Do you believe this is...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
Post #207 @Wrangler (hate doing this to you - have the utmost respect but you pulled the integrity trigger!)

Do you know what a simile is? (unanswered)

I'm going to assume you do.

Luke who wrote the Gospel of Luke & Acts likes to use similes (“his sweat was like drops of blood,”) He uses them here Luke 3:22; Luke 10:18; Luke 11:44; Luke 22:31 and so on...

What is the comparison being made Wrangler? (unanswered)

So he said to them, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Lk 10:18.

Who was the adversary in Jesus' view? (unanswered)

Luke 10:18

In Luke using a smile the whole point of the comparison placing emphasis on the "speed of the fall" of the adversary "as" lightning falling from heaven.

The Return of the Seventy-Two

Luke 10:17 The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons (illnesses - they didn't know the names back then!) are subject to us in your name!” 18 And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. 20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

Straight away you can see how Christ relates the fall of this adversary with them having power over the enemy.

The obvious questions is...

Who was their enemy? (unanswered)

Who in the record is called serpents and scorpions? (unanswered)

If you have identified the enemy correctly you will also know how that authority of Christ was used to overcome them.

What was their evil power and how did they exercise it over the people? (unanswered)

Also noted is the implied safety of having their name written in Heaven! (no evil or sin present there)

While you are looking at Luke 10:18 lets discuss your question in more detail.

2 Peter 1:3-4 states

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire” (ESV).

This verse presents a number of problems for those who believe in fallen angels.

1. The verse plainly says that believers are made “partakers of the divine nature” through God’s promises,
2. What extent do we partake on God's Nature?
3. Every human being is born with a sin (prone) nature; which is due to its weak substance which has a bent toward pleasing self (Romans 5:12; 7:14)

Our natural selves cannot please God HOWEVER, to imply that our future Divine Selves is incapable of pleasing God brings God's very nature into question. In fact what you are saying is "I believe there to be no benefit at all in taking on God's Divine nature because I will still have the free will to sin!"

Do you believe a divine being is enslaved to the passions and sins of the flesh? (unanswered)

What are they now servants of? God and His Nature or Man and his? (unanswered)

In fact this statement can no longer be believed upon!

“No one who is born of God (fulfilled completely when Divine nature is achieved) will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.”

When we share in His divine nature, we must desire the things God desires.

In fact when divine nature is granted we will love what He loves and hate what He hates without the pull of the flesh! Galatians 5:22; 1 John 4:4

In a truth its impossible to reconcile angels sinning because they bare His Name; they behold His Face and they are Him in nature and manifestation.

The Conclusion of the whole matter

Sin no longer controls the one who has become a partaker of the divine nature. By giving us His nature, God makes us His sons and daughters and conforms us to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 6:18).

To believe otherwise is to make God sin.

Eight (8) questions unanswered


Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Not so...its a taunt against the King of Babylon and the symbols require spiritual discernment. You fail yourself and the Word by approaching it with man-made notions.

First step is to rightly acknowledge the context of the prophecy.

Do that and we can talk.

Nothing on topic here.

A favorite quote of mine to show there is no need for a fallen angel when God alone creates light and shapes evil/darkness.

Well done for quoting it! (a first in this thread)

As you can imagine trying to force fallen angel theology on an obscure chapter in the book of Ezekiel is rather comical when you think about it. I get you're only repeating what has been taught you, but I suggest you revisit the chapter and ask many pertinent questions and seek their answers as you are able.

If you need help..more than willing!

Lol. So where did Satan and his demons come from or don't you accept their existence?
We'll see what you think about those demon locusts when millions are released from the Abyss to torture the world of unbelievers during the Great Tribulation? Or when you are approached to receive the mark of the Beast or not ... Will you still be in denial of this darkness that covers the earth. And who does Michael battle against then?
Your discernment is questionable.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
Lol. So where did Sat!n and his demons come from or don't you accept their existence?
Precisely - show me their origin story.
We have debunked Job 1-3 Ezek 28 & Isaiah 14 - whats left?
We'll see what you think about those demon locusts when millions are released from the Abyss to torture the world of unbelievers during the Great Tribulation?
LOL if only you knew the symbols truth - hidden from most!
Or when you are approached to receive the mark of the Beast or not ... Will you still be in denial of this darkness that covers the earth. And who does Michael battle against then?
Your discernment is questionable.
Your notions are many!....You have much to prove.



