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  • Welcome to Christian Forums, a Christian Forum that recognizes that all Christians are a work in progress.

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  1. Mike Tang 1991

    Did God "promise" us world peace?

    Where in the bible does God "promise" humans world peace? And what other "promises" has God made that hasn't happened yet?
  2. Mike Tang 1991

    Withholding evidence of the existence of God

    Hi Is there anyone here that is a lawyer or familiar with laws/rights, that can answer this question: If the government or United Nations had evidence/proof of the existence of God (that would convince even the most skeptical of atheists/critics), Do we have a right to have access to that...
  3. Mike Tang 1991

    What are all the "promises" God has made?

    What are all the "promises" God has made?
  4. Mike Tang 1991

    List of prophecies Jesus made

    Does anyone have a list of all the prophecies/predictions that Jesus made?
  5. Mike Tang 1991

    Can you become Son of God/Jesus?

    Is it possible to BECOME the Son of God/Jesus if you never sinned in life? What is the defining characteristic of the Son of God/Jesus ? Or is it the fact He was able to do SUPERNATURAL stuff?
  6. Mike Tang 1991

    Sins and "Cheating" to become Sinless

    If you are deaf, blind, mute and completely paralyzed... that means it's impossible for you to sin right? Does this mean that if they become COMPLETELY without sin... that it makes them the Son of God? Isn't that the very defining characteristic of God? That it is the person WITHOUT a single sin?
  7. Mike Tang 1991

    Why didn't Jesus tell His Disciples to take notes?

    If Jesus knew that He wouldn't be returning for a very very long time... and He INTENDED for His teachings to be spread/taught throughout the world... why didn't He just write it all down (and same with His Disciples) ?? Instead now we end up with multiple different versions of the Bible and...
  8. Mike Tang 1991

    New Covenant only for Jews?

    Why does it say the "New Covenant" Jesus made is only for the Jews? Hebrews 8:8 - But God found fault with the people and said: “The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
  9. Mike Tang 1991

    Times Jesus contradicted/"override" the Old Testament

    Does anyone know a compilation of all the times Jesus "override" or contradicted what was written in the Old Testament/Tanakh?
  10. Mike Tang 1991

    If Heaven is so Great...

    ...why did 33% (one in THREE) of the angels rebel against God ??? This wasn't just "one bad apple".... this was an ENTIRE group of then that REBELLED against God and tried to overthrow Him... DESPITE --->KNOWING<--- they would lose. They KNEW they would lose (obviously)... but STILL rebelled...
  11. Mike Tang 1991

    Satanic/Demonic "signs and wonders"

    Jesus said: 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time. Does...
  12. Mike Tang 1991

    Nero is NOT the Beast or 666

    Book of Revelation was written in 95-96AD, and is describing FUTURE events. Nero died in 68AD. How is the Beast and Mark of the Beast supposed to happen if everyone is expecting it to happen? Wouldn't people just BLOCK it from happening and then claim they "saved the world" by BLOCKING the...
  13. Mike Tang 1991

    70% of all humans going to hell?

    According to Christian theology, only those who are Christian go to heaven. So does this mean that currently, 70%+ of all humans go to hell? (Only 30% of world's population is Christian) And what about all those humans born before Judaism was invented? So in TOTAL... it's more like 90%+ of...
  14. Mike Tang 1991

    Aliens that preach "love and peace" - FALSE Savior?

    Hi If there has been aliens that preach "love and peace" and have trying to create "world peace" , and fill the role of "Savior of Mankind" , isn't this part of the deception by turning into the FALSE Savior ? (Replacing Jesus) Just because they preach "love and peace" does NOT mean they can...
  15. Mike Tang 1991

    The 1260 day Tribulation

    Can Jesus return if there is NO "Great Tribulation" (the 1260 days mentioned in Book of Revelation)?
  16. Mike Tang 1991

    Two 1260 day periods ?

    Is the 1260 day period mentioned in Revelation 11 the same as the 1260 day period mentioned in Revelation 12?
  17. Mike Tang 1991

    Humans evolving into new species

    In 100,000+ years... when humans eventually evolve so much that the future "humans" will essentially become an entirely new/different "species"... are they still saved ? It's like how humans vs Neanderthals now... are Neanderthals saved ? Did they have "souls" too? And what about OTHER species...
  18. Mike Tang 1991

    Jesus unfulfilled Messianic Prophecies

    How can Jesus be the "Messiah" (King) if He was never actually Messiah since He was killed before becoming "King" and also did not fulfill the main requirements to be the Messiah: King over all the world and world peace? Preterists say that Jesus Second Coming has ALREADY happened. But how can...
  19. Mike Tang 1991


    Will God or Jesus allow abortions when Jesus returns? And if they do, wouldn't that just cause mass global protests and riots? And what will happen to those who protest against Jesus/God because they ban abortion?
  20. Mike Tang 1991

    Jesus's Rapture

    Jesus is making a list of all the people to take with Him in the "Rapture": 1 Thessalonians 4:17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. This will happen with the...