my hacking for evil, yet honestly, I find it more entertaining using that hacking for good. And thus, I have been blessed, with reward beyond merely salvation, the friendships I’ve gained. It’s made this train ride much more pleasing.
Oh that is why some people think I am AI.