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Precisely - show me their origin story.
We have debunked Job 1-3 Ezek 28 & Isaiah 14 - whats left?

LOL if only you knew the symbols truth - hidden from most!

Your notions are many!....You have much to prove.


Forget about me?

What are the names of the spirits that you serve?

Are you able to say anything good about the Lord God and Jesus?


Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Precisely - show me their origin story.
We have debunked Job 1-3 Ezek 28 & Isaiah 14 - whats left?

LOL if only you knew the symbols truth - hidden from most!

Your notions are many!....You have much to prove.

What, do you doubt evil exists too? You will see evil face to face.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
Forget about me?

What are the names of the spirits that you serve?

Are you able to say anything good about the Lord God and Jesus?

MA have you been on the spirits? The OP lad! This is a case of "not my circus not my monkeys" lol



Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
What, do you doubt evil exists too? You will see evil face to face.
BTW way was your replay acknowledgement you cannot provide an origin story for you rebel angel? Be really nice if a fellow believer could at the very least acknowledge this.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
BTW way was your replay acknowledgement you cannot provide an origin story for you rebel angel? Be really nice if a fellow believer could at the very least acknowledge this.
I think you misundersand the Bible, concerning God's purpose for mankind, the whole story of good and evil, how it plays out, where it's going ànd why.

Oops! I have a list that I failed to check when I get into disagreements with other Christians. There are so many various views in this forum, but some in particular are of an unorthodox Christian mindset. One is the Jehovah Witness, of which I had you on that list long ago. I forget who I argue with after months and years go by, and where they are coming from, so I make notes, have lists.
So that explains your opposition to just about every Christian on this board who has offered sound doctrine to you concerning this topic.
Now that I have found the wall between us, no need to pursue trying to remove the wall, been there ... it is impenetrable. I do have many JW's in my family whom I am at peace with and love - we just don't talk Bible!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
I think you misundersand the Bible, concerning God's purpose for mankind, the whole story of good and evil, how it plays out, where it's going ànd why.
The fanciful notions you apply to the Word are images in your head planted there by who knows? God does that's for certain. What this thread has proven is the Christians ability to be deceived into believing Divine Angels can sin and can die - it's a belief which contradicts every single passage on divine nature and the angels in all Scripture.
Do that explains your opposition to just about every Christian on this board who has offered sound doctrine to you concerning this topic.
Correct. This topic is among many which proves Christians cannot support the notions they apply to the Word. I think I've asked maybe 20-30 questions in this thread and not one of the has dealt with the text or even provided anything near a response that proves angels sin.

I'm not even asking you to try to be honest - this is not a topic many have studied so in the end the so called "Christians" can take away this single lesson - "Prove all things!" failure to do so will cause the Christian so much harm, even the loss of salvation itself.



New Member
May 15, 2024
Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
Kabone, you are referring to the Nephiulim yeah?

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. Genesis 6:4

Where do you get that this group of people were fallen angels?
Angels neither marry or are given in marriage - do you believe angels can procreate? Do you have a Bible verse for that?

I think you have a lot going on there if you think this race of people are fallen angels. Maybe you have been watching too many Percy Jackson movies?

The Hebrew nephilim, from naphal to fall, signifies "fallen ones". They were fallen from righteousness, but strong in stature and prowess. Like the sons of Lamech, of the time of Cain they exercised great power in the fields of profit, pleasure, power and permissiveness.

They reflected the fierce, military boastfulness of Lamech who threatened others with death if they dared impede his course.


"Men" in that verse is the Heb Adam - angels are not Adam.
I’m not weighing in on the fallen angel theory. I read ‘heavenly beings’ and think they come from heaven. Seems like a sin to take a woman and have sex with her. Therefore wonder if sin exists in heaven.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
The fanciful notions you apply to the Word are images in your head planted there by who knows? God does that's for certain. What this thread has proven is the Christians ability to be deceived into believing Divine Angels can sin and can die - it's a belief which contradicts every single passage on divine nature and the angels in all Scripture.

Correct. This topic is among many which proves Christians cannot support the notions they apply to the Word. I think I've asked maybe 20-30 questions in this thread and not one of the has dealt with the text or even provided anything near a response that proves angels sin.

I'm not even asking you to try to be honest - this is not a topic many have studied so in the end the so called "Christians" can take away this single lesson - "Prove all things!" failure to do so will cause the Christian so much harm, even the loss of salvation itself.

divine" > theíos (an adjective, derived from theós, "God".

Angels aren't divine, only God is!
They are created beings for various purposes, messengers and soldiers obviously with the potential of sin as we are.
When we believe in Christ, that He died for our sins, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day AND ask for forgiveness, He forgives us _ then baptizes us with the Holy Spirit, Who dwells in us. So we are adopted, forgiven, redeemable - angels are not redeemable. We will become like angels with multi - dimensional capabilities. We will be like Jesus, glorified but not divine. Angels have no glory, no divine nature to be worshipped. They are powerful and brilliant but with some who turned against God, their powers and abilities were removed. Still God is only divine. Divine really is a word that means deity, the Supreme being, the Creator.
This will get your goat: Jesus is divine, not angels. Jesus is the exact radiance and glory of God above the angels (Hebrews 1 clearly states this). They are all under His authority.
If you ever get to heaven, Jesus will introduce you to Michael, the archangel _ to set you straight once and for all.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I’m not weighing in on the fallen angel theory. I read ‘heavenly beings’ and think they come from heaven. Seems like a sin to take a woman and have sex with her. Therefore wonder if sin exists in heaven.

I've thought about that before and I have a theory about it. God was so loving and good to all His creation, including all that were in heaven as Angels and so forth and God gave them all free will but He didnt think any of them would turn on Him. If they hold onto their integrity, they will be loyal. If some are not loyal (like it turned out to be), then God knew they made the wrong choice and knew how to deal with it if the problem arose...which it did with Lucifer.

So God sent the fallen Angels to earth as punishment? to be Watchers over man. Well that got out of hand also once they seen our women up close.

Then in scripture it says I saw satan fall like lightning to the earth, I think this hasnt happened yet. Before then, they were confined to the 1st and 2nd heaven, with the 2nd heaven being space...But scripture also promises us that...there will be no sin in heaven. There will be no sinners there. How can that be if sin was already there with Lucifer. Answer: Change the rules of heaven before we get there.

Not rules like thou shall not do this or that, but perhaps an unwritten rule which stands as the safeguard agains free will going bad in the future. Scripture says, no sin in heaven. That's a huge promise and so God had to do something big so he has an early warning signal before a sin occurs. But that's what we're doing on earth and learning! Be pure in heart. With no iniquity in me at all, walking in much integrity and Love towards all. we have to rid ourselves of our iniquity within ourself. (The Bride makes herself ready). So if have iniquity within our heart when Jesus shows up...we just might not get into heaven!

Or I guess I could be wrong. Just a theory.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
divine" > theíos (an adjective, derived from theós, "God".

Angels aren't divine, only God is!
Ronald, don't resist the Word of God and please don't twist it to force fallen angel theology.

“God is a Spirit!" and His Angels are Ministering Spirits -

- God was present by His Spirit in the Wilderness with His People Israel
- He was also with them "in spirit" in the sense that He was not there in bodily form, in person
- The cloudy vapor concealed from general view “the angel of His presence”, one of those beings (angels) whom He had made “spirits”, for they were of divine nature, not of flesh and blood, but endowed with a power beyond that which is “natural” to man, and agents whose words and acts were the very words and acts of God Himself.

Even God Himself said of the angel of His presence, “My Name is in him”, this ministering spirit was also the expression of the Divine mind expressed to Moses.

Proof Text - Isaiah 63:9; Psalm 104:4 & Exodus 23:20-21

“He maketh His angels spirits.”
The angels are “partakers of divine nature” and cannot die.

Jesus' Words

"for they cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection" Luke 20:36

by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. 2 Peter 1:4

Both Old & New Testament stands against you.

Conclusion: All Gods Children have their Fathers Divine Nature.


p.s you don't know these things because you don't know How God works - read up on God manifestation and get in the know!

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Ronald, don't resist the Word of God and please don't twist it to force fallen angel theology.

“God is a Spirit!" and His Angels are Ministering Spirits -

- God was present by His Spirit in the Wilderness with His People Israel
- He was also with them "in spirit" in the sense that He was not there in bodily form, in person
- The cloudy vapor concealed from general view “the angel of His presence”, one of those beings (angels) whom He had made “spirits”, for they were of divine nature, not of flesh and blood, but endowed with a power beyond that which is “natural” to man, and agents whose words and acts were the very words and acts of God Himself.

Even God Himself said of the angel of His presence, “My Name is in him”, this ministering spirit was also the expression of the Divine mind expressed to Moses.

Proof Text - Isaiah 63:9; Psalm 104:4 & Exodus 23:20-21

“He maketh His angels spirits.”
The angels are “partakers of divine nature” and cannot die.

Jesus' Words

"for they cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection" Luke 20:36

by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. 2 Peter 1:4

Both Old & New Testament stands against you.

Conclusion: All Gods Children have their Fathers Divine Nature.


p.s you don't know these things because you don't know How God works - read up on God manifestation and get in the know!
I don't bother arguing or debating with Jehovah Witnesses, it is futile! Believe what you will, Bye


New Member
May 15, 2024
Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
I've thought about that before and I have a theory about it. God was so loving and good to all His creation, including all that were in heaven as Angels and so forth and God gave them all free will but He didnt think any of them would turn on Him. If they hold onto their integrity, they will be loyal. If some are not loyal (like it turned out to be), then God knew they made the wrong choice and knew how to deal with it if the problem arose...which it did with Lucifer.

So God sent the fallen Angels to earth as punishment? to be Watchers over man. Well that got out of hand also once they seen our women up close.

Then in scripture it says I saw satan fall like lightning to the earth, I think this hasnt happened yet. Before then, they were confined to the 1st and 2nd heaven, with the 2nd heaven being space...But scripture also promises us that...there will be no sin in heaven. There will be no sinners there. How can that be if sin was already there with Lucifer. Answer: Change the rules of heaven before we get there.

Not rules like thou shall not do this or that, but perhaps an unwritten rule which stands as the safeguard agains free will going bad in the future. Scripture says, no sin in heaven. That's a huge promise and so God had to do something big so he has an early warning signal before a sin occurs. But that's what we're doing on earth and learning! Be pure in heart. With no iniquity in me at all, walking in much integrity and Love towards all. we have to rid ourselves of our iniquity within ourself. (The Bride makes herself ready). So if have iniquity within our heart when Jesus shows up...we just might not get into heaven!

Or I guess I could be wrong. Just a theory.
Would fallen angels be considered heavenly beings? If fallen angels are still among us, are they still having sex with us?

After the fallen angels episode, and before Able died, god made it so there would be no sin in heaven?

Duck Muscles

Active Member
Mar 19, 2024
How did this king get the name of Lucifer?

The word used by Isaiah was the Hebrew word helel, meaning ‘shining one’. He was indeed a ‘star’ in the political heavens, while he lasted. The word lucifer comes from Jerome’s Latin Vulgate version of the Old Testament, of AD 385. It is in fact a straight translation of the Hebrew into Latin, for lucifer means ‘shining one’, or ‘light-bearer’. It is not a personal name for the king. However, in the Latin Biblia Sacra (Sistine revision of 1593), the word is given a capital ‘L’, which made it appear to be a personal name.

In comparison

The “bright and morning star” The true claimant to the title of the “shining one” is he who declared that he is the light of the world, and the “bright and morning star” (Revelation 22:16). His influence upon the nations will be a contrast to the darkness inflicted by the king of Babylon: “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

Σατᾶν Satán; masc. noun transliterated the Hebr. Sātān (7854), adversary

Straight forward really.

How long did the copy,paste,take you?
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Would fallen angels be considered heavenly beings?

I think they would be. Out of all the fallen angels only 200 of them made that pact and started having sex with our women, and scripture says that they disrobed, left their first estate. SO maybe not all of them.

If fallen angels are still among us, are they still having sex with us?

I dunno, you'd have to ask her, lol! But my guess is yes.

After the fallen angels episode, and before Able died, god made it so there would be no sin in heaven?

I think so. Scripture says no sin in heaven. It prolly has been done already. Once Lucifer started his crap in heaven and he got evicted, I would think that security measures would all be checked and upgraded at that time. It makes sense.