Are you in the Wilderness?

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
In this episode we are looking at an exodus from the carnal ways of the world...and not just those ways, but from every religious dogmatic ideology that causes us to come short of entering into the Promised Land which represents the kingdom realm of the Spirit that we are called into through the high calling in Christ.

And just in time for the Passover season. :)


David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
when you're in the wilderness, there are times when you cannot get up and muster the strength to live and love, but then the lifegiving water quenches your thirst, you get up and mount on those eagle wings and fly.... from famine to feast, from hardship and sorrow to Joy and vitality..... I dont think we can appreciate the empowering of the Spirit till we are stranded in the wilderness without and parched. Gradually, we learn to move in the Spirit at all times. To run and not grow weary. The wilderness is not a fun place to be but a land every believer must journey through.

Keep your eyes on Christ Jesus

  1. O soul, are you weary and troubled?
    No light in the darkness you see?
    There’s light for a look at the Savior,
    And life more abundant and free!
    • Refrain:
      Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
      Look full in His wonderful face,
      And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
      In the light of His glory and grace.
  2. Through death into life everlasting
    He passed, and we follow Him there;
    O’er us sin no more hath dominion—
    For more than conqu’rors we are!
  3. His Word shall not fail you—He promised;
    Believe Him, and all will be well:
    Then go to a world that is dying,
    His perfect salvation to tell!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
when you're in the wilderness, there are times when you cannot get up and muster the strength to live and love, but then the lifegiving water quenches your thirst, you get up and mount on those eagle wings and fly.... from famine to feast, from hardship and sorrow to Joy and vitality..... I dont think we can appreciate the empowering of the Spirit till we are stranded in the wilderness without and parched. Gradually, we learn to move in the Spirit at all times. To run and not grow weary. The wilderness is not a fun place to be but a land every believer must journey through.

Keep your eyes on Christ Jesus

  1. O soul, are you weary and troubled?
    No light in the darkness you see?
    There’s light for a look at the Savior,
    And life more abundant and free!
    • Refrain:
      Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
      Look full in His wonderful face,
      And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
      In the light of His glory and grace.
  2. Through death into life everlasting
    He passed, and we follow Him there;
    O’er us sin no more hath dominion—
    For more than conqu’rors we are!
  3. His Word shall not fail you—He promised;
    Believe Him, and all will be well:
    Then go to a world that is dying,
    His perfect salvation to tell!
Amen. I think we come onboard with God's hard training when we see our own Paul records in Romans that we cry out for a full deliverance from our sins.

Some here want to think that the wilderness walk is all there is...and for many this is true. Is the training ever complete in the wilderness? Well, I think we can become wiser and more useful to God within that training. We can become more mature in the faith. But unless we see where we truly are, alongside that maturing can grow along with us a NON-childlike apprehension...basically a "grown-up" cynicism...of what God can and cannot do. Losing that child-like quality concerning faith is all too common among those who have kicked around the wilderness walk with NO hope of entering into a holy place this side of eternity. This is what I unbelief...that will have different outcomes for different people. However to publish that unbelief I see as detrimental to faith. And we are to encourage people to faith...and to surpass us in faith if they are able to and as God permits. As such I see this as a corporate thing...the team moving forward. But for that to happen the religious egos have to tone down.

As in...I must decrease and He must increase. This is a good attitude...but ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth strikes me as something to avoid.

Peace and blessings <><
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
Good one @Episkopos

I would add though, that 'two stages' has been found in the west ie from Wesley and the Awakenings, however this is a departure from the early church teachings on sanctification, Theosis, or deification which was in three stages which are basically what you are teaching but with different terms:

Purgation: the purging is for believers, is order for them to be trained in knowing their absolute inabilities. I believe you call it the Wilderness phase.

Illumination: the enlightening by the Spirit for those who have been tried, and have been through Romans 7, to understand the truth that we have been sanctified already on the cross but it is needed that we willingly 'reckon' to the crucifixion of the old man, who is unable to stop sinning. This is the entering into the kingdom, the crossing of the Jordan and where we are able to obey Him and not sin intentionally. Or Spirit baptism. We are in this stage tempted to look at things 'through human eyes' and not of the Spirit. This is the stage where one 'comes in and out', as they mature until they reach the stage of:

Theosis: being joined with Christ fully and able to walk as He walked sinless. It is expected and said by Wesley, that one will always lose this state a few times. I did myself and found help from William Booth (SA) who said if you lose it you can gain it as you did at the beginning by exercising faith that you are restored.

This is the ultimate stage of the pilgrims journey. Very few reach it. Sadly the early teaching reached the west in a truncated form and is sometimes called Keswick theology.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Good one @Episkopos

I would add though, that 'two stages' has been found in the west ie from Wesley and the Awakenings, however this is a departure from the early church teachings on sanctification, Theosis, or deification which was in three stages which are basically what you are teaching but with different terms:

Purgation: the purging is for believers, is order for them to be trained in knowing their absolute inabilities. I believe you call it the Wilderness phase.

Illumination: the enlightening by the Spirit for those who have been tried, and have been through Romans 7, to understand the truth that we have been sanctified already on the cross but it is needed that we willingly 'reckon' to the crucifixion of the old man, who is unable to stop sinning. This is the entering into the kingdom, the crossing of the Jordan and where we are able to obey Him and not sin intentionally. Or Spirit baptism. We are in this stage tempted to look at things 'through human eyes' and not of the Spirit. This is the stage where one 'comes in and out', as they mature until they reach the stage of:

Theosis: being joined with Christ fully and able to walk as He walked sinless. It is expected and said by Wesley, that one will always lose this state a few times. I did myself and found help from William Booth (SA) who said if you lose it you can gain it as you did at the beginning by exercising faith that you are restored.

This is the ultimate stage of the pilgrims journey. Very few reach it. Sadly the early teaching reached the west in a truncated form and is sometimes called Keswick theology.
Thanks for your comments Hep! :) I've heard about the Keswick movement...anytime the truth is made to be a system or technique, it will fail. The truth has to be treated differently from all the dogmatic ideological ways of men. God is NOT an easy touch. We have to come fully to the end of ourselves before God notices us...and fills us with His grace. And trying to make that popular..will never happen!

But we can encourage one another in the not lessen our gaze but rather receive the gospel with the faith of a child...not letting our "grown-up" realism or pessimism to taint our faith.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
The 'system' of Theosis is laid out in the disciples narrative for our guidance and assurance so we will not get lost in the wilderness and give up.

The disciples were in the wilderness: finding the words of Jesus hard to understand, giving in to their fleshy desires of primacy, even to the betrayal of their Lord. Then came the breathing of the Holy Spirit, then Pentecostal baptism. Of course the real thing will be copied by the enemy.

God is the God or order. We need to see that we can be misled by another voice if we do not have a blueprint provided by those who have trodden the path before us. The enemy will have us think that there isn't one.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
In this episode we are looking at an exodus from the carnal ways of the world...and not just those ways, but from every religious dogmatic ideology that causes us to come short of entering into the Promised Land which represents the kingdom realm of the Spirit that we are called into through the high calling in Christ.

And just in time for the Passover season. :)

The 'Promised Land' does not represent the Kingdom of God at all. It was the imperfect glimpse of a future perfect Promised land, in Christ.

It is a false and deceptive comparison. It falls woefully short of it. And by constantly keeping our attention on it as something for us to attain, means sure death. Rather, we should be only pointing to the Kingdom we have now entered into, of the prize, in Christ Jesus.. Amen!

The Promised Land, as described in the Bible, is a physical territory that God promised to the Israelites as their inheritance. However, it is not the same as the Kingdom of God. The Promised Land was a temporary dwelling place for the Israelites, while the Kingdom of God is a spiritual realm that is eternal and transcends physical boundaries.

The Bible teaches that the Promised Land was a shadow, not a representation, of the Kingdom of God, a foreshadowing of the ultimate destination for God’s people. The Promised Land was a place of rest and provision, but it was not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is the Kingdom of God, which is described as a place of perfect peace, joy, and harmony with God. This is what my conversion and being saved today is all about, and not of a constant reminder of a temporary Promised land that was a failed experiment from the start, for the Israelites at least. It was an example of human beings left to their own devices, with their selfish - agape love for sin, as they sacrificed much even their own lives to keep sinning as their drug of choice in life. They required the Spirit of God within them for a permanent Promise land.

In the New Testament, Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God is not a physical place, but a spiritual reality that is within us. He says, “The kingdom of God is within (and in your midst) you” (Luke 17:21). This means that the Kingdom of God is not something that we can see or touch, but it is a reality that we can experience through our relationship with God as in the person and spirit of Jesus the Christ who spoke these words as the epitomy of the Kingdom, the future King of the Kingdom..

So, said again. in this sense, the Promised Land falls short of being the Kingdom of God because it is a physical place that is limited by time and space, while the Kingdom of God is a spiritual reality that is eternal and 'universal.' The Promised Land was a temporary dwelling place for the Israelites, while the Kingdom of God is our true and real eternal home.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
"In the New Testament, Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God is not a physical place, but a spiritual reality that is within us. He says, “The kingdom of God is within (and in your midst) you” (Luke 17:21)."

This is correct and seen in the way that there were enemies to defeat in the Promised Land. It was not the destination, but the Kingdom is, after we have succeeded in the Promised Land. Theosis is the Greek term. In this life.

It is after the wilderness however and most get stuck there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
"In the New Testament, Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God is not a physical place, but a spiritual reality that is within us. He says, “The kingdom of God is within (and in your midst) you” (Luke 17:21)."

This is correct and seen in the way that there were enemies to defeat in the Promised Land. It was not the destination, but the Kingdom is, after we have succeeded in the Promised Land. Theosis is the Greek term. In this life.

It is after the wilderness however and most get stuck there.
Fair enough, but, and there is usually a following but, and no pun intended of course. And then for someone to think to attach a carnal wilderness trek as the necessary 'work' associated with entering or not, as if a believer also need to do, into this imperfect Promised land, is also very defective in thought and misleading indeed.

Believers in Christ are not in this metaphorical or a real carnal wilderness and never were a part of this Israelite spiral of death that was drawn out over their life time or generation. According to the Bible, a carnal Christian is one who is still living in their sinful flesh, rather than being led by the Spirit of God. This does not mean that believers are perfect and never struggle with sin, but rather that they are not controlled by their sinful nature. As the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:9, “You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.”

Peace out and blessings to you for your thoughtful insight, in scripture.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Fair enough, but, and there is usually a following but, and no pun intended of course. And then for someone to think to attach a carnal wilderness trek as the necessary 'work' associated with entering or not, as if a believer also need to do, into this imperfect Promised land, is also very defective in thought and misleading indeed.

Believers in Christ are not in this metaphorical or a real carnal wilderness and never were a part of this Israelite spiral of death that was drawn out over their life time or generation. According to the Bible, a carnal Christian is one who is still living in their sinful flesh, rather than being led by the Spirit of God. This does not mean that believers are perfect and never struggle with sin, but rather that they are not controlled by their sinful nature. As the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:9, “You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.”

Peace out and blessings to you for your thoughtful insight, in scripture.
In your scheme there is no test of faith....just the kind of belief that a Viking had that there was an after life in Valhalla.... if he could just hang onto his sword. This is on a religious level, NOT a spiritual level. The "afterlife" is according to hope not faith. Many confuse a future glory with a present walk in glory. Many confuse faith with hope. So then a Viking HOPES to dine with Odin in Valhalla...just as a believer might hope to dine with Jesus at the great feast. Sure. There is a hope of a future with God.

But that's not what faith is about. Jesus said that even the smallest amount of faith (NT faith) could do the after-life? No, in this life. And the greatest thing we can do NOW is to enter into the promises of Christ...the kingdom realm of the Spirit to walk as He the same anointed power and holiness. By grace through faith. This is a great mystery and a great secret as the devil has successfully obliterated the gospel in full resolution for millennia. Whereas I, like Paul, seek to FULLY preach the its full resolution. It just so happens that the gospel in full resolution is about the FULNESS of God in the one who is translated to where God heaven. To walk in BOTH kinds of life...bios AND Zoe.

But the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. One can actually experience that higher walk in the holiness of the living God...Be holy for I am holy...where there is NO sin. We do this by entering personally INTO Christ to abide with Him WHERE He is. In Him is no sin. All else is unbelief. We must be converted to accept impossible sounding things as a child would. Otherwise we shouldn't wonder that we know nothing of the higher walk.

Matt. 18:3 "Truly I tell you, unless you turn, and become as little children, you will in no way enter into the kingdom of heaven


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
To push the fulness of God into an after-life is to forego on the faith that attains to it. By grace through faith. Not many have faith. Jesus said it would be rare in our time. Unbelief is the norm. We should expect many nay-sayers to grace.

But notice how God doesn't hold back His grace from those who love Him and diligently seek Him.

And to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fulness of God. Eph. 3:19

The higher walk in holiness is to be filled with the fulness of God by abiding in Christ. This goes WAY beyond an initial grace. To get the treasure one must buy the field (the kingdom). And the only way to do that is to be BUY the order to make room for God to take over Headship on and within in order to no longer be subject to the sin nature that we all are in bondage to. Jesus came to set us an afterlife? No, today.

Today, if you hear His voice harden not your hearts like those in the wilderness...


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
This does not mean that believers are perfect and never struggle with sin, but rather that they are not controlled by their sinful nature. As the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:9, “You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.”
Even a soldier in combat, must obey his superior explicitly, to the letter, and no departure from it is allowed. Great penalties are involved. But a soldier of Christ? 'Ooops wasn't taking any notice, never mind. This war is only make believe after all.' The sinful nature is there or not there and not there if he belongs to Christ. The OT shows us that a vessel used by God must be perfect.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Even a soldier in combat, must obey his superior explicitly, to the letter, and no departure from it is allowed. Great penalties are involved. But a soldier of Christ? 'Ooops wasn't taking any notice, never mind. This war is only make believe after all.' The sinful nature is there or not there and not there if he belongs to Christ. The OT shows us that a vessel used by God must be perfect.
Amen...all this partial holiness is so wrong. It is the sin nature that comes up with this stuff and accepts it as truth. There is no mixture in holiness.

It's funny that people will say you can't be a partial Christian...that becoming a Christian is an event. But so often those same people will overthrow their reasoning by saying that something far greater...being done in increments...a little holiness here, a little holiness there. This makes a mockery of grace that brings us into the full measure of grace to walk as Jesus walked.

Where is the faith?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
In your scheme there is no test of faith....just the kind of belief that a Viking had that there was an after life in Valhalla.... if he could just hang onto his sword. This is on a religious level, NOT a spiritual level. The "afterlife" is according to hope not faith. Many confuse a future glory with a present walk in glory. Many confuse faith with hope. So then a Viking HOPES to dine with Odin in Valhalla...just as a believer might hope to dine with Jesus at the great feast. Sure. There is a hope of a future with God.

But that's not what faith is about. Jesus said that even the smallest amount of faith (NT faith) could do the after-life? No, in this life. And the greatest thing we can do NOW is to enter into the promises of Christ...the kingdom realm of the Spirit to walk as He the same anointed power and holiness. By grace through faith. This is a great mystery and a great secret as the devil has successfully obliterated the gospel in full resolution for millennia. Whereas I, like Paul, seek to FULLY preach the its full resolution. It just so happens that the gospel in full resolution is about the FULNESS of God in the one who is translated to where God heaven. To walk in BOTH kinds of life...bios AND Zoe.

But the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. One can actually experience that higher walk in the holiness of the living God...Be holy for I am holy...where there is NO sin. We do this by entering personally INTO Christ to abide with Him WHERE He is. In Him is no sin. All else is unbelief. We must be converted to accept impossible sounding things as a child would. Otherwise we shouldn't wonder that we know nothing of the higher walk.

Matt. 18:3 "Truly I tell you, unless you turn, and become as little children, you will in no way enter into the kingdom of heaven
In my scheme, what do you mean 'My' scheme? I do not have a scheme. And what made you strike out without any knowledge?

Don't be so trained of judging a person's state of spirituality out of ignorance. I would safeguard my own first.

And I would not presume and take lightly that God's scheme for my salvation, and the faith He provided me, does not require spiritual training and I guess for your comfort, then a testing of some type, and this meaning can also be deceptive in itself if not clearly defined.

Yes, a believer’s faith is then tested by God. According to the Bible, God tests believers to help build their faith and grow them spiritually. This testing can come in various forms, such as trials, difficulties, and challenges. The purpose of these tests is to refine and strengthen a person’s faith, making them more dependent on God and increasing their endurance. Paul would agree with all this.

As stated in James 1:12, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” This verse suggests that God’s testing of our faith is not meant to harm us, but rather to help us grow and mature in our relationship with Him.

Additionally, the Bible teaches that God’s testing of our faith is not the same as Satan’s temptation. God does not tempt us to sin, but rather tests us to refine our faith and make it stronger. As 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” And not saying we do not fall into sin.

In summary, God tests a believer’s faith to build their trust in Him, increase their endurance, and help them grow spiritually. This testing is a normal part of the Christian life, and it is meant to refine and strengthen our faith, not harm us.

My faith over the years has always been 'tested' for the glory of God first, and then for my benefit. Although not for the loss of my salvation as I believe you may think, as part of your private doctrine, as it's not grounded in scripture.

My faith, as all genuine believers, have it from God as a gift. It is tested through active and dynamic demonstration. It had been developing and strengthening me, becoming increasingly as Christ's faith. The Spirit within me keeps it on track, as a gentle yet firm guide and truly involved in my heart and mind,, daily and consistently, and not as a stern whipping master as I sense you might mean. His, the spirit of Christ, in his Father, his yoke is light, indeed. amen.

So why did you have to develop or build a straw man with the pagan Vikings and their Kingdom of Valhalla, and involve me in it? Pointless I would think, as I do not relate to their pagan or religious form of spirituality. I'm a believer in Christ. I would think you already knew that point already Epi.

And now you continue on arguing with it (straw-man), like fighting with yourself to make some type of point, again with me as your focus. Please keep me out of your inner thoughts, they are not mine.

And then you lost me again, with the rest of your post speaking to your 'levels of ' doctrine, of religion and spirituality this time. Sorry I cannot contribute to something I truly do not understand, and especially because you cannot or have not as of now, articulated it clearly; and I presume it is an essential core truth for your personal doctrine clearly.

And your scripture verse you cited is grossly misplaced as it relates to your general thought and theme of your post. It does not fit into the holy picture word as a genuine biblical jigsaw piece. You have badly dog eared it, and forced it to fit. Oh well.

You have not been humble at all in this post, imo

(Mat 18:2) And he called to himself a little child and set him in the midst of them,
(Mat 18:3) and said: Truly I say to you, except you turn and become as little children, you shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.
(Mat 18:4) Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
(Mat 18:5) And whoever shall receive one such little child in my name receives me.
(Mat 18:6) But whoever shall cause one of these little ones that believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him that a great millstone should be hung about his neck and that he should be drowned in the depths of the sea.

I would heed the last two verses Epi.

Now this is what I am, and doing today Epi:

(1Pe 1:13) Wherefore girding up the loins of your mind, be sober and set your hope completely on the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
(1Pe 1:14) As children of obedience, do not be conformed to the lusts you had in your former ignorance.
(1Pe 1:15) But like He who called you is holy, be you yourselves holy in all manner of living.
(1Pe 1:16) Because it is written: You shall be holy, for I am holy.

This is the how and what my faith has done for me, made me holy in the sight of God. And innocence abounds within it, like a child of God.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
In my scheme, what do you mean 'My' scheme? I do not have a scheme. And what made you strike out without any knowledge?

Don't be so trained of judging a person's state of spirituality out of ignorance. I would safeguard my own first.

And I would not presume and take lightly that God's scheme for my salvation, and the faith He provided me, does not require spiritual training and I guess for your comfort, then a testing of some type, and this meaning can also be deceptive in itself if not clearly defined.

Yes, a believer’s faith is then tested by God. According to the Bible, God tests believers to help build their faith and grow them spiritually. This testing can come in various forms, such as trials, difficulties, and challenges. The purpose of these tests is to refine and strengthen a person’s faith, making them more dependent on God and increasing their endurance. Paul would agree with all this.

As stated in James 1:12, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” This verse suggests that God’s testing of our faith is not meant to harm us, but rather to help us grow and mature in our relationship with Him.

Additionally, the Bible teaches that God’s testing of our faith is not the same as Satan’s temptation. God does not tempt us to sin, but rather tests us to refine our faith and make it stronger. As 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” And not saying we do not fall into sin.

In summary, God tests a believer’s faith to build their trust in Him, increase their endurance, and help them grow spiritually. This testing is a normal part of the Christian life, and it is meant to refine and strengthen our faith, not harm us.

My faith over the years has always been 'tested' for the glory of God first, and then for my benefit. Although not for the loss of my salvation as I believe you may think, as part of your private doctrine, as it's not grounded in scripture.

My faith, as all genuine believers, have it from God as a gift. It is tested through active and dynamic demonstration. It had been developing and strengthening me, becoming increasingly as Christ's faith. The Spirit within me keeps it on track, as a gentle yet firm guide and truly involved in my heart and mind,, daily and consistently, and not as a stern whipping master as I sense you might mean. His, the spirit of Christ, in his Father, his yoke is light, indeed. amen.

So why did you have to develop or build a straw man with the pagan Vikings and their Kingdom of Valhalla, and involve me in it? Pointless I would think, as I do not relate to their pagan or religious form of spirituality. I'm a believer in Christ. I would think you already knew that point already Epi.

And now you continue on arguing with it (straw-man), like fighting with yourself to make some type of point, again with me as your focus. Please keep me out of your inner thoughts, they are not mine.

And then you lost me again, with the rest of your post speaking to your 'levels of ' doctrine, of religion and spirituality this time. Sorry I cannot contribute to something I truly do not understand, and especially because you cannot or have not as of now, articulated it clearly; and I presume it is an essential core truth for your personal doctrine clearly.

And your scripture verse you cited is grossly misplaced as it relates to your general thought and theme of your post. It does not fit into the holy picture word as a genuine biblical jigsaw piece. You have badly dog eared it, and forced it to fit. Oh well.

You have not been humble at all in this post, imo

(Mat 18:2) And he called to himself a little child and set him in the midst of them,
(Mat 18:3) and said: Truly I say to you, except you turn and become as little children, you shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.
(Mat 18:4) Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
(Mat 18:5) And whoever shall receive one such little child in my name receives me.
(Mat 18:6) But whoever shall cause one of these little ones that believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him that a great millstone should be hung about his neck and that he should be drowned in the depths of the sea.

I would heed the last two verses Epi.

Now this is what I am, and doing today Epi:

(1Pe 1:13) Wherefore girding up the loins of your mind, be sober and set your hope completely on the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
(1Pe 1:14) As children of obedience, do not be conformed to the lusts you had in your former ignorance.
(1Pe 1:15) But like He who called you is holy, be you yourselves holy in all manner of living.
(1Pe 1:16) Because it is written: You shall be holy, for I am holy.

This is the how and what my faith has done for me, made me holy in the sight of God. And innocence abounds within it, like a child of God.
I cause you to stumble? There is a difference between stumbling in the carnal religious pursuit...leading to an actual seeking of God...and stumbling in the innocence of the inner man...causing a person to be grieved in the Spirit.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I cause you to stumble? There is a difference between stumbling in the carnal religious pursuit...leading to an actual seeking of God...and stumbling in the innocence of the inner man...causing a person to be grieved in the Spirit.
Aaugh!, (as I wake up this morning seeing another cryptic mysterious Epi posting) ...what's this all about, that you caused me to stumble? Are you sure you have the right person?

Well I just checked and I don't have any bruises or scratches on my body or within my mental and spiritual faculties. And I did not have a dream where I found myself falling because of you. No. You were never on my mind as the song goes. I'm just fine. Thanks for your concern.

Did you by chance have a bad dream in the night or some restless sleep? Did I upset you, yet again in some way?

So you've waited for about 3 days and got up early this morning to decide to respond to my post, in the same usual typical crypto irrational form. A need to evidently recharge and inflate your ego once more. Why do you keep on embarrassing yourself with your obvious overbearing form narcissism. You are not going to get nothing here. Find someone else to preach to and pester. I would get what ailed me fixed if I were you. Maybe you just need more attention today.

I'll tell you what, here's some serious homework and entertainment for you if you have some idle time.

Write me an essay on all these elements you have included in your post that you are fond of throwing around into the faces of strangers you really do not know at all. Define carnality, the fear and the pursuit of God, and grieving the Spirit.

And I do grade on a curve...:dusted